Activate Institutional Data Retrieval Test (Advanced) at the X-8 Test terminal.
Enter the testing area.
Download the Field Disrupter EM Pulse Wave for the sonic emitter.
Retrieve the three student records from the desk terminals in the X-8 Institutional Facility.
Exit the testing area.
Find more information about the X-test
Find the key to the X-8 kennels (sonic emitter EM Pulse Wave Upgrade Required).
Release the unusual specimen into the testing area.
Activate Institutional Data Retrieval Test (Basic) at the X-8 Test terminal.
Exit the testing area.
Retrieve the three student records from the desk terminals in the X-8 Institutional Facility.
Exit the testing area.
Activate Institutional Data Retrieval Test (Advanced) at the X-8 Test terminal.
Retrieve the three student records from the desk terminals in the X-8 Institutional Facility.
Exit the testing area.
Quest finished
Retrieve test data from the X-8 Test terminal.
Choosing both "Unusual Specimen" and "release cyberdogs" will change the status of hostile nightstalker into military cyberdog inside the Test Chamber.
The only schematics for the FIDO variant of the K9000 cyberdog gun are found next to the terminal inside the kennel.
PCXbox 360 After releasing the "Unusual Specimens" and starting the "Institutional Data Retrieval Test (Basic)/(Advanced)" the terminals to retrieve the student records will not appear causing the player to be trapped and the rendering the quest impossible to complete. Renabling the terminals via the console will allow the quest to be completed. To do this, use the following series of commands; prid xx00e0e2, enable, unlock. Repeat this for xx00e0e3, and xx00e0e4; the xx should be replaced by the position of OldWorldBlues.esm from your load order.
This bug doesn't cause you to fail the quest, but it can go to an infinite loop of finished/unfinished quest pop-ups.
PC After initiating the "Institutional Data Retrieval Test (Basic)" and choosing the "Unusual Specimen" option from the Kennel terminal, initiating the "release cyberdogs" option may cause the quest to be completed, but will show the "Institutional Data Retrieval Test" and "Unusual Specimen" options as uncompleted on your quest task list, basically showing on your completed tasks list that you never actually fulfilled the requirements to complete the test. The bug appears to come from the map-marker as it doesn't move from Kennel terminal to the X-8 Test terminal after "Unusual Specimen" is chosen confusing the player by the map-marker. Initiating only the "Unusual Specimen" option on the X-8 Test terminal and starting the Basic Test and Advanced Test at the same time, will finish the quest.