This page lists all Vault-Tec regional HQ terminals.
Mr. Davidson's Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in Mr. Davidson's office, on the third floor?.
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Frank Davidson's Personal Logs
Sharon spilled coffee on my new shirt while we were in the lounge this morning. I told her it was fine and we had a good laugh about the whole thing. If she does it again I'll stab her in the fucking throat with my pen. She's a good kid.
Dr. Reid is beginning to get on my nerves. All he talks about now are his theories on how the vaults were built to run experiments on people, and not actually help them at all. I keep telling him that he couldn't be more wrong. If he keeps it up, I might have to....discipline him.
Dr. Reid's Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in Dr. Reid's office on the second floor of the building.
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Martin Reid's Personal Logs
Walter in the warehouse just told me we received a massive shipment marked "Vault 111 - DO NOT OPEN". So, he opened it...and it was hundreds of gallons of liquid nitrogen! What could they possibly need that for?
That's it! I can't work under a manager who's so oblivious to what's going on around him. These vaults are supposed to be a safe haven for these people, not a lab to run experiments on them. Davidson still doesn't see it...or he's just ignoring it. Either way, I'm putting in my two weeks in the morning.
Walter Scott's Terminal[]
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in basement. It is locked Novice.
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
Walter Scott's Personal Logs
I think Mr. Davidson has been getting annoyed with Martin lately. I told Martin he should probably back off a bit because I know Mr. Davidson has a temper. I saw him break a pool que over Roger's head because he stood too close to the table when Mr. Davidson was taking his shot. Roger still has trouble with the hearing in his right ear.
I miss Sharon. She's been out for a couple of days and it's just not the same here without her. No one upstairs has heard from her. I'm starting to worry. Getting to see her face when I go upstairs for lunch is the highlight of my day.