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X-13 research facility terminals are a series of terminals in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues. They can be found in the X-13 research facility in the Big MT.
Security Terminal (Foyer)[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the cornered desk in the foyer of the facility.
Facility X-13, Project 'Blue Blood'
>\ Welcome, Captain Hamm.
RE: X-13 Shipment Notice[]
> Displaying Message...
Fwd: Re: Field Gun Prototype[]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Sonic Emitter Notice to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
We've successfully created a capacitance module capable of emitting a focused electromagnetic pulse from a Sonic Emitter. While the physical impact is rather weak, Jenkins fired the weapon at a force field and it fried the field's emitter array. Upon further study, we've found the gun only affects a small range of frequencies. Unfortunately, the frequency of our force fields fall within this range. The gun was sent to X-8 for further study.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Research Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on a counter in the western gloves lab.
>\ Welcome, Researcher Brazos.
Fwd: Re: Field Gun Prototype[]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Sonic Emitter Notice to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
We've successfully created a capacitance module capable of emitting a focused electromagnetic pulse from a Sonic Emitter. While the physical impact is rather weak, Jenkins fired the weapon at a force field and it fried the field's emitter array. Upon further study, we've found the gun only affects a small range of frequencies. Unfortunately, the frequency of our force fields fall within this range. The gun was sent to X-8 for further study.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Mk II Glove Research[]
I've been working with Mori on fitting the gloves to the torso and come up with a few improvements which should greatly enhance the user's manual dexterity. I adapted Redding's new rubberized dampening compound and applied it to the palms and other high-wear surfaces. Once the suit adjusts to the user, the benefits of these upgrades should be obvious.
> Displaying Note...
Research Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on a table in the eastern boots lab.
>\ Welcome, Researcher Redding.
Fwd: Re: Field Gun Prototype[]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Sonic Emitter Notice to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
We've successfully created a capacitance module capable of emitting a focused electromagnetic pulse from a Sonic Emitter. While the physical impact is rather weak, Jenkins fired the weapon at a force field and it fried the field's emitter array. Upon further study, we've found the gun only affects a small range of frequencies. Unfortunately, the frequency of our force fields fall within this range. The gun was sent to X-8 for further study.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Mk II Boot Research[]
Researcher Kael's breakthrough with the Suit's software has led me to a breakthrough of my own. By adding an advanced servo buffer to the existing leg rigs, I've been able to increase the resolution of data sent to and from the central control module. Once these babies are hooked up to the torso, an agent should be able to limbo under barriers almost as fast as they can run!
> Displaying Note...
Research Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on a counter in the southern Chest plate lab.
>\ Welcome, Researcher Mori.
Fwd: Re: Field Gun Prototype[]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Sonic Emitter Notice to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
We've successfully created a capacitance module capable of emitting a focused electromagnetic pulse from a Sonic Emitter. While the physical impact is rather weak, Jenkins fired the weapon at a force field and it fried the field's emitter array. Upon further study, we've found the gun only affects a small range of frequencies. Unfortunately, the frequency of our force fields fall within this range. The gun was sent to X-8 for further study.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Mk II Torso Research[]
I've uploaded Kael's latest firmware update to the suit. I think Kael has outdone herself this time. Self-updating firmware is an ingenious addition to this system. As we upgrade the suit, it'll automatically adapt the new systems to the user's specifications during testing and unlock the features as they come online. This will save hundreds of hours of fiddling with settings.
Note to self - Make Kael a keg of my infamous 'Battle Brew.'
> Displaying Note...
Note: This desk terminal is located on the east central counter in the X-13 Testing Facility.
>\ Welcome, Assistant Paris.
Kudos for the bean pod addition for the VR Sim. I like the Jack and the Beanstalk reference, buddy! I hope Calis doesn't throw a fit. Watch your back with that guy. He's always been more than a bit wound up about simple stuff. I had to move my Battle Brew setup over to X-12's storage room after he threw a prohibitionist fit about it to the Leads.
> Displaying Message...
RE: Test Subject Observations[]
Yes, yes. Run the tests, if it'll keep you out of my way. I'm going back down to the cages to see if a nudge from a prod will trigger their abilities. The other project leads will be stopping by in a few days and we must be able to show them progress!
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
RE: RE: RE: Test Subject Observations[]
Why the hell do you keep sending me these messages? You work right across the damn ramp from me. Walk your ass over here and say what you need to say. Stop wasting my time with these incessant messages!
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Fwd: Re: Field Gun Prototype[]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Sonic Emitter Notice to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
We've successfully created a capacitance module capable of emitting a focused electromagnetic pulse from a Sonic Emitter. While the physical impact is rather weak, Jenkins fired the weapon at a force field and it fried the field's emitter array. Upon further study, we've found the gun only affects a small range of frequencies. Unfortunately, the frequency of our force fields fall within this range. The gun was sent to X-8 for further study.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Note: This desk terminal is located on the north east counter in the X-13 Testing Facility.
>\ Welcome, Researcher Butz.
Get off your butt, Butz![]
This is the last time I'm going to warn you, Butz. I can see that comic book poking up out of your field manual. You don't fool me, asshat. Next time I catch you slacking, I'm writing a disciplinary notice and you can spend your free time polishing emitter arrays.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Fwd: Re: Field Gun Prototype[]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Sonic Emitter Notice to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
We've successfully created a capacitance module capable of emitting a focused electromagnetic pulse from a Sonic Emitter. While the physical impact is rather weak, Jenkins fired the weapon at a force field and it fried the field's emitter array. Upon further study, we've found the gun only affects a small range of frequencies. Unfortunately, the frequency of our force fields fall within this range. The gun was sent to X-8 for further study.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Research Terminal[]
Note: There are two are two of these desk terminals. The first one is located on the table on the west side of the X-13 Testing Facility. The second one is located on the desk just after the entrance of the X-13 Stealth Testing Lab.
>\ Welcome, Dr. Calis
Nightstalker Research[]
I believe this latest serum has proven to be a success. Under human observation, the creatures remain visible, but some of the nighttime recordings reveal the serum is working. The animals appear to be learning how to use their new cloaking ability when no one is around. Perhaps there is a physical limitation or some mental drawback to the ability, which prevents its usage under duress. I think I will pursue stress testing of the animals first thing Monday morning.
> Displaying Research Notes
Server Sniffer - FW: RE: VR Test[]
The VR Sim is corrupted?! Dammit! Sounds like there's a bug in the software somewhere. I hope to God it doesn't screw with the suit's systems. I just got the firmware updated for Mori over the weekend. For now, let's just tell Calis we're having "power issues" and focus on the REPCONN tests until we get the suit ready for real-world tests.
p.s. Delete this message ASAP. I don't want Calis harassing me over this.
> Displaying Message...
X-13 Shipment Notice[]
Your shipment of cattle prods arrived today. I'd like to remind you our systems are designed to prevent infiltration by enemy agents, not internal threats. If you're doing any testing on creatures, please forward that task to the animal testing facility. As you found with the Sonic Emitter, our force fields can't handle power fluctuations well.
-Cpt. Hamm
Base Security
> Displaying Message...
Test Subject Observations[]
I've noticed some of the creatures have been increasingly aggressive when I come into the lab in the morning. Did something change in their diet? I'll run some tests if you like.
-Asst. Paris
> Displaying Message...
RE: RE: Test Subject Observations[]
I went ahead and did the lab test and noticed no appreciable changes in their blood work. I'm concerned our use of the cattle prods may react with the chemistry of the injections. This is new ground we're treading. I'd hate to see your hard work lost to a change in brain chemistry. These critters could be invaluable to the war effort if we can somehow control their behavior.
-Asst. Paris
> Displaying Message...
Security Terminal[]
Note: This wall console terminal is located on the right side of the Door to the X-13 Testing Lab, on the western wall of the X-13 Testing Facility.
Facility X-13, Project 'Blue Blood'
>\ Scanning for authorized suit signatures...
Unlock Elevator to Test Chamber[]
Note: This notice is available if the Courier does not (have the suit in their inventory?/actively wearing suit?).
To activate this terminal, please equip the Stealth Suit Mk II.
> Access Denied.
Note: This xxxxx is available if xxxxx.
> Elevator Door Unlocked.
Note: This wall terminal is located xxxxx. It is locked Hard.
SoftLock Solutions, Inc
"Your Security is Our Security"
>\ Welcome, USER
Disengage Lock[]
Note: This command is only accessible once a test is active. Accessing this command unlocks the door to the "Other Observation Areas" hallway, which is locked Hard. While the door to the "Admin. Observation Areas" remains locked Hard. Although no confirmation notice is displayed a buzzer sound is activated and the player is exited from the terminal. This command must be reactivated after ever test, as the door relocks.
Note: This desk terminal is located... .
>\ Welcome, Researcher Mendoza.
What the hell...?![]
What the hell is his damn problem?! All I was doing was reading the latest issue of La Fantoma!, and that grouch, Calis, called me an asshat. What the hell is an asshat, anyway? Funny, ha ha, my last name is Butz. That got old in grade school, the snobby bastard. Sorry, just needed to vent.
> Displaying Message...
Check out this mod I've been working on![]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Main Computer Upgrade: K9000 Mod "Resla Roil" to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
Hey buddy! I've been helping the guys over in X-8 test out this new toy they've been building. Get this, it's a gun that uses a dog's brain to track targets! They asked me to play around with their gun trigger code, and I came up with this mod. Next time you're over there, would you give it a shot? Calis has me swamped setting X-13 up for the coming visit by the leads and he wants the turrets in place so we don't fail the new security requirements.
> Displaying Message...
Fwd: Re: Field Gun Prototype[]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Sonic Emitter Notice to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
We've successfully created a capacitance module capable of emitting a focused electromagnetic pulse from a Sonic Emitter. While the physical impact is rather weak, Jenkins fired the weapon at a force field and it fried the field's emitter array. Upon further study, we've found the gun only affects a small range of frequencies. Unfortunately, the frequency of our force fields fall within this range. The gun was sent to X-8 for further study.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Technician Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located... .
>\ Welcome, Researcher Chayanov.
Fwd: Re: Field Gun Prototype[]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Sonic Emitter Notice to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
We've successfully created a capacitance module capable of emitting a focused electromagnetic pulse from a Sonic Emitter. While the physical impact is rather weak, Jenkins fired the weapon at a force field and it fried the field's emitter array. Upon further study, we've found the gun only affects a small range of frequencies. Unfortunately, the frequency of our force fields fall within this range. The gun was sent to X-8 for further study.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Test Observations[]
I've been watching Mendoza stumble through the various X-13 tests and noticed a critical flaw in the tripwire emitter design. A skilled scientist or someone with advanced electronics repair knowledge could crack the casings and hack their IFF circuit to ignore the current test subject. I'll see if I can reinforce the casings after the leads visit the facility this week.
> Displaying Message...
Note: This desk terminal is located... .
>\ Welcome, Technician Slough.
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Auto-Doc Upgrade: Implant Y-7 to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
I've noticed your work has taken a dive lately. This seems to have coincided with a marked weight gain over the past few months. I've developed an implant which has been proven to increase performance while reducing weight in lab animals. Granted, we haven't run it through any human test trials yet, but I'm sure it is perfectly safe. Also, please refrain from snacking in the lab. If you smudge another camera, I'm banning all food from the facility.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Fwd: Re: Field Gun Prototype[]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Sonic Emitter Notice to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
We've successfully created a capacitance module capable of emitting a focused electromagnetic pulse from a Sonic Emitter. While the physical impact is rather weak, Jenkins fired the weapon at a force field and it fried the field's emitter array. Upon further study, we've found the gun only affects a small range of frequencies. Unfortunately, the frequency of our force fields fall within this range. The gun was sent to X-8 for further study.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Test Recording Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located... .
>\ Welcome, Assistant Mendoza.
Test Area A - Review[]
Chayanov had me run through the first part of the facility to test the tripwires and proximity mines the other day and the suit kept chafing. Mori says some new firmware updates fixed the suit's fitment sync ability, but I'm not so sure. The legs kept binding up on me and the torso was ridiculously tight. Maybe I should stop lifting Fancy Lads from Slough's stashes.
> Displaying Data...
What the hell...?![]
What the hell is his damn problem?! All I was doing was reading the latest issue of La Fantoma!, and that grouch, Calis, called me an asshat. What the hell is an asshat, anyway? Funny, ha ha, my last name is Butz. That got old in grade school, the snobby bastard. Sorry, just needed to vent.
> Displaying Message...
Technician Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located... .
>\ Welcome, Technician Skinner.
Fwd: Re: Field Gun Prototype[]
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Sonic Emitter Notice to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
We've successfully created a capacitance module capable of emitting a focused electromagnetic pulse from a Sonic Emitter. While the physical impact is rather weak, Jenkins fired the weapon at a force field and it fried the field's emitter array. Upon further study, we've found the gun only affects a small range of frequencies. Unfortunately, the frequency of our force fields fall within this range. The gun was sent to X-8 for further study.
-Dr. Calis
> Displaying Message...
Note: Accessing this entry downloads Main Computer Upgrade: K9000 Mod "Mentat Chow" to the Courier's PIP-Boy 3000.
While Slough is busy stuffing his face and trying to find new places to hide his junk food from Calis, I've decided to experiment with a mod from one of the techs over in X-8. I may not have been able to afford a doctorate like those eggheads upstairs, but I've been programming since I was in diapers. I found a ton of redundancies and exponential loop failures those halfwits must have missed. My fixes should speed up the refire rate of that K9 weapon they've been working on. Maybe if I leave it on one of their desks it'll actually get implemented. Lord knows they wouldn't take me seriously if I tried to take credit.
> Displaying Message...
Test Terminal[]
Note: This wall console terminal is located xxxx.
Please Select From The Following Options;
Test Selection[]
Begin Basic Infiltration Test[]
Note: This command is loaded when the Courier has compiled the X13 stealth suit? The wall computer changes colors for which is being tested.
For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. A successful run will automatically update the suit's software and award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> X-13 Simple Detection Grid Online.
Display Test Status[]
Note: This notice is only displayed once the Courier has initiated the basic test for the first time.
For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. A successful run will automatically update the suit's software and award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> Basic Infiltration Test In Progress...
Replay Basic Infiltration Test[]
Note: This command is loaded when the Courier has completed the Basic Infiltration Test.
For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> X-13 Simple Detection Grid Online.
Display Test Status[]
Note: This notice is only displayed once the Courier has initiated the replay of the basic test.
For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> Basic Infiltration Test In Progress
Begin Advanced Infiltration Test[]
Note: This command is loaded when the Courier has completed the Basic Infiltration Test.
For this test, you must sneak to, and steal, a document from the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. Laser tripwires have been added for increased difficulty. A successful run will automatically update the suit's software and award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> X-13 Detection Grid Online.
Display Test Status[]
Note: This notice is only displayed once the Courier has initiated the advanced test for the first time.
For this test, you must sneak to, and steal, a document from the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. Laser tripwires have been added for increased difficulty. A successful run will automatically update the suit's software and award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> Advanced Infiltration Test In Progress...
Replay Advanced Infiltration Test[]
Note: This command is loaded when the Courier has completed the Advanced Infiltration Test.
For this test, you must sneak to, and steal, a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. Laser tripwires have been added for increased difficulty. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> X-13 Detection Grid Online.
Display Test Status[]
Note: This notice is only displayed once the Courier has initiated the replay of the advanced test.
For this test, you must sneak to, and steal, a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. Laser tripwires have been added for increased difficulty. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> Advanced Infiltration Test In Progress
Begin Expert Infiltration Test[]
Note: This command is loaded when the Courier has completed the Advanced Infiltration Test.
For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. Laser tripwires and proximity detectors have been activated for increased difficulty. A successful run will automatically update the suit's software and award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> X-13 Advanced Detection Grid Online.
Display Test Status[]
Note: This notice is only displayed once the Courier has initiated the expert test for the first time.
For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. Laser tripwires and proximity detectors have been activated for increased difficulty. A successful run will automatically update the suit's software and award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> Expert Infiltration Test In Progress...
Replay Expert Infiltration Test[]
Note: This command is loaded when the Courier has completed the Expert Infiltration Test.
For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. Laser tripwires and proximity detectors have been activated for increased difficulty. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> X-13 Advanced Detection Grid Online.
Display Test Status[]
Note: This notice is only displayed once the Courier has initiated the expert of the advanced test.
For this test, you must steal a document in the Administrator's office without being detected by the patrolling robots. Laser tripwires and proximity detectors have been activated for increased difficulty. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Reach the Administrator's office and steal the document, without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> Expert Infiltration Test In Progress
Begin Robot Compliance Test[]
Note: This command is loaded when the Courier has completed the Expert Infiltration Test.
For this test, you must disable all active robots without being detected. We need to calibrate the suit's FCG (Field Compliance Generator) to the proper variance. All security measures are active. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Disable all robots without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> Tactical Robobrains Deployed.
Display Test Status[]
Note: This notice is only displayed once the Courier has initiated the robot compliance test for the first time.
For this test, you must disable all active robots without being detected. We need to calibrate the suit's FCG (Field Compliance Generator) to the proper variance. All security measures are active. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Disable all robots without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> Robot Compliance Test In Progress...
Replay Robot Compliance Test[]
Note: This command is loaded when the Courier has completed the Robot Compliance Test.
For this test, you must disable all active robots without being detected. All security measures are active. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Disable all robots without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> Tactical Robobrains Deployed.
Display Test Status[]
Note: This notice is only displayed once the Courier has initiated the replay of the robot compliance test.
For this test, you must disable all active robots without being detected. All security measures are active. A successful run will award an item in the Supply Cabinet.
Success - Disable all robots without being detected.
Failure - Detection.
> Robot Compliance Test in Progress