By the looks of Dr. Yuri Polivich, with his stern eyes, pinched lips, and wild black hair, one might think he was a mad scientist. But Dr. Yuri, as he is known to his friends, is quite sane and extremely competent. He is well versed in many medical procedures and can cure or fix just about any malady or injury. In fact, he is one of the only people in the region who has a very clean, polished, and working Auto-Doc.
Dr. Yuri is the person to see not only to cure what ails the player, but also if the player wants a good distributor for smooch. You see, Dr. Yuri is also the local drug pusher and has a wide variety of different types of chems (drugs). If it exists, Dr. Yuri has it. And Dr. Yuri is always interested in new recreational chems, so he will be tickled to distribute smooch at Hoover Dam, after he gets a sampling himself.[1]
Interactions with the player character[]
Starts quests:
Involved in quests:
Now, there is a way to make nice-nice all around if drug trafficking is the player's thing. Dr. Yuri can be the person the player hits up to distribute smooch. He may be a bit reluctant at first, but if the player gives the good doctor a sample of smooch to try, Dr. Yuri will enthusiastically agree to be the official distributor. Now all the player has to do is do supply runs once in a while to keep Dr. Yuri well stocked. Dr. Yuri will give the player a definite weight of smooch needed to carry him through the year, so it is up to the player to decide how much of that weight he wants to actually schlep from the Reservation.
Dr. Yuri will be helpful later if smooch causes a junkie epidemic and an anti-toxin needs to be created.[1]
The image used is that of actor Jeffrey Combs, commonly known for his role as Andorian, Commander Shran in Star Trek: Enterprise