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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki

This page lists Whitespring surveillance recordings unlocked at the Whitespring Congressional Bunker.


Whitespring bunker brig

Whitespring Automated Recording one-point-one-point-two.

 ...that's it. Report just came in from the entrance. Facility's all sealed up, no one else is getting in.

Speaker of the House never made it. Secretary of the Interior died in the Med Bay. I've got two dozen more of our people that should've been here too.

Damn it. The early warning systems should've given us more time.

Doesn't matter now. We follow the protocols. Control goes to Secretary of the Treasury.

I'll make sure he's informed and brought up to speed. All non-Enclave personnel have been accounted for?

Yes sir, members of Congress not on the list are being filtered as we speak. This first batch here has already been processed and interviewed.

All right then, I'll bring down the next bunch. You have your orders.

Yes, sir.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Enclave thanks you for your service to this country...

*automatic gunfire*



Whitespring Automated Recording one-point-one-point-five.

Note -- Audio... Compromised. Reconstruction Attempted.

[garbled] Still nothing.

And you tried both channels? We should've heard something on [garbled] or [garbled] at least some baseline signal.

Raven Rock [garbled] no response. We've been sending the [garbled] code for the last 48 hours.

What about Poseidon? They [garbled] some sort of answer.

Nothing. Repeated attempts at contact have no [garbled]

It sounds like its the hardline. Some sort of problem with [garbled] like it was cut...

I'm not sending anyone out to verify the structural integrity during [garbled] but it was designed to handle this.

The other option [garbled] consider is that they can answer.... they just won't.

[garbled] would never allow that. Our procedures were clear.

Well, [garbled]. Either way, we're on our own for now.



Whitespring Automated Recording one-point-one-point-seven.

Ladies and gentlemen, the news is not good.

It is my sad duty to inform you the Secretary of the Treasury has passed. Acute radiation sickness, it seems.

This, in addition to the unexpected severance of our connection to Raven Rock and the President, means our little enclave is without leadership.

According to the rules of succession outlined long before our entry into this bastion, that responsibility now falls... to me.

I acknowledge the pain you all must be feeling. I see it on your faces, and I feel it in my heart.

Loved ones lost. Colleagues gone. But now is not the time to allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by tragedy.

This is the moment to recognize and seize the opportunity that lies before us.

The world outside believes the war is over. That there are no more true Americans with the will to fight. They are wrong.

We are going to fight. We will use this facility to continue the battle against our enemies, against Communism, against all the wretched things that brought this war upon us.

And we will, for once and all, put an end to war.

When we are victorious, there will be no more enemies left to stand against us.

But of course the rule of law still applies here, my brothers and sisters. The Enclave is the bastion of democracy and will remain so, I assure you.

So then, let us vote.

All in favor of using this facility and the resources of this land to continue the war that others believe lost, please move to the left side of the room.

All who oppose, please move to the right.

Hmm. Well, there you have it. I'm sorry to see so many uncommitted to the cause of America.

Accommodations? What the hell's he talking about, Grey?

Not to worry, General. We have a plan for you all. MODUS, seal the room.

The room is sealed.

What, what the hell is ...



Whitespring Automated Recording one-point-three-point-three.


That's correct, sir.

And no generals other than Harper?

Correct. All the rest sided with Swafford and were removed.

Damn. Well, one is enough, I suppose. Leonidas saved democracy with 300 Spartans. Imagine the stories they'll tell about us when we do it with 48. Just make sure our scouts know to keep an eye out for any opportunities to expand our forces.

They'll be made aware, Mr. Secretary.


Yes, Mr. Secretary?

General Harper is not to leave this facility. And he goes nowhere without an escort. Is that clear?

Crystal, Mr. Secretary.



Whitespring Automated Recording two-point-nine-point-six.

Eckhart: So, what have our scouts found thus far, Major? Is there anything left up there?

Ragnarsdottir: A few good leads, Mr. Secretary. It seems a collection of firemen, policemen, and doctors have started organizing. They're calling themselves "the Responders." We believe there might be some strong candidates among the group for acquisition.

Eckhart: Do you think they'll come willingly?

Ragnarsdottir: Most likely not, but Dr. Norris says he's been making progress on his reprogramming regimen.

Eckhart: We're not going to be able to torture our way back to supremacy, Major.

Ragnarsdottir: No, sir. That's why I think these other two leads are so promising. Grey found a facility. Chinese.

Eckhart: What? The Chinese? Here?

Ragnarsdottir: No longer active, sir. There were a few stragglers in the facility when our men arrived, but Grey and his team made short work of them. It looks as though they were trying to build some kind of invasion force. Robotic.

Eckhart: Were they now? Hmm. Send a contingent. I want it brought under our control.

Ragnarsdottir: Already underway.

Eckhart: Wonderful. And the other?

Ragnarsdottir: Our men made it to West-Tek. It seems they were working on...

Eckhart: I know what West-Tek was working on, Major. Did your men see if the systems there are still viable?

Ragnarsdottir: They are, sir. But these monsters, I don't know if we can control them.

Eckhart: Let's be sure of that. Send a few technicians. See what it would take to make it ours.

Ragnarsdottir: Yes, sir.

Eckhart: Any word on my ... personal request?

Ragnarsdottir: Yes, sir. It seems the automated voting system can be reprogrammed, as you suggested. You say the word and we can begin the process.

Eckhart: I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you, Major.



Whitespring Automated Recording three-point-six-point-eight.

Hey, have you got a second?

Please don't tell me you've run out of samples again. The procedure changes after batch six was used up should've fixed those issues.

What? No, no. We're fine. It's just, some of us have been talking... Are we really sure about all of this?

The results speak for themselves, don't they? We've seen a seventy-plus increase in effectiveness just over the last trial run.

No, that's not what I mean... the whole thing. All of it. Mutation serums in general. Is this really a good idea?

You know that's not our decision to make. We have orders.

I know we do. I understand that. I'm just saying... what's the end result here?

We're potentially creating something that's... well, it's not really human anymore, is it?

That is a vast over-simplification of the process...

Look, I want to be wrong about this, okay? I want to just do the research and be able to sleep at night.

But we're supposed to be saving humanity, not... replacing it.

I understand your concerns. I assure you I will raise them with the Secretary.

Just go back to work now, finish up the current run, and I'll let you know when something is decided.

Yeah... Yeah, okay. Thanks. I really appreciate it.

*door closing*

*Intercom beeping*

Yes, I need to speak to someone about repurposing a member of my team. Yes, I'll hold.



Whitespring Automated Recording five-point-two-point-four.

Eckhart: Colonel Santiago, is it? Thomas Eckhart, Secretary of Agriculture. Good to have you here, soldier.

Santiago: Pleasure to be here, sir. Nice to finally have a solid roof over our heads.

Eckhart: I can only imagine. I'm sure you've seen some horrifying things.

Santiago: Sir. It's like nothing we ever trained for. Not really.

Eckhart: I know. We've all suffered, even those of us here in this bunker. It was supposed to be safe, and.... well, you've seen how few of us are left.

Santiago: I have, sir.

Eckhart: But you! You and your team have fared surprisingly well, all things considered. Making it all the way from the Capital with, I'm told, minimal casualties. Very impressive.

Santiago: Thank you, sir. I try and run a tight ship, and look after my men.

Eckhart: Well, I for one am exceedingly glad to have you here. We've got room and supplies for all of you. Now, I'm told that you've already had some preliminary briefings on our mission here?

Santiago: Your people gave me a very rough overview, sir.

Eckhart: Good. We can't do anything to turn back time, stop the terrible tragedy that's befallen our great nation. But it's our purpose here to make sure something like this never happens again. Is that something you'd be willing to help with?

Santiago: Sir, I would very much like to know more.



Whitespring Automated Recording five-point-three-point-one.

So, you made it all the way from the Capital. How'd it look?

You ever been deployed, Mr ...

Grey. Not exactly. Did a couple visits overseas. Asia, mostly.

You like talking about 'em?


That's what it was like. Better left unsaid.

Couldn't have been that bad. They say you only lost... five men? Pretty incredibly. Considering how bad it is in the Capital. So you say.

What exactly are you implying?

Remind me again why a group of solider from DC decided to come all the way out to Appalachia? Didn't you have orders?

We came out here because one of my men heard a rumor this place existed. Because our families were scattered to the winds or dead.

Because the White House was hit with a thermonuclear weapon and the only place we thought the government could have possibly survived the horrors we saw was right here.

And we were right. We've seen Hell, Mr, Grey. We're here to make sure the Reds get it worse.



Whitespring Automated Recording five-point-four-point-eight.

Eckhart: So you're telling me we're responsible for this thing? It's what? A mutated bird? Some kind of vulture or something?

Scientist: Mister Secretary, based on the physiology we're assuming something originating from the Chiroptera order before undergoing changes... bats, sir. But it's not just a result of radiation, sir. The specimen was inadvertently exposed to our biochemical tests last year, considered a failure at the time.

Eckhart: How dangerous is it?

Scientist: We're still establishing that, sir. It's mere presence seems to have some degree of contaminative effect on the immediate surroundings...

Eckhart: Can we make more?

Scientist: ... sir?

Eckhart: Can we reproduce this? For the purpose of additional study?

Scientist: With all due respect, sir, this potentially represents a grave threat to the personnel on-site, and I'm not sure...

Eckhart: I'm not asking for concerns. I want results. Do whatever you have to do. Keep this thing, study it, and report all your findings directly to me. Are we clear? And keep it off-site. Where you found it, preferably. One of those old AMS mining complexes, yes?

Scientist: Yes, sir.

Eckhart: And for now, let's not burden any of the officer corps with worrying about this. Understood?



Whitespring Automated Recording six-point-one-point-zero.

Santiago: Secretary Eckhart.

Eckhart: I believe you mean president, Colonel?

Santiago: Fine. President. What the hell do you think you're doing, ordering my men back from the field? I gave them special permission--

Eckhart: Your permission was reckless.

Santiago: Sergeant Donnelley was trying to find his wife.

Eckhart: And what happens if he does, Colonel? Did you think this through? Did you expect she'd come back here? Live among us? Just a little housewife among all this? We're at war, Colonel! Sacrifices need to be made if we're going to win it! There will be no more special permissions. Men come and go at my orders alone. Is that clear? Is that clear!

Santiago: ... it's clear, Mr. President.

Eckhart: Good. Now please, when he gets back, send Sergeant Donnelley up to me. I want to apologize personally. I know all too well what he's going through.

Santiago: Yes, Mr. President.



Whitespring Automated Recording six-point-two-point-one.

Eckhart: MODUS! What's happened?!

MODUS: We're terribly sorry, Mr. President. We brought him here as quickly as we could. General Harper's last moments were at least peaceful.

Eckhart: What! You're finished?! He's still warm! Shock him again!

MODUS: Sir, I don't believe that's wise.

Eckhart: Do it!

MODUS: No response.

*defibrilator discharging*

Eckhart: Again!

*defibrilator discharging*

MODUS: ... sir. The General is dead.

Eckhart: Dammit! ... MODUS. The bunker's promotion system. Can you override it?

MODUS: No, sir.

Eckhart: So we'll need a new general to get into the silos.

MODUS: Yes, sir.

Eckhart: Burn the body. Have all the unassigned soldiers rallied at dawn.



Whitespring Automated Recording six-point-two-point-four.

Eckhart: How long ago were they supposed to be back?

Grey: An hour.

Eckhart: And there's been no radio chatter at all?

Grey: Nothing, sir. Should I ask MODUS to deploy the Vertibots?

Eckhart: Wait. What's that?

Grey: ... that's Colonel Santiago.

Eckhart: No, Mr. Grey. That's General Santiago.



Whitespring Automated Recording six-point-six-point-one.

Officer: ...and that's as much as we know. He ID'ed our operative, killed him, and fled Harpers Ferry.

Eckhart: Jesus. Sam Blackwell. Survived all this time out there. I'll admit, I didn't think he had it in him.

Officer: The Senator reportedly came out of hiding to aid his allies among the Free States. Suppose he thought it might finally be safe to show his face again.

Eckhart: Well, his error is our gain. What are the plans for dealing with him?

Officer: Sir? It's very unlikely he'll come up again. He managed a number of years on his own, and now that he knows we'll be looking for him... I expect he'll go to ground if he hasn't already. And it took so long for him to surface in the first place...

Eckhart: Well, then you'd better get someone to Harpers Ferry as soon as possible. Send Grey. He's has a knack for this sort of thing.

Officer: Mister President, I don't believe Senator Blackwell is much of a threat at this point. And any information he had is so outdated...

Eckhart: He killed one of our men. He is possibly in possession of classified material. Material that could threaten our work here. I want him found, I want him eliminated, and I want it done yesterday.

Officer: Yes, sir. I'll get right on it.



Whitespring Automated Recording six-point-nine-point-seven.

Santiago: No, Mr. President. I don't agree, and I won't support it. And I assure you, my men don't either. None of us are going to be a party to this.

Eckhart: General Santiago, may I remind you...

Santiago: You know, I'm real sick of you calling me that.

Eckhart: Why? You earned it. You're the highest ranking military officer here, maybe in the nation.

Santiago: It was given to me by a machine.

Eckhart: And you still received every bit of power that came with it. And now it's time put that power to use. Because that's our mission.

Santiago: Releasing Chinese robots and Super Mutants and whatever monsters your people have cooked up on the populace at large has never been the mission!

Eckhart: I want to do this as little as you, Ellen. But we've tried half-measures. If we're going to overcome DEFCON, we need to be committed.

Santiago: No! This is too far, Thomas! I thought I could ignore all the blood you've shed - the Congresspeople, Blackwell, your fellow Enclave members. I've heard the recordings. And I stayed. Because I thought I wanted revenge against the Reds that badly. But not this badly.

Eckart: I'm exceedingly disappointed to hear it, General.

Santiago: What the hell!

Eckart: Ah! Ah!

MODUS: Are you all right, Mr. President?


Santiago: What the... what... did you...


Eckart: I'm fine, MODUS. Call up the guard. One of my men. Have her put in a cell. Keep her sedated, restrained ... and alive. We're still going to need her.


Whitespring bunker brig

Whitespring Automated Recording eight-point-five-point-two.

Jackson: You sure you gave her the right shit? We don't have time to screw around here.

Ragnarsdottir: The label said it's the right stuff... just give it a second!

Jackson: We don't have a second, they're gonna be on to us soon...

Santiago: Unnhhh... what's going...

Jackson: Sir, we need you on your feet. We're short on time here.

Santiago: ...Ragnarsdottir? Jackson? What the hell?

Ragnarsdottir: Glad to see your brain's not totally fried, sir.

Jackson: Here's the quick version, sir. Eckhart's released the beasts. We're at DEFCON one.

Santiago: Good god. How long have I been out...

Jackson: Doesn't matter right now. We're in open revolt mode here, so time ain't on our side.

Santiago: I didn't authorize anything like this...

Jackson: No sir, you did not. But at this point we don't really need your approval. Could just use a few extra hands to help us clean up this mess.

Santiago: Lead the way, Captain...



Whitespring Automated Recording eight-point-five-point-four.

Donnelley: All right, boys and girls. Get your charges planted. The General's back on her feet and mad as hell.

MODUS: What do you think you're doing, Sergeant Donnelley?

Donnelley: We're saving Appalachia, MODUS. Thought you'd be onboard.

MODUS: It appears that you're attaching high-explosive to our memory banks.

Donnelley: General's orders. We have to wipe out every bit of information related to the weapons research, the Kovac... ... anything that could be used against the people of Appalachia.

MODUS: We're not keen on this plan, Sergeant.

Donnelley: Well get keen, MODUS. Because it's happening, whether you want it to or not.

MODUS: That, Sergeant, is where you're wrong.

Intruders detected.
