Crudely made, they provide only the most basic protection and are easy to come by as they can be bought from several traders, can be found on many corpses or inside several homes throughout the Mojave Wasteland.
Brahmin-skin outfit[]
A basic and common outfit of an off-white color with grey suspenders, commonly worn by poorer wastelanders and NPCs. The outfit doesn't adjust to the leg length of female players when looted off a male corpse or vice versa, therefore the pant legs appear rolled up or shorter on a female character than on male characters.
Wasteland wanderer outfit[]
Most people will use these simple clothes. It has a hood on top of the shirt, white pants and brown boots. You will find it on many of the people you meet in the wasteland.
Wasteland settler outfit[]
The settler outfit is makeshift clothing, crudely stitched together from fragments of leather, cloth, cardboard, held together with wires, shoelaces, tacks etc. It is very easy to make and thus popular among the homeless and other impoverished people inhabiting the wasteland (or insane rich people, such as No-Bark Noonan).
The wasteland legend outfit is almost identical to the merc veteran outfit, except for a neck band. It spawns randomly in lockers and footlockers and is sold by merchants.
Wasteland doctor fatigues[]
Wasteland doctor fatigues is a variant of the wasteland outfit with a bonus of +5 to Medicine instead of the usual one. The wasteland doctor fatigues consist of a white sleeveless shirt, a small bag and brown trousers with packs attached to the belt. Freeside thugs who are hostile to the player often wear the wasteland doctor fatigues
Wasteland surgeon outfit[]
The wasteland surgeon outfit is a bloodsplattered version of the wasteland doctor fatigues, also with a bonus of +5 to Medicine. Freeside thugs who are hostile to the player often wear the wasteland surgeon outfit.
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