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The X-8 Research Center terminals are a series of terminals in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues. They can be found in the X-8 research center.
X-8 Main Terminal (Foyer)[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the counter directly across the foyer from the front entrance of the facility.
**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
X-8 Bio-Mechanical Testing Facility
X-8 Test Subject Information[]
In this test, YOU will take on the role of one of those evil Commies, infiltrating an institution of HONEST AMERICAN LEARNING. (Don't worry, Citizen, it's just for pretend!) Your objective is to steal documents that a REAL dirty Commie traitor (which you're not) could use to BRAINWASH OUR CHILDREN (which you wouldn't do). This test will help us to protect our children's fragile minds from the agents of INTERNATIONAL COMMUNISM! Agents like YOU!
Just kidding! We know you're a loyal American! AREN'T YOU?
X-8 Institutional Test Internal Memo[]
Subjects will be informed that we are gauging the effectiveness of Communist infiltration of American schools. They won't know about the Cyberdogs until they actually begin the testing process.
1) TEST A engages Cyberdog protection protocols alongside standard automated turret systems.
2) TEST B adds Protectrons to the previous test. TEST B also includes some basic tests for the Field Disrupter Capacitance Module.
X-8 Residential Test Internal Memo[]
Until further notice, please do not enter the Residential Cyberdog Test area, or conduct any experiments using it. The Cyberdogs are still being programmed, and any disturbance could have dramatic influence on their progress. Restricting access in this fashion should also help to avoid any repeats of Incident: PLAYTIME, settlements for which are coming directly out of our budget.
Dr. Gail Richardson, PhD, Test Engineer, X-8 Cyberdog Project
X-8 Main Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the counter in the ... .
**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
X-8 Bio-Mechanical Testing Facility
EM Pulse Wave Module on Loan[]
The X-13 Facility has loaned us their EM Pulse Wave Module prototype for the Sonic Emitter for use in our Data Retrieval Test simulations. The Module allows the Sonic Emitter to disable certain force fields. DO NOT allow test subjects to leave the X-8 facility with this Module! Even though it won't work outside Big MT, it's a security nightmare. Thank you all for your attention in this matter.
Dr. Adam Figgis, MD PhD DVM DDM DD, Test Supervisor
Project: Burke and Project: Hare[]
Yes, Project: Burke involves what some less science-minded individuals might call "grave robbing." Yes, we're forced into this due to budget cuts. No, none of senior staff uses the bodies for anything else. Finally, in regards to the rumor that Project: Hare engages in liquidation operations against non-military targets to procure research subjects, I will not dignify them with a response. Any other questions?
Dr. Adam Figgis, MD PhD DVM DDM DD, Test Supervisor
Important Reminder to Myself[]
While programming the new residential Cyberdog model to retrieve objects thrown by human beings for purpose of enjoyment, I accidentally used an audio sample recording of its bark as the object to be fetched. The Cyberdog has now become attached to the sample, and displayed signs of aggressive tendencies when I attempted to recover it. I have left it in the Residential Reconstruction Area until it is needed. I believe the Cyberdog has buried it.
Dr. Gail Richardson, PhD, Test Engineer, X-8 Cyberdog Project
X-8 Test Terminal[]
Note: This wall console terminal is located on the wast wall of the xxxxx, next to the Door to the X-8 Institutional Test Facility.
**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
X-8 Bio-Mechanical Testing Facility
Enter Institutional Data Retrieval[]
**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
X-8 Bio-Mechanical Testing Facility
Basic Test[]
Note: This command is the default command, accessing the rest of the facility.
For this test, you must use any means necessary to retrieve three student files from an average high school. Basic security protocols have been activated.
Success - Retrieve three student files.
Failure - Security measures prohibit you from retrieving the files.
> Area Loaded...
Replay Basic Test[]
Note: This command is available once the Basic Test is completed. Accessing this command restarts the Basic Test.
For this test, you must use any means necessary to retrieve three student files from an average high school. Basic security protocols have been activated.
Success - Retrieve three student files.
Failure - Security measures prohibit you from retrieving the files.
> Area Loaded...
Advanced Test[]
For this test, you must use any means necessary to retrieve three student files from an average high school. Utilize the Field Disrupter Capacitance Module for the Sonic Emitter to better navigate the area. Protectrons and basic security protocols have been activated.
Success - Retrieve three student files.
Failure - Security measures prohibit you from retrieving the files.
> Area Loaded...
Note: This entry is xxx only if the Courier doesn't have an Sonic emitter in their inventory.
A Sonic Emitter is required to complete this test. If you were not provided with a Sonic Emitter or have misplaced the one provided to you, please contact your Big MT host to receive one before entering the testing area.
Addendum: Due to staffing cutbacks, a new Sonic Emitter can now be received at The Sink Central Intelligence Unit.
> Test Subject Improperly Equipped...
Replay Advanced Test[]
![]() | Section needed This section is needed but has not been written yet. You can help The Vault by writing it. |
> Area Loaded...
Replay Advanced Test[]
![]() | Section needed This section is needed but has not been written yet. You can help The Vault by writing it. |
> Test Subject Improperly Equipped...
Enter Residential Cyberdog Guard Test[]
Note: This command is available if ... .
The parameters for this test are currently incomplete. Beware of dog.
> Area Loaded...
Note: This command is available if ... .
> Abnormal Readings... Caution When Entering
Unusual Specimen Test Results[]
Note: This command is after the Courier completes the X-8 test with the nightstalker option. Accessing this command grants the player the DNAgent perk, once accessed it disappears.
> Retrieving Results...
X-8 Institutional Test Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the south east classroom.
**** American High School Network ****
Retrieve Student Records[]
**** Big Mountain High School Network ****
Retrieve Richie Marcus' Midterm Grades[]
Note: Accessing this command downloads Midterm Grade Report: Richie Marcus to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
Midterm Grade Report: Richie "Ball-Lover" Marcus
English F-
Math F-
Science F--
History F-
> Records Acquired...
X-8 Turret Control System[]
Note: This wall terminal is located on the west wall in the second floor of the library. It is locked Easy Note: This wall terminal is located on the north wall in the southwest classroom. It is locked Average
**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
X-8 Bio-Mechanical Testing Facility
Re-configure Targeting Parameters[]
Note: Accessing this command ... .
> Target Data cleared. Exercise Caution.
<!>WARNING: No Targeting Data<!>[]
Note: Accessing this command ... .
> <!>Please Exercise Caution<!>
Activate Turret System[]
Note: Accessing this command ... .
> Booting...
Deactivate Turret System[]
Note: Accessing this command ... .
> Powering Down...
X-8 Institutional Test Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the table against the northwest wall, of the first floor of the library.
**** American High School Network ****
Retrieve Student Records[]
**** Big Mountain High School Network ****
Retrieve Cherie O'Bannon's Schedule[]
Note: Accessing this command downloads Cherie O' Bannon's After-School Schedule to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
Cherie O'Bannon's After-School Schedule
Ballet: Tuesday and Thursday 4:30 - 6:30
Pep Squad: Wednesday 4:15 - 5:15
Tutoring Center Volunteer: Monday 4:15 - 6:00
> Records Acquired...
X-8 Institutional Test Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the Coach's Office.
**** American High School Network ****
Retrieve Student Records[]
**** Big Mountain High School Network ****
Retrieve Betsy Bright's Records[]
Note: Accessing this command downloads Betsy Bright's Disciplinary Record to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
Betsy Bright's Disciplinary Record
Unexcused Absences 7
Disruptive Behavior 3
Smoking on School Property 11
> Records Acquired...
X-8 Observatory Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the metal table in the X-8 Test Facility?.
**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
X-8 Bio-Mechanical Testing Facility
X-12 Request for Assistance[]
We've had a small issue with one of our Y-17 Trauma Harnesses. Sadly, a member of the X-12 research team choked on a buffalo gourd seed and died while working late last night. For some reason his Y-17 Trauma Harness will not shutdown. In fact, it has begun malfunctioning and causing the late Mr. Harris to attack other employees. Do you have any prototypes you could lend us as a means to stop it?
Assistance Granted[]
Note: Accessing this entry without discovering the location of the X-12 research center will add its location to the PIP-Boy map.
I'm sending over the K9000 Cyberdog Gun. It should do the trick. Let me know if you have any operational questions.
K9000 Cyberdog Gun Sealed in X-12[]
We've had another unfortunate occurrence. While attempting to destroy Mr. Harris's Trauma Harness, the disaster control team member carrying the gun slipped and fell, dropping the weapon. Unarmed, the team had to flee and seal off the lab. Unfortunately, your K9000 Cyberdog Gun Prototype was sealed inside X-12.
X-8 Observatory Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the table in the xxxxx overlooking the X-8 Residential Test Facility of the X-8 Test Facility.
**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
X-8 Bio-Mechanical Testing Facility
Shipping Department: Unusual Shipment[]
Dr. Richardson,
We've just received the latest shipment of dogs for the Cyberdog experiment process, but... well, frankly, I think our supplier screwed us. The animals must be basically feral - every time we get close to the shipping kennels they let out with the most Godawful hissing and... well, rattling is the only way I can describe it. Please advise - should we open the kennels or just send them back?
Shipping Department: Please Advise[]
So, at Dr. Richardson's request, we opened one of those kennels from our latest shipment. The "dog" inside (and I use that term very loosely) appeared to be suffering from a truly horrendous case of mange, and upon being released it immediately attacked, killed, and attempted to swallow whole Specialist Akers. Luckily, the situation has, for now at least, contained itself, as SPC Akers was a very large man and the creature has choked to death.
Does anyone know anything about this shipment? Please Advise.
Shipping Department in Lockdown[]
In light of the large number of fatalities due to the latest shipment of experimental test subjects, the shipping department is going into lockdown. I give you my personal assurance that as soon as this plague of monsters has been dealt with, I will work overtime to get your deliveries to you in a timely and efficient manner. As I am currently the only surviving member of the shipping department, however, there may still be some delays. Until then, Dr. Calis in X-13 has the passcard for the area.
Skippy, Sole Survivor
Regarding Shipping Department Lockdown[]
In our last supervisor meeting, we discussed the possible benefits of the small shipping accident. We are considering studying the unexpected specimen's behavior by releasing them into our test area before removing them from the X-8 facility. The shipping department will remain in lockdown until a decision has been reached.
Dr. Adam Figgis, MD PhD DVM DDM DD, Test Supervisor
X-8 Kennel Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the table in the kennel.
**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
X-8 Bio-Mechanical Testing Facility
Release Cyberdogs[]
Note: Accessing this command xxxxx .
> Releasing Dogs...
Release Unusual Specimen[]
Note: Accessing this command is required to xxxxx. It releases nightstalkers into the xxxxx
> Releasing Specimen...
Shipping Department: Unusual Shipment[]
Dr. Richardson,
We've just received the latest shipment of dogs for the Cyberdog experiment process, but... well, frankly, I think our supplier screwed us. The animals must be basically feral - every time we get close to the shipping kennels they let out with the most Godawful hissing and... well, rattling is the only way I can describe it. Please advise - should we open the kennels or just send them back?
Shipping Department: Please Advise[]
So, at Dr. Richardson's request, we opened one of those kennels from our latest shipment. The "dog" inside (and I use that term very loosely) appeared to be suffering from a truly horrendous case of mange, and upon being released it immediately attacked, killed, and attempted to swallow whole Specialist Akers. Luckily, the situation has, for now at least, contained itself, as SPC Akers was a very large man and the creature has choked to death.
Does anyone know anything about this shipment? Please Advise.
Shipping Department in Lockdown[]
In light of the large number of fatalities due to the latest shipment of experimental test subjects, the shipping department is going into lockdown. I give you my personal assurance that as soon as this plague of monsters has been dealt with, I will work overtime to get your deliveries to you in a timely and efficient manner. As I am currently the only surviving member of the shipping department, however, there may still be some delays. Until then, Dr. Calis in X-13 has the passcard for the area.
Skippy, Sole Survivor
Regarding Shipping Department Lockdown[]
In our last supervisor meeting, we discussed the possible benefits of the small shipping accident. We are considering studying the unexpected specimen's behavior by releasing them into our test area before removing them from the X-8 facility. The shipping department will remain in lockdown until a decision has been reached.
Dr. Adam Figgis, MD PhD DVM DDM DD, Test Supervisor
X-8 Splicing Facility Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the counter in the xxxxx of the splicing laboratory.
**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
X-8 Bio-Mechanical Testing Facility
Bio-Mechanical Splicing Rules[]
1) Due to recent government-mandated cutbacks to our funding, only THREE experiments may be performed per day.
2) We do not have infinite kennel space here in X-8! Only ONE Cyberdog beyond those needed for the testing process may be created.
3) Clear any and all debris from the platform before conducting any splicing experiments.
4) Experiments are NOT allowed outside the X-8 Facility.
5) Finally, Security must be disabled before experiments can be run.
Splice Robot and Dog[]
Note: This command is displayed if ... . Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Initiating Splicing Procedure...
Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Insufficient Supplies
Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Restocking...
Splice Lobotomite and Robot[]
Note: This command is displayed if ... . Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Initiating Splicing Procedure...
Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Restocking...
Splice Lobotomite and Dog[]
Note: This command is displayed if ... . Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Initiating Splicing Procedure...
Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Restocking...
Splice Robot and Unusual Specimen[]
Note: This command is displayed if ... . Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Initiating Splicing Procedure...
Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Restocking...
Clear Splicing Area[]
Note: This command is displayed if ... . Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Initiating Clean Up...
Disable Splicing Room Security[]
Note: This command is displayed if ... . Note: This notice is displayed if ... .
> Security Disabled...
Field Disrupter Download Terminal[]
Note: This wall console terminal is located in the corner of the southeast wall in the foyer of the American High School. This terminal is locked during the Basic Test.
**** Big Mountain Research Network ****
X-8 Bio-Mechanical Testing Facility
Sonic Emitter Data[]
Note: Accessing this file for the first time produces the following command.
Download EM Pulse Wave Module[]
Note: Accessing this command downloads [[]] to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000. NOTE Has Unique Message File! Gives PC 50 energy cells?
Attached to this message is the data I collected regarding the EM Pulse Wave Module's effect on our force field emitters. I'm sending the prototype weapon your way for testing. Please forward this on to Ohlen as soon as you can determine how we might shield our emitters from this weapon's EMP effect.
-Dr. Calis
> Module Downloaded...
Sonic Emitter Data[]
Note: Accessing this file for the second time produces the following notice.
> Module Previously Downloaded...