The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
WRVR broadcast station
Fo4 WRVR BC377160 20180627201358 1
377160 20180627201415 1377160 20180627201424 1
Worldmap Loc Img 224
Map MarkerWRVR Broadcast Station
Cell NameWRVRBroadcastCenterExt
WRVRBroadcastCenter01 (interior)
ref id0000e5d8
0003f245 (interior)

The WRVR broadcast station is a location in the Commonwealth.


Before the Great War, WRVR broadcast to the Greater Boston area. However, the broadcast tower was build in close proximity to the military's relay tower 1DL-109, meaning the station broadcasts would experience interference if the military found it necessary to broadcast.[1]

Of course, with the war having been over for two centuries and radio interference a nonissue, the radio broadcast station has become home to the Charles River Trio (Anne Hargraves, George Cooper, and Rex Goodman), famous for their radio plays. Recently, one-third of the trio (Goodman) was taken hostage by super mutant at Trinity Tower, and his comrades have been concerned that he won't return to them in one piece, if at all.[2]


The entrance has little of note besides a desk and a few couches. Through the nearby door is the bathroom, a ladder to the roof, and a mixing booth. Through another door is the recording studio.


Notable loot[]

  • The Trim the Fat edition of Live & Love is on a table in the room between the recording studio and the entrance.
  • Notice to WRVR on the end of a desk in the equipment room.


WRVR broadcast station appears only in Fallout 4.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The general shape of the building as seen from the outside and the layout of the lobby bear a striking resemblance to the broadcast facility in the film UHF.
  • A real-life radio station exists with the call sign WRVR, however it is licensed to Memphis, Tennessee. Between 1961 and 1980 the calls were used in a station in New York City.


  1. Notice to WRVR
  2. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.356: "[5.08] WRVR BROADCAST STATION
    This local radio is home to the Charles River Trio and famous for their radio plays, though the third member of the group has gotten himself into a bit of a pickle. Listen to his panicked message and save him to help these folks out. Need a baseball bat? There’s one on the roof."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)