The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Zip's Nuka Fix
A Nuka-Cola addict
Quest data
LocationLittle Lamplight
Given ByZip
RewardVarious items

Zip's Nuka Fix is a repeatable quest in Fallout 3.


Zip is a child in Little Lamplight that some would say has an unhealthy addiction to Nuka-Cola. However, he doesn't mind trading various items to get Nuka-Cola his Nuka fix. The trade received depends on the player's Barter skill and an added in random factor. The following table lists chances of getting every possible reward.

Reward Barter < 30 30 ≤ Barter < 50 50 ≤ Barter < 70 Barter ≥ 70
1 10mm round 100% 33% 19.8% 16.67%
24 5.56mm rounds N/A 33% 19.8% 16.67%
1 crunchy mutfruit N/A 33% 19.8% 16.67%
1 Mentats N/A 1% 19.8% 16.67%
1 stimpak N/A N/A 19.8% 16.67%
20 microfusion cells N/A N/A 1% 16.67%

