This page lists West Tek Research Center terminals.
Greenhouse Control Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Greenhouse Control | |
Body |
Greenhouse Initiative[]
... accessing ...
To: Greenhouse Staff
From: West Tek
Subject: Greenhouse Initiative [OFFICIAL]
Congratulations. Your team has been selected for a new pilot program: the Greenhouse Initiative, an extension of the Pan-Immunity Virion Project.
This Initiative dares to test the application of new mutations on edible plants and vegetation in a controlled environment. Your existing facilities will soon receive necessary upgrades for these brave new experiments.
A classified memo containing full specifications and arrangements will be forthcoming.
Forge ahead and light the way! Will you be the key to ending the plague of world hunger? Anything is possible at West Tek!
RE: Greenhouse Initiative[]
... accessing ...
To: Greenhouse Staff
From: Dr. Wilfred Dumont, PhD
Subject: RE: Greenhouse Initiative
Hello staff,
I'm sure you've seen the announcement, but it is true: we are moving on. The Greenhouse's original purpose was to facilitate and control the production of GM foods in a safe, practical manner. This new initiative will be radically shifting away from that.
I don't know the full details yet, but I believe it will be a manufactured mutagen of some kind. Access and transport of the mutagen is slow with lots of red tape. It will be several months before we begin experiments in full swing. I'll be sending out tasks to clean out your greenhouses and prepare new control samples soon.
If you have any questions, please come see me in my office or wait until the official memo hits your desk. A final note, this initiative does void most of your contracts ... please come see me to discuss your existing terms and any possible transfers. I am more than happy to address any concerns.
Dr. Wilfred Dumont, PhD
Genotyping Lab Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Genotyping Lab | |
Body |
Upload "File System Access Code"[]
{]11[ ... access granted ... ][]213][{
Control Room Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Control Room | |
Body | Technician Carl Wurth |
Technician's Log 07/16/77[]
Not much to report today. The FEV tanks are starting to spring some leaks where the feeder lines are connected, but it shouldn't take more than a day or two to swap out the O-rings. It's messy work, but luckily Spielman drew the short straw and he'll have to stand ankle-deep in the sludge until we can properly get it cleaned up.
This FEV is volatile stuff, it degraded the vulcanized rubber on those seals like it was acid. Strangely, there's no acidic content to it at all, it must have affected the O-rings on a molecular level. Kind of makes me wonder if it's safe having it pooling up on the floor.
Technician's Log 08/02/77[]
Chadwell fell into one of the tanks today. Poor bastard.
He was wearing full biohazard gear, but he was most certainly dead when they pulled him out. The suit must have gotten breached on the way in or something, because he never even came up for air or called for help. They didn't even know he had fallen in until they drained the tank.
Man, that twisted look on Chadwell's face... ugh. It's giving me the creeps just thinking about it. Thank god West Tek's giving us that hazard pay bonus, otherwise I'd be out of here.
Technician's Log 10/23/77[]
Holy shit, everything's gone to hell!
I can't believe those idiots actually did it... they blew up the goddamn world... Luckily, we were inside the facility when the bombs hit.
Supervisor Bardwell begged us to stay with the FEV tanks until he checked with the top brass, but all the communication lines are down. Spielman and I are thinking of bolting, but I guess we'll give Bardwell a day to figure out what to do. It's not like I have a home to go back to anyway.
Technician's Log 10/30/77[]
Bardwell decided to head out to make contact with the U.S. Army in Huntersville, but that was six days ago, and he hasn't come back.
He told us if everything went south, to dump the neutralizing agent into the FEV tanks. Spielman and I followed orders and made sure that the job was done. Before we abandoned West Tek, we confirmed that the liquid in the tanks was neutralized... still highly toxic, but at least the FEV was gone.
Well, that's it for us. I'm going to stick with Spielman for a while, and hopefully we can make it somewhere safe... wherever that might be.
Decontamination Research Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Decontamination Lab | |
Body | Technician Darren Spielman |
Technician's Log 05/03/77[]
Bardwell's all over my ass about getting the decontamination arches up and running. How the hell am I supposed come up with a decontamination method for something that's totally experimental?
To make matters worse, West Tek HQ refuses to give me the FEV's chemical and organic breakdown, so I'm totally shooting in the dark. My degree in biochemistry never prepared me for this, but I should have known things would be... different around here when I had to get high-level clearance just to walk in the door.
Technician's Log 05/22/77[]
Three weeks and about sixty compounds later, I've still got nothing.
This FEV is some tenacious stuff. I know that FEV is virus-based, so I've approached it from that angle. Unfortunately, every antibiotic compound known to man isn't designed to handle something this... well, virulent. What I need to come up with is some sort of a booster, a total neutralizing agent that will render the FEV inert.
Back to the drawing board.
Technician's Log 06/11/77[]
Picture this. Bardwell's standing there in his biohazard suit yelling at me to get my ass moving on the decontamination arches. Wurth sneaks up right behind him and dumps a canister of FEV right over this head!
You should have seen his face... he freaked the hell out! He was screaming, rolling around on the floor, hell, I think he was crying. I let it go on for almost a full minute before I activated the arches and let my neutralizing agent wash him off. Worked like a charm.
I'm on crap detail for the next two weeks for doing that to him, but it was totally worth it.
Technician's Log 06/16/77[]
Bardwell's still pissed about my "demonstration" but at least he's quit shouting at me.
I've spent the last few days culturing thousands of gallons of my neutralizing agent not only for use in the decontamination arches, but into emergency dump tanks. Apparently, the folks back at West Tek HQ want a ripcord just in case this place is in danger of being captured or something.
If you ask me, they're paranoid but I just do as I'm told like a nice little robot.
Front Desk Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Front Desk | |
Body |
No Tours[]
Another reminder, please be more vigilant of uninvited guests entering the lobby.
We had an incident this morning where a random stranger entered the complex, and approached the front desk. They looked and appeared like they were ready for an interview - suit and tie, briefcase. They said they were here for a company tour. This person was not on the list of names for the day and the Security office was notified immediately.
REMEMBER: This building is a secure facility. We are prime targets for corporate espionage, sabotage, or investigative reporting. If you see something, say something!
... accessing ...
Remote Team Operation Report[]
... password accepted ...
Operation Log. Dreyfus reporting.
Facility appears to have been abandoned not long after the bombs dropped. Seems they neutralized the FEV vats, so we're SOL there. Going to take getting a science team in here to figure out what might be able to be salvaged.
But the creatures being created here were exactly what was described by command - tough, violent, dangerous. If you're reading this because you're all about to turn things back on, make sure you've got your exit plan laid out before you get started. Because these things will kill you.
Holding Cell Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Holding Cell Security | |
Body | Emergency Procedures List |
Subject: Sick, Minor[]
Subject: Sick, Minor
Our subjects have been exposed to FEV, so they will exhibit symptoms of a flu-like virus. If they are at this stage, there's no cause for alarm. Continue monitoring their condition as normal.
Subject: Sick, Major[]
Subject: Sick, Major
If a subject is having a violent seizure or attack, issue a Code Blue alert and contact the duty supervisor immediately. DO NOT attempt any type of resuscitation without direct authorization.
Subject: Death[]
Subject: Death
If a subject dies, do not issue an alarm. Contact the duty supervisor and they will instruct you on what to do with the body. Remember, when handling organic matter, bio-containment procedures are in full effect.
Subject: Violent[]
Subject: Violent
If a subject becomes violent enough that you fear for their own safety, or the safety of one of our personnel, issue a Code Red alert and await security. DO NOT attempt to restrain, sedate or assist any subject in this state!
Dispensary Lab Access Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Dispensary Lab Access | |
Body | WARNING |
Research Wing Access Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Research Wing Access | |
Body | WARNING |
Access Control Terminal[]
Header | We T'k Rear'h - | |
Welcome text | rch Wi'g Acc | |
Body |
.....{[...{[[[ acc'es"i }}})))3.....
Acc' "o "he rch Wi'g is res"ric"ed to AUTHZE" PERS'NNEL.
Plse en"er or l'ad an ACSS CODE "o en"er.
Injection Lab Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Injection Lab | |
Body |
Research Administration Terminal[]
Header | ||
Welcome text | West Tek Research - Research Administrator | |
Body |
Security Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Security Office | |
Body |
Requests Approved[]
To: Security Office
Subject: Requests Approved
This is an automated message from WEST TEK.
Your recent request has been approved. Have a nice day.
"To: West Tek Ticket System
From: Security Office
Subject: [REQUEST] Security Protectron upgrades
New request for at least 3 security Protectrons for added safety and secure coverage of facility. Our staff currently does not have enough time to man the decontamination arches and patrol the facility and exterior grounds. Pods can be placed in the security office. Existing maintenance crews will be sufficient for this request."
Advanced Mutations Lab Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Advanced Mutations Lab | |
Body | Introductory statement about the new Advanced Mutations Program. |
Advanced Mutations Program[]
GOAL: Push FEV to its practical limits.
The Super Mutant program has shown great promise. By tweaking the genomes, we are able to cultivate different strains of the virus, which produce varying results.
Note: Most strains produce highly unstable results. Few are viable. Only genetic technicians above clearance level 5 are allowed access to the FEV recombinator, given prior approval by Dr. Elias Khan.
Test Subject Reports[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Advanced Mutations Lab | |
Body | Password Accepted. |
CURRENT WHEREABOUTS: 38°13'22.4"N 80°02'03.4"W
Report: Test Subject AM48[]
Subject AM48 is the closest we've come so far to a sustainable form.
Despite this substantial breakthrough, AM48 was declared deceased a mere 12 minutes, and 43 seconds after being released from the incubation chamber. It seems the current combination strain, FEVS-005938 rendered the subject's lungs useless without artificial respiration.
Suitable subjects have been difficult to come by, so control experiments will be extremely limited going forward. Several scientists have voiced their displeasure, but this is what we've been handed.
Report: Test Subject AM49[]
One of the genomes in FEVS-006186 produced undesireable and fatal results in Subject AM49. All of the subject's organic tissues were eventually replaced with various retinal tissues, rendering it terminal as the majority of its organs ceased to function.
Upon further study, it was determined that FEVS-006186 was contaminated.
Report: Test Subject AM50[]
AM50 was treated with FEVS-006309. Subject self-terminated 12 days into the program when its own upper cuspids pierced its medulla oblongata, leading to rapid loss of organ function.
This is disappointing. AM50 seemed to be developing quite well. We shall have to modify the strain and remove the mutation's proclivity towards rapid new development in succedaneous teeth.
Report: Test Subject AM51[]
We have a near success with Test Subject AM51. While FEVS-006378 has produced what multiple scientist have proclaimed "nightmare-inducing" results, the subject seems more or less biologically stable.
AM51 seemed capable of surviving on its own, but there were indications that it was constantly in traumatic pain, indeed to the point of self-induced terminal harm shortly after being left in isolated containment after its incubation period.
An autopsy revelaed a hyper-active nervous system that may have been in a constant developmental stage since FEVS-006378 was administered.
Report: Test Subject AM52[]
Phase 2 combination strain FEVS-006443 has finally taken to Test Subject AM52, and not resulted in a pile of quivering genetic biowaste.
AM52 combines traits that resemble a number of different species. The results are disturbing to say the least, but we have learned valuable insights into what these new strains are capable of.
Most notable about this subject are the number of ocular organs along the enlarged upper torso, a second set of arms ending in clawed digits, and a large sickle-shaped claw on each inner toe.
That a living, stable, functioning subject seems to be sustaining itself normally is a major accomplishment for the program.
We will keep subject AM52 in isolated containment for observation until AM53 has finished incubating. If the two are able to cohabitate along with a standard mutated human test subject, we may try reintroducing them to the Huntersville site for further study.
Report: Test Subject AM53[]
Based on the success with AM52, we were confident in tweaking a few genomes for FEVS-006458. Unfortunately, the subject grew too large to contain; the containment unit broke, but AM53 was unharmed. Indeed, despite this and its apparent lack of a discernable head, subject AM53 was surviving its metamorphosis, far exceeding our expectations.
Since our containment units were insufficient to hold the subject, we have arranged for immediate transport off-site under sedation. Follow-up visits to AM53 will be scheduled for observation and recording.
Editor ID: LC184_WestTekSubTerminal_ResearchTankRoom[]
Analysis Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Virology Analysis | |
Body |
FTS-3A Detailed Water Quality Report[]
FTS-3A Water Analysis[]
Water Analysis report for Field Test Site 3A: Huntersville
The approved FEV strain has been introduced to the Huntersville water supply, while chlorine dioxide content has been reduced slightly to decrease its effectiveness at disinfecting the virus.
No noticible differences in water quality should be discernible by the population.
We predict infection to be widespread among the test subjects, but due to the nature of this strain, the results may appear slower than the concentrated lab strain.
Long term, physical attributes of the test subjects should greatly exceed average human levels with none of the side effects of previous lab trials.
-Dr. Elias Khan
Formula Adjustment[]
After the incident involving an unauthorized desertion from FTS-3A, there is a desire coming from way up that we come up with a solution that obviates the need to terminate valuable test subjects.
The proposed solution is to introduce a phermonic component to mark gestating hosts. This way, if one gets loose again, we can use the hounds to track them down instead of the alternative.
Change of Course[]
The powers that be have decided that termination is the only viable solution to unauthorized desertation of test subjects.
It has been determined that adding the phermonic component to the formula has the unfortunate side effect of producing a powerful and rather distinct scent that may draw curiosity to the site, which is in direct contradiction to the intended effect of the quarantine.
The task has been placed on hold, but will likely be assigned to another department for further experimentation.
Specimen Containment Terminal[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Specimen Containment | |
Body | WARNING: |
Test Subjects: Control Group[]
Header | - West Tek Research - | |
Welcome text | Specimen Containment | |
Body |
Containment Unit 01[]
Subject Details:
Name: Felicia Gordy
Age: 48
Initial Weight: 162.2 lbs
Initial Height: 5'6"
Occupation: Store Clerk
Residence: Huntersville
Containment Unit 02[]
Containment Unit 03[]
Containment Unit 04[]
Subject Details:
Name: Thomas McDevitt
Age: 31
Initial Weight: 172.6 lbs
Initial Height: 5'11"
Occupation: Farmer
Residence: Huntersville
Containment Unit 05[]
Subject Details:
Name: Sheila Dauber
Age: 21
Initial Weight: 124.3 lbs
Initial Height: 5'4"
Occupation: Waitress
Residence: Huntersville
Containment Unit 06[]
Subject Details:
Name: Enrique Salvator
Age: 43
Initial Weight: 234.8 lbs
Initial Height: 5'10"
Occupation: Accountant
Residence: Huntersville
Containment Unit 07[]
Subject Details:
Name: Charles Finley
Age: 51
Initial Weight: 198.9 lbs
Initial Height: 6'1"
Occupation: N/A
Residence: Huntersville
Containment Unit 08[]
Containment Release[]