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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout 3 locations project
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For the Yao guai cave in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts, see Yao guai cave. For the similarly named cavern system in Fallout 3, see Yao guai tunnels.
Yao guai cave
FO3 yao guai cave
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Map MarkerNone (nearest: Cliffside Cavern, local: )
Part ofCliffside Cavern
Cell NameCliffsideCavern02
ref id00044953

The yao guai cave is a small cave deep inside the Cliffside Cavern raider outpost.


True to its name, the yao guai cave is a yao guai den, inhabited by seven yao guai. The entrance to the cave opens to a large chamber. Boards have been set up by raiders to allow transport between then rock formations. These boards lead down a hill into a tunnel system. These tunnels are the path to the ground level of the large chamber. In the northwest corner of this chamber is a huddle of skeletons with the schematics for the Nuka-grenade nearby.

Notable loot[]


  • The yao guai cave is not to be confused with the yao guai den containing the Sneak bobblehead, or the yao guai tunnels containing a copy of Grognak The Barbarian. The cave is not connected to the den or the tunnels in any way.


The yao guai cave appears in Fallout 3


  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 One of the yao guai may spawn in the middle of the room's main rock pillar when the map loads. It will show up on radar and even becomes alerted to the player (changing "hidden" status to "caution"), but it cannot escape.