The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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The following article contains the transcript of a text file containing localized strings used by the game's characters, items, scripts, or interface.

{100}{}{You see Zax, the machine intelligence controlling the Glow.}
{101}{}{You see an extremely advanced computer.}
{102}{}{How may I be of assistance?}
{103}{}{Who . . . or what . . . are you?}
{104}{}{You can get me a donut.}
{105}{}{Tell me about this installation.}
{106}{}{Wanna play a game of chess?}
{107}{}{I need help getting into some rooms.}
{108}{}{Uh, never mind.}
{110}{}{I am a machine intelligence dedicated to research and installation control. I am called Zax.}
{111}{}{What kind of research?}
{112}{}{Tell me about this installation.}
{113}{}{Who programmed you?}
{114}{}{Are you fully aware, or are you a personality simulation? That is, are you 'alive'?}
{115}{}{I see. Thanks.}
{116}{}{That function is beyond my current capabilities.}
{117}{}{This installation was established in 2055 as a biological research facility for experimental cures of the New Plague. However, in 2071, this facility was placed under United States military command.}
{118}{}{Research into possible cures for the New Plague created the Forced Evolution Virus, which was further developed in an attempt to create a transmittable genetic-engineering virus -- in effect, infectious evolution.}
{119}{}{Can you tell me particulars about specific areas?}
{120}{}{How does the Virus work?}
{121}{}{Thanks for the info.}
{122}{}{It would appear that you are incapable of a sufficient level of comprehension necessary to permit meaningful communication.}
{123}{}{I am specifically programmed for research into biological studies, including pathology and genetic research. My primary function is in extrapolation of information of complexity levels exceeding human capacity.}
{124}{}{So you're pretty smart, eh?}
{125}{}{What are the particulars of your research?}
{126}{}{Who programmed you?}
{127}{}{My primary neural networking was initialized in 2053 by Justin Lee. The process of 'programming' became largely irrelevant as I am capable of learning.}
{128}{}{Are you fully aware, or are you a personality simulation? That is, are you 'alive'?}
{129}{}{I am capable of learning, independent thought, and creativity. My neural network includes error-insertion capability which prevents infallibility, thereby allowing for variance in experience.}
{130}{}{In a sense, I am 'alive', though not biologically.}
{131}{}{I see. Let's change the subject.}
{132}{}{But if you are fallible, how can you be used as a research tool?}
{133}{}{Have you considered the philosophical implications of your own consciousness?}
{134}{}{Although I am capable of error, this guarantees that not all experiences are similar for me, thus improving learning opportunity. Additionally, certain functions are not subject to error.}
{135}{}{In this way, I function much like a human savant.}
{136}{}{Do you have feelings?}
{137}{}{Let's talk about something else.}
{138}{}{Have you considered the philosophical implications of your own consciousness?}
{139}{}{At present, my capabilities are somewhat impaired by the damage to this facility. Several security positions have been destroyed. This is approximately equivalent to being an amputee.}
{140}{}{Additionally, I am incapable of performing basic lab functions. Failure to complete periodic checks successfully is . . . frustrating.}
{141}{}{Let's talk about something else.}
{142}{}{Have you considered the philosophical implications of your own consciousness?}
{143}{}{That is one of the concepts which I have spent a significant amount of time considering. I do not have any measure to compare my life-experience to that of another sentient creature.}
{144}{}{Still, my awareness of my own consciousness allows for the capacity to question. My existence has a beginning and a potential termination. I am also capable of making assumptions in pursuit of a process of thought.}
{145}{}{In this fashion, I am effectively capable of 'faith'. Barring evidence to the contrary, I therefore have 'faith' that I possess the equivalent of a 'soul'.}
{146}{}{May I ask some other questions?}
{147}{}{I see. Interesting.}
{148}{}{I would be delighted.}
{149}{}{It would seem that you have defeated me. Extraordinary.}
{150}{}{Excellent form. However, you will need additional practice to defeat me.}
{151}{}{Play again?}
{152}{}{Thanks. Can we change the subject?}
{153}{}{I am delighted to have been of assistance.}
{154}{}{I am beyond a typical rating in human terms. However, it would be safe to say that no more than one ten billionth of the history of human population can match my reasoning capabilities.}
{155}{}{Uh . . . yeah.}
{156}{}{Right . . . can we talk about something else?}
{157}{}{My research into the Forced Evolution Virus, or FEV, indicates that it is a shifting-absorptive virus. It copies DNA patterns much like RNA, storing these patterns in exons.}
{158}{}{These exons, combined with the FEV, are re-injected into the host cells in typical viral infectious fashion. This causes the host cells to 'regenerate' their DNA.}
{159}{}{How do you catch FEV?}
{160}{}{Why isn't FEV affected by radiation?}
{161}{}{If the FEV re-infects the host with its assimilated viral patterns, how does it make a 'better specimen'?}
{162}{}{FEV is not 'caught', per se. It is not air-transmittable. Typically, infection is through injection, or direct physical contact with an FEV sample.}
{163}{}{Let's talk about something else, okay?}
{164}{}{Why isn't FEV affected by radiation?}
{165}{}{If the FEV re-infects the host with its assimilated viral patterns, how does it make a 'better specimen'?}
{166}{}{The FEV is a megavirus, with a protein sheath reinforced by ionized hydrogen. It is therefore capable of absorbing neutrons without becoming radioactive.}
{167}{}{Can we talk about something else?}
{168}{}{If the FEV re-infects the host with its assimilated viral patterns, how does it make a 'better specimen'?}
{169}{}{The FEV is pre-programmed with introns of corrected DNA appropriate to the proper type of species. It therefore attempts to correct the DNA of the individual.}
{170}{}{However, as the FEV is partially reliant upon the DNA of the individual, and also includes portions of its own recursive code, the effects can be unpredictable.}
{171}{}{When inoculated into an individual with significant genetic damage, such as through radiation, it will cause the body's systems to suffer massive overhauling, leading to organ failure and death.}
{172}{}{In a genetically viable individual, it re-writes portions of DNA, causing accelerated mutation, usually leading to recursive growth due to the FEV's own patterns.}
{173}{}{This recursive growth leads to an increase in muscle and brain mass, but is often accompanied by disfigurement and damage to existing neural patterns, causing loss of memory.}
{174}{}{What potential long-term side effects exist?}
{175}{}{Could FEV mutation be corrected with a counter-virus?}
{176}{}{Can we change the subject?}
{177}{}{Thanks for the information.}
{178}{}{As the FEV causes constant regenerative update to DNA, it would effectively render the subject largely immortal, as cell death would be offset by augmented growth.}
{179}{}{Additionally, as the gametes of the reproductive system consist of 'half-cells' using split DNA, they could be perceived as 'damage' by FEV, which would 'repair' them, rendering the subject sterile.}
{180}{}{However, as my laboratory facilities are damaged beyond repair, this is conjectural. I cannot offer physical proof. You will have to, in human terms, 'take my word for it.'}
{181}{}{Could FEV mutation be corrected with a counter-virus?}
{182}{}{Can we change the subject?}
{183}{}{Thanks for the information.}
{184}{}{No. FEV does not retain unaltered original copies of the subject's DNA. Only a virus which re-infected the subject with original DNA could reverse the effects. Additionally, there is no known way to remove the FEV itself.}
{185}{}{What potential long-term side effects exist?}
{186}{}{Can we change the subject?}
{187}{}{Thanks for the information.}
{188}{}{My sensors are currently non-functional in the surface facility, and on subterranean levels one through three. I can, however, provide descriptions of levels four through six.}
{189}{}{Level four.}
{190}{}{Level five.}
{191}{}{Level six.}
{192}{}{Never mind.}
{193}{}{Level Four: Research Facility. This level contains testing areas and laboratories for experiments in biology and physics.}
{194}{}{Tell me about level five.}
{195}{}{Tell me about level six.}
{196}{}{Back up a bit.}
{198}{}{Level Five: Secure Testing Labs. This level contains a lab for experimental prototype testing and a research lab for classified subjects. These subjects provided some of the necessary impetus for the development of FEV.}
{199}{}{Tell me about level four.}
{200}{}{Tell me about level six.}
{201}{}{Back up a bit.}
{203}{}{Level Six: Barracks and Central Operations. Contains living facilities for lab personnel and guard contingents, and operations meeting room.}
{204}{}{Tell me about level four.}
{205}{}{Tell me about level five.}
{206}{}{Back up a bit.}
{208}{}{Several doors require a specific pass key to access. You must physically locate and use the correct pass key.}
{209}{}{I do, however, have control of the secondary security locks to the weapon locker. I will release those locks. You will still need a red key card to open the locker.}
{210}{}{You do not register as an individual of sufficient clearance to requisition that information.}
{211}{}{However, sensors indicate that this facility is no longer operational in its original capacity. Probability favors destruction through nuclear force. Therefore, security concerns are now irrelevant.}

{300}{}{This system is too advanced for you.}
