The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Vault 63
F76 Vault 63 ExtF76 Vault 63 Main Door
F76 358
Map MarkerVault 63
Part ofAsh Heap
  • Interior cell
  • Clearable
  • Fast travel destination
  • Vault-Tec theme
TerminalsVault 63 terminals

Vault 63 is one of the Vaults constructed by the Vault-Tec Corporation. It is located in the Ash Heap region of Appalachia.


It is not known what the experiment in Vault 63 was, if any.

Points of interest[]

  • Hidden beneath one of a countless mining sheds scattered across the Ash Heap, Vault 63 is currently inaccessible: The control panel will rebuff any entrants, stating that only "authorized personnel" may move beyond that point.
  • Event and terminal localization in the game's strings suggest that the Vault was planned to have three types of events:
    • Rioting, where the players would have to procure the Military Officer's IDs and report to the entrance, in order to subdue the rioters.
    • Fire emergency, where the players would participate in putting out the fires that broke out throughout the Vault, using the Fire Chief's ID.
    • Reactor meltdown, where the players would save the Vault from a catastrophic failure, using the nuclear officer's ID.
Dynamic spawns

No location theme keyword variable specified - check the infobox!


Vault 63 appears only in Fallout 76.

