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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Mentioned-only character
Vera Keyes
Vera Keyes
Biography and appearance
AffiliationDean Domino (formerly)
Frederick Sinclair
LocationExecutive suites
FamilyAndrew Levine - Uncle[1]
Dialogue FileVera Keyes' dialogue
Mentioned inDead Money
Old World Blues
Far Harbor
Editor IDNVDLC01Starlet
Base IDxx013532 (skelton)
xx006eda (human) Cut contentIcon cut
xx00c824 (ghoul) Cut contentIcon cut
Ref ID?
ActorLaura Bailey
Stephanie DeBrule (song)
Gametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FNV OWBGametitle-fo4fh
Gametitle-FNV DMGametitle-FNV OWBGametitle-fo4fh

Begin again, let go.

— Vera Keyes, Dead Money

Vera Keyes was a pre-War starlet for whom Frederick Sinclair built the Sierra Madre Casino.


Vera Keyes was the stage name[2] of a well-known starlet before the War, starring in many poorly-written romance films, such as Love Sets Sail!, that drew in large box-office crowds, but poor reviews.[3] Keyes was also one of the celebrities invited to the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre Casino. Of all the guests there, she had a special connection to the casino - she was the inspiration for its construction by its founder, Frederick Sinclair. Sinclair worshiped the ground she walked on, and built the casino as both a monument to her and a fortress to protect her. Sinclair was no fool; he could easily see the war on the horizon, and he wanted his love to be safe from it. So he built the Sierra Madre, with its vault as the ultimate nuclear fallout shelter, for him and his love. Vera's voice was the key to the casino's vault, specifically, the words "begin again" and "let go", spoken in her voice into a specific terminal in the casino would activate the elevator down into the casino's bowels.

Dean Domino, an old flame of Vera's, introduced her to Sinclair after seeing that she had caught his eye. But things are never simple: Dean had grown resentful of the other man and decided to take everything from him, and Vera had agreed to help with his plan.[4] When she later started to get cold feet, he secured her assistance by blackmailing her with evidence of "indiscretions" and addictions to Med-X and super stimpaks. What he did not know was that the addictions stemmed from her taking the drugs as pain relief, a refuge from a terminal illness.[5] Vera, eventually overcome with guilt, told Sinclair of the plot. Although he had long known of her and Domino's intentions, he had managed to bear that fact. But this knowledge blackened Sinclair's heart, and he turned the vault into a trap for Domino, making it impossible to leave so that he would have an eternity to contemplate his betrayal.[4] Sinclair eventually relented, and attempted to return the casino to its original purpose, but this proved impossible - it had been built simply too well. He did what he could and hoped that after the doors to the vault locked, the Sierra Madre broadcast, the casino's emergency signal, would bring help from the authorities and unlock the vault's treasure - Vera.

On the night the bombs dropped, the night of the Grand Opening, the casino locked its doors and its security systems activated. The holograms massacred the guests, and Vera was trapped in her room, with only one way out. She scrawled her last words, "LET GO", on the wall, and took an overdose of the chem cocktail which had both saved her from and caused so much pain already.[6] A malfunction with the emergency broadcast, caused by the Gala Event's broadcasting being routed via the emergency announcement system to save money, caused the advertisement for the casino's grand opening to be sent across the airwaves, rather than the intended rescue broadcast. For over two centuries, Vera's voice would act as bait, not for the rescue Sinclair had hoped for, but for potential treasure hunters, luring them to their deaths, urging them to come to the Sierra Madre - a place where they could begin again.

The earthly remains of Vera can be found in a chair in her suite, still wearing her gala dress. Her last moments were recorded by the security equipment, making the holograms paroling the area, as well as the hologram in the Villa's fountain, take form after her, while playing what appears to be her last words, consisting of a plea to Sinclair to let her go.


Icon armored vault suit
Starlet wig
Vera's outfit
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death

Notable quotes[]

  • "Sinclair?! Sinclair, I'm trapped. Please, oh god, the security systems won't let me out, they're keeping me here. I'm going to die here, amongst the ghosts. I... I'm still being recorded by the holographic system. Let go? Let go of what? I came so far to be here... now, now I just want to leave. Please... let me leave. Sinclair, is that you? Sinclair! Sinclair! We all pay for what we've done. I'm so sorry, Sinclair. Sorry, I... I should have trusted you. The doors, they... they sealed. I... I can hear the other guests, screaming to be let out, to let go. Sinclair, is that you? Sinclair? Sinclair, where did you go? Why did you leave me here? Why... I came so far to be here... now, now I just want to leave. Please... let me leave. Sinclair? Sinclair, where did you go? Why did you leave me here? Why..."
  • "Begin again, let go."


  • Her likeness appears in holograms around the Villa and casino; the holograms in the casino will attack if they see you, but the villa hologram will not.
  • Vera's skeletal corpse can be devoured if the Courier has the Cannibal perk and can also be dismembered.
Icon cut contentThe following is based on Fallout New Vegas cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources.
  • Two unused versions of Vera Keyes exist in the game files, simply named Starlet. One is a placeholder used to run some scripts for the recording in the Sierra Madre executive suites and the ending slides. The other is a ghoul intended for use as a corpse, her charred (yet fully clothed) skeleton was used instead.
Icon cut contentEnd of information based on Fallout New Vegas cut content.

Behind the scenes[]



Vera Keyes' corpse, recorded voice, and holograms in her likeness appear in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money. She is also mentioned in Old World Blues with many posters and pictures of herself throughout the research facilities. She is also mentioned by Gilda Broscoe in Far Harbor.


  1. Gilda Broscoe: "Did you know that I was supposed to star in Love Sets Sail? The only reason that bitch Vera got the part is because her uncle was the producer."
    (Gilda Broscoe's dialogue)
  2. Dead Money loading screen hints: "Not much is known about Vera Keyes, only that that is not believed to have been her real name."
  3. Dead Money loading screen hints: "Vera Keyes was a Pre-War Hollywood starlet. Her claim to fame was a number of poorly-written romances that nonetheless drew in large box office crowds - and poor reviews."
  4. 4.0 4.1 Sierra Madre vault terminals; Vault Control Terminal, Sinclair's Personal Accounts.
  5. Villa clinic terminals; Terminal, Appointment Calendar
  6. One can conclude she overdosed as her corpse is surrounded by empty Med-X needles and a super stimpak.
  7. Megan Parks' portfolio