The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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Weather monitoring station
Weather monitoring station
Icon building
The Fort loc
Part ofThe Fort
FactionsCaesar's Legion
Cell NameTheFortView (exterior)
FortificationHillWeatherStation (interior)
ref id000ddd08 (exterior)
0012428f (interior)
TerminalsBroken Terminal

The weather monitoring station is a location within The Fort, located behind Caesar's tent.


When you first enter the weather monitoring station, it will appear as a small square room, with an indent holding two desks and a broken terminal to the left. Further exploring the small room reveals a large control station to your right. If you hold the Platinum Chip, you can place it in the control station, and it will open up to large doors built into the right half of the floor. The doors open to a staircase, which you can take down into a circular room. The circular room has the Lucky 38 symbol upon a door at the far end. Entering will lead you to the Securitron vault.


The weather monitoring station appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.
