The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Veronica Santangelo's dialogue
Game Information
NPCVeronica Santangelo
WriterEric Fenstermaker[1]
Data FileFalloutNV.esm

Full dialogue table[]

Dialogue file
Topic FollowersWait Wait here. Shoulda brought something to read... VNPCFollow_FollowersWait_001586FD_1
Topic FollowersLetsGo Let's get going. Aw, just when the standing around was getting exciting. VNPCFollow_FollowersLetsGo_00166DAB_1 playful, not derisive.
Conversation VMS49HardinDiscussion1 VMS49HardinDiscussion1 Hardin. Er, {Correcting herself}Elder. I know why we're failing. VMS49_VMS49HardinDiscussio_0015D4AD_1
Conversation VMS49HardinDiscussion1 VMS49HardinDiscussion1 As long as we hide in here, ignoring the outside, our days are numbered. VMS49_VMS49HardinDiscussio_0015D4AF_1
Conversation VMS49HardinDiscussion1 VMS49HardinDiscussion1 {Skeptical}You do? VMS49_VMS49HardinDiscussio_0015D4B1_1
Conversation VMS49HardinDiscussion1 VMS49HardinDiscussion1 {Disbelieving}Strike? That's how we got into this problem in the first place. We can't beat these armies. VMS49_VMS49HardinDiscussio_0015D4B4_1
Conversation VMS49HardinDiscussion1 VMS49HardinDiscussion1 And the loss of HELIOS One says things are different now. VMS49_VMS49HardinDiscussio_0015D4B6_1
Conversation VMS49HardinDiscussion1 VMS49HardinDiscussion1 {Finishing someone else's sentence}Our arrogance would still have been our downfall. VMS49_VMS49HardinDiscussio_0015D4B8_1
Conversation VMS49HardinDiscussion1 VMS49HardinDiscussion1 Maybe it's time you start looking forward. VMS49_VMS49HardinDiscussio_0015D4BA_1
Conversation VMS49HardinDiscussion1 VMS49HardinDiscussion1 Let's go. We're wasting our time. VMS49_VMS49HardinDiscussio_0015D4BB_1
Topic FollowersOverburdened FollowersOverburdened Hey, I can't really move, now. But I'll follow you in spirit. VNPCFollow_FollowersOverbu_0015C23D_1
Combat Poisoned Poison I'm getting... woozy. VNPCFollowers_Poisoned_0015C238_1
Combat OnFire OnFire {On Fire} VNPCFollowers_OnFire_0015BCCD_1
Combat KOed KOed {KOed 1} VNPCFollowers_KOed_0015BCC7_1
Combat KOed KOed {KOed 2} VNPCFollowers_KOed_0015BCC8_1
Combat KOed KOed {KOed 3} VNPCFollowers_KOed_0015BCC9_1
Combat Crippled Crippled {Critically Injured}I'm gonna need some new limbs. VNPCFollowers_Crippled_0015C25A_1
Combat UsedDoctorBag UsedDoctorBag That's better. Maybe I should've been a surgeon. VNPCFollow_UsedDoctorBag_0015C241_1
Combat NoAmmo NoAmmo Spare some ammo? VNPCFollowers_NoAmmo_0015C23E_1
Combat WeaponIneffective WeaponIneffective Might as well be throwing rocks. VNPCFollow_WeaponIneffecti_0015EF47_1
Combat WeaponIneffective WeaponIneffective You got a bigger gun I can borrow? VNPCFollow_WeaponIneffecti_0015C260_1
Combat WeaponIneffective WeaponIneffective I'm not even making a dent with this. VNPCFollow_WeaponIneffecti_0015C261_1
Combat ArmorIneffective ArmorIneffective Got any armor with less holes in it for me? VNPCFollow_ArmorIneffectiv_0015C246_1
Combat ArmorIneffective ArmorIneffective What am I wearing? Cardboard? VNPCFollow_ArmorIneffectiv_0015C247_1
Combat Wake Wake {Disoriented}Hmm? VNPCFollowers_Wake_0015C244_1
Combat Wake Wake {Breathing in deeply as you wake up} VNPCFollowers_Wake_0015C243_1
Combat Wake Wake {Waking up}What'd I miss? VNPCFollowers_Wake_0015C242_1
Combat HealthQuarter HealthQuarter {Dying}<Coughing Fit> VNPCFollow_HealthQuarter_0015C24F_1
Combat HealthQuarter HealthQuarter {Dying}Do me a favor. Make sure they bury me in a nice dress. VNPCFollow_HealthQuarter_0015EF3B_1
Combat HealthQuarter HealthQuarter {Dying}I knew I should've been an actress. VNPCFollow_HealthQuarter_0015C24B_1
Combat HealthQuarter HealthQuarter {Dying}If I die... take care of my salvage. VNPCFollow_HealthQuarter_0015C24C_1
Combat HealthQuarter HealthQuarter {Dying}It's getting... dark. VNPCFollow_HealthQuarter_0015C24D_1
Combat HealthQuarter HealthQuarter {Dying}I'm not doing so well here. VNPCFollow_HealthQuarter_0015C24E_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic135 How is that different from how any other Elder would've reacted? They're cautious. When they discover something, they respect it, learn its limits, consider how to preserve it. Used to drive Father Elijah crazy. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA84_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic135 How is that different from how any other Elder would've reacted? He liked to learn limits, too, but only so he could push them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA84_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic135 How is that different from how any other Elder would've reacted? That's not to excuse the other Elders, though. They all covet technology for its own sake. Some are just more fanatical than others. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA84_2
Conversation HVVeronicaEnterIntro HVVeronicaEnterIntro Hold on, I've got this. VDialogueH_HVVeronicaEnter_0015B6D0_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic125 That's your goal? You want a nice dress? Hey, you try getting a date wearing Scribe robes. Might as well be wearing sweatpants. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABEE_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic125 That's your goal? You want a nice dress? I just like 'em, you know? They make you feel like a woman. Those ladies before the War, they knew what they were doing. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABEE_2
Topic FollowersFiredYesSuite I'd like you to go back to the Lucky 38 for now. I do. We'll meet up at the Lucky 38. Nice! Can I order room service? VNPCFollow_FollowersFiredY_00158703_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2V34 VMS49ElderDiscussion2V34 We found a gun that disables power armor. One of these could defeat the whole Brotherhood. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BDA2_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2V34 VMS49ElderDiscussion2V34 We have to stop limiting our focus to military technology. It won't save us. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BDA3_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2V34 VMS49ElderDiscussion2V34 That's not the point. Technology won't win our wars. We need numbers. New recruits. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BDA5_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 We'll know in a second. I wanted to talk to you. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B02B_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 Yes, goddamn it, it is. But you're going to hear me out this time. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B02D_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 The things I've seen now. Other groups succeeding where we fail. It's not too late for us. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B02F_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 Waiting in a hole for everyone else to die. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B031_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 This is a dead end for us. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B035_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 How could you? You're too scared to look. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014B037_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion1 VMS49ElderDiscussion1 Let's go. We're wasting our time. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0015C249_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombatPassive I want you not to attack enemies unless I've already engaged them. I like this plan where you're the decoy. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_001586D9_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombatPassive I want you not to attack enemies unless I've already engaged them. What a coincidence! I've been doing that all this time! VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_001586DA_1 cheerily sarcastic
Topic FollowersFiredYes Yes, I'm sure. I just think we should right now. Okay. Then I guess I'll be back at the 188. Maybe digging in some dirt for scrap metal or something. VNPCFollow_FollowersFiredY_0014F14A_1 Guilting.
Topic RSCharlieAudioLog2Audio RSCharlieAudioLog2Audio This is a message to the NCR from the Legion. VFreeformN_RSCharlieAudioL_0017B5AB_1
Topic RSCharlieAudioLog2Audio RSCharlieAudioLog2Audio We are coming for you. Run, and we will catch you. Hide, and we will find you. No matter what you do, you are all going to die. VFreeformN_RSCharlieAudioL_0017B5AB_2
Topic RSCharlieAudioLog2Audio RSCharlieAudioLog2Audio We took one of the women alive. VFreeformN_RSCharlieAudioL_0017B5AB_3
Detection LostToNormal LostToNormal I give up. VNPCFollowers_LostToNormal_00158711_1
Detection LostToNormal LostToNormal Probably die of natural causes eventually anyway. VNPCFollowers_LostToNormal_00158712_1
Detection LostToNormal LostToNormal Ah, screw it. VNPCFollowers_LostToNormal_00158713_1
Detection CombatToNormal CombatToNormal Whew. VNPCFollow_CombatToNormal_001586F8_1
Detection CombatToNormal CombatToNormal I've had worse. VNPCFollow_CombatToNormal_001586F9_1
Detection CombatToNormal CombatToNormal That's enough of that. VNPCFollow_CombatToNormal_001586FA_1
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Meh. VNPCFollow_AlertToNormal_0015870C_1
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal Ah, forget it. VNPCFollow_AlertToNormal_0015870D_1
Detection AlertToNormal AlertToNormal I worry too much. VNPCFollow_AlertToNormal_0015870E_1
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Hey! VNPCFollow_NormalToCombat_00158714_1 calling out, pissed
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Trouble. VNPCFollow_NormalToCombat_00158715_1 warning
Detection NormalToCombat StartCombat Uh oh. VNPCFollow_NormalToCombat_00158716_1 warning
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Over here! VNPCFollow_AlertToCombat_001586EB_1
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Gotcha! VNPCFollow_AlertToCombat_001586EC_1
Detection AlertToCombat AlertToCombat Hey! VNPCFollow_AlertToCombat_001586ED_1
Detection NormalToAlert NormalToAlert {Hushed}Hey. Something's there. VNPCFollow_NormalToAlert_00158717_1
Detection NormalToAlert NormalToAlert You hear that? VNPCFollow_NormalToAlert_00158718_1
Detection NormalToAlert NormalToAlert Huh? VNPCFollow_NormalToAlert_00158719_1 What was that?
Detection LostIdle LostIdle Still nothing... VNPCFollowers_LostIdle_001586F5_1
Detection LostIdle LostIdle Uh... VNPCFollowers_LostIdle_001586F6_1 searching
Detection LostIdle LostIdle Not seeing anything... VNPCFollowers_LostIdle_001586F7_1
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle Got my eyes peeled. VNPCFollowers_AlertIdle_001586E4_1
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle Still looking. VNPCFollowers_AlertIdle_001586E5_1
Detection AlertIdle AlertIdle Hmm. VNPCFollowers_AlertIdle_001586E6_1
Combat GuardTrespass GuardTrespass Uh uh. I don't think so. VNPCFollow_GuardTrespass_0015871A_1
Combat MurderNoCrime MurderNoCrime Easy come, easy go. VNPCFollow_MurderNoCrime_0015871E_1
Combat MurderNoCrime MurderNoCrime Yup. Definitely dead. VNPCFollow_MurderNoCrime_0015871F_1
Combat Murder Murder Hey! That's not okay. VNPCFollowers_Murder_0015870F_1
Combat Murder Murder What are you doing? VNPCFollowers_Murder_00158710_1 pissed, can't believe it
Combat Assault Assault {emph}Big mistake. VNPCFollowers_Assault_001586E7_1 Threatening.
Combat AcceptYield AcceptYield That's more like it. VNPCFollowers_AcceptYield_0015870A_1 Yeah that's what I thought, mofo
Combat Steal Steal Hey! I need that for stuff! VNPCFollowers_Steal_001586E2_1
Combat Steal Steal Come on. At least steal from a mean person. VNPCFollowers_Steal_001586E3_1
Combat Death Death {Death Noise 1} VNPCFollowers_Death_0013AB93_1
Combat Death Death {Death Noise 2} VNPCFollowers_Death_0013AB94_1
Combat Death Death {Death Noise 3} VNPCFollowers_Death_0013AB95_1
Combat AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Whoa! VNPCFollowers_AvoidThreat_0015871B_1 Look out!
Combat AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Abandon ship! VNPCFollowers_AvoidThreat_0015871C_1 Look out!
Combat AvoidThreat AvoidThreat Look out! VNPCFollowers_AvoidThreat_0015871D_1
Combat Flee Flee We're overwhelmed! VNPCFollowers_Flee_001586E9_1
Combat Flee Flee We've gotta run! VNPCFollowers_Flee_001586EA_1
Combat Hit Hit {Got hit sound 1} VNPCFollowers_Hit_001586DB_1
Combat Hit Hit {Got hit sound 2} VNPCFollowers_Hit_001586DC_1
Combat Hit Hit {Got hit sound 3} VNPCFollowers_Hit_001586DD_1
Combat PowerAttack PowerAttack {Power attack sound 1} VNPCFollowers_PowerAttack_001586DF_1
Combat PowerAttack PowerAttack {Power attack sound 2} VNPCFollowers_PowerAttack_001586E0_1
Combat PowerAttack PowerAttack {Power attack sound 3} VNPCFollowers_PowerAttack_001586E1_1
Combat Attack Attack {Attack Grunt} VNPCFollowers_Attack_001586F3_1
Combat Attack Attack Come on! VNPCFollowers_Attack_001586F1_1 taunt
Combat Attack Attack For the Brotherhood. VNPCFollowers_Attack_001586F2_1 through gritted teeth, mostly to herself
Topic FollowersTrade Let's trade equipment. Ooo. Got something good for me? Is it a dress? VNPCFollow_FollowersTrade_001586FB_1
Topic FollowersTrade Let's trade equipment. You're making me carry the heavy stuff, aren't you? VNPCFollow_FollowersTrade_001586FC_1 Accusatory
Topic FollowersFired It's time for us to part ways. Why does everyone always say that? VNPCFollow_FollowersFired_0014F159_1
Conversation GOODBYE Goodbye. See you around. VDialogueVeronica_GOODBYE_00151A06_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Lookin' sharp, Ramos. VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4BC_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Hey, Ramos. VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4BD_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Heya Torres.{TOR-ez} VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4BE_1
Conversation HELLO Hello How's the ol' cage treating you, Torres?{TOR-ez} VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4BF_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Still breakin' hearts there, I see, Scribe Schuler. VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4C0_1
Conversation HELLO Hello How are you, Scribe Schuler? VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4C1_1
Conversation HELLO Hello I can hardly notice that lazy eye anymore, Watkins. VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4C2_1
Conversation HELLO Hello {Rolling her eyes}Watkins. VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4C3_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Don't work too hard there, Ibsen. VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4C4_1
Conversation HELLO Hello You look tired, Ibsen. VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4C5_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Scribe Taggart! It's your favorite student.{She's not.} VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4C6_1
Conversation HELLO Hello {Flattering}Hey Scribe Taggart! Did you get some sun? VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4C7_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Hardin. VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4C8_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Hey! How ya been? VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4C9_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Long time, no see! VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4CB_1
Conversation HELLO Hello Hey! VDialogueVeronica_HELLO_0015D4CA_1 A warm greeting
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaARCHIMEDESIITestReact VDialogueVeronicaARCHIMEDESIITestReact Uh... yeah. I guess it works. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015F1DC_1 Awestruck, understating.
Combat KnockedBack KnockedBack {Knocked Back 1} VNPCFollowers_KnockedBack_0015BCC5_1
Combat KnockedBack KnockedBack {Knocked Back 2} VNPCFollowers_KnockedBack_0015BCC6_1
Combat WeaponBroke WeaponBroke Weapon's busted. VNPCFollowers_WeaponBroke_0015C25C_1
Combat WeaponBroke WeaponBroke Can't use this anymore. VNPCFollowers_WeaponBroke_0015C25D_1
Combat WeaponBroke WeaponBroke Need a new weapon. VNPCFollowers_WeaponBroke_0015C25E_1
Combat HealthHalf HealthHalf {Pained/Labored breathing through gritted teeth 1} VNPCFollowers_HealthHalf_0015C250_1
Combat HealthHalf HealthHalf {Pained/Labored breathing through gritted teeth 2} VNPCFollowers_HealthHalf_0015C251_1
Conversation HVVeronicaEnter HVVeronicaEnter I'd like a large Atomic Shake and a double Brahmin burger. And easy on the {uh-GAW-vee}agave sauce this time. VDialogueH_HVVeronicaEnter_0015B6D1_1
Conversation HVVeronicaEnter HVVeronicaEnter I know where you live {RAY-mos}Ramos. Open up. VDialogueH_HVVeronicaEnter_0015B6D3_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic124 Tell me something else about you. Can I make it up? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABED_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic124 Tell me something else about you. Like what? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA83_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 This disk has secrets to breeding plants that can thrive in the wasteland. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD9B_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 Think about it. No more trading guns for food. Total self-sufficiency. It's what we always wanted. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD9D_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 VMS49ElderDiscussion2V22 {argumentative}Yes it will. If we feed people, they'll support us. They'll join us. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD9F_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombatAggressive I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them. You mean like, even more? VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_0014F151_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombatAggressive I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them. Beats waiting till they shoot me first. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_0014F152_1
Topic FollowersFiredNo On second thought, stick with me for a little longer. What is this, the Hokey Pokey? VNPCFollow_FollowersFiredN_0014F157_1
Detection LostToCombat LostToCombat Oh! There we go! VNPCFollowers_LostToCombat_001586D6_1 like you found the right piece in a jigsaw puzzle
Detection LostToCombat LostToCombat Busted! VNPCFollowers_LostToCombat_001586D7_1
Detection LostToCombat LostToCombat Found 'em! VNPCFollowers_LostToCombat_001586D8_1
Detection CombatToLost CombatToLost Lost 'em. VNPCFollowers_CombatToLost_00158704_1
Detection CombatToLost CombatToLost Where the hell? VNPCFollowers_CombatToLost_00158705_1
Detection CombatToLost CombatToLost Hey! Come out and fight! VNPCFollowers_CombatToLost_00158706_1
Combat FireExplosive FireExplosive It's gonna blow! VNPCFollow_FireExplosive_00158707_1
Combat FireExplosive FireExplosive Mind the explosion! VNPCFollow_FireExplosive_00158708_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic111 Will they take you back after you killed these people? I think so. Two things the Brotherhood has a lot of - hardheads and lasers. Wouldn't be the first time a disagreement ended like this. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A11E_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic111 Will they take you back after you killed these people? Plus... we killed all the witnesses. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A11E_2
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaARCHIMEDESIIReact VDialogueVeronicaARCHIMEDESIIReact You think that did it? Maybe we should test the rangefinder outside. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015F1D9_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Intro VMS49ElderDiscussion2Intro I brought you a present. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BDAD_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic134 Ever try to talk sense into him? {Sadly}Yeah, I did. I couldn't help him. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA82_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic134 Ever try to talk sense into him? {Slight frustration}He just didn't listen. And the idea that people talked {emp}back to him... VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA82_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic134 Ever try to talk sense into him? {Sighs}If he could have made the Brotherhood act like machines, ordering them around with a push of a button, he would have. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA82_3
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS We unlocked the secret of HELIOS One. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD83_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS No. It's not. ARCHIMEDES II is an orbital laser. Effective only outdoors in a limited radius and requiring a long recharge. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD85_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS They'd be marginally more effective. We lost most of the chapter defending glorified artillery. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD87_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS And nearly died for it. Tomorrow you'd do it all over again, having learned nothing. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD89_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS I'm trying to open your eyes. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD8C_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS VMS49ElderDiscussion2HELIOS We need to engage the outside world. We can't win without new recruits. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD8B_1
Topic FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder FollowersAcknowledgeMyOrder I buy that. VNPCFollow_FollowersAcknow_0014F154_1
Topic FollowersTacticsEnd Enough about tactics. Enough about tactics. Yeah. Screw them. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_00158709_1 Cheerily jumping on the bandwagon.
Topic PLAYERLAYMINE PLAYER LAY MINE Careful. Someone could trip on that. VNPCFollow_PLAYERLAYMINE_001586EF_1 calmly
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic109 Are you still going to travel with me? Yeah. I've got the rest of my life to help them out. I can spare a little while to see things through with you. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A11D_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic109 Are you still going to travel with me? {Smiling}Sure. I want to establish a connection with the Followers first, but as far as I know, drifting is part of the job description. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A2FF_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic121 Do you have any other family in the Brotherhood? Just my parents, but they haven't been around for a long time. Dad was a Paladin, Mom was a Scribe. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABF0_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic121 Do you have any other family in the Brotherhood? They died in the same battle trying to hold off the NCR from... something. I don't remember what it was. Guess it seemed important at the time. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABF0_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic112 Come on. Let's get out of here. {Somber}Good idea. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A2FD_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic112 Come on. Let's get out of here. I think that'd be best. There's a Followers outpost up near one of my old scavenging grounds. Used to do some trading with a doctor there. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A2FE_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic112 Come on. Let's get out of here. If I work out of there, I'll still be able to keep tabs on Hidden Valley if I needed to. I know that route like the back of my hand. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A2FE_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic112 Come on. Let's get out of here. If it's all right, I'd like to head that way. Meet some people, see if I can be of any use. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A2FE_2
Topic FollowersTacticsDistanceLong Keep your distance. Try to flank them. Keep your distance. They'll never see the haymakers coming. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_001586F4_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic107 Why don't you do something about it? I don't know. I'm still thinking about what kind of role we could take on that would give us the best chance of survival. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A11C_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic107 Why don't you do something about it? But I think things are starting to come together. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A11C_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic120 Who was this Father Elijah to you? I would say he was my tutor, but that doesn't cover it. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA36_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic120 Who was this Father Elijah to you? After my parents passed, he looked after me. The whole Brotherhood brought me up, really, but he made sure of it. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA36_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic120 Who was this Father Elijah to you? I never had a grandfather - not that I knew, anyway - but Elijah was in some ways what I'd imagine a grandfather to be. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA36_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic146 I changed my mind. I'm not going inside, either. Thanks. Wasn't wild about sticking around here on my own. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C725_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic129 Let's talk about something else. {Elongate the 'o'}Okay. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA30_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic142 Not right now. You sure? Some other time, then. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C72D_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic118 Who are the Followers of the Apocalypse? Okay, so take the Brotherhood. Replace their knowledge of superweapons with half as much knowledge of medicine and farming. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABF1_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic118 Who are the Followers of the Apocalypse? Sprinkle in a little compassion for people outside their group and healthy disrespect for authority, and voila. Followers. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABF1_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic118 Who are the Followers of the Apocalypse? I never really considered joining before. But now that I think about it, it really sounds like it could be a good fit, doesn't it? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABF1_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic105 If it's worked for this long, there must be something redeemable about their beliefs. Have faith. Wow, you sound like Elder McNamara. I {slight emph}know I should. Hell, it's what I signed up for when I chose to stay into adulthood. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A121_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic105 If it's worked for this long, there must be something redeemable about their beliefs. Have faith. I know there's something worth saving in there. But we're in decline. Our membership is... decimated. There's got to be something we can do. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A121_2
Topic FollowersTacticsDistanceGOODBYE All right, you're good. Let's get out of here. Good talk. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_0015870B_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic113 You're sure you're okay leaving them behind? Yeah. I think if I stayed I'd end up causing trouble. Sometimes I just can't help myself. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A300_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic113 You're sure you're okay leaving them behind? This way is better for me and for them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A300_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic110 It's not too late to change your mind. No, I think it is. I have to be resolved about this. If I waver, it'll just make things harder. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A11A_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic110 It's not too late to change your mind. They need me and I'm not going to abandon them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A11A_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic108 The Brotherhood has to isolate itself. Its knowledge is dangerous. Sure, but how long before the NCR or Caesar's Legion track us down and take it by force anyway? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A11B_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic108 The Brotherhood has to isolate itself. Its knowledge is dangerous. But if we recruited Knights from outside the group, maybe we could actually defend it. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A11B_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic130 How is that different? What did you learn from him? I learned what I don't want to become. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA2F_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic130 How is that different? What did you learn from him? In the end, there was just him and his vision. Nothing and no one else. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA2F_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic143 Anything else? Yeah. I've been taking things apart and putting them back together since before I said my first word. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C728_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic143 Anything else? You want to build something, talk to me, and we can do it right there on the spot. Workbenches are for novices. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C728_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic143 Anything else? Who knows, I might even be able to show you a Brotherhood trick or two. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C728_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic119 What are your goals? I want... a dress. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABEC_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic106 None of that is going to change. It's part of the Brotherhood's identity. I know the odds aren't good, but I've gotta try. I can't lose them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A11F_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic123 A dress? Yeah! A good one. Something elegant and classy, you know? But still stylish. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABEF_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic123 A dress? Something that's eye-catching and sexy, but also says "don't fuck with me." VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABEF_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic123 A dress? I keep hoping I'll come across some Old World designer gown when I'm scavenging, but it never happens. Maybe I should move back to California. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015ABEF_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic131 What was in the note? It was... strange. Even for Father Elijah. He's always been unstable, but this was... something else. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA33_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic131 What was in the note? I don't want to say delusional, but I don't know what else to call it. The only thing familiar about it was the signature. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA33_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic131 What was in the note? He said the Brotherhood was doomed, but that he'd return, save us. But the {emph}way he said it... I don't know... VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA33_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic131 What was in the note? {Skeptical, but ominous}Said he'd return with one of the greatest treasures of the Old World, make the Mojave like it was meant to be... wipe the slate clean. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA33_4
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic144 Is there someplace you wanted me to take you? Nowhere specific. I just know there are a lot of groups who're actually doing well for themselves out here. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C721_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic144 Is there someplace you wanted me to take you? I want to understand how and why. See them at work. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C721_2
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion A bunch of closed-minded bullshit. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD92_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion But- VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD94_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion Give it a chance. For me. I can't stay here and watch us waste away. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD96_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion {Softly, a last-ditch argument}We'll die out. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD98_1
Conversation VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion VMS49ElderDiscussion2Conclusion Come on. I can't listen to this anymore. VMS49_VMS49ElderDiscussion_0014BD9A_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic132 Did you follow him from California? It was by his request, actually. He cleared it with the other Elders. {To herself}Somehow. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA32_1 Veronica says the last part to herself b/c she doesn't understand how Elijah was able to convince the Elders (he tricked them).
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic132 Did you follow him from California? They sent him to look into the Dam. There was a time when I'd have begged to follow. Watch him at work. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA32_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic145 Okay. Don't take too long, all right? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C730_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic133 What changed? {Emph}He did. For years, he fought with the Council. Taught me to question our direction. Meanwhile he'd become more out-of-touch than all of them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA31_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic133 What changed? On our way East he demanded we stop at HELIOS One to examine it. While we were there, we received word that the NCR had taken the Dam. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA31_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic133 What changed? He was furious. Called it "children playing with a bomb." But he was mad because we'd lost its power. What we'd use it for... he didn't even care. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA31_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAbeBye1 Abraham wanted to say goodbye, and that he's gone North, into ghoul country. Oh god. He... {sighs}I guess he was lost a long time ago. Even at the end... VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDD8_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAbeBye1 Abraham wanted to say goodbye, and that he's gone North, into ghoul country. Still... thanks for bringing word. At least, now I know. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDD9_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAbeExp1 Abe explained what happened in the Crater, how it healed him. {Drifting, dismissive}Hmm. Unlikely. He was a little too focused on gears and diodes... tech was the cure-all. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDC2_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAbeMsg1 VDialogueVeronicaAbeMsg1 Would you mind if I looked at the message? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDC3_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAbeMsg2 VDialogueVeronicaAbeMsg2 Would you mind if I listened to the message? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDC4_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAbeMsg3 VDialogueVeronicaAbeMsg3 Would you mind if I looked at the message you found? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDD6_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAbeMsg4 VDialogueVeronicaAbeMsg4 Would you mind if I listened to the message you found? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDC7_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAbeMsgRefuse VDialogueVeronicaAbeMsgRefuse {Irritated}Fine. I guess it doesn't matter anyway, keep it. I won't ask again. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDC6_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAbeSim1 VDialogueVeronicaAbeSim1 {Waiting for player to step out of simulator}What was on it? What did he say? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDCD_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAbeSim2 What did you expect a ghoul to say? {Sadly accepting}Yeah. Yeah. Thought as much. He'd been fading away for a long time. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDC5_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAccelerator I found the ghoul with the Accelerator you were looking for. {Surprise, player found someone she thought was dead}You did? Where? Oh my God, I mean... I thought... I don't even know what I thought might have happened to him. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDD0_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAccelerator I found the ghoul with the Accelerator you were looking for. {Wary}But... you don't have a "this is good news" expression on your face. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDD1_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorChokept VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorChokept {Default Choke Node} doesn't matter. He died when we all retreated to Hidden Valley. I didn't expect to see him again, no one did. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDDA_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorKill I had to kill Monte for it. You killed him? {Beat}But... VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDCF_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg21 VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg21 Did he say anything when you met him? Anything...{about me, stops herself}anything at all? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDCA_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg22 Here's the accelerator. Where did you get this? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDCB_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg22 Here's the accelerator. {Wary}Guess I was right about the bad news, huh? Same look Elder McNamara always gave me when I was up for promotion. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDCC_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg31 You should watch this. {Given a farewell message}All right, I'll listen to it. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDD5_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg32 VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg32 {Given a farewell message}All right, I'll watch it. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDD7_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg33 VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg33 {Watched a goodbye message, slightly choked up}That was... that was hard to watch. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDC1_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg34 What did Abraham say to you? {Confused, a little disoriented}The parts I understood? Didn't matter. Past all the garbage, all it amounted to was goodbye. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDCE_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg35 VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg35 {Still a little dizzy}Sorry... feel a little out of it. Head's spinning a bit... VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDD2_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg35 VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg35 {Surprise, knowledge downloading}Oh. Oh! VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDD3_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg35 VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorStg35 {Blinking, just gained downloaded defense programs}I think he left me a gift. {Quiet}Maybe I can use it better than he did. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDD4_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorTrap I trapped Monte in a subway tunnel, that ghoul's not coming back. Trapped him? Where? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDC8_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorTrapChokept VDialogueVeronicaAcceleratorTrapChokept {Trapped only}And I don't like saying this, but the Mojave's safer with him... there. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015EDC9_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaBoSDamReact VDialogueVeronicaBoSDamReact Oh, God, I don't know if I can do this. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C729_1 About to fight her friends.
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaBoSDamReact VDialogueVeronicaBoSDamReact Hey, the gang's all here! {Then, sincerely}Let's give the Mojave something to remember us by. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C72A_1 Seeing old friends.
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaBoSDamReact VDialogueVeronicaBoSDamReact I never thought I'd see you again. I'm glad you're here. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C72B_1 Moved.
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaBoSDamReact VDialogueVeronicaBoSDamReact Hey, the gang's all here! VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C72C_1 Seeing old friends.
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaBoSThreatReact VDialogueVeronicaBoSThreatReact Sorry about that. Just because I love them doesn't mean some of them aren't assholes. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C727_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaCraft Could you help me craft something? Step into my office. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C71B_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaDressAcquire VDialogueVeronicaDressAcquire Hey, a dress! Thank you! I'm totally trying this on later. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C723_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaDressAcquire VDialogueVeronicaDressAcquire Aw, you shouldn't have! It's just my taste. Thank you. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C724_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaFarmTechReact VDialogueVeronicaFarmTechReact See? Just because it doesn't shoot lasers doesn't mean it's not worth looking into. We could do amazing things with this data. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C72F_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaHVEntranceEstranged VDialogueVeronicaHVEntranceEstranged Hey. I, uh, I can't go in with you. I'll wait here, okay? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C71E_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaPulseGunReact VDialogueVeronicaPulseGunReact Huh. Figured it'd have more buttons and dials and stuff, you know? Oh, well. It's still the electronic equivalent of a disease from Gomorrah. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C71F_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaULDressAcquire VDialogueVeronicaULDressAcquire <Gasps> For me? Do you mean it? No, it's too much! Well, okay. But it's too much! It's perfect. Thank you. Thank you. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C720_1 Genuinely touched.
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaULDressReact VDialogueVeronicaULDressReact Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! Look what they're wearing! I've only seen dresses like those in my dreams. And even then I couldn't afford them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C71C_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaULDressReceived VDialogueVeronicaULDressReceived <Gasps> For me? Do you mean it? No, no, it's too much! Well, okay. But it's too much! It's perfect. Thank you. Thank you. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C72E_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaULDressReceived VDialogueVeronicaULDressReceived I... wish I had something to give you. I- wait! What about punching? That's the gift that keeps on giving. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C72E_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaULDressReceived VDialogueVeronicaULDressReceived I could work on your punching with you, if you like. Show you how to counter like a Scribe. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C72E_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic141 Sure, teach me. All right, put 'em up. Let's see what you got. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C71D_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch Not sure what my parents would think of me fighting for the NCR. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCFF_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch But for New Vegas it seemed like this was the best chance at stability. I don't regret it. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCFF_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch Never sided with a group of marauders before. But I think the Brotherhood stands a better chance against them than they did against the NCR. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BD00_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch That gives me some hope. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BD00_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch For some reason, it warms my heart that we fought for the kooky old geezer. Guess he reminds me of someone. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BD01_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch Independent New Vegas. If that isn't redundant, I don't know what is. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BD02_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch VDialogueVeronicaDamOutcomeBranch But I like its chances. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BD02_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic122 Are you well respected among other members of the Brotherhood? If you take trying to keep me as far away from Hidden Valley as possible because I ask too many difficult questions as a sign of respect, {"absolutely"}oh yeah. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCF7_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic122 Are you well respected among other members of the Brotherhood? That's not to say I don't get along with them. I just think they don't know what to do with me sometimes. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCF7_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic136 Why is the Brotherhood interested in Nevada? It was the Dam, really. We'd heard rumors it was working. Figured we could claim it, put it to use. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015D4A3_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic136 Why is the Brotherhood interested in Nevada? {Putting it delicately}And... it may also have been partly that our Elder at the time had worn out his welcome. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015D4A3_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic136 Why is the Brotherhood interested in Nevada? Didn't end up mattering. We got sidetracked at HELIOS One and the NCR took the Dam in the meantime. We're still after it, though. In theory. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015D4A3_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic137 Ever been in love? {Playful}Ever been nosy? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCC4_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic137 Ever been in love? {Sincere}I was, once. We were pretty young, but I like to think it was love. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCC4_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic138 What happened? She left the Brotherhood. Wanted to put some distance between herself and her parents. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCC3_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic138 What happened? Since our membership isn't open to outsiders, some members think that obligates all of us to procreate. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCC3_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic138 What happened? You can guess which camp her parents belonged to. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCC3_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic139 You didn't go with her? No. Couldn't bring myself to leave everyone else behind. Couldn't convince her to stay, either. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCC2_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic139 You didn't go with her? I'd hoped love would be enough to influence her decision, but it wasn't. We were both too stubborn. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCC2_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic139 You didn't go with her? I don't know where she is now, but I'm sure she's moved on. I still think about her, though. Once in a while. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCC2_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic140 I want to discuss other things. Ooo. Got any juicy gossip? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCCB_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic140 I want to discuss other things. {Pleasant}Sure. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCCC_1
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}At odds with leadership over the Brotherhood's future, Veronica looked to the Mojave Wasteland for an answer both she and they could live with. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C252_1
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}But the answer would never come, and the dangers of the world that had left the Brotherhood of Steel behind would eventually claim her life. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C252_2
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Hoping to lead the Mojave Brotherhood down a new path, Veronica sought to learn from the thriving cultures of the desert. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C253_1
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Absent a firm solution, Veronica's expression of frustration with Brotherhood leadership would lead to her banishment. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C253_2
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}She ended her days a wandering tinker. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C253_3
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Despite her departure from the group, the Brotherhood's peace treaty with NCR came as some relief to Veronica. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C254_1
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Though she remained friendly with surface patrols, she was never again permitted to enter the bunker she once called home. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C254_2
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Fearing for the safety of anyone she associated with, she continued her solitary life as a scavenger. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C254_4
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}But reports would emerge from Mojave scientists and social workers of old equipment miraculously repaired and research notes mysteriously completed. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C254_3
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Though she'd seen the writing on the wall, the destruction of the Mojave Brotherhood came far more suddenly than Veronica had expected. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C255_1
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}The news devastated her. Despite her best efforts to leave her past behind, she found herself compelled to make one final journey to Hidden Valley. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C255_2
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}There, she paid her last respects to the only family she had ever known. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C255_3
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}The Brotherhood's open aggression along the New Vegas highways troubled Veronica greatly. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C256_1
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Nevertheless, it removed all doubt from her mind that in leaving them she had made the right choice. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C256_2
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Eventually she would take to the road, less in hopes of finding a new home than of leaving memories of the old one behind her. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C256_3
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}The peace with NCR served to ease Veronica's worries about the Brotherhood's immediate future. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C257_1
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Still, a distance had arisen between her and her fellow members that would never be bridged. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C257_2
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}She began secluding herself in crumbling libraries of the Old World, learning of promising technologies she knew the Brotherhood would never adopt. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C257_3
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}The death of the Mojave Brotherhood came much too soon for Veronica, and in their absence, she felt truly lost. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C258_1
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Yet in its wake, she took small comfort in her decision to remain by their side through their few remaining days. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C258_2
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica {Narration}Veronica put her moral sensibilities aside and supported the Brotherhood's new campaign of aggression as best she could. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C259_1
Topic VEndingVeronica VEndingVeronica Yet deep down, she understood that it meant their end would surely be soon to follow. VEnding_VEndingVeronica_0015C259_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic126 Where is he now? I don't know. Last time anyone saw him was in the battle at HELIOS One. I wasn't there. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA34_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic126 Where is he now? He gave orders to hold the plant until it could be reactivated. But he ran out of time. The NCR overran it. Everyone thought he was dead. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA34_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic126 Where is he now? But I got a note from him at a comm station. That's... how he liked to talk, even to me. He wasn't good at face-to-face. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA34_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic127 Were you close? Yeah. I miss him. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA37_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic128 What did you learn from him? Elijah could look at an old device and immediately understand what made it work. And he could see its potential. Where it fit with other technology. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA35_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic128 What did you learn from him? It's not something you can teach, but he tried with me. {Shrugging}Some of it stuck. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA35_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic128 What did you learn from him? But that's what he taught me. You asked what I {emph}learned from him. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BA35_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic114 Maybe you should've stayed at Hidden Valley. Well, I shouldn't have come within a mile of here. I know that. {Beat}These poor people. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A806_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic114 Maybe you should've stayed at Hidden Valley. Seems like either way, there's not much I can do to help anyone. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A806_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic114 Maybe you should've stayed at Hidden Valley. I think maybe it's safer if I don't try. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A806_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic115 You don't control the people who did this. {Not taking comfort}No... I don't, do I? If I did, none of this would've happened. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A80A_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic115 You don't control the people who did this. I should've left a long time ago. Cut my losses before it came to this. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A80A_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic115 You don't control the people who did this. I never stood a chance. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A80A_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic116 These people are dead because you were careless and selfish. {Sad, peeved}Isn't that what I just said? I know I'm responsible. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A7FE_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic116 These people are dead because you were careless and selfish. I was just trying to put it all behind me. Find someplace where what I do would actually have some influence. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A7FE_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic116 These people are dead because you were careless and selfish. I should've expected this, though. Different story, same ending. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A7FE_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic117 You can just join the Followers somewhere else. No. Not a chance in hell. I'm not risking this happening again. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A805_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic117 You can just join the Followers somewhere else. I'm gonna have to keep to myself. Better that way. For everyone. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A805_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic117 You can just join the Followers somewhere else. I'll still finish what I started with you, though. If you're not afraid, that is. I'll just try not to get too caught up in it all. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A805_3
Conversation VMS49OutpostMassacreReact VMS49OutpostMassacreReact {Horrified disbelief}Oh no. {Quickly}No, no, no, no, no, no. VMS49_VMS49OutpostMassacre_0015A807_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic103 Power armor and laser rifles are still effective. Yeah, but only if you've got bodies to fill the suits. We don't take on new members. We're all descendents from the original Brotherhood. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A120_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic103 Power armor and laser rifles are still effective. Something's going to have to change, or the empty suits are gonna be all that's left of us. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A120_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic104 The Brotherhood is living in the past. Eventually they'll have to change. I think you're right. We're getting desperate. Hardly enough people to sustain ourselves as a chapter. They'll see the light, sooner or later. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A125_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic104 The Brotherhood is living in the past. Eventually they'll have to change. But I get the feeling if I don't take matters into my own hands, the change won't come in time to make a difference. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015A125_2
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaGiftShopReact VDialogueVeronicaGiftShopReact I don't like the sound of this. Hope that collar isn't what I think it is. What did you do, Elijah? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F166_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic084 Tell me about the Brotherhood of Steel. It pays like ass, but it's hard to get other work with my skill set. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F14E_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic084 Tell me about the Brotherhood of Steel. What do you want to know? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F14E_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic088 What's their purpose? Ha! Good question. These days it's hard to say. Once upon a time it was about technology. Controlling it so it couldn't destroy us again. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F150_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic088 What's their purpose? Energy weapons and power armor are usually tops on our list, although {emph}I appreciate anything that's vintage. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F150_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic088 What's their purpose? But that all seems so limited now. We haven't grown or adapted. And now we're stuck in a hole, not carrying out our mission. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F150_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic092 How did you get to be a member? More sexual favors than I can even count. I am still tired from it. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F146_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic092 How did you get to be a member? No, actually, you're born into it. My parents, their parents, so on. When you're young you can choose to leave. But it's home, so most people don't. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F146_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic092 How did you get to be a member? We don't take on new members, really. You can do the math on our long-term prospects based on that point. I keep hoping we'll change that. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F146_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic093 What do you do for them? I'm a procurement specialist. Like I said, it's basically grocery shopping. Except sometimes the groceries are scavenged parts and arcane technology. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F148_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic093 What do you do for them? The elder who brought us to the Mojave, Father Elijah, usually had me looking for these old memory units. But he'd never tell me what they were for. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F148_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic093 What do you do for them? Nowadays I'm usually sent to do business with traders at places like the 188. But sometimes I think it's just to keep me out of everyone's hair. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F148_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic094 Do you like being a member? I know sometimes I sound like I don't. I know. But there's something that still rings true to me about our code. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F155_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic094 Do you like being a member? There's an honor to it. We're protecting people. Even if it's from themselves, it's a good cause. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F155_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic094 Do you like being a member? We just lose sight of the big picture sometimes. Treat all our practices with the same sacredness. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F155_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic095 What's the Codex? Ah, the Codex. If it's in there, we have to abide it, if it's not, it's not important. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F160_1 She has a love-hate relationship with the Codex.
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic095 What's the Codex? It documents our history, too. Part of what Scribes like me do is update it. Hmm... I wonder... VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F160_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic095 What's the Codex? Nah, they'd probably catch it if I rewrote the Founder's axioms. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F160_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic096 Does the Brotherhood protect people from raiders or other threats? No, no. We only protect people from {emph}themselves, and only in the sense that we don't let them have the really good Pre-War toys. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F14D_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic096 Does the Brotherhood protect people from raiders or other threats? And sometimes it's more like we protect {emph}ourselves from {emph}them and hope to outlive them and become humanity's sole heirs. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F14D_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic096 Does the Brotherhood protect people from raiders or other threats? We've had people go rogue, though, and start helping people. One chapter had a small civil war over it. We take our isolationism seriously. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F14D_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic097 How do you feel about the other members? I called them family before. That's not far off. Both the good and the bad. It's like a big unending family reunion in that bunker. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F164_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic097 How do you feel about the other members? There's people you love, people you'll never speak to again, and it's always awkward when you run into someone you used to date. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F164_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic098 Who is Father Elijah? He was our Elder when we came East. A wizard with technology, really. His mind just worked that way naturally. Learned a lot from him. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F156_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic098 Who is Father Elijah? But he started having disagreements with the other Elders. The Brotherhood's interest is in old technology. He wanted to explore developing new tech. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F156_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic098 Who is Father Elijah? And there were other ways he wanted to push. Other weapons. Ones with ethics questions attached. Rather than deal with him, they sent him East. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F156_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic099 How can I best use your skills? I like punching things, but sometimes shooting things just has to do. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F158_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic100 I had another question. {"Go ahead and ask."}Shoot. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015BCCA_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic101 I wanted to talk about the technology we're looking for. What are your thoughts? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F16B_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic102 Never mind. Okay, I won't! VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F16C_1 cheerily
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaCodexReact VDialogueVeronicaCodexReact Uh... you were kidding just now when you said that thing about the Codex, right? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F0EA_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaEuclidReaction VDialogueVeronicaEuclidReaction Wow. Good thing the safety was on. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014EF34_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic083 The rangefinder might be a problem. I reactivated HELIOS One, and it's not powering a weapon. Ah, hell. Well, how could you know, right? Okay. Two other options still on the table. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014EF37_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic080 There was never any chance. His mind was made up from the start. I see that now. I thought I knew him better than that. But it was like talking to a stranger. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BDA0_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic081 Maybe if we make a stronger case, he'll change his mind. No. Our case wouldn't be any stronger if tomorrow they all died when their energy weapons backfired. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD8D_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic081 Maybe if we make a stronger case, he'll change his mind. I just didn't expect that. There was no getting through to him. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD8D_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic082 You just weren't very persuasive. Well I {emph}knew he wouldn't listen to {slight emph}me. That's why we went out of our way to find something that he couldn't ignore. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BDA6_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic082 You just weren't very persuasive. But it didn't make any difference. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BDA6_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic082 You just weren't very persuasive. How can I help them when they won't accept it? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BDA7_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic085 Would someone else listen to you? It wouldn't matter. The Elder has final say. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BDA9_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic085 Would someone else listen to you? The hell of it is he's one of our most progressive members. If I can't get him to agree, it's hopeless. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BDAA_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic085 Would someone else listen to you? He won't tolerate any resistance. If he catches wind I've been talking to people, he'll charge me with sedition. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BDAB_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic086 Where does that leave you? I... {beat}I don't know if I can stay. Maybe it'd be better for everyone if I left. Spent my life... somewhere else. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD8E_1 This'd be a big deal for her. First sentence is a revelation.
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic086 Where does that leave you? Work with the Followers of the Apocalypse, maybe. Put my knowledge to some good use. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD8E_2 Offhand, Not with a lot of hope
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic086 Where does that leave you? Or I can stay here with the people I care about and do... whatever I can, until it comes to a slow or sudden end. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD8E_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic087 You should take over. Ha! Well that's... imaginative. But it's not really for me. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD90_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic087 You should take over. I couldn't get one of their most reasonable members to accept a rational argument. I don't see them coming out in droves to support my coup. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD90_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic087 You should take over. And that's really not what the Brotherhood needs right now anyway. They're hanging by a thread. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD90_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic089 This is your home, and these are your friends. You should stay. They may be a bunch of wooden conformists, but anything I did without them would feel... empty. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BDA1_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic089 This is your home, and these are your friends. You should stay. I'd always be reminded of this day. How I wasn't strong enough to stand by them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BDA1_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic089 This is your home, and these are your friends. You should stay. So I guess I'll stay. Won't be easy, but at least I won't feel guilty about the choice. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BDA1_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic089 This is your home, and these are your friends. You should stay. Let's get going. I'd like to get my mind off all this. And some fresh air would do me some good right about now. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F0E8_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic090 Leaving now is your only shot at a future. There's no getting around that, is there? What would my life be like here, knowing what's to come? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD81_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic090 Leaving now is your only shot at a future. They're not going to like this. We're given a chance when we're young to choose whether to stay. If we do, it's supposed to be for life. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD81_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic090 Leaving now is your only shot at a future. But they haven't left me any choice. It's this or a lifetime of scavenging and watching my friends die in losing battles. {beat}I guess it's settled, then. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD81_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic091 You're the only one who can make this decision. Not even a hint, huh? Geez, I really am all alone on this one. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD82_1 Sad.
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic091 You're the only one who can make this decision. I guess I'll stay. If I left there wouldn't be any coming back. It might be something I'd instantly regret. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD82_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic091 You're the only one who can make this decision. Things are going to get harder for the Brotherhood before they get easier. I should support them in whatever way I can. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014BD82_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic041 What is it? The Brotherhood is failing. {Beat}I've always known that. If we don't change course, we're going to fall apart or... fade away. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01B_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic041 What is it? But until recently I haven't understood where we went wrong, or how to fix it. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01B_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic041 What is it? I think I need to go home. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01B_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic052 Not now. Okay. Well, when you do, let me know, all right? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B025_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic054 I'll take you back there, first chance I get. Great. Thanks. Thank you. I'll encourage people to name their non-ugly children after you. Seriously. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B022_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic055 Can it wait? Sure, yeah. Just not too long, okay? I worry about them sometimes. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B017_1 Not the ideal answer she wanted, but going with it, trying to stay upbeat.
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic056 Why don't you just go back on your own? Wow, don't everybody volunteer all at once now. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B023_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic056 Why don't you just go back on your own? I {emph}could do that. You're not interested in coming along? Hate to break up the band over a silly little thing like the future of everyone I care about. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B023_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic057 That's just not important right now. This from the girl who walked from I-15 to the Colorado River looking for her lost package. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01D_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic057 That's just not important right now. This from the guy who walked from I-15 to the Colorado River looking for his lost package. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01E_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic057 That's just not important right now. I hope you change your mind. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01F_1 miffed
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic060 I have things I need to do. You'd better go alone. Not much for family gatherings, huh? All right, have it your way. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B021_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic060 I have things I need to do. You'd better go alone. You ever want to look me up again, I'll be in my bunker in Hidden Valley. That's the {emph}luxury bunker. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B021_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic061 What now? I'm not giving up. He wants evidence, but he'll never go looking for it. He's scared I'm right. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B014_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic061 What now? He'll never listen unless I hold the proof right in front of his face. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B014_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic062 You think the Elder will listen at all? He's a stubborn old man, but when it comes down to it, he's got our best interests at heart. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01C_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic062 You think the Elder will listen at all? If he sees some indisputable sign we're on the wrong course, he won't ignore it. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01C_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic063 What could we bring to him that would change his mind? I don't know. I don't know. We'd need something that shows the Brotherhood will fail. Or that it can do better a different way. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B026_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic063 What could we bring to him that would change his mind? The only thing that'd get his attention is technology. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B026_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic063 What could we bring to him that would change his mind? Huh. Maybe Father Elijah had the right idea. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B026_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic064 So what is it you're trying to accomplish? That's my question to the Elder. All these years, the Brotherhood has collected weapons technology. And for what? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B015_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic064 So what is it you're trying to accomplish? To keep it out of people's hands? That clearly hasn't worked. To defend ourselves? We can't compete with the NCR's numbers. Or the Legion's. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B015_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic064 So what is it you're trying to accomplish? We're fighting a war for a lost cause. If we're going to survive, we have to find a role in society. Attract new members. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B015_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic065 How would you propose to do that? Look at the Followers of the Apocalypse. They use their expertise to improve people's lives. They train them to be self-sufficient. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B016_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic065 How would you propose to do that? That expertise cultivates respect and gratitude. Spreads their ideals. Draws talent to their cause. They make friends like we make enemies. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B016_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic065 How would you propose to do that? But they don't know a fraction of what we know. If we took on their role, we could stand up to anyone. We wouldn't have to hide. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B016_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic066 Father Elijah? Our Elder before McNamara. He had a nose for recovering lost technology. He'd send Scribes out into the desert chasing whatever leads he found. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B019_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic066 Father Elijah? There were a few he only trusted me with. I can think of at least one that'd prove my point, if it still exists. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B019_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic066 Father Elijah? There's a comm terminal not too far from here I'd use to access messages from him. If we go there I can pull up his research on it. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B019_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic067 Tell me about the rangefinder. It's a targeting device for some kind of doomsday weapon based at HELIOS One. It was lost sometime after the War. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B028_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic067 Tell me about the rangefinder. We held HELIOS One for a time. Lost a lot of people defending it. Too many. All for this weapon they never got working. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B028_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic067 Tell me about the rangefinder. If it turns out to be a dud, it'd show how flawed our goals have been. Father Elijah said he thinks a scavenger might have sold it on the Strip. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B028_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic068 Let's head out. I'm with you. Being around here isn't the same anymore. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B018_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic069 Good intentions don't justify marching the Brotherhood to its death. No, but it does make it easier to forgive him. He's just misguided. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B024_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic069 Good intentions don't justify marching the Brotherhood to its death. It's not too late to change his mind. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B024_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic070 Have you considered that he might be right? Have {emph}you considered that he might be senile? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01A_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic070 Have you considered that he might be right? The Brotherhood's strategy for survival worked back when we had a larger force, and no organized enemies. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01A_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic070 Have you considered that he might be right? We're a tiny splinter from a shrinking group. We don't take on new members. But we're still picking fights with the big boys. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B01A_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic071 What's a pulse gun? Electromagnetic weapon from before the Great War. Experimental. It never saw mass production. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B027_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic071 What's a pulse gun? But they were building it as a countermeasure to power armor, which they feared the Chinese were developing. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B027_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic071 What's a pulse gun? Supposedly a prototype was being housed at Nellis. Imagine what it could do to the Brotherhood. We'd be on equal footing with any idiot with a gun. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B027_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic072 Farming technology? More or less. Supposedly it's a vegetation enhancer. NCR has a science branch headquartered at McCarran airport. Guess they found something. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B03C_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic072 Farming technology? Guess somebody wasn't very good at keeping secrets, either. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B03C_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic072 Farming technology? We'd never pursue it because it's not a weapon. But self-sufficiency is fundamental to us. If it works they'd see the value of an alternate course. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B03C_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic073 Let's pursue the pulse gun. Yeah, maybe they'll think twice about engaging the NCR if they know one of those could be floating around. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B03D_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic073 Let's pursue the pulse gun. The notes say to look around Nellis Air Force Base. He suggests going through filing cabinets and computers in the commanding officer's quarters. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B03D_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic074 The rangefinder sounds promising. They defended HELIOS like it was their last stand. Didn't even know if there was anything worth defending. How could there be, with all we lost? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B029_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic074 The rangefinder sounds promising. Even if it did work, it'd be under NCR control now. So it'd either prove our goals are wrong or we're incapable of pursuing them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B029_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic074 The rangefinder sounds promising. There's a pawn shop in Outer Vegas we could check. And I've heard of a gift shop in the Strip that deals in Pre-War antiques. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B029_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic075 We should go after the vegetation technology. Okay. What better way to persuade them than to give them a taste of what they stand to gain, right? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B020_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic075 We should go after the vegetation technology. Maybe the best place to start is to see what we can find out directly from the NCR. Let's head to their OSI office at McCarran. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B020_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic079 Let's go find it. I like the way you think. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014B03B_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact He's got no resources but a decent cause. We've got plenty of resources and a totally lost cause. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014778A_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact No power armor. No energy weapons. And they're giving the NCR more trouble than we ever did. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014778B_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact Ordinary guys with knives and bullets, and they're taking over Nevada. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014778C_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact There's a lot more troops here than we thought. No wonder we couldn't hold HELIOS One. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014778D_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact A bunch of shut-ins who scorn outsiders and hold technology over them. Gee, where have I heard that one before? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014778E_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact Can't help but be impressed with what they're doing here. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014778F_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact Even the stupid NCR is investing in new research. We're getting left in the dust. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147790_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact Leading his people to a new land with big dreams and a clean slate. Makes me think of my old mentor. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147791_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact Holy hell, that's a lot of energy weapons. Guess we dropped the ball on that one. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147792_1
Conversation VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact VDialogueVeronicaQuestReact {DO NOT RECORD - scripting fall-through node.} VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014813C_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic017 I killed them all. God, you're not lying, are you? You really did kill them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147699_1 Horrifying realization.
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic017 I killed them all. In that case, this is for them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147699_2 Spiteful.
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic018 They seemed all right. You think? Well good, then. That puts me a little more at ease. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A4_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic018 They seemed all right. Hey, so where are you headed, anyway? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A5_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic019 I'm reserving judgment. That seems wise. I think I am, too. Although for how much longer, I'm not sure. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A6_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic020 I don't care for them. Not very friendly, are they? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A2_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic020 I don't care for them. Well, thanks for weighing in. Gives me something to think about. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A2_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic021 I've heard they shoot lasers from their eyes. Wow. I've got to admit, you have completely defied my first impression of you. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147696_1 amused at idiocy
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic021 I've heard they shoot lasers from their eyes. Eye lasers. I'll be sure and look out for that next time. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147696_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic021 I've heard they shoot lasers from their eyes. Any other juicy bits of intel? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147696_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic023 The Strip. Ooo. Very exciting. Gonna strike it rich, huh? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147692_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic024 Hoover Dam. Huh. Just on your way to do a little heavily fortified sightseeing. Kind of a thrillseeker, aren't you? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014769A_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic025 I just kind of drift from place to place. Just wherever the wind takes you, huh? I like that. Keeps things interesting. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014769B_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic026 What's it to you? I'll be honest. You're the first person I've run across out here that looks like he can really handle himself. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014769C_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic026 What's it to you? I'll be honest. You're the first person I've run across out here that looks like she can really handle herself. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014769D_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic026 What's it to you? There are places I've never been to that'd be too dangerous for just me. What do you think? Maybe we could travel together, help each other out. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014769E_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic027 I go where I'm needed. Guess we have that in common, then. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014769F_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic028 Going to see an old friend. This is quite a journey you're going on, then. Must be an interesting relationship to have brought you all this way. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147698_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic029 You don't look like much. What do you bring to the table? Heh. Good. That's the look I was going for. Trust me on this one, though. You'll be glad you brought me along. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147690_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic029 You don't look like much. What do you bring to the table? If I turn out to be a burden, we can part ways at any time. No hard feelings. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147690_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic030 Where are you hoping to go? Oh, nowhere in particular, really. Just hoping to see more of the world. Looking for a fresh perspective. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147693_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic030 Where are you hoping to go? I want to see how different groups have adapted to survive in the Mojave. See if there's something I can learn from. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147693_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic031 Okay, let's travel together. Now you're talking. One thing you should know, first, though. I asked you about the Brotherhood because I'm one of them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A3_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic031 Okay, let's travel together. I know, I know. But I had to know how you'd react when I told you. We've made a lot of enemies. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A3_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic031 Okay, let's travel together. You still okay bringing me along? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A3_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic032 I'd like to, but I can't take you with me right now. Aw, you really know how to make a girl feel like a stray cat. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A0_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic032 I'd like to, but I can't take you with me right now. But okay. My offer stands, if we run into each other again. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A0_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic033 Not interested. Suit yourself. You can always change your mind. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147697_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic034 Don't you have a family to feed? Like I said, they can handle themselves. And I'm not the only one getting supplies for them. It's a big family. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A1_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic035 I'm ready to travel with you. Good. I hoped you'd come around. Shall we? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147691_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic037 Actually, I'm more comfortable now that I know you've had some training. I'm great at punching people. I'm not gonna lie. It's a gift. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147788_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic037 Actually, I'm more comfortable now that I know you've had some training. Well, thanks for taking a chance on a naive young girl from California with stars in her eyes and a pneumatic gauntlet on her hand. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147789_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic037 Actually, I'm more comfortable now that I know you've had some training. Let's hit the road, huh? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147789_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic038 As long as you're honest with me from now on. Sure. Just don't ever ask me if your outfit makes you look fat. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147786_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic039 Yes, but you're on a short leash. Fair enough. Maybe one day I'll have your complete trust, and I can be on a long leash. A girl can dream. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147785_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic042 Tell me about yourself. I like long walks in the desert and candle-lit metal workshops. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0015C726_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic042 Tell me about yourself. My favorite subject. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147787_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic043 I have questions I wanted to ask you. He was dead when I got there. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147793_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic043 I have questions I wanted to ask you. This better not be about the meaning of life. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147794_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic043 I have questions I wanted to ask you. Well, when two people really love each other... you really don't know this stuff yet? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147795_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic043 I have questions I wanted to ask you. Ooo, do I get a prize if I answer right? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147796_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic043 I have questions I wanted to ask you. I was told we wouldn't be tested on this. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147797_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic043 I have questions I wanted to ask you. A lifetime supply of Fancy Lads Snack Cakes, revenge against my enemies, and world peace. In that order. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147798_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic043 I have questions I wanted to ask you. {Defensive}I was young and I needed the money. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147799_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic043 I have questions I wanted to ask you. It's a free wasteland. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014779A_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic044 Ever heard of Mr. House before? Yeah. They say he built the Strip. Of course, they say a lot of things. No one's actually met him. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F163_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic044 Ever heard of Mr. House before? Me? I think it's a hoax. Probably a group of people who want to avoid attention, or some made-up persona of a self-aware computer. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F163_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic044 Ever heard of Mr. House before? Why else would he shut himself in like that? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F163_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic045 Can you tell me anything about this platinum chip? Yeah. It's not for poker. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F145_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic045 Can you tell me anything about this platinum chip? I've never seen anything quite like it, but I can tell you it looks like it was fabricated before the War, and not at a mint. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F145_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic045 Can you tell me anything about this platinum chip? Some kind of tech... I'm gonna say... mid-2200s. Hold onto it. Might be your lucky chip. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F145_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic046 Ever hear of a guy called Benny? Sure, he's one of the hotel managers on the Strip. He comes up in the news now and then. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F168_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic046 Ever hear of a guy called Benny? Him and the other Chairmen run the Tops. It's one of the nicer hotels, or so I hear. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F168_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic046 Ever hear of a guy called Benny? Elder McNamara wouldn't shell out for a passport for me, so I've actually never been to the Strip. Why do people get so cheap when they get old? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F168_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic047 Know anything about New Vegas? Yep. It's your typical city layout. Rich people in a gated community surrounded by extreme poverty. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F147_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic047 Know anything about New Vegas? House gave the area around the Strip to the locals, but he has no interest in it, so he ignores it entirely. It just needs new management. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F147_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic047 Know anything about New Vegas? I'd love to see the Brotherhood do it, but since the Codex doesn't say "clean up Freeside" no one listens to me. Bunch of sticklers. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F147_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic048 What do you think of the NCR? I'm worried they'll be the death of the Brotherhood. They take what they want. We defend our interests to the death. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F153_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic048 What do you think of the NCR? But there's a handful of us and tens or hundreds of thousands of them. So it's not going to end well. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F153_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic048 What do you think of the NCR? Last time we clashed we lost a lot of people. Retreated to our bunker. Now we're afraid to even move around during the day. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F153_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic049 Any thoughts about Caesar's Legion? Silliest dressed band of raping, slaving marauders you'll see east of California, I'll say that. Where's that touch of Old World class? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F14B_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic049 Any thoughts about Caesar's Legion? Although I hear the soldiers mount each other as much as they mount their women, so maybe they did keep a little something from the Empire. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F14B_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic049 Any thoughts about Caesar's Legion? No such privilege for the women, though. Figures. So... to answer your question... they're a bunch of hypocritical jerkwads. {beat}It's a word. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F14B_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic050 Never mind. Darn it, I had some spectacular answers coming, too. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F149_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic051 Let's keep moving. Let's. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014F14F_1 Pleasantly
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic000 Goodsprings. Wow, you {emph}have come a long way, then. I've never been there, but I've met some traders who pass that way. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467AD_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic000 Goodsprings. Well, welcome, then. I'm Veronica. I live in a hole in the ground. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467AE_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic001 The grave. Huh. Well, in that case I take it back. You look pretty good, given the circumstances. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467B0_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic002 I'm not entirely sure. Yeah, guess the roads must've been long, then, if you forgot where you started from. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467A7_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic003 None of your business. That's why I asked. My business is boring. You try trading and scavenging for a living and see if you don't start nosing into other people's affairs. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467AF_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic004 You live in a hole in the ground? Well, a bunker, if you want to get technical. I think it sounds more interesting my way. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467B1_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic004 You live in a hole in the ground? But I'm not there much anymore. I'm usually out here picking up food and supplies for my family. Whatever they need. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467B1_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic005 So you just leave your family in the bunker? Yeah. I'm not worried. They can handle themselves. But somebody has to get the groceries, know what I mean? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467AA_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic005 So you just leave your family in the bunker? And actually these days I think they'd rather have me out here anyway. But that's a whole other story. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467AA_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic005 So you just leave your family in the bunker? So, listen, can I ask you something on the level? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467AA_3
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic006 Go ahead. I had a run-in with this group calling themselves the Brotherhood of Steel. Pretty strange bunch. Do you know anything about them? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467B2_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic007 I'd rather you didn't. Forget I said anything, then. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467A8_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic008 Some other time, maybe. Sure. It's a small wasteland. I'm sure we'll run into each other again. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467AB_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic010 I met a group of them in a bunker west of here. And? VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467A9_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic011 They're usually harmless unless you use advanced technology around them. Well that shouldn't be a problem for me. I can't afford anything like that. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147695_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic012 They're enemies of the NCR. If you know where they are you should turn them in. Oh my gosh, really? Well, I didn't see where they went, but I'll keep an eye out. Wow, I had no idea they were so dangerous. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467B3_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic012 They're enemies of the NCR. If you know where they are you should turn them in. Thanks for letting me know. Glad I didn't do any business with them. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001467B3_2
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic013 They've got the right idea. Do they? That's a relief. I wasn't so sure, myself. Protecting people from technology seems like a big job for such a small group. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A7_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic014 I know who they are but I don't care about their agenda. Yeah, it's pretty far out, right? Fixating on old technology just doesn't seem very relevant to most people's lives. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_001476A8_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic015 Yeah. I know to shoot them on sight. That bad, huh? Guess I'm lucky I got away with my life. I'll make sure and avoid them from now on. Thanks. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_0014768F_1
Topic VDialogueVeronicaVeronicaTopic016 Not really. That's okay, I wouldn't expect anybody to. I think they tend to keep to themselves. VDialogueV_VDialogueVeroni_00147694_1
Topic FollowersHired I think we should travel together. Let's go make trouble. VNPCFollow_FollowersHired_0014F15A_1
Topic FollowersHired I think we should travel together. Ooo. Sorry. Don't want to be a third wheel, you know? VNPCFollow_FollowersHired_0014F15B_1
Topic FollowersTactics Let's talk about your tactics. Am I punching too much? I get carried away. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_0014F15C_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombat I want you to change your combat style. My recommendation - more punching. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_0014F14C_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombatEND Let's talk about something else. Yeah. Shake things up a little. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_0014F15D_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombatGOODBYE That's all. Let's get going. Count me in. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_0014F167_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombatMelee Switch to a melee weapon. You mean like this melee weapon right here in my hand at this very second? VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_0014F15E_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombatMelee Switch to a melee weapon. Yes! Finally. Everything's coming up Veronica. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_0014F15F_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombatRanged I want you to use ranged weapons. {Hopeful}Does jumping at them with my fists count as ranged? {Then, dejected}<Sighs> Fine. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_001586FE_1
Topic FollowersTacticsCombatRanged I want you to use ranged weapons. Are you talking to me, or a future Veronica who is not already doing that? VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_001586FF_1
Topic FollowersTacticsDistance Let's talk about how close you're following me. What are you saying, exactly? VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_001586DE_1 As though being broken up with, but lightly
Topic FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault Stay close to me. Hey, now. You're gonna have to buy me dinner first. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_00158700_1
Topic FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault Stay close to me. This is as close as I get until you turn into a leggy brunette. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_00158701_1
Topic FollowersTacticsDistanceDefault Stay close to me. Sorry. I get distracted. Been scavenging too long. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_00158702_1
Topic FollowersTacticsDistanceEND Your distance is good. Let's talk about something else. See? I'm good at stuff. VNPCFollow_FollowersTactic_001586F0_1
Topic PLAYERFIREWEAPON PLAYER FIRE WEAPON Am I gonna have to take that away from you? VNPCFollow_PLAYERFIREWEAPO_001586E8_1
Topic PLAYERINIRONSITES PLAYER IN IRON SITES Why do we always hurt the ones we care about the most? VNPCFollow_PLAYERINIRONSIT_001586D5_1 wry
Topic GREETING GREETING Leave me alone. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015C23B_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Hey, you got a second? VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014B038_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I'd slap him around, but he stood at my parents' wedding. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014B039_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Plus he used to make excuses to get me out of my punishment when I'd slept through Head Scribe Taggart's lectures. Figure I owe him for that. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014B039_2
Topic GREETING GREETING <Sighs> He means well. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014B039_3
Topic GREETING GREETING I'd be angrier with him, but it's hard to stay mad at the guy who taught me how to box when all the other Paladins told me no. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015D4A5_1
Topic GREETING GREETING <Sighs> He always does what he feels is right. Usually that's a great quality. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015D4A5_2
Topic GREETING GREETING Let's see what we've got here... Okay, yeah, this is the one I was thinking of. The pulse gun. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014B03A_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Although maybe the rangefinder could work too. And it looks like the NCR was onto some miracle farming technology. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014B03A_2
Topic GREETING GREETING {Defeated}He wouldn't listen. The truth was right there staring him in the face. How could he not listen? VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015D4A6_1
Topic GREETING GREETING {Disbelieving}God. {Then, saddened}I should get used to this, I guess. People get desperate, they turn on each other. First thing to go is trust. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A122_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I don't think it's ever gonna be the same for me in there. Knowing no matter what I do, it's gonna end badly. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A122_2
Topic GREETING GREETING But they're all I have. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A122_3 Shaking her head, lost.
Topic GREETING GREETING {Remorseful}God, I did this. This was my fault. Why didn't I see this coming? VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A80B_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Of course they'd track me. Of course they'd assume the worst. Sure, I left them. But that didn't mean I'd ever be free of them. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A80B_2
Topic GREETING GREETING I should've known I was beaten before I began. I just... I had to try, you know? VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A80B_3
Topic GREETING GREETING Well, if there was any question whether I should leave, I guess there's my answer. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A301_1
Topic GREETING GREETING {Horrified}Why did you do that? They were going to let us walk away. Why did you attack them? VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015C23C_1
Topic GREETING GREETING I don't care that they started it. What you did was inexcusable. You need to go. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015C23C_2
Topic GREETING GREETING Clearly you're determined to fight the Brotherhood. Well, you can add my name to your hit list because you're on your own. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015C23A_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Okay, listen. The Brotherhood... they're not always the friendliest bunch. But I won't stand for you fighting them. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015C239_1
Topic GREETING GREETING This is your last chance. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015C239_2
Topic GREETING GREETING See? Pretty addictive, right? You do it once, it just makes you want to do it more. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015C722_1
Topic GREETING GREETING You can't help but notice that the Brotherhood barely exists to these people out here. We're like an urban myth. No real presence on the Outside. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A123_1
Topic GREETING GREETING We just don't adapt like we should. Used to be that all you needed to get your way was a suit of power armor and a laser rifle. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A123_2
Topic GREETING GREETING Now... people are armed and organized. They're not afraid. But we still stick to our old approach, because it's all we know. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A123_3
Topic GREETING GREETING You know, I've been thinking. The real problem with the Brotherhood is that we isolate ourselves. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A124_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Our training is top-notch, our technology gives us an advantage, but when it all comes down to it, we're losing because we shun the outside world. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A124_2
Topic GREETING GREETING We always make enemies, never allies. We refuse to recruit outsiders, or see the value in their simpler technologies. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015A124_3
Topic GREETING GREETING Hold on. I see something I want to punch. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014779B_1
Topic GREETING GREETING No offense, but you look like you've traveled a long way down some bad roads. Where'd you come from? VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_001467AC_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Couldn't get enough of talking to me the first time, huh? VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014779D_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Listen... I want to thank you for helping me out. I'm sorry that... things didn't go like I'd hoped. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014BDA8_1 Beside herself
Topic GREETING GREETING But at least I got the chance to try. At least I know for sure that there was nothing I could do. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014BDA8_2
Topic GREETING GREETING Thank you for giving me that chance. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014BDA8_3
Topic GREETING GREETING Wow, Mr. House is looking for you, huh? What do you think he wants? Bowling partner? VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015BCF8_1
Topic GREETING GREETING What'd you think of Mr. House? I was surprised he only had the two robot sex slaves. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015BCF9_1
Topic GREETING GREETING That chip of yours... I wouldn't wager it on blackjack. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015BCFA_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Unless the dealer has a five or six showing. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015BCFA_2
Topic GREETING GREETING Whole future of New Vegas seems like it's up in the air. Guess I should wait things out before buying a condo in the Ultra-Luxe, huh? VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015BCFB_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Hope you're picking the winning side here. Be nice to fight for someone who's gonna be around for a while. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015BCFC_1
Topic GREETING GREETING Next stop, Hoover Dam, huh? When we get there... can we stop by the souvenir shop? Their beaver mascot is just precious. VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0015BCFD_1
Topic GREETING GREETING What's up? VDialogueVeronica_GREETING_0014779C_1


