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World of Refreshment
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Map MarkerWorld of Refreshment
Part ofNuka-World
FactionsNuka-Cola Corporation (defunct)
QuestsA World of Refreshment
ref idxx000000

Nuka-World's Bottling Plant featured "The World of Refreshment," a boat ride and factory tour that delighted visitors with the history of their favorite flavors of Nuka-Cola.

Fallout 4 loading screen hints

The World of Refreshment is a park in Nuka-World.


Before the World of Refreshment was the World of Refreshment, it was a bottling facility. The amusement ride was only added after the fact so visitors could float on a river of Nuka-Cola and familiarize themselves with the history of their favorite soft drink in a fun and easy way. The theme park even publicized the soon-to-be released Nuka-Cola Quantum by dying the water of the ride a fluorescent blue,[1] even though they claimed it was authentic Nuka-Cola Quantum.[2] Still, a leak in the conjoined Nuka-Cola bottling plant seeped Nuka-Cola Quantum into the ground, spawning the Nukalurks that skitter around the building.



The exterior of the plant is fairly unremarkable on the southern front, where the entrance to the ride is. However, the plant itself and its surroundings are far more interesting. The sinkhole in the back is the lair of the queen Nukalurk, which will attack if disturbed, along with a large court of Nukalurks. Notably, the queen can be safely disposed of from the safety of the rooftop once she emerges.

The south side of the building also holds the doors to the bottling plant, and catwalks that lead up to the roof, where the flagpole is. A workshop on the east side of the roof hold a small Gunners camp with two weapons workbenches.


The path inside is a straightforward, linear affair if the player follows the route of the ride. The ride can be skipped early on by lockpicking the Expert-locked door behind the animatronic John Caleb-Bradberton, gaining access to the maintenance areas; the maintenance area has a weapons workbench, and hallways that lead to other areas of the ride. From them, it's easy to cut straight to the bottling plant. Alternatively, the end of the ride is jammed with junk; one can navigate through the hole on the right, to get to the management office for the bottling facility.

Notable loot[]

  • A Nuka-livery suit of T-51 power armor is in the cage at the ride, near the bottling area. The cage can be unlocked using the terminal in the control room. From the blocked exit of the ride, head up the stairs, then right to the stairwell. There, head straight on into the plant control room, the terminal is on the northern bank.
  • The World of Refreshment Medallion is distributed from the machine near the queuing station in front of the attraction.
  • A hidden Cappy for Cappy in a Haystack is behind the saloon in the chamber advertising other brands of the company.
  • A fusion core is found on a shelf in the office at the very top of the roof.
  • An ice cold Nuka-Cola Quantum is found on a balcony in the Western portion of the ride.
  • A Nuka-Cade ticket roll is found on a cabinet in the maintenance area, beside the weapons workbench.


The World of Refreshment appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.



  1. Nuka-World loading screen hints: "Just before Nuka-Cola Quantum was released, the World of Refreshment's water was tinted a glowing blue color to simulate the look of the beverage for promotional purposes."
  2. World of Refreshment tour: "Welcome to the Nuka-Cola World of Refreshment, now featuring a river of Nuka-Cola Quantum! Nuka-Cola Quantum: Twice the calories, twice the carbohydrates, twice the caffeine, and twice the taste! And just look at that amazing, patented blue glow! So sit back and enjoy the ride as we take you through the Nuka-Cola World of Refreshment!"
    (World of Refreshment announcer's dialogue)