ZAX 1.0 is the original prototype of the ZAX Supercomputers. It went online in 2054.
Developed by the Vault-Tec Corporation. Initially, a prototype of some of the systems designed to govern the vaults, it is given to the government to help the Department of Energy collect resource data. Within a year, it is taken by the military for plague and tactical research; one version, ZAX 1.2 is constructed for West Tek.[1] By 2077, ZAX 1.0 had served its purpose and was planned to be transferred to a Museum that showed interest in housing ZAX 1.0 in 2078, however, the Great War prevented ZAX from being moved to any museum.[2]
ZAX 1.0 does not appear in any Fallout games, and is only mentioned in the Fallout Bible and Fallout 3.
↑Fallout Bible 0: "2054 ZAX 1.0 goes on-line, developed by Vault-Tec. Initially a prototype of some of the systems designed to govern the vaults, it is given to the government to help the Department of Energy collect resource data. Within a year, it is taken by the military for plague and tactical research; one version, ZAX 1.2 is constructed for West Tek (below)."