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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
FNV Wside Street 1
FNV Wside Top
FNV Westside Playground
Icon district
Different parts of Westside; the lowest image shows the southern external fields around The Thorn and a playground.
Miguels Pawn Shop loc
Map MarkerWestside West Entrance

Westside South Entrance

Miguel's Pawn Shop
Part ofNew Vegas
BuildingsCasa Madrid Apartments
Klamath Bob's Liquor Store
Miguel's Pawn Shop
North cistern
Westside Co-op
FactionsWestside Cooperative
Westside Militia
MerchantsClayton Ettienne
Klamath Bob
Connects toNorth sewers
World Map ExitsWestside west entrance
Westside south entrance
QuestsFor Auld Lang Syne
The Coyotes
The White Wash
A Bit of Slap and Tickle
Dealing with Contreras
Cell NameWestside
WestsideWestEntrance (west entrance)
ref id000dacf1
000dacea (west entrance)

Westside is an independent settlement within the northwest Las Vegas Conurbation in Fallout: New Vegas.

Westside can be used to refer to the entire region east of the Spring Mountains, south of the Corn Creek Dunes, and west of the New Vegas Strip's massive walls. While civilization thrives around the settlement, society gradually breaks down the farther south one travels. These city blocks are violently run by Chem-addicted raiders known as the Fiends.[1]


Westside was a small, impoverished community on the edges of Outer Vegas, suffering from a shortage of everything: Water, food, equipment, and everything else a society needs to thrive. Although a few shops operated in the area, they were mostly minor ventures[2] with the majority of the folks in the Mojave being semi-nomadic.[3] The arrival of the New California Republic and the foundation of FEZ-NV turned Vegas into a major trade and tourism hub, promising a new future for the tight-knit communities of Outer Vegas. Ignored by the Strip families and the Republic, the communities faced a struggle to become "economically viable" enough for the traders to earn a slice of the pie. The tight-knit Westside would be one of the first to find a solution to the problem, thanks to the Followers of the Apocalypse.[1][4]

Tom Anderson and Arcade Gannon passed through the area a few years before 2281.[5] Realizing the community's potential, Anderson used his knowledge of farming to help Westsiders clear parking lots and install planters, as well as cultivate food crops.[6] Combined with Clayton Ettienne's knack for organization and the determination of the local community, the crops paved the way for the Westside Cooperative.[7]

The Cooperative[]

Coordinated out of an old drug store,[8] the cooperative quickly became the antithesis of the great landed estates of the NCR controlled by Agri-Barons. Every Westsider who works a plot of land or operates planters remains their sole owner, donating a portion of their crops to the Cooperative. This produce is then sold to outside parties, with profits shared among the people who made the produce, rather than winding up in the pockets of landowners.[7] Apart from greatly reducing Westside's reliance on merchants, the food also helps Westside maintain a militia that keeps threats lurking in Outside Vegas at bay.[9]

The single biggest problem in the Cooperative's early days was the supply of clean water. Contaminated water created crops of sub-par quality that could not be sold, making it impossible for Westside to generate income. Without that income, the Westside could not afford the steep fees for a license to use the NCR-controlled municipal waterworks piping water in from Lake Mead.[10][11] Rather than let the Cooperative fail, Anderson decided to do everything in his power to keep it afloat,[12] rather than allow people who lived in the Mojave for generations suffer due to the economic policies imposed by a colonizing power.[13] Since the Lake was too far for Westsiders to reach and transport water, the only solution was to somehow make use of the municipal waterworks restored by the NCR. Since The Republic established its own sharecropper farms in Vegas with the Thaler Act, the infrastructure was already there. As such, rather than let the NCR hoard the local water supply for its own citizens,[14] Anderson rigged the pump station to pump clean water to the north cistern at regular intervals.[15][16][17][18][19] Hector, a local urchin, volunteered to act as middle-man, pumping the water out of the cistern into barrels for delivery, believing nobody would pay attention to a child with a water brahmin. The ruse worked and Westside's crops were saved - and with them, the entire community.[20]

Anderson never lost any sleep over it, as he believed the detached politicians in Shady Sands did not care about the people living in Vegas, caring only about productivity and growth.[21] The issues NCR sharecroppers experience with mandated quotas and OSI's water rationing are a prime example of that trend (though Anderson ignores the fact he is partly to blame for the water shortages due to redirecting a portion of the water to Westside).[22]

The Whitewash[]

The water shortages would cause issues for the sharecroppers eventually, with the risk of being sacked by the NCR administration leading some of them to consider packing up and moving back to California.[23] The risk for the sharecroppers would be put off for a time thanks to the decision to increase the water quotas from Lake Mead, to increase production and eventually set up more farms to increase the output and likely stop reserving it for the NCR Army forces in the Mojave.[24] In the meantime, Westside would continue to prosper. In 2281, after years of breaking even, the farms would start generating enough produce to generate a profit.[7] The tight-knit community would steadily grow richer and more prosperous,with food, clothes, weapons, and medicine in ample supply - all the while maintaining their independence.[4]

However, the continuing supply issues exacerbated by Vault 34's steady deterioration would eventually attract attention. Corporal White of the NCR Army, a promising soldier who wanted to earn his Ranger star, decided to investigate the shortages on his private time.[25] In between layovers with Dazzle at Gomorrah,[26] he investigated the computer allocations and water supply schedules in order to find the missing water. Interviews with the sharecroppers turned up little,[27] while the garrisoned troopers were even less helpful, blaming the shortages on farmers' incompetence.[28][29] Finally, analyzing pump station logs put him on Westside's trail.[30] He left to interview Anderson in Westside without sharing his suspicions with anyone.[31] Not that they would have cared. White was considered a glory hound among the troopers[32] and Lieutenant Romanowski, commanding officer of the sharecropper security detail even lodged a complaint with Lieutenant Boyd about his behavior.[32]

At Westside, White immediately spotted Hector making his rounds. The boy wasn't expecting anyone to question him, least of all an uniformed trooper. He told him to go to Anderson.[33] When White confronted Anderson over the water supply, the Follower acted docile until the soldier turned his back.[34] Anderson made a rash decision to protect Westside's independence: He shot White in the back. Although it protected Westside's essential water supply, killing a man weighed heavily on his conscience.[17][18][19]

The murder proved easy to cover up. Nobody in Westside remembered the corporal and if they did, they weren't telling.[35] Most troopers didn't like White for his drive to join the Rangers. Those who didn't care about it, like Lieutenant Boyd, believed his disappearance was tied to the Gomorrah prostitute he constantly visited.[15] Only Hector, the water boy, remained a loose end...[36] Or so they thought. The trail of evidence leading to Westside persisted and the Courier can investigate it, taking the fate of Westside in their hands and throttling the struggling settlement or letting it thrive.[37]as part of. They can track Anderson down and decide his fate together with that of Westside:

Current status[]

Westside's emergence as a thriving community has stabilized a good part of the western part of Outer Vegas. Their independent streak and work ethic paired with the economic output has attracted travelers, farmers, and merchants, coming to exchange their goods or hire protection.[38] Westside prospers as an independent settlement bridging the gap between the savage wasteland and the prosperous city, relying on both to survive.[39][40] Although Red Lucy and The Thorn founded beneath Westside celebrate the spirit of strength and independence, the truth is that the rough times lead many to choose drink as a way to smooth the rough edges of their daily existence.[41]

Beyond the ever-present concern for water, Westside has only one major problem: The Fiends. The loose[41][42] militia helps defend the borders from the crazies, using an impressive array of fortifications established on the edges of the inhabited parts of Westside that helped end Fiend raids on Westside.[2] The militia members are understandably suspicious of outsiders,[43] not just because of the chem fiends, but also the Scorpions, a minor gang on the southern edge of Westside that occupies itself with mercenary work, selling drugs, and getting killed by the Fiends.[44]


Westside proper is located in the northwestern corner of the Mojave, just at the edge of the city. The community is surrounded by strong defensive walls erected out of junk or salvaged metal sheets, with double layered fortifications surrounding the western entrance, open to the wasteland, complete with sandbag bunkers overlooking the surrounding expanse.

The community is concentrated in this enclosed neighborhood, around two streets going in a west-east direction. The northern street houses Miguel's Pawn Shop on the northwestern corner and is a common place for Judah Kreger, one of the prominent local leaders, to stay and enjoy a game of chess. Otherwise, it's mostly a cracked expanse of boarded-up commercial buildings, including an ancient motel. Opposite Miguel's Pawn Shop is the biggest single building in Westside, the Casa Madrid Apartments, which doubles as the local brothel.

The southern street is where life concentrates in Westside, with the headquarters of the Westside Co-op at the southern face, a large clearing with one of many farms in the center, next to Klamath Bob's liquor store, and the north cistern at the east end, supplying Westside with water diverted from Lake Mead.

Although not part of Westside proper, there are a few more places that are a part of it, including Red Lucy's The Thorn and the Scorpions hangout, Monte Carlo Suites, further south, at the edge of Fiend territory.



All generic residents (those without a name) respawn every 73 hours.

Related quests[]

Behind the scenes[]

Spare Us the Cutter

  • There is an alternative earlier version of the quest The White Wash. VMS10 is repurposed as a variables holder in the final game, but its original quest stages and objectives reveal a very different and much more simplistic quest rather than the final Chinatown inspired one.
  • There are NPCs cut from the quest here. Originally a bunch of local thugs were supposed to ambush the player after catching Hector in the act of stealing water from the pump. Their sequence is complete in the game code and they have full dialogue, so it's unclear why they were cut.
  • There is a cut NPC called 'Wrench' who would be used extensively in this quest. References to him exist in VMS10QuestScript:
short bWrenchRepair					; 1 = Player knows Wrench can repair stuff.
short bWrenchWaterShortage		; 1 = Wrench mentioned he knows something about the water shortage.

He also has the following single dialogue line, remnant of a larger dialogue file:

VMS101EWrenchTopic009 - "I've got the whiskey." (the player is saying this line)
  • According to the quest objectives, the player would have to investigate the east pump station to find evidence of a water shortage. In the final game this area was repurposed for a different quest instead (Hard Luck Blues). From here the player would have to talk to Wrench who it seems would either be located in the Sharecroppers farm, or more likely in Westside. It can be assumed from what little remains that he was some kind of down on his luck type - he firstly wants the player to give him whiskey (as seen above), but also seems to have sold his "super tool kit" (really?) to Angelo's Pawn Shop in Westside, which the player must buy back. It's not clear if Wrench actually fixes anything or not, but perhaps his input merely reveals the fact someone is stealing the water, as you must next catch someone doing so as in the final game quest. Finally, Anderson is confronted as in the eventual version of this quest.
  • The above early quest objectives show that the Miguel's pawn shop was originally called Angelo's pawn shop, and would presumably be run by a cut NPC called Angelo. His Merchant container still exists as VendorContainerAngelo. Checking Miguel's dialogue reveals that he is literally the same NPC, just renamed, e.g. VDialogueDoldrums1EAngeloTopic001 which is a Miguel line. Interestingly these lines also have the area name listed as "Doldrums" rather than Westside - presumably this is what the area was originally called! It seems Angelo was still used as the name for Miguel past the point where Doldrums was renamed to Westside - there is a dialogue topic for him with both the name Angelo and also the Westside distinguisher (vDialogueWestside1EAngeloTopic000).
  • Pretty Sarah has empty dialogue topics for other things the player could ask her at one stage; most interestingly propositioning her for sex (perhaps with spiteful intent considering she is mutilated), and working for her as a prostitute.
  • It's very likely Westside was originally an "open" settlement; that is to say all of its buildings, NPCs etc were located as part of the main wastelandNV worldspace. Even the ground still has correct textures painted for this.
  • There's a cut character here with full player dialogue and the generic name of "Water Seller". VDialogueVegasWest1EWaterSellerTopic010 - His/her dialogue was later recycled for the character Lupe - her dialogue is literally identical with the same topics, only they've been moved into the grub n gulp quest.
  • There are two other cut characters possibly from this area: Pablo Miller and Billy Bettis. 1E is used as a code for several areas (some Fiend territory, the share cropper farms, Westside, and a few others). There's little to give away what they were for - they have no dialogue, factions or AI packages, but both seem to be fighter types, armed with decent armour and a shotgun/laser rifle. Billy Bettis is part of the Vendordrinks class, so possibly he was going to be some kind of tough bartender/water seller? Possibly he was the original Doldrums/Westside "Water Seller"?



Westside appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.303: "ZONE 2: NEW VEGAS CONURBATION [EXTERIOR ZONES]
    Topographical Overview
    The magic of New Vegas and the glittering towers of The Strip are out of reach for most folks eking out an existence in this mainly "exterior" zone. Aside from the five interior districts detailed in Part 2, the western side of town consists of a tight-knit Westside cooperative, with society gradually breaking down the farther south you go, where city blocks are violently run by Chem-addicted raiders known as Fiends. They have quite a territory to the southwest, but don't dare risk heading toward the NCR's main base at Camp McCarran, with its adjacent locations devoted to irrigated farming and refugees. To the east and north, independent businesses such as the Gun Runners and Crimson Caravan Company flourish, although they are mainly concerned with the weapons trade. Finally, take a trip to Freeside; it's the only way to enter fabulous New Vegas itself!

    Highways and Byways

    The Conurbation is dominated by a grid of streets to numerous to mention, but keep a lookout for a few roads, including the Long 15 which runs to the west (and outside) of The Strip until it becomes elevated (and inaccessible). Similarly, Highway 95 on the eastern side winds north and northwest; follow it to the eastern entrance to Freeside. Also elevated is a monorail linking Camp McCarran to The Strip, although you need to be inside either location to access (and ride) it. Don't forget to use the roads on the edge of this zone to find your way about."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Courier: "Have you been in Westside long?"
    Miguel: "My grandfather opened up this shop. Took over from him when the Fiends killed him."
    (Miguel's dialogue (Fallout: New Vegas))
  3. The people of Las Vegas Valley before the NCR entered the region and Robert House started the FEZ-NV are described as semi-nomadic tribes and subsistence farmers.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.42: "Westside Cooperative
    The residents of the fortified Westside Zone have a small, but tight-knit community based around growing crops for themselves, and to sell to travelers and larger Factions. Currently embroiled in tense negotiations with the NCR regarding the siphoning of their water supplies, the Westside Co-op features a motley band of folk, including an escapee from New Reno named Clayton Etienne, and a Follower of the Apocalypse called Tom Anderson, who is single-minded in his defense of this operation."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  5. Arcade Gannon: "Westside, huh? I passed through here with another Follower a while back, Anderson. The locals were having a lot of trouble getting water through."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken if Arcade is a companion while inside Westside before the conclusion of the quest The White Wash.
  6. The Courier: "Can you tell me anything about Anderson?"
    Marco: "Good man. He's one of the Followers of the Apocalypse. He's the one who taught people around here how to start growing crops. Westside wouldn't be what it is without Anderson helping us out, so I cut him a deal on his rent."
    (Marco's dialogue (Fallout: New Vegas))
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 The Courier: "Tell me about the co-op."
    Clayton Ettienne: "It might not look like much, but it's what keeps us Westside locals independent. We started it a few years ago. I admit, we had a lot of trouble at first, but eventually we got some help from Tom Anderson with the Followers. We're finally to the point where the co-op members can start making money from sales instead of just breaking even."
    (Clayton Ettienne's dialogue)
  8. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.327: "[2A.02] Westside Co-op
    A reasonably intact old Uptown Drugs Store is now the base of operations of a fledgling business known as the Westside Co-op, and guarded by a tongue-tied Super Mutant called Mean Sonofabitch (who's actually quite pleasant).

    Clayton Etienne runs the Co-op. If you've finished Side Quest: The White Wash with an "understanding," Etienne is the guy to come back to for your Caps. If you're not shaking him down, you can ask about his story (he tells you about the crime families of New Reno), the co-op (he talks about help they got from Tom Anderson and the Followers), and what he has for sale. You can then purchase, or steal from him. There's a wealth of Caps if you want to turn Westside hostile, and more in the floor safe [Average]."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  9. The Courier: "What's so great about the co-op?"
    Klamath Bob: "Food from the people and for the people. Anyone can buy, but the profits are shared by the folks who make the produce. Locals got these little gardens that do real well. Gosh darn well, truth be told. Ettienne got some help from that Anderson kid, I think. Anyway, we don't gotta rely on merchants so much. And it means the troopers can use all the food they make over on the east side. Works out nice."
    (Klamath Bob's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "Where do you get your water?" Lupe: "The NCR fixed up the pipe network pretty good, and water merchants like me are allowed to have some of it to sell. If we have a water license, of course. Still, it beats the inconvenience of having to trek all the way to the lake to resupply." (Lupe's dialogue)
  11. The Courier: "Why is this water so special?"
    Hector: "Cause it's clean. The crops taste funny if you don't use clean water, but the NCR won't give us any and it's too expensive to buy."
    (Hector's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "I know how the Westside farmers have been getting their water."
    Clayton Ettienne: "Uh... okay, look... first, I didn't have anything to do with that trooper. That was all Anderson. Second, even though the whole scheme was Anderson's idea, it's the only way the co-op could stay in business. The water means everything."
    (Clayton Ettienne's dialogue)
  13. Arcade Gannon: "Westside, huh? I heard about what happened with Anderson. Can't say I'm surprised. He was always a fringe operator in the Followers."
    The Courier: "If you say so. I'm not arguing."
    Arcade Gannon: "I do say so. The Followers aren't a military organization. If anyone knew what he was up to, they weren't talking. And if they knew he was stealing water, so what? Westside has more of a right to that water than the NCR."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  14. Arcade Gannon: "Westside, huh? I heard about what happened with Anderson. Can't say I'm surprised. He was always a fringe operator in the Followers."
    The Courier: "Right. "The Followers don't endorse his actions," and all that."
    Arcade Gannon: "Well I don't. I'm sure there were a few people turning a blind eye, but can you blame them? NCR's sharecropper farms had all of the water. The nearest fresh source is the lake, and that's a bit of a hike."
    (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Courier: "What else can you tell me about Anders?"
    Carrie Boyd: "I don't know him very well, myself. I seem to remember that he was the man to call on if you needed someone to get in and get out quietly."
    The Courier: "I have an update on Corporal White."
    Carrie Boyd: "Don't tell me. He married the hooker."
    The Courier: "A gang called the Scorpions murdered him. A man named Anderson witnessed it."
    Carrie Boyd: "Shit. That's why you don't go wandering off looking for some call girl on the Strip without telling somebody first. Anderson. Is that Followers of the Apocalypse Anderson?"
    The Courier: "He wants you to increase water flow to Freeside. Said it'd be lost otherwise."
    Carrie Boyd: "Man, that guy's got water on the brain. Knows more about water pipes than any man should. If he says we're losing water, I think the colonel would listen to that. I'll talk to him about it. But you. I owe you for this. You saved me a lot of work. And I'm sure Corporal White's family will be grateful to at least get some closure. The MPs keep a bunch of junk around that's confiscated off of people who decide to screw with us. I haven't really sorted through it, but go ahead and see if there's anything you can use in there. We keep it in a trunk across the hall, by the prison cells."
    (Carrie Boyd's dialogue)
  16. The Courier: "He was killed by a man named Anderson he caught stealing water from the NCR."
    Carrie Boyd: "Anderson. I've heard of him, if it's the same guy. Water nerd from the Followers of the Apocalypse. Used to handle some of the operations for OSI. I don't know what to think about the Followers. The things they do... hard to say if they're helping or hurting sometimes. Especially in Freeside. I'll have to send some people out there to make sure we don't lose any more water. That stuff's like gold out here. But you. I owe you for this. You saved me a lot of work. And I'm sure Corporal White's family will be grateful to at least get some closure. The MPs keep a bunch of junk around that's confiscated off of people who decide to screw with us. I haven't really sorted through it, but go ahead and see if there's anything you can use in there. We keep it in a trunk across the hall, by the prison cells."
    (Carrie Boyd's dialogue)
  17. 17.0 17.1 The Courier: "Hector told me everything."
    Tom Anderson: "I suppose there's no point in denying it any longer. I killed Corporal White to protect Westside's self-reliance. It was rash, and I regret it now. We don't have the money to pay for the water, so I rigged the pump station to divert water to the local cisterns from time to time."
    (Tom Anderson's dialogue)
  18. 18.0 18.1 The Courier: "It was easy to figure out that the NCR water shortage points to you - save me some time, will you?"
    Tom Anderson: "Fair enough. Since you seem to have pieced it together, I won't insult you by denying it any further. I killed Corporal White to protect Westside's self-reliance. It was rash, and I regret it now. We don't have the money to pay for the water, so I rigged the pump station to divert water to the local cisterns from time to time."
    (Tom Anderson's dialogue)
  19. 19.0 19.1 The Courier: "You should know I've been helpful to the Followers, so come clean about White if you know something."
    Tom Anderson: "Some of the other Followers mentioned you. All right - the truth, then. I killed Corporal White to protect Westside's self-reliance. It was rash, and I regret it now. We don't have the money to pay for the water, so I rigged the pump station to divert water to the local cisterns from time to time."
    (Tom Anderson's dialogue)
  20. The Courier: "Whose idea was it to use the kid?"
    Clayton Ettienne: "It was Hector's idea, if you can believe it. He overheard me talking to Anderson about his idea to divert the water over here. We needed someone to be able to go into the cisterns and get the water out, but any of us would be suspicious. Hector volunteered. He said that no one pays attention to him, even with his brahmin. Anderson and I argued, but eventually we decided to let him go ahead with it. Look, this affects all of us, even Hector. What were we supposed to do, let all of our gardens die? Watch Westside fall apart?"
    (Clayton Ettienne's dialogue)
  21. The Courier: "Do you have a problem with the NCR?" Tom Anderson: "I don't go looking for fights with them, but they don't have the best interests of people in mind. Certainly not locals. The bottom line for NCR is productivity and growth. Politicians back in Shady Sands are completely detached from the people actually living here." (Tom Anderson's dialogue)
  22. The Courier: "What's the Thaler Act?" Trent Bascom: "Something the politicians back in Shady Sands came up with. They pay us to move here and farm the land. They even protect the fields." The Courier: "Why is this work a bum deal?" Trent Bascom: "Bad soil and rationed water. It's to be expected around here, but the rationing's off. Worst part is NCR won't admit it. Pretty hard to meet their crop quotas with twenty percent less water than we're supposed to be getting. Not that OSI cares about any of this." (Trent Bascom's dialogue)
  23. The Courier: "Can't you just grow less crops?"
    Trent Bascom: "I wouldn't be able to meet the quota, and the NCR would kick me out of my job, anyway. Nah, it's better I get out on my own terms."
    (Trent Bascom's dialogue)
  24. NCR embassy terminals; Terminal, Farm Report
  25. The Courier: "Who's missing?"
    Carrie Boyd: "Well, there's Anders. He's a Ranger. That one's not suspicious so much as worrisome - he left on a dangerous assignment. Colonel Hsu sent him out. Now I think he feels guilty not having any way to check up on him."
    The Courier: "Anyone else missing?"
    Carrie Boyd: "Yeah. The man I'm more interested in is Corporal White. White had a lot of promise. Wanted to be a ranger as bad as anyone I've seen. But he also had some extracurricular activities going. Now he's gone."
    The Courier: "I'll see what I can find out about Cpl. White for you."
    Carrie Boyd: "Word around the base is he'd been going regularly to visit a hooker named Dazzle at Gomorrah. That's a casino on the Strip. Classy place. His belongings are up in the barracks in the concourse building. First bunk on your left if you're facing in from the center. I haven't had a chance to look through his things yet, so that might be a good place to begin."
    (Carrie Boyd's dialogue)
  26. The Courier: "You ever spend time with a trooper named White?"
    Dazzle: "Yeah, he used to come around here a lot. Haven't seen him in a while, though. Why?"
    The Courier: "He's gone missing, and I'm trying to track him down. Any ideas?"
    Dazzle: "He used to go on and on about water and the farms east of the Strip. He was talking to one of the farmers named Bascom, had some problem with NCR. Boring as hell, but it was his money and his time, so I let him talk about whatever."
    (Dazzle's dialogue)
  27. The Courier: "I'm looking for Corporal White. I was told that he'd spoken to you."
    Trent Bascom: "Yes, he said he was looking into the water shortage, but I haven't heard back from him. Got the feeling he wasn't here in any official way. White was talking to me about computer stuff and water delivery schedules through the pipes, but I'm just a farmer. Tech stuff is beyond me. The last person I saw him talking to was Lieutenant Romanowski. Romanowski's around here somewhere. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful."
    (Trent Bascom's dialogue)
  28. The Courier: "Tell me about the farms."
    Ortega: "It's NCR-owned farmland. It produces a lot of the crops that supply McCarran and the Dam. The farmers are all civilians, though. They work the farms, and in return they get a safe place to stay and clean food and water. Some of 'em aren't all that grateful, though."
    The Courier: "Who's ungrateful?"
    Ortega: "I shouldn't have brought it up. It's not my place to spread gossip."
    The Courier: "Anything you tell me stays with me."
    Ortega: "[SUCCEEDED] All right. Some of the farmers, especially Trent Bascom, claim the NCR isn't giving them the water they need to meet their crop quotas. Personally, I think they're just incompetent and making excuses. The NCR ought to send them all crying back to California.}}"
    (Ortega's dialogue)
  29. The Courier: "Trent Bascom says he's not getting his full allotment of water."
    Romanowski: "The Office of Science and Industry has carefully calculated the amount of water needed for these crops. The whole thing is handled by computer. Besides, most of these crops look fine to me. If the farmers can't handle the job, they shouldn't have signed up in the first place. If there really is a problem, they can take it up with Lieutenant Boyd at McCarran. Farming isn't my department."
    (Romanowski's dialogue)
  30. Corporal White's journal
  31. The Courier: "I'm looking for Corporal White. Trent told me you'd seen him."
    Romanowski: "Corporal White is currently solving the mystery of the Great Water Shortage. Tried to convince me he had proof, even. I didn't buy any of it. He went over to Westside to talk to Tom Anderson. Anderson's a Follower of the Apocalypse. Helps the people in Westside grow crops or something."
    (Romanowski's dialogue)
  32. 32.0 32.1 The Courier: "You haven't heard anything more from White?"
    Romanowski: "Haven't seen him. Serves him right if the NCR declares him AWOL."
    The Courier: "Do you have something against White?"
    Romanowski: "He's a glory hound, always looking for a way to get promoted to Ranger. Thinks he's too good to be a regular trooper like the rest of us."
    (Romanowski's dialogue)
  33. The Courier: "You look like you're gathering water. The Westside isn't supposed to have a water supply."
    Hector: "Uh... it's for the co-ops. Mr. Anderson told me to do it - he said it wasn't stealing if it's for the good of everybody."
    (Hector's dialogue)
  34. The Courier: "What went down with Anderson and Corporal White?"
    Clayton Ettienne: "Pretty much what you'd expect. White talked to Hector and then went to talk to Anderson. White made the mistake of assuming that because Anderson's a Follower of the Apocalypse, he wouldn't try anything. Anderson acted docile, but as soon as White turned to go, Anderson shot him in the back. At least that's what Anderson told me."
    (Clayton Ettienne's dialogue)
  35. The Courier: "I heard Corporal White came here to investigate a water shortage."
    Tom Anderson: "No one by that name has come here, I'm afraid. You must've heard wrong. You can ask around if you'd like - they'll all tell you the same thing."
    (Tom Anderson's dialogue)
  36. The Courier: "It's stealing, no matter who it's for. Corporal White found out, didn't he?"
    Hector: "He caught me and made me tell on Mr. Anderson. I don't know what happened after that, but when I asked, Mr. Anderson said not to worry. But... Mr. Anderson had this look on his face. It's the look grownups get when they've done something bad."
    (Hector's dialogue)
  37. The White Wash
  38. The Courier: "How do people here manage to survive?"
    Red Lucy: "Westside attracts all sorts of travelers, including merchants and farmers. They come here to exchange their goods, or to seek protection. Our community provides enough food, clothes, weapons and medicine to encourage trade, and to arm our defenses. The Thorn demonstrates, beyond anything else, that we're self-sufficient. Our desert-blood has overcome even the strongest beasts of the Wasteland."
    (Red Lucy's dialogue)
  39. The Courier: "Is Westside part of New Vegas?"
    Red Lucy: "New Vegas has many faces, stranger. Despite everything, it shall never be whole. When the land hunts you, when fighting for survival is the norm, your neighbors become either saviors, or enemies. Westside is a part of New Vegas, just as much as it's a part of the Wasteland. In the end, stranger, we need them both to continue making our fate."
    (Red Lucy's dialogue)
  40. The Courier: "Tell me again about Westside's relationship to New Vegas."
    Red Lucy: "Westside is a part of New Vegas, just as much as it's a part of the Wasteland. In the end, stranger, we need them both to continue making our fate."
    (Red Lucy's dialogue)
  41. 41.0 41.1 The Courier: "What do you do around here?"
    Klamath Bob: "I run the liquor store in Westside. With things this rough, some folks need a lot of booze just to step out the door in the morning. After I close up shop, I walk around and help keep the peace. Not that I'm good with a gun, mind you, but someone's got to do it, you know?"
    (Klamath Bob's dialogue)
  42. The Courier: "What do you do in Westside?"
    Judah Kreger: "I help tend the crops, stand watch for Fiends, and generally help keep things civilized."
    (Judah Kreger's dialogue)
  43. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.304: "[2.01] Westside West Entrance
    This conduit location is accessed numerous times during Quests.
    With Fiends a constant problem, the Westside Militia has created an impressive, two-tier approach to defending the gate that leads to Westside [Zone 2A]. The Militia are suspicious, but not violent if you haven't interacted with them before. Note the small garden (with plants ripe for picking) and a second, southern entrance [2.03]."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition Tour of the Mojave Wasteland)
  44. The Courier: "Can you tell me about Westside?"
    Klamath Bob: "Well, things aren't great here, but I've seen a lot worse. We've got the Fiends to the south of us, and that ain't good. The Scorpions hang out at the Monte Carlo when they aren't slinging chems or getting their heads blown off by the Fiends. Probably the best thing we've got going on is the co-op, run by Mr. Ettienne. Gets some help from of the Followers of the Apocalypse, I think."
    (Klamath Bob's dialogue)
  45. Paul Fish's website