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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Wernher's dialogue
Game Information
Data FileThePitt.esm
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Gametitle-FO3 TP

Full dialogue file[]

Dialogue file table
Topic DLC01AboutMarie1 How's Marie doing? How's research coming on the cure? I got folks working on it, 24/7. It'd go faster if they didn't keep fussing about not hurting the little squirt. DLC01Quest_DLC01AboutMarie_0000B39E_2 Grudging towards the complainers
Topic DLC01AboutMarie1 How's Marie doing? How's research coming on the cure? Midea's the worst of them. Keeps asking people to bring the kid toys or some sorta bullcrap. DLC01Quest_DLC01AboutMarie_0000B39E_3
Topic DLC01AboutMarie1 How's Marie doing? How's research coming on the cure? You'd think an old slave like her would know how to work without raising a fuss, right? DLC01Quest_DLC01AboutMarie_0000B39E_4
Topic DLC01AboutMarie1 How's Marie doing? How's research coming on the cure? I got folks working on it, 24/7. It'd go faster if they didn't keep fussing about not hurting the little squirt. DLC01Quest_DLC01AboutMarie_0000B39F_2 Grudging towards the complainers
Topic DLC01SpecialOption DLC01SpecialOption What's going to happen to the baby? Oh, it'll be fine. I can take care of extracting the full cure from it, and meanwhile the slaves can raise it as one of their own. DLC01Quest_DLC01SpecialOpt_000039B5_1 Obviously doesn't care about the baby
Topic DLC01SpecialOption DLC01SpecialOption What's going to happen to the baby? Slaves get the cure, and by the time the baby's all grown-up, she won't even remember a thing! DLC01Quest_DLC01SpecialOpt_000039B5_3
Topic DLC01SpecialOption DLC01SpecialOption What's going to happen to the baby? It's a resilient little spud! Don't you worry about it. DLC01Quest_DLC01SpecialOpt_000039B5_2 Grinning and totally untrustworthy, like a used car salesman saying "TRUST ME!"
Detection NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Ah well. Guess they're gone. DLC01Generic_NormalToAlert_00007FDD_1 Can't find who they were searching for.
Detection NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Good enough, I guess. DLC01Generic_NormalToAlert_00007FDE_1 Can't find who they were searching for.
Detection NormalToAlert NormalToAlert I guess they ran off. DLC01Generic_NormalToAlert_00007FDF_1 Can't find who they were searching for.
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Shit! DLC01Gener_NormalToCombat_00007FF1_1 They've just been unexpectedly attacked.
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Oh my god! DLC01Gener_NormalToCombat_00007FF2_1 They've just been unexpectedly attacked.
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Hey! DLC01Gener_NormalToCombat_00007FF3_1 They've just been unexpectedly attacked.
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Attack! DLC01Gener_NormalToCombat_00007FF4_1 They've just been unexpectedly attacked.
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Help me! DLC01Gener_NormalToCombat_00007FF5_1 They've just been unexpectedly attacked.
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat I'm under attack! DLC01Gener_NormalToCombat_00007FF6_1 They've just been unexpectedly attacked.
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Over here! DLC01Gener_NormalToCombat_00007FF7_1 They've just been unexpectedly attacked.
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Shoot! Shoot! DLC01Gener_NormalToCombat_00007FF8_1 They've just been unexpectedly attacked.
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Open fire! DLC01Gener_NormalToCombat_00007FF9_1
Combat Pickpocket Pickpocket Find anything you like? DLC01Generic_Pickpocket_00007FE6_1 Caught the player stealing.
Combat Pickpocket Pickpocket Get your hands out of my pockets. DLC01Generic_Pickpocket_00007FE7_1 Caught the player stealing.
Topic DLC01WernherGiveUp One chance, Wernher. Leave now, and never come back. Wernher, how about saving us both a lot of trouble and leaving quietly? Oh, I see how it is. You signed on with Ashur, and now you're going to stand by your man. Maybe trying to catch his eye and be his queen? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGiv_0000374E_1 Disgusted and mocking the player
Topic DLC01WernherGiveUp One chance, Wernher. Leave now, and never come back. Wernher, how about saving us both a lot of trouble and leaving quietly? Well, good luck with that, starfucker. I'm sure the two of you will kill each other eventually, even without my help. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGiv_0000374E_2
Topic DLC01WernherGiveUp One chance, Wernher. Leave now, and never come back. Wernher, how about saving us both a lot of trouble and leaving quietly? You, him, and this whole town can burn for all I care. I'm gone. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGiv_0000374E_3
Topic DLC01WernherGiveUp One chance, Wernher. Leave now, and never come back. Sure, fine. Obviously, you've joined with Ashur and I think you've got a bright future as a lackey. You really do. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGiv_00006B0F_1 Disgusted and mocking the player
Topic DLC01WernherGiveUp One chance, Wernher. Leave now, and never come back. But you know what? Fuck this city, and fuck the raiders, fuck the slaves, and fuck you too, fucker. I'm gone. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGiv_00006B0F_2 Speech Challenge (1930454888)
Topic DLC01WernherGiveUp One chance, Wernher. Leave now, and never come back. Seriously, I don't want to have to kill you. What's the matter? Still afraid of getting your hands dirty? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGiv_000039B1_1
Topic DLC01WernherGiveUp One chance, Wernher. Leave now, and never come back. Seriously, I don't want to have to kill you. Let's see if you've got any guts at all. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGiv_000039B1_2 Emphasis on "guts" - as he's about to shoot the player in the gut
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle Hello? DLC01Generic_AlertIdle_00007FD9_1 Is someone there?
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle Is someone there? DLC01Generic_AlertIdle_00007FDA_1
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle What was that? DLC01Generic_AlertIdle_00007FDB_1 Is someone there?
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle I thought I heard something. DLC01Generic_AlertIdle_00007FDC_1 Is someone there?
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Hey! DLC01Generic_AlertToCombat_00007FCF_1 Ah ha! Found you!
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Thought you could hide, huh? DLC01Generic_AlertToCombat_00007FD0_1 Ah ha! Found you!
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat I knew I heard something! DLC01Generic_AlertToCombat_00007FD1_1 Ah ha! Found you!
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat There you are! DLC01Generic_AlertToCombat_00007FD2_1 Ah ha! Found you!
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal I guess it's gone now. DLC01Generic_AlertToNormal_00007FE1_1 I give up.
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Nothing there, I guess. DLC01Generic_AlertToNormal_00007FE2_1 I give up.
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Guess it was nothing. DLC01Generic_AlertToNormal_00007FE3_1 I give up.
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal I must be hearing things. DLC01Generic_AlertToNormal_00007FE4_1 I give up.
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Well, whatever. DLC01Generic_AlertToNormal_00007FE5_1 I give up.
Combat Assault Assault What was that for? DLC01Generic_Assault_00007FD7_1 Indignation at being assaulted.
Combat Assault Assault Hey! What the hell? DLC01Generic_Assault_00007FD8_1 Indignation at being assaulted.
Combat Attack Attack Help me out, buddy! c'mon! DLC01Quest01_Attack_0000A668_1
Combat Attack Attack Don't just stand there, shoot! DLC01Quest01_Attack_0000A669_1
Combat Attack Attack What are you waiting for? Get 'em! DLC01Quest01_Attack_0000A66A_1
Combat Attack Attack What are you waiting for? Get 'em! DLC01Quest01_Attack_0000A66B_1
Combat Attack Attack Don't just stand there, shoot! DLC01Quest01_Attack_0000A66C_1
Combat Attack Attack Help me out, buddy! c'mon! DLC01Quest01_Attack_0000A66D_1
Combat Attack Attack Shoot! Shoot! DLC01Generic_Attack_00008054_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Keep firing! DLC01Generic_Attack_00008055_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Keep him pinned down! DLC01Generic_Attack_00008056_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Keep her pinned down! DLC01Generic_Attack_00008057_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Did I hit him? DLC01Generic_Attack_00008058_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Did I hit her? DLC01Generic_Attack_00008059_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Take him out! DLC01Generic_Attack_0000805A_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Take her out! DLC01Generic_Attack_0000805B_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Keep fighting! DLC01Generic_Attack_0000805C_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Help me out here! DLC01Generic_Attack_0000805D_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Har! DLC01Generic_Attack_0000805E_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Arrrraarr! DLC01Generic_Attack_0000805F_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat Attack Attack Rrrarrr! DLC01Generic_Attack_00008060_1 Attacking with intent to kill.
Combat AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Get down! DLC01Generic_AvoidThreat_00007FD3_1 Shouting a warning.
Combat AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Duck! DLC01Generic_AvoidThreat_00007FD4_1 Shouting a warning.
Combat AvoidThreat AvoidThreat It's gonna blow! DLC01Generic_AvoidThreat_00007FD5_1 Shouting a warning.
Combat AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Grenade! DLC01Generic_AvoidThreat_00007FD6_1 Shouting a warning.
Detection CombatToLost CombatToLost Where'd she go? DLC01Generic_CombatToLost_00007FCC_1
Detection CombatToLost CombatToLost Where'd he go? DLC01Generic_CombatToLost_00007FCD_1
Detection CombatToLost CombatToLost What? Gone? How'd that happen? DLC01Generic_CombatToLost_00007FCE_1
Detection CombatToNormal CombatToNormal That's the last mistake you'll ever make. DLC01Gener_CombatToNormal_00007FE8_1 Victorious in combat.
Detection CombatToNormal CombatToNormal That's what you get. DLC01Gener_CombatToNormal_00007FE9_1 Victorious in combat.
Detection CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Glad that's over. DLC01Gener_CombatToNormal_00007FEA_1 Victorious in combat.
Detection CombatToNormal CombatToNormal That'll teach you to mess with me. DLC01Gener_CombatToNormal_00007FEB_1 Victorious in combat.
Combat Death Death Gaaaahhh! DLC01Generic_Death_00008085_1 A death cry.
Combat Death Death Gaaaahhh! DLC01Generic_Death_00008086_1 A death cry.
Combat Death Death Ahhhh... DLC01Generic_Death_00008087_1 A death cry.
Combat Death Death Ahhhh... DLC01Generic_Death_00008088_1 A death cry.
Combat Death Death Ohhhh... DLC01Generic_Death_00008089_1 A death cry.
Combat Death Death Ohhhh... DLC01Generic_Death_0000808A_1 A death cry.
Combat Death Death Aaaaaggrgg... DLC01Generic_Death_0000808B_1 A death gurgle.
Combat Death Death Arrrggrgg... DLC01Generic_Death_0000808C_1 A death gurgle.
Combat Death Death No! DLC01Generic_Death_0000808D_1 A death cry.
Combat Death Death Noooo... DLC01Generic_Death_0000808E_1 A death cry.
Topic DLC01AboutPitt Tell me about The Pitt. How's everything going in The Pitt? Oh, things are fine. Don't let any grumblers tell you differently! DLC01Quest_DLC01AboutPitt_0000B3A3_1 Slick and untrustworthy
Topic DLC01AboutPitt Tell me about The Pitt. How's everything going in The Pitt? Oh, sure, there are a few problems... We need scavenging teams, people to fight off the Trogs, and overseers for the mill's operation. DLC01Quest_DLC01AboutPitt_0000B3A3_2 Grudgingly admitting a few problems, trying to downplay them
Topic DLC01AboutPitt Tell me about The Pitt. How's everything going in The Pitt? But it's a small price to pay for seeing the end of Ashur and his bastards, right? DLC01Quest_DLC01AboutPitt_0000B3A3_3 Happily bloodthirsty
Conversation DLC01SpeechAnnouncement DLC01SpeechAnnouncement All workers report to the Square. All workers report to the Square. DLC01Quest_DLC01SpeechAnno_000068A4_1
Conversation DLC01WernherAlmostThere DLC01WernherAlmostThere Come on, we're almost there. It's just past this gate. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherAlm_00006156_1
Conversation DLC01WernherAmbushSecondWave DLC01WernherAmbushSecondWave Here come more of them! Watch out! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherAmb_00007D63_1
Conversation DLC01WernherAmbushWarnPlayer DLC01WernherAmbushWarnPlayer Hang on. Someone's coming. Let me do the talking. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherAmb_00002E39_1
Topic DLC01WernherFight DLC01WernherFight I guess there's no other option. Goodbye, Wernher. You're just going to be their tool right up to the bloody end, aren't you? Bye-bye, tool. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherFig_0000374C_1 Amused at the player's foolishness, and looking forward to killing him.
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1 I came because of the radio message. What's the problem? Well now, a hero! Look at you. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BAF_4
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1 I came because of the radio message. What's the problem? I come from a place far to the northwest. It's called The Pitt. It's... well... let's be honest... DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BAF_6
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1 I came because of the radio message. What's the problem? The place is a nightmare... radiation, mutation, disease. But the worst of it: my people, some of the only survivors, are slaves. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BAF_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1 I came because of the radio message. What's the problem? No big deal, you're thinking? It's a rough world. But I have the chance to free them. All I need is an outsider's help before that chance is gone. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BAF_5
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a Did you escape or something? Yeah. That's why these guys were after me. As long as I know about the cure, I'm a threat. So I ran. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BAC_5
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a Did you escape or something? And you can be damn sure there will be more of 'em coming. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BAC_6
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a1 Wait, slow down. Cure for what? The Pitt is a mess. Nearly everyone who lives there is either sick, dying, or... worse. It's the water. And the air. You can't escape it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00005FA3_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a1 Wait, slow down. Cure for what? You stay there a few years, and no matter what, it'll get you. But the bastards who have my people, they've found a way to a cure it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00005FA3_2
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a1 Wait, slow down. Cure for what? And once they have that cure perfected, we don't stand a chance. So, we need the cure to bargain for our freedom. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00005FA3_3
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a1 Wait, slow down. Cure for what? The Pitt is a mess. Nearly everyone who lives there is either sick, dying, or... worse. It's the water. And the air. You can't escape it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073C7_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a1 Wait, slow down. Cure for what? You stay there a few years, and no matter what it'll get to you. But the bastards who have my people, they've found the way to cure it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073C7_2
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a1 Wait, slow down. Cure for what? And once they have the cure perfected, we stand no chance. So, we get the cure. With it, we turn the tables on them. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073C7_3
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a2 A cure? You're sick? Agh! Get away! It's not like that. You can't catch it from me. The Pitt... it gets to you. It's the water, and the air. You can't escape it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B6_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a2 A cure? You're sick? Agh! Get away! You stay there a few years, and no matter what, it'll get to you. But the bastards who have my people, they've found a way to fight it off. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B6_2
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a2 A cure? You're sick? Agh! Get away! And once they have it perfected, we don't stand a chance. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B6_3
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a2 A cure? You're sick? Agh! Get away! So, I need you to come with me and help me get the cure. With it, we can turn the tables on them. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B6_4
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a2 A cure? You're sick? Agh! Get away! Once we control the cure, Ashur will have no choice but to free the slaves. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B6_5
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a3 Weren't you in a hurry? Storytime is over. Fine. Well, everyone is sick. All of us. The bosses too. Everyone who lives in The Pitt is sick. It's the city it... changes you. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00005FA6_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a3 Weren't you in a hurry? Storytime is over. The guys in charge have found something that can cure the disease. And that something is very VERY valuable. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00005FA6_2
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1a3 Weren't you in a hurry? Storytime is over. With it, I can control the city, and we can be free from the bosses. But I need an outsider to help me get it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00005FA6_3
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1b If your people need you, what are you doing here? I'm on the run from our dead friends over there. As soon as I found out about the cure, they came after me. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BA3_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1b If your people need you, what are you doing here? And you can be damn sure they won't be the only ones. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BA3_2
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting1c What's wrong with your people? To put it simply: we're slaves. We're some of the only healthy survivors, but we're forced to work like animals. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_0000A827_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting2 The radio message said something about a reward. Let's skip to that part. Well, look at you, Moneybags. Right down to business. Gotta respect that. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BA7_3
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting2 The radio message said something about a reward. Let's skip to that part. But before you get anything, what I need you to do is to take a trip with me to a place called The Pitt. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BA7_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting2 The radio message said something about a reward. Let's skip to that part. It's a city to the northwest of here, a long way away. I want you to come with me and help me steal something that will free my people. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BA7_2
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting3 I'm a better fighter than you, that's who. Can't you handle a couple Raiders? Yeah, whatever. I didn't come to DC to swap insults with Wasters. You want to flap gums, fine. But don't waste my time. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B8_4
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting3 I'm a better fighter than you, that's who. Can't you handle a couple Raiders? Now, you came about the broadcast. You want to hear what I have to say about The Pitt or not? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B8_5
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting3a Yeah, fine. I was just kidding. You're a real joker, aren't you? Whatever. Listen, I come from a place called The Pitt. It's a city far to the northwest. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B5_4
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting3a Yeah, fine. I was just kidding. The place is a nightmare for... well, for so many reasons. But the bigger problem is that my people are slaves. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B5_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting3a Yeah, fine. I was just kidding. No big deal, right? It's a rough world. Who cares? But I have the chance to free them. I just need an outsider's help before we lose that chance. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B5_5
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting3b What? It's not my fault you can't shoot straight. You're a real joker, aren't you? Whatever. Shut up and listen. I come from a place called The Pitt. It's a city far to the northwest. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B0_4
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting3b What? It's not my fault you can't shoot straight. The place is a nightmare for... well, for so many reasons. But the problem I have right now is that my people are slaves. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B0_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting3b What? It's not my fault you can't shoot straight. No big deal, right? But I have the chance to free them. I just need an outsider's help before that chance is gone. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_000073B0_5
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting4Kodiak I remember hearing about The Pitt from a guy in the Citadel. The Citadel, huh? That's the Brotherhood of Steel fortress, right? Yeah, I know about those guys. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BBF_1
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting4Kodiak I remember hearing about The Pitt from a guy in the Citadel. He must have been part of the attack that cleaned up The Pitt. Well... it didn't so much clean it up as it calmed it down. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BBF_2
Topic DLC01WernherGreeting4Kodiak I remember hearing about The Pitt from a guy in the Citadel. No way that hellhole could ever be cleaned up without the cure. That's why those guys were after me. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherGre_00002BBF_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathA01A Your plans are over, Wernher. Ashur knows everything. And you just went along with him, did you? To hell with everyone else but you, huh? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003752_1
Topic DLC01WernherPathA01A Your plans are over, Wernher. Ashur knows everything. Here, I thought that you of all people would understand that sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to make a difference. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003752_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathA01A Your plans are over, Wernher. Ashur knows everything. But you're just a coward, afraid of making a choice. Afraid of changing the world! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003752_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathA01B You never told me it meant kidnapping! Oh, boo-fucking-hoo. You don't think bringing those bastards down is worth getting your hands dirty? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003748_1 Mocking the player's squeamishness ("wah" at the beginning is a mockery of a baby's cry of "waaaah!")
Topic DLC01WernherPathA01B You never told me it meant kidnapping! No, I guess you're okay with torturing, slaving scum like that, just so long as you don't have to make a decision, huh? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003748_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01A She's here, but you never told me this meant kidnapping. Yeah, because you would have just whined about it. If you aren't getting your hands dirty, you aren't making a difference. Welcome to the world. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003747_1 Irritated that the player is being a wimp about things
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01A She's here, but you never told me this meant kidnapping. What's important is that the kid is here now, and we can move on to the last part of the plan. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003747_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01A She's here, but you never told me this meant kidnapping. That's just a simple matter of letting the Trogs overrun Haven and take care of the bosses for us. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003747_3 Happy and slightly gleeful at the prospect
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01B DLC01WernherPathB01B It's here and safe. How's this going to put me in charge of The Pitt? Think of it as clearing the stage. The cure in this brat's genes is the only thing worth keeping, and now we can wipe that hellhole clean. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_0000374F_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01B DLC01WernherPathB01B It's here and safe. How's this going to put me in charge of The Pitt? And that takes us to the last part of the plan: letting the Trogs overrun Uptown, killing every last bastard in there. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_0000374F_1
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01B DLC01WernherPathB01B It's here and safe. How's this going to put me in charge of The Pitt? Leaving you to take Ashur's place. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_0000374F_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01B DLC01WernherPathB01B The baby's here, and she's safe. How will this help the slaves? It means that we can study Ashur's bastard, and once we dig the cure out of it, make sure that we all get the treatment. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003750_1
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01B DLC01WernherPathB01B The baby's here, and she's safe. How will this help the slaves? But more importantly, it means we're ready for the last part of the plan - letting the Trogs overrun Uptown and wipe out the bosses. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003750_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01B DLC01WernherPathB01B The baby's here, and she's safe. How will this help the slaves? Leaving the slaves free, and turning the bosses into Trog food! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003750_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01B DLC01WernherPathB01B I've got it here, safe and sound. Now, where's my reward? Hold on, there. Sure, you brought Ashur's spawn, so the tough part's over. But there's one last bit of housekeeping to take care of. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003751_1
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01B DLC01WernherPathB01B I've got it here, safe and sound. Now, where's my reward? We let the Trogs overrun Uptown, and there won't be any bosses left to get in our way. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003751_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB01B DLC01WernherPathB01B I've got it here, safe and sound. Now, where's my reward? Leaving you in control of the city, and with the appreciation of many grateful ex-slaves. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00003751_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB02A Sounds good. Let's finish this. That's the spirit. Just stick with the plan, and everything'll work out fine. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039AA_1
Topic DLC01WernherPathB02A Sounds good. Let's finish this. Only thing that's left is to finally wipe out all the bastards in Uptown. And that honor falls to you. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039AA_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB02B That wasn't the deal, Wernher. I'm having second thoughts about all of this. Oh, sure. You'll just march back to Ashur and his venomous little wifey, and say, "Sorry I stole your firstborn. My mistake!" DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039BD_1
Topic DLC01WernherPathB02B That wasn't the deal, Wernher. I'm having second thoughts about all of this. You're in it this far, it's easier to follow through than it is to back out. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039BD_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB03A Sure, fine, whatever. Let's get this over with. That's the spirit. Nobody likes a quitter. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039BA_1 Talking up the player's nerve
Topic DLC01WernherPathB03A Sure, fine, whatever. Let's get this over with. In fact, now comes the fun part: we wipe out all of those bastards in Uptown! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039BA_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB03B He'd forgive me if I put an end to you. And I intend to. I guess you're right, since I already killed his wife. See? You're stuck on this path, pal. Might as well see it through to the end. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039DA_1
Topic DLC01WernherPathB03B He'd forgive me if I put an end to you. And I intend to. I guess you're right, since I already killed his wife. In fact, now comes the fun part: we wipe out all of those bastards in Uptown! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039DA_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB03B He'd forgive me if I put an end to you. And I intend to. You cowardly little shit! You're afraid to get your hands dirty, so you'll go crawling back to Ashur for forgiveness? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039DB_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB03B He'd forgive me if I put an end to you. And I intend to. And after all this work, you're going to turn around and betray me? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039DB_1 Emphasis on "you're going to betray ME?", suggesting that he was going to betray the player
Topic DLC01WernherPathB03B He'd forgive me if I put an end to you. And I intend to. You know, I already have everything I need from you. So, you're expendable. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_000039DB_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04A How am I supposed to do that? Simple: get someone else to do it for you. And there's a whole city full of Trogs hungry to do the job. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F3A_1
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04A How am I supposed to do that? The only thing keeping them out of Uptown are those floodlights. And I know where you can shut those off. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F3A_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04A How am I supposed to do that? Shut off Uptown's lights, and the Trogs'll sweep in to take care of the rest. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F3A_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04B Sounds like fun. Let me at 'em! Whoa, there! Sweet as the thought is, you can't just kill 'em all yourself! You're just one man. You might miss a few! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F36_1 Bloodthirsty, but playing the last line as a joke.
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04B Sounds like fun. Let me at 'em! But there's an army of Trogs out there, hungry to get in. And the only thing holding them back are those floodlights. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F36_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04B Sounds like fun. Let me at 'em! Shut off Uptown's lights, and the Trogs'll take care of the rest. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F36_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04B Sounds like fun. Let me at 'em! Whoa, there! Sweet as the thought is, you can't just walk through and throttle each one by hand. You're just one girl. You might miss a few! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F37_1 Bloodthirsty, but playing the last line as a joke.
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04B Sounds like fun. Let me at 'em! But there's an army of Trogs out there, hungry to get in. And the only thing holding them back are those floodlights. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F37_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04B Sounds like fun. Let me at 'em! Shut off Uptown's lights, and the Trogs'll take care of the rest. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F37_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04C I could have sworn I killed most of them. Is this really necessary? I wiped out a lot of them, already. Isn't the job already done? You cocky bastard. Think you killed all of Ashur's little psychos? No way! Not even close! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_0000A858_1 Amused at the player's arrogance
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04C I could have sworn I killed most of them. Is this really necessary? I wiped out a lot of them, already. Isn't the job already done? Any given day, most of them are out on raids, or trying to push further into the city. Now there's trouble, they'll be rushing back, guns blazing. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_0000A858_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB04C I could have sworn I killed most of them. Is this really necessary? I wiped out a lot of them, already. Isn't the job already done? No, the only way to put an end to their kind is to destroy their home and salt the fucking earth. Give uptown back to the Trogs! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_0000A858_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05A And how am I supposed to get out of there? Sounds dangerous. How about helping a lady out? Sorry, doll, but I'll be busy setting everything up with the squirt, here. But for you, I guess I can spare a few supplies. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F38_1
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05A And how am I supposed to get out of there? Sounds dangerous. How about helping a lady out? You can get to the power plant from a manhole down in the Steelyard. Near the train tracks -- you can't miss it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F38_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05A And how am I supposed to get out of there? Sounds dangerous. How about helping a lady out? Head down there, find the floodlight controls, and turn off Uptown's floodlights. I'll meet you back Downtown. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F38_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05A And how am I supposed to get out of there? Sounds dangerous. How about helping a lady out? And here, take this - you'll want to stay hidden when the Trogs come. Now get moving! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F38_4
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05A And how am I supposed to get out of there? My advice? Keep running until you're in Downtown, and don't look back! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F39_1
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05A And how am I supposed to get out of there? Now, you can get to the power plant from a manhole down in the Steelyard. Near the train tracks -- you can't miss it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F39_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05A And how am I supposed to get out of there? Head down there. find the floodlight controls, and turn off Uptown's floodlights. I'll meet you back Downtown. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F39_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05A And how am I supposed to get out of there? And here, take this - you'll want to stay hidden when the Trogs come. Now get moving! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F39_4
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05B Sounds like a plan. How do I kill the lights? You can get to the power plant from a manhole down in the Steelyard. It's near the train tracks -- you can't miss it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F35_2
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05B Sounds like a plan. How do I kill the lights? Head down there and find the floodlight controls. Turn off Uptown's floodlights, and I'll meet you back in Downtown's Market Square. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F35_3
Topic DLC01WernherPathB05B Sounds like a plan. How do I kill the lights? And here, take this - you'll want to stay hidden when those Trogs start swarming. Now get moving! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherPat_00007F35_4
Conversation DLC01WernherRaiderAmbush1 DLC01WernherRaiderAmbush1 Hey, hey! What are you guys doing here? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRai_00002E3B_1
Conversation DLC01WernherRaiderAmbush3 DLC01WernherRaiderAmbush3 Yeah? Well, I guess that's the difference between us. I have a lot of guts. You don't. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRai_00002E3C_1
Topic DLC01WernherReward01A As long as the slaves are free and Marie is safe. Yeah, yeah, everybody's happy. Midea says she'll take care of the kid, when she's not too busy with everything else. Don't worry about it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_000039B9_1 Uninterested in the kid.
Topic DLC01WernherReward01A As long as the slaves are free and Marie is safe. We cut a few corners on researching the brat, so we've already got something good to keep down the rads. It's on the house. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_000039B9_2
Topic DLC01WernherReward01A As long as the slaves are free and Marie is safe. But the real wealth of the city is in that steel mill. You'll have access to the ammo press in there, so go nuts. You earned it, kid. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_000039B9_3
Topic DLC01WernherReward01B I expect my reward, now. Keep your shirt on, I'm getting to that! And I promise, you're getting plenty! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA92_1
Topic DLC01WernherReward01B I expect my reward, now. We cut a few corners on researching the brat, so we've already got something good to keep down the rads. It's on the house. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA92_2
Topic DLC01WernherReward01B I expect my reward, now. But the real wealth of the city is in that steel mill. You'll have access to the ammo press in there, so go nuts. You earned it, kid. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA92_3
Topic DLC01WernherReward01C That leaves me as the new Lord of The Pitt. Yeah, but it's gonna take work to clean up after the riots. I can take care of the day-to-day stuff - you just reap the benefits, huh? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA95_1 Wernher just likes being effectively in charge of The Pitt, and is basically buying off the player
Topic DLC01WernherReward01C That leaves me as the new Lord of The Pitt. We cut a few corners on researching the brat, so we've already got something good to keep down the rads. It's on the house. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA95_2
Topic DLC01WernherReward01C That leaves me as the new Lord of The Pitt. But the real wealth of the city is in that steel mill. You'll have access to the ammo press in there, so go nuts. You earned it, kid. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA95_3
Topic DLC01WernherReward2A So, what do I do, now? Whatever you want, boss. I'll be whipping folks back into shape, and Midea's keeping an eye on the brat, so you can come and go as you like. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA94_1
Topic DLC01WernherReward2A So, what do I do, now? But if you want, you could keep collecting steel from the Steelyard. Most folks can't handle it, and the foreman would see you get a reward. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA94_2
Topic DLC01WernherReward2A So, what do I do, now? And if you really care, Midea said she's looking for toys for the brat. I guess if you find anything, you could bring them to her. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA94_3 Doesn't like the kid
Topic DLC01WernherReward2A So, what do I do, now? But that's only if you give a shit. If it were just me, I'd just keep drinking 'till the booze runs out. So live it up! DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA94_4
Topic DLC01WernherReward2B So I freed the slaves. Why isn't everyone cheering? It's not that easy. This is still our home, and there's still lots of work to be done. Killing Ashur is just the first step. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA93_1
Topic DLC01WernherReward2B So I freed the slaves. Why isn't everyone cheering? But if you want, you could keep collecting steel from the Steelyard. Most folks can't handle it, and the foreman would see you get a reward. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA93_2
Topic DLC01WernherReward2B So I freed the slaves. Why isn't everyone cheering? And if you really care, Midea said she's looking for toys for the brat. I guess if you find anything, you could bring them to her. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA93_3 Doesn't like the kid
Topic DLC01WernherReward2B So I freed the slaves. Why isn't everyone cheering? But don't you worry about it all. I'll be here to take care of the getting the city back into shape. You just bask in the glory, huh? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherRew_0000AA93_4
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69A_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? We only have enough supplies for two. He's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69A_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Besides, we don't need some greaser tagging along with us. He'll only get in the way. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69A_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69B_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? We only have enough supplies for two. He's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69B_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Besides, we don't need a... uhm... whatever he is tagging along with us. He'll only draw attention. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69B_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69C_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? We only have enough supplies for two. She's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69C_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Besides, we don't need some diseased whore tagging along with us. She'll only get in the way. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69C_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Relax. It's not about you. It's about your dog. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69D_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? We only have enough supplies for two. He's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69D_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Besides, we don't need some filthy mutt tagging along with us. He'll only get in the way. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69D_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69E_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? We only have enough supplies for two. He's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69E_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Besides, we don't need a... uhm... whatever he is tagging along with us. He'll only draw attention. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69E_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69F_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? We only have enough supplies for two. He's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69F_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Besides, we don't need some burnt out old loser tagging along. He'll only slow us down. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A69F_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... robot DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A0_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? We're not going to be able to keep him maintained while we're on the road. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A0_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Besides, we don't need some bucket of bolts tagging along. He'll only get in the way. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A0_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A1_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? We only have enough supplies for two. She's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A1_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1 Oh, good. I love surprises. What is it? Besides, this might turn ugly. We don't need some do-gooder slowing us down. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A1_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1a If that's how it has to be, I understand. Yeah. That's the way it is. You can hook up with her again when you get back. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A698_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1a If that's how it has to be, I understand. Now c'mon. Let's get going. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A698_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1a If that's how it has to be, I understand. Yeah. That's the way it is. You can hook up with him again when you get back. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A699_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1a If that's how it has to be, I understand. Now c'mon. Let's get going. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A699_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1b You're sure he can't come? You're sure she can't come? Yeah. I'm sure. You can hook up with her again when you get back. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6B0_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1b You're sure he can't come? You're sure she can't come? Now c'mon. Let's get going. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6B0_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1b You're sure he can't come? Yeah, I'm sure. You can hook up with him again when you get back. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6B1_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower1b You're sure he can't come? Now c'mon. Let's get going. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6B1_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A2_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. We only have enough supplies for two. He's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A2_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Besides, we don't need some greaser tagging along with us. He'll only get in the way. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A2_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A3_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. We only have enough supplies for two. He's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A3_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Besides, we don't need a... uhm... whatever he is tagging along with us. He'll only draw attention. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A3_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A4_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. We only have enough supplies for two. She's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A4_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Besides, we don't need some diseased whore tagging along with us. She'll only get in the way. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A4_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Relax. It's not about you. It's about your dog. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A5_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. We only have enough supplies for two. He's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A5_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Besides, we don't need come filthy mutt tagging along with us. He'll only get in the way. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A5_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A6_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. We only have enough supplies for two. He's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A6_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Besides, we don't need a... uhm... whatever he is tagging along with us. He'll only draw attention. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A6_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A7_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. We only have enough supplies for two. He's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A7_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Besides, we don't need some burnt out old loser tagging along. He'll only slow us down. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A7_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A8_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. We won't be able to maintain him on the road. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A8_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Besides, we don't need some bucket of bolts tagging along. He'll only get in the way. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A8_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Relax. It's not about you. It's about your... companion. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A9_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. We only have enough supplies for two. She's gonna have to stay behind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A9_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt100GreetingFollower2 This doesn't sound good. Besides, this might turn ugly. We don't need some do-gooder slowing us down. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A6A9_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt150Greeting1 You sure I can't sneak a weapon in? Well... you might be able to get a small gun or a knife past them if you conceal it just right. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A823_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt150Greeting1 You sure I can't sneak a weapon in? I can do that for you but I can't promise that they won't see it and just gun you down. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A823_2
Topic DLC01WernherSt150Greeting1 You sure I can't sneak a weapon in? You want the gun or the knife? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A823_3
Topic DLC01WernherSt150Greeting1a I'll take the gun. Okay. Here you go. Don't take it out until you get past the gate. You clear on what you need to do? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A81D_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt150Greeting1b Gimme the knife. Okay. Here you go. Don't take it out until you get past the gate. You clear on what you need to do? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A825_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt150Greeting1c Nevermind. I'm fine without it. Yeah, probably for the best. Are you clear on what you need to do? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A81E_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt150Greeting2 Get in. Find Midea. Got it. That's it. Good luck. We're counting on you. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A820_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt150Greeting3 Yeah, but I don't think I trust you. It's a bit too late for that now, isn't it? Either way, good luck. We're counting on you. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt1_0000A822_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt90Greeting1 Ah! Where did you come from? I followed you. I've gotten very good at staying out of sight when I don't want to be seen. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt9_0000A6AA_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt90Greeting2 I had a couple of questions first. Oh yeah? What is it? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt9_0000A6B2_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt90Greeting3 All right, I'll meet you over by the tunnel. Whatever you say, hero. Just don't take too long. We need to get started. This ain't a short trip. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt9_0000A6AC_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt90Greeting3 All right, I'll meet you over by the tunnel. Go shopping if you need to, but don't take too long, Moneybags. We need to get started. This ain't a short trip. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt9_0000A6AD_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt90Greeting3 All right, I'll meet you over by the tunnel. Don't take too long, Joker. We need to get started. This ain't a short trip. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt9_0000A6AE_1
Topic DLC01WernherSt90Greeting3 All right, I'll meet you over by the tunnel. Just don't take too long. We need to get started. This ain't a short trip. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherSt9_0000A6AF_1
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes What do we need to do first? Well, you might try a disguise. They probably won't let some random armed Waster past the gates. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BC2_1
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes What do we need to do first? But if you look like one of the working stiffs, you should be able to slip in with no problem. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BC2_2
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes What do we need to do first? Lucky for us, a group of Slavers is nearby waiting to make a sale. You should be able to get one off of them. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BC2_3
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes What do we need to do first? They're off to the west, near the tunnel that leads to The Pitt. That should be our first move. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BC2_4
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes What do we need to do first? It looks like you've already got a set of Slave Clothes to disguise yourself with. Good. That'll make things easier. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BC3_1
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes What do we need to do first? I'll meet you up by the tunnel that leads to The Pitt. You go get whatever you'll need for the trip. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BC3_2
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes What do we need to do first? Make sure you're prepared. It's a long trip and you won't be back here for a while. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BC3_3
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes1 Yeah, a disguise is a good idea. I'll do that. Okay. You go get the outfit. I'll stay here and meet up with you when it's done. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_0000A824_1
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes1 Yeah, a disguise is a good idea. I'll do that. I'll meet you up by the tunnel that leads to The Pitt. You go get whatever you'll need for the trip. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_0000A824_2
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes1 Yeah, a disguise is a good idea. I'll do that. You won't be coming back here for a while, so keep that in mind. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_0000A824_3
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes2 Disguise or not, I should rescue those slaves. Whatever. Just get the outfit off of one of them while you're playing hero. I'll stay here and meet up with you when it's done. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_0000A821_1
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes2 Disguise or not, I should rescue those slaves. Then we'll head out to The Pitt. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_0000A821_2
Topic DLC01WernherTaskAcceptYes3 I don't need a disguise. I'll find a way in. Hrm. Well... that's not the best idea, but at this point, I'm pretty much out of options, so if that's how it has to be... DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_0000A81F_1
Topic DLC01WernherTaskQuestions1 What's your goal? The city is controlled by a man named Ashur. He's powerful. No one there dares go against him. No one except me. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BA9_3
Topic DLC01WernherTaskQuestions1 What's your goal? I need you to sneak into The Pitt and find a way to get close enough to him to steal the cure. Nothing to it, right? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BA9_1
Topic DLC01WernherTaskQuestions2 Why can't you do it? They know that I know about the cure. All of them will be looking for me by now. That's why those guys came all the way here. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BA8_1
Topic DLC01WernherTaskQuestions2 Why can't you do it? I came here because I needed an outsider. Someone like you, who has the strength to pull off what I need. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BA8_2
Topic DLC01WernherTaskQuestions3 What am I trying to get? It's the key to a cure for the mutations. Everyone in The Pitt is mutated in some way. Some are just sick, some are... worse. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BA6_1
Topic DLC01WernherTaskQuestions3 What am I trying to get? The bosses have the key to the cure. With it, we can take control of the city and free my people. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTas_00002BA6_2
Topic DLC01WernherTLCurrentTask What do you need me to do? I need to you find a Slave Outfit so we can sneak you into The Pitt. I had to ditch mine whenever I ran for it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLC_00005FA8_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLCurrentTask What do you need me to do? I spied on a group of Slavers nearby. They're waiting to make a sale to some guys from The Pitt. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLC_00005FA8_2
Topic DLC01WernherTLCurrentTask What do you need me to do? Do whatever you have to, but get a Slave Outfit from them. We don't have much time. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLC_00005FA8_3
Topic DLC01WernherTLCurrentTask What do you need me to do? Gather what supplies you'll need and meet me at the first tunnel to The Pitt. You'll never find your way there without me to guide you. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLC_000073B2_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLGoodbye I have to go. Good. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLG_00005FA5_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeople Tell me about your people. The city is built on the backs of slaves. We're diseased, and suffering. What else do you want to know? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B7_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeople Tell me about your people. What else do you want to know? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_0000A379_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleAshur Who's in charge of The Pitt? He's a guy named Ashur. I don't know where he came from, but he's strong enough that he keeps all the other bosses in line. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B3_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleAshur Who's in charge of The Pitt? The bosses, well... they're a ragtag group of vicious little fucks. But they have the guns and the power. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B3_2
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleAshur Who's in charge of The Pitt? Ashur keeps them from killing each other, and keeps them forcing us to work. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B3_3
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleEND Let's talk about something else. You got it, Hero. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073C3_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleEND Let's talk about something else. Whatever you say, Joker. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073C4_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleEND Let's talk about something else. Whatever you say, Moneybags. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073C5_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleEND Let's talk about something else. You got it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073C6_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleMidea Is there anyone helping you free your people? Midea. She's another slave, like me. She's helping to organize them. She'll know when it's time. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073AE_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleMoreInfo Where do your people come from? Some of us are native to The Pitt, most of us are, really. People sometimes have kids before the sickness takes them. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B4_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleMoreInfo Where do your people come from? But the need for slaves has gotten bigger. Ashur's started importing them. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B4_2
Topic DLC01WernherTLPeopleMoreInfo Where do your people come from? Ever wonder why there are so many Slavers, but you hardly see any slaves? The Slaver operation in this area has been supplying The Pitt. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B4_3
Topic DLC01WernherTLPitt Tell me about The Pitt. What do you want to know about it? DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_00005FA2_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittCure What happens to people who get sick? It's hard to describe. It's nasty. And it affects everyone a little differently. But the longer you're there, the more it gets you. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B1_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittCure What happens to people who get sick? Some just get sick and die. Others go crazy, completely psycho. They live out in the city. We call 'em "Wildmen". DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B1_2
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittCure What happens to people who get sick? And the worst... well... just hope you never have to see 'em. They turn into animals. They forget who they are. They just eat, sleep, fuck, and kill. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B1_3
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittCure What happens to people who get sick? But this cure, maybe it can stop all that. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073B1_4
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittEND Let's talk about something else. You got it, Hero. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073CC_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittEND Let's talk about something else. Whatever you say, Joker. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073CD_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittEND Let's talk about something else. Whatever you say, Moneybags. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073CE_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittEND Let's talk about something else. You got it. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073CF_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittHistory How did the city get started? After the war, the place just turns into a shithole. The buildings start falling over and the sickness makes people just turn on each other. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_00002BA5_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittHistory How did the city get started? Some of them... change. They lose any sense of who they are. They just go around killing and fucking and eating. Like animals, man. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_00002BA5_2
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittHistory How did the city get started? Some people are still okay, but just... I don't know. Anyway, about 30 years ago, those Brotherhood guys come in and wipe the place out. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_00002BA5_3
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittHistory How did the city get started? They kill all of these sick fucks. Anything that looks like it's going to fight -- Bam! Then they take whatever they were looking for and leave. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_00002BA5_4
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittHScourge Tell me about what the Brotherhood did. Well, as bad as The Pitt is, it used to be worse. Much worse. It was complete chaos. Every man for himself. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073AF_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittHScourge Tell me about what the Brotherhood did. About the time I was born, those Brotherhood guys swept through the place. Killed anything that put up a fight. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073AF_2
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittHScourge Tell me about what the Brotherhood did. More'n half the place was dead by the time they were done. It was a slaughter. But they got the worst of the worst. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073AF_3
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittHScourge Tell me about what the Brotherhood did. If it weren't for the Brotherhood sweeping the place, I doubt Ashur would have been able to get control of as much as he has. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_000073AF_4
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittProblems Who lives there? The city is built on the backs of slaves. My people. We're diseased, and suffering. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_00005F9F_1
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittProblems Who lives there? They've restarted the steel mills there. They have us breaking down metal and reforging it. No one knows why. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_00005F9F_2
Topic DLC01WernherTLPittProblems Who lives there? But the guy in charge, Ashur, you can damn well bet your life that he has a plan. DLC01Quest_DLC01WernherTLP_00005F9F_3
Combat FireExplosive FireExplosive Get down! DLC01Generic_FireExplosive_0000800C_1 Shouting a warning.
Combat FireExplosive FireExplosive Duck! DLC01Generic_FireExplosive_0000800D_1 Shouting a warning.
Combat FireExplosive FireExplosive It's gonna blow! DLC01Generic_FireExplosive_0000800E_1 Shouting a warning.
Combat FireExplosive FireExplosive Grenade! DLC01Generic_FireExplosive_0000800F_1 Shouting a warning.
Combat Flee Flee Help! DLC01Generic_Flee_00008008_1 Fleeing in terror.
Combat Flee Flee I'm out of here! DLC01Generic_Flee_00008009_1 Fleeing in terror.
Combat Flee Flee Run for it! DLC01Generic_Flee_0000800A_1 Fleeing in terror.
Combat Flee Flee We're outnumbered! DLC01Generic_Flee_0000800B_1 Fleeing in terror.
Topic RCTopicPaulieAddict Did you know that Paulie Cantelli is an addict? He's totally strung out. It's going to kill him one of these days. DialogueRi_RCTopicPaulieAd_00095A92_1
Topic SpeechChallengeFailure SpeechChallengeFailure No, I don't think so. You may not have the guts to change The Pitt, but I sure do. DLC01Quest_SpeechChallenge_00003746_1
Combat Steal Steal You stole that! DLC01Generic_Steal_00007FC9_1
Combat Steal Steal I saw you take that. DLC01Generic_Steal_00007FCA_1
Combat Steal Steal Thieving bastard. DLC01Generic_Steal_00007FCB_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. We're counting on you. DLC01Quest01_GOODBYE_00003A3E_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. I'll go put out those lights. Good luck down there. DLC01Quest03_GOODBYE_000039DC_1
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Don't forget to spread the word about The Pitt! Seriously, we could really use more people. DLC01Quest03fin_GOODBYE_0000B3BB_1 Cheerful at first, then serious
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. Don't you worry about a thing. I've got everything under control! DLC01Quest03fin_GOODBYE_0000B3BC_1 Untrustworthy
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. You just wait, we'll whip The Pitt back into shape! DLC01Quest03fin_GOODBYE_0000B3BD_1 Untrustworthy
Conversation GOODBYE I have to go now. We're slaves. DLC01Dialo_GOODBYE_000045A4_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Thank you for your help with those guys. They finally tracked me down... I thought I'd have more time. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00003A40_1
Topic GREETING GREETING You've come about the broadcast, right? Risky, I know. But it had to be done. So you know who I am. Who are you? DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00003A40_2
Topic GREETING GREETING You could have at least helped me with with those guys. They finally tracked me down... I thought I'd have more time. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_000054E8_1
Topic GREETING GREETING You've come about the broadcast, right? Risky, I know. But it had to be done. So you know who I am. Who are you? DLC01Quest01_GREETING_000054E8_2
Topic GREETING GREETING I'm going to stay here and prepare. If they already found me, they'll be back again. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00002BCF_1
Topic GREETING GREETING If they already found me, they'll be back again. We need to get going! DLC01Quest01_GREETING_000073D5_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Did you get the slave clothes already? DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00005FA9_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Did you get the slave clothes yet? C'mon! Time is short! DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00005FAA_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Alright! You got a disguise. Good. Good. We're ready to head out. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00002BD0_2
Topic GREETING GREETING I'll meet you up by the tunnel that leads to The Pitt. You go get whatever you'll need for the trip. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00002BD0_3
Topic GREETING GREETING This is as far as I can go. It's up to you from here on out. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00002E3E_1
Topic GREETING GREETING If you dress up like a slave, you should be able to get past the gates without a problem. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00002E3E_6
Topic GREETING GREETING Once you're inside, find a slave named Midea. She'll be able to help you. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00002E3E_5
Topic GREETING GREETING Remember: your goal is to get access to Ashur and find the cure. After you have it, I'll contact you. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00002E3E_4
Topic GREETING GREETING This is as far as I can go. It's up to you from here on out. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000A826_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Don't expect to take anything you have in with you. They'll strip you clean, but I'll find a way to get your things back to you. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000A826_3
Topic GREETING GREETING Once you're inside, find a slave named Midea. She'll be able to help you. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000A826_5
Topic GREETING GREETING Remember: your goal is to get access to Ashur and find the cure. After you have it, I'll contact you. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000A826_4
Topic GREETING GREETING Before we go, there's one last thing. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000632B_1
Topic GREETING GREETING It'll be a long trip. Let's get going. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000A6AB_1
Topic GREETING GREETING If you're ready, just jump on the cart. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000632C_1
Topic GREETING GREETING The first junction is just down this tunnel. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000632D_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Get what supplies you need and meet me at the tunnel. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000632E_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I'll meet you at the tunnel. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00006157_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Get to the tunnel. I'll meet you there. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00006158_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Head into The Pitt and find the cure. Remember: put the slave clothes on and stash your stuff if you can. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00002E3F_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Head to The Pitt. There isn't much time. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_00006159_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Time's wasting. If you don't get that cure soon, we'll lose our chance. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000615A_1
Topic GREETING GREETING We've got to keep moving. There's no time. DLC01Quest01_GREETING_0000B66E_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I get it! I'm leaving, okay? DLC01Quest03_GREETING_00002E6F_1 Harassed and angry
Topic GREETING GREETING Quick, while the guards are busy, go shut off the power! DLC01Quest03_GREETING_000039EB_1 Harassed and angry
Topic GREETING GREETING Nice work, pal! When I saw those lights go down, I swear I heard the Trogs laughing. DLC01Quest03_GREETING_000039C6_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I think I speak for all of the ex-slaves here when I say good riddance to those bastards, may they rot in a glowing grave. DLC01Quest03_GREETING_000039C6_2
Topic GREETING GREETING Ah, you finally made it. I've got everything ready and there are plenty of tests to run, so hurry up and put the brat... DLC01Quest03_GREETING_00002A0A_1 In a hurry, but slowly realizing the player doesn't have the baby he's waiting for.
Topic GREETING GREETING ... wait. Where's the cure? Did you lose it? Where is that little bastard? DLC01Quest03_GREETING_00002A0A_2 Confused, and then angry at the player's incompetence
Topic GREETING GREETING Ah, you finally made it. I've got everything ready and there are plenty of tests to run, so hurry up and put the brat in the crib. DLC01Quest03_GREETING_00002E6E_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Looking sharp in that suit, pal! Glad I wasn't there when you pried it off old Ashur, though. Bet it smelled like a sack full of dog asses. DLC01Quest03fin_GREETING_0000738A_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Now that Ashur's gone, there's gonna be some changes around here, believe me. DLC01Quest03fin_GREETING_00007389_1 Pleased with himself, a little ominous
Topic GREETING GREETING How's it going? Don't mind the mess, we're still rebuilding, y'know. DLC01Quest03fin_GREETING_0000B3C1_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Hey, take a load off! What's on your mind? DLC01Quest03fin_GREETING_0000738B_1
Topic GREETING GREETING You're new here, aren't you? Just stay clear of the smelt. DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051A6_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Don't trust Brand. DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051A7_1
Topic GREETING GREETING The more we work, the less attention the bosses pay to what Marco is up to. DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051A8_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I'd rather be out in the yard breaking steel. DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051A9_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Christ, it's hot in here. DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051AA_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I wish they'd just kill me and get it over with. DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051AB_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I'm about to fall over... DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051AC_1 Completely exhausted.
Topic GREETING GREETING I just want a break... DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051AD_1
Topic GREETING GREETING What? Don't sneak up on me like that. I'm working here! DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051AE_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Watch yourself in here. It's dangerous. DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051AF_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Don't let them see us talking! DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051B0_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Get back to your job! DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051B1_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Why are you walking around? Don't you have an assignment? DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051B2_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Eyes front! Do your work! DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051B3_1
Topic GREETING GREETING We can't talk out in the open! You know that! DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051B4_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Get away from me! Go back to work! DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051B5_1
Topic GREETING GREETING What? No! Just get back to work! DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051B6_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Are you crazy? Work! Don't talk. DLC01Dialo_GREETING_000051B7_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Jump on the cart. I'm right behind you. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_0000086C_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO You made it. Are you about ready to go? DLC01Quest01_HELLO_00006328_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO If you're ready, just jump on the cart. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_00006329_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO The tunnel isn't far from here. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_00007D65_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO There's not a lot of time. Get yourself ready and meet me at the tunnel. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_00007D66_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO C'mon. We have to get to the tunnel. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_00007D67_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Go! The slavers might not be there long! DLC01Quest01_HELLO_0000A65F_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO We don't have a lot of time, get over to that slaver outpost. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_0000A660_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Hurry up and get that slave outfit. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_0000A661_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO You got 'em, right? DLC01Quest01_HELLO_0000A662_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO You look like someone who's had a run in with slavers. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_0000A663_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO You got the clothes, didn't you? DLC01Quest01_HELLO_0000A664_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Watch yourself in there. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_0000A665_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO I won't lie, it'll be rough in there. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_0000A666_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO Good luck. DLC01Quest01_HELLO_0000A667_1
Conversation HELLO HELLO DLC01DialogDowntown_HELLO_0000459F_1 Silence.
Conversation HELLO HELLO <coughing> DLC01DialogDowntown_HELLO_000051D0_1 A thick cough, choked from the air of a steel mill.
Conversation HELLO HELLO <coughing> DLC01DialogDowntown_HELLO_000051D1_1 A thick cough, choked from the air of a steel mill.
Conversation HELLO HELLO <coughing> DLC01DialogDowntown_HELLO_000051D2_1 A thick cough, choked from the air of a steel mill.
Conversation HELLO HELLO <cough> DLC01DialogDowntown_HELLO_000051D3_1 A single thick cough, choked from the air of a steel mill.
Conversation HELLO HELLO <cough> DLC01DialogDowntown_HELLO_000051D4_1 A single thick cough, choked from the air of a steel mill.
Conversation HELLO HELLO <clears throat> DLC01DialogDowntown_HELLO_000051D5_1 Choked from the air of a steel mill.
Conversation HELLO HELLO <clears throat> DLC01DialogDowntown_HELLO_000051D6_1 Choked from the air of a steel mill.
Conversation HELLO HELLO <grumbles> DLC01DialogDowntown_HELLO_000051D7_1 Stiff from a hard days work in the mill.
Conversation HELLO HELLO <grumbles> DLC01DialogDowntown_HELLO_000051D8_1 Stiff from a hard days work in the mill.
Combat Hit Hit Ahh! DLC01Generic_Hit_00008021_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Ahh! DLC01Generic_Hit_00008022_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Ahh! DLC01Generic_Hit_00008023_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Ugh! DLC01Generic_Hit_00008024_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Ugh! DLC01Generic_Hit_00008025_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Ugh! DLC01Generic_Hit_00008026_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Oof! DLC01Generic_Hit_00008027_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Oof! DLC01Generic_Hit_00008028_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Oof! DLC01Generic_Hit_00008029_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Arg! DLC01Generic_Hit_0000802A_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Arg! DLC01Generic_Hit_0000802B_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Arg! DLC01Generic_Hit_0000802C_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Ahh! DLC01Generic_Hit_0000802D_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Ahh! DLC01Generic_Hit_0000802E_1 A cry of pain.
Combat Hit Hit Ahh! DLC01Generic_Hit_0000802F_1 A cry of pain.