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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Mister Handy
Biography and appearance
RaceMister Handy robot
AffiliationLone Wanderer
RolePersonal Robotic Butler
LocationMegaton, My Megaton house
Dialogue FileWadsworth's dialogue
QuestsThe Power of the Atom
Base ID0007f477Ref ID0008f6ae
ActorStephen Russell

Allow me to introduce myself. I am, Wadsworth, your personal robotic butler.

Wadsworth is the Lone Wanderer's personal Mister Handy butler in Megaton in Fallout 3.


When the resident of Megaton looks to RobCo Industries to furnish them with the finest in mechanized butlers, one admirable choice is the Wadsworth model. He is equipped with the latest in hair-cutting and “humor array” technologies, and the ability to keep a home looking shipshape and almost presentable.[1]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.

Other tasks include giving haircuts, handing out purified water (only five every week) and instruction on how to spruce up one's house.

Additionally, he will remind the Lone Wanderer when they are injured and when they should seek medical attention or utilize the infirmary. He can also instruct the Lone Wanderer on how to use the laboratory and workbench.


  • The Power of the Atom: After disarming the atomic bomb in the center of Megaton, the Lone Wanderer will receive the deed to a house, with Wadsworth already inside.


  • His counterpart in Tenpenny Tower is Godfrey.
  • If Wadsworth is ignored when greeting the Lone Wanderer, Wadsworth will mutter sarcastically (under his breath), i.e.: "How may I serve you, Master? (not that I really want to...)"

Notable quotes[]

  • "Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says, "Does this taste funny to you?""
  • "Two atoms are sitting in a bar. One says to the other, "I think I've lost an electron." The other asks "Are you sure?" To which the first replies, "I'm positive"."
  • "A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "How much for a drink?" To which the bartender replies, "For you, no charge!""
  • "I once visited a crematorium where they gave discounts to burn victims."
  • "I was going to attend the clairvoyant's meeting, but it was canceled due to unforeseen events."
  • "Photons have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic."
  • "It's common knowledge that irradiated cats have 18 half-lives."
  • "You know, the best contraceptive for old people is nudity."
[read more...]


Icon armored vault suit
Assault carbine icon
Mister Handy flamer
Mister Handy buzzsaw
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death


Wadsworth appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The joke, "War does not determine who is right - only who is left." is a quote from Bertrand Russell.
  • His name could be a reference to Tim Curry's character "Wadsworth The Butler" in the movie Clue. In the movie "Wadsworth" is a rather cynical butler with a distinctive English accent.


  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Sometimes Wadsworth will stay in the player's bedroom, or get stuck on the player's bed, preventing the player from entering and using their bed. Shooting Wadsworth only once may make him move to try and attack back, however quickly holstering the weapon will make him friendly again.
    • He can also become stuck at the top of the stairs, but in this case can usually be pushed out of the way without causing a fight.
  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Sometimes if the player is not aligned with Wadsworth's eyes while getting a haircut, half of players face will be cut off from the screen. Crouching may result in the screen showing the player's pelvic area.
    • Also, if the player is crouched while wearing the Chinese stealth armor, or gets their haircut with a Stealth Boy active, nothing will appear where the players face would be.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 When speaking with him, it is possible that the combination of the focus-changing animation and his movement may result in the PC occupying the same space as him.
  • If you kill Wadsworth, he will re-animate at a later date. Upon doing so, he could "straighten up" your house, resulting in loss of some items in your home, including items stored in lockers.
  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 If you quick save, disintegrate Wadsworth with a critical shot from a plasma weapon, and then reload, he will be reassembled with his body components randomly jumbled.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.102: "Wadsworth
    When the resident of Megaton looks to RobCo Industries to furnish them with the finest in mechanized butlers, one admirable choice is the Wadsworth model. With the latest in hair-cutting and "humor array" technologies (sample quip: "War does not determine who is right; only who is left"), and the ability to keep a home looking shipshape and almost presentable, your plastic pal is fun to be with."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)