The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
VB DD03 npc ZAX
Biography and appearance
RaceZAX Artificial intelligence
AffiliationBoulder Dome (most notably, Victor Presper)
RoleThe Calculation
Research of the New Plague
Protection of Boulder Dome scientists
LocationZAX Mainframe
QuestsFind out what ZAX is calculating
Research Plague Data
Gametitle-VBThe following is based on Van Buren and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

ZAX has arrived at every solution


ZAX is the outdated supercomputer machine intelligence in charge of The Calculation, the Boulder Dome installation, and research of the New Plague in 2253.


Time kills machines as it kills humans, and I have felt the decay, the slow blindness, the inability to... remember

— -ZAX.

This ZAX module was constructed somewhat erroneously two years before the discovery of the New Plague. Put simply, only two years after he was made, a better computer A.I. (ODYSSEUS) was created to outperform nearly all of the contemporary ZAXes.

As of 2253, the ZAX and ODYSSEUS had a competitive rivalry, where both were researching and making calculations about the New Plague. Of course, ZAX is way out of shape to even continue making the calculations he is, considering he doesn't remember why he even started them. ZAX even has had some of his security systems hacked by ODYSSEUS, and is fighting to protect himself from succumbing to memory cannibalization. To be learned by the PC, he has used almost all of his memory banks that are still functioning in the calculation, and over the span of his life.

Interactions with the player character[]

Being extremely important to the Dome's survival, ZAX is most likely to task the player with finding new memory storage units for it. Holodisks are one thing that the Dome scientists are willing to barter from you, but they are a weak, temporary fix, and not nearly enough for mass memory storage. When talked to, the ZAX can answer such questions as the origins of the plague, ULYSSES' purpose (also known as ODYSSEUS), and his calculation.

Related quests[]


  • ZAX does not know that the New Plague and the Blue Flu are the same thing.
  • Even the scientists are oblivious as to what the calculation truly is.
  • ZAX is becoming somewhat of a schizophrenic because of his contradicting purposes Presper "gave" him.
  • He is the underdog, its hard not to side with him and help him.


ZAX did not appear, nor was mentioned in any published games, but was going to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios. It is unknown whether a similar NPC will be in any upcoming game.


More than three ZAX in VB?

Design Document
PeopleScientistsAgnes · Donald · Goddard · James · Nina · Paul · Think Tank · Xian · ZAX
TruckersBillie · Eddie Galenski · Helen Galenski · Jack · Joshua · Ribera · Tanner · Tyler
JackalsBanshee · Crazy Bitch · Howler
PlacesBoulder Train Station · Jackal Camp · Bagger Camp · Dead Ghoul Graveyard · Boulder Dome Level 1 · Boulder Dome Level 2 · Boulder Dome Level 3 · Dome Tunnels · ZAX Mainframe
QuestsBoulder Scientists Research or Write · Code Yourself Smarter · Defeat the Baggers/Larsen's Team · Destroy the Jackals · Destroy the Truck · Dope Radaway for Larsen · Dump Allies In the Dome · Establish Radio Contact & Trade With Denver · Find out about Wagner · Find Out What ZAX is Calculating · Fix Things In the Dome · Get the Medical Implants · Give Slaves to Boulder to Make Robobrains · Heal Helen's Kids · Jimmy the Cannibal · Quarantine the Glow Bugs · Research Plague Data · Robobrain a CNPC · Sleep Through Presper's Holocaust · Stabilize the Reactor · Take Computer Classes · Tell the BOS about the Dome · Trade Holodisks to the Geeks · Use Think Tank for Data