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Y-17 trauma override harness
FNVOWB Trauma Harness
A trauma harness
LocationBig MT
VariantsY-17 trauma override harness
Gametitle-FNV OWB
Gametitle-FNV OWB

Y-17 trauma harnesses are automated casualty retrieval suits pioneered at Big MT that continue to stalk it as far as 2281.


One of the most impressive inventions created in the laboratories of the Big MT, the Y-17 trauma harness is a full body suit designed to automatically retrieve injured soldiers and return them to their home base by automatically taking over their motor functions and "walking" them to the base. The complex network of artificial muscle and fibers that encases the user and enables this functionality, can also effectively "learn" new behaviors by recording neuro-auto-muscular movements, up to and including shooting and fighting reflexes.[1]

Of course, such a technology can be unpredictable and the trauma harness is no exception. As the Big MT research teams soon learned, the harness design had several design problems that precluded it from entering general production, at least, until the issues were rectified. The primary problem was that calibrating the injury threshold that would trigger the suit was problematic, leading to unpredictable behavior. The harness is also unable to identify whether the occupant expired and will continue to function, even if they are completely dead. This functionality was quickly considered a feature, as autonomous corpse retrieval would also be useful on the battlefield.[2]

The enthusiastic approach to this new technology was premature. If no home base was designated for the suit, it would enter an unpredictable wander state. With no way to identify friendly targets or respond to shut-down commands, this would also be equivalent to a berserk mode should a harness unit be able to replicate combat behavior.[2] This is exactly what happened when, amidst the chaos caused by malfunctioning technology and the Great War, scientists, soldiers, and even test subjects would die and trigger the wander state, attacking everyone in sight. One of the first such incidents occured at the X-8 research center. The situation only went downhill from there.[3]



The Y-17 trauma harnesses resemble nothing else than the walking dead, skeletons clad in red rubber suits, heads encased in spherical glass helmets. The suits have oxygen tanks on its back, which are in turn attached to additional armor plating around the neck and shoulder area, the area which the helmet is hermetically sealed to.

Gameplay attributes[]

The basic harness comes in several different varieties that are calculated to match the player's level. Their armaments vary quite a bit depending on the player's level also. Although they have exactly the same medium-to-high amount of hit points as lobotomites, on balance trauma harnesses are much more dangerous opponents, since they have much better armor as well as a wider variety of weapons available. Their armor is equivalent to a suit of Combat armor, reinforced mark 2 or Ranger combat armor, and at high levels they can be seen wielding heavy incinerators, Gatling lasers, Tesla cannons, Gauss rifles and even plasma casters.


Y-17 trauma override harness[]

FNVOWB Trauma Harness

Y-17 trauma override harnesses are pre-War autonomous suits created to evacuate wounded soldiers from the battlefield by taking over their motor functions. However, certain design mishaps coupled with the harness recording feature resulted in these harnesses becoming literal walking dead, technological horrors stalking the Big MT.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Y-17 trauma override harness
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
GroupIcon group
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (3 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
(DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
(DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resistance 6%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resistance 15%
  • DeadIcon dead
Y-17 trauma override harness
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
GroupIcon group
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (3 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
(DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
(DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resistance 100%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resistance 100%
  • DeadIcon dead

Y-17 Master trauma harness[]

An expired researcher from the X-12 research center, the Master trauma harness has been active since before the Great War, sealed behind the force field that has kept X-12 off limits for centuries. It is nearly identical to a normal high level trauma override harness, with the exception of lower radiation and poison resistances.

Name (Base ID)StatisticsBehaviorAbilitiesItems
Y-17 Master trauma harness
LevelIcon level
Experience pointsIcon XP
DetectionIcon eye
Health pointsIcon heart
Damage thresholdIcon shield gold
Damage resistanceIcon shield silver
FistIcon fist
Unaggressive: Will not initiate combat.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
ConfidenceIcon confidence
Cowardly: Will always avoid combat/flee.Icon optionalIcon optionalIcon optionalIcon optional
GroupIcon group
Helps nobody: Will not help anyone.Icon optionalIcon optional
AttackIcon attack
Melee (3 DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
(DamageIcon damage)
AttackIcon attack
(DamageIcon damage)
AbilityIcon ability
RadiationIcon radiation Radiation resistance 6%
AbilityIcon ability
PoisonIcon poison Poison resistance 15%
  • DeadIcon dead


  • The harness is coded in the game as a humanoid non-player character and it is wearing non-playable armor. Also, all harnesses are coded as female, and are affected by the bonus damage from the Lady Killer and Cherchez La Femme perks. Despite their semi-mechanical nature, they are not considered to be robots or power armor, and thus do not take EMP damage from weapons like the pulse gun or sonic emitter.
  • Although the suit contains a skeleton with no living tissue, limb dismemberment will display the same visual effects as dismembering any standard humanoid non-player character, including white flesh and red blood. It is also possible to eat the corpse if the Cannibal perk has been taken.
  • When decapitating one with a helmet, the helmet will break, but the skull won't come out. Oddly enough, gibs may include eyeballs.
  • If using the Living Anatomy perk it can be hard to tell its HP and DT, due to this non-player character's very long name which causes the HP and DT values to be pushed past the bottom edge of the screen.
  • The harness has a very similar appearance to the space suit, but without gloves. Sometimes, it even has a helmet.
  • Despite the lack of gloves, the suit is somehow able to manipulate the hands of its dead occupant and use them to operate weapons. This may have been an oversight by the game developers.
  • If the Courier stays close enough to a Y-17 trauma override harness, you can hear the occupant's bones rattling. This is even subtitled as "*Small number of bones rattling.*"

Notable Y-17 trauma override harnesses[]

Behind the scenes[]

With the Wild Wasteland trait, the Y-17 master trauma harness will say "Hey, who turned out the lights?!" This is a reference to the Doctor Who episodes "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead" when a group of microorganisms called the "Vashta Nerada" ate a character (Proper Dave) during one of the episodes. Said character had been wearing an environmental suit that shares a passing resemblance to a space suit, and his skull had been pressed to the visor on his helmet while the Vashta Nerada inside the suit made it walk around, similarly to the helmet-wearing trauma harnesses. The suit also had a thought based communication system that tended to retain echoes of the user's consciousness known as "data ghosts" that deteriorated into repeating single sentences, "Hey, who turned out the lights" being the sentence repeated by the suit after Dave's death.


  • PCIcon pc Xbox 360Icon xbox360 They may not respawn after completion of Make up Your Mind or after completion of Old World Blues
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 A head shot on the variation without the glass dome over the skull may still result in graphics of glass shattering from the skull.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 The master trauma harness may glitch and cross the forcefield in the Y-17 medical facility. This allows the player to obtain the K-9000 before being able to remove forcefields.


The Y-17 trauma override harness appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues.

