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This page is about the wasteland outfits as they appear in Fallout 3. For the wasteland outfits as they appear in Fallout: New Vegas, see Wasteland outfit.
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Wasteland outfit
Wasteland settler outfit
Icon wasteland wanderer outfit
Wasteland settler outfit
Wasteland outfit
DR2Item HP100
EffectsAG +1, EN +1
Wasteland outfits
Roving trader outfit
VariantsBrahmin-skin outfit
Settler outfit
Doctor fatigues
Surgeon outfit
Wanderer outfit
Roving trader outfit
base id00018de5 (brahmin-skin outfit)
0001cbdb (settler outfit)
000340fe (doctor fatigues)
000340ff (surgeon outfit)
0001ba00 (wanderer outfit)
0002b385 (roving trader outfit)
Wasteland hat
DR1Item HP10
EffectsPE +1 / none (biker goggles)
Ballcap with glasses
Biker goggles
Stormchaser hat
Kid's ballcap with glasses
Motorcycle helmet
Roving trader hat
base id00028ffa (ballcap with glasses)
0009b188 (biker goggles)
0009b189 (stormchaser hat)

Wasteland outfits are common outfits for wastelanders in Fallout 3.


Crudely made, they provide only the most basic protection and are easy to come by as they can be bought from several traders, can be found on many corpses or inside several homes throughout the Capital Wasteland, it can also be found on most Megaton Settlers.

Wasteland outfits can be repaired with brahmin-skin outfit, wasteland settler outfit, wasteland wanderer outfit, wasteland doctor fatigues, wasteland surgeon outfit and roving trader outfit. The matching headwear can only be repaired with other copies of the respective model.



Brahmin-skin outfit[]

A dirty off-white shirt with gray overalls, the brahmin-skin outfit consists of a crudely-stitched pair of suspended trousers, a patched shirt, hand-stitched leather boots, and brown arm wraps for the male variant They appear to have received only the most rudimentary treatment in tanning and tailoring. It is worn by some of the poorer wastelanders, and several named NPC's

Wasteland settler outfit[]

The settler outfit is a tattered, filthy tunic sewn together out of cloth and leather rags, with arm-wraps extending under the sleeves and a cloth waistband wrapped around the tunic, holding the pants in place. The shoes are held on with calf length leg-wraps running over the pant-legs. It is of very poor quality, and frequently worn by the homeless, beggars, and other impoverished wastelanders.

Wasteland wanderer outfit[]

The wasteland wanderer outfit is the best made out of the group, consisting of a pink leather short-sleeve zip-up hoodie over a cloth undershirt, with white cloth cargo pants and brown leather knee-high boots. It is a unisex outfit; with the female outfit differing from the male one by including a black undershirt instead of white, buckles instead of zippers on the boots, and haphazzard stitching on the hoodie and pants. It is most freequently worn by the "middle class" wastelanders.

Variants with different bonuses[]

Wasteland doctor fatigues[]

The wasteland doctor fatigues consist of a white blood-spattered sleeveless shirt for the female variant and a clean white T-shirt for the male variant, dark colored fatigue pants, a small satchel, a thin utility belt strapped with medial supplies, and hiking boots with a large metallic clasp around the ankle. It is worn by Doc Church, Cutter, Carl, and wasteland doctors. The outfit provides a bonus of +5 to Medicine.

Wasteland surgeon outfit[]

The wasteland surgeon outfit is a more blood-splattered version of the wasteland doctor fatigues, and is worn by Doctor Barrows, Nurse Graves, Ryan Brigg, Murphy, on William Brandice's corpse in Marigold Station, and wasteland doctors. The outfit also provides a bonus of +5 to Medicine.

Roving trader outfit[]

A large brown coat with many pockets and a few misc items on the back, with blue jeans. Also has a matching hat, which is a tan color with some covered biker goggles. It increases Barter by 5. worn by scavengers.


Ballcap with glasses[]

A ballcap which comes with a pair of glasses. This cannot be looted or worn in Fallout 3. It can be found and worn in Fallout: New Vegas, but does not count as glasses when considering the Four Eyes trait. The cap can be found on random wastelanders and occasionally on Traveling merchants.

Biker goggles[]

Biker goggles are made up of two clear glass lenses and are kept over the eyes with a leather strap.

Biker goggles are often found on raiders and wastelanders. They can also be bought readily from merchants that specialize in selling general goods(such as Moira Brown) and clothing(such as Crow). They very often can be easily obtained in perfect condition when purchased from vendors.

Stormchaser hat[]

Icon stormchaser hat

The stormchaser hat is a very common article of clothing sold randomly by most merchants, and worn by many wastelanders. When purchased from a vendor a stormchaser hat will usually be in perfect condition. It can also be combined with eyewear.

Variants with different stats[]


  • Nearly all wastelanders wear a variant of the wasteland outfit.
  • Variants can be bought from clothing stores.


It seems that the bonus to Agility is due to the outfit being very light and non-restrictive and the bonus to Endurance is a result of all that the wastelanders have to endure to live in the Capital Wasteland.

  • When either doctor outfit is equipped, the effect will be displayed as "Dr. Barrow's lab coat" in the Pip-Boy.
  • Wasteland doctor fatigues appear to be exactly the same clothing as that of the medical personnel in the U.S. Army, as shown in the Operation: Anchorage add-on.


  • When wearing the stormchaser hat with another in your inventory trying to wear the second will result in no change of hat, but when playing with the third person camera angle or using V.A.T.S your character will not have a head or any visible headgear on (glitch disappears when any equipment is changed).




Concept artwork[]

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