This page lists Van Lowe Taxidermy terminals.
Store Terminal[]
![]() |
Header | -=|| VAN LOWE TAXIDERMY ||=- |
Welcome text | -== For Employee Use Only. ==- | |
Body | Please select an operation: |
ERROR: All shipping records have been deleted by user: (Calvin van Lowe)
User Comments: n/a
Date of Deletion: 10/9/77
Shipping Records have been locked by user: (Shelley van Lowe)
User Comments: Where are you, Calvin?
Date of Lock: 10/20/77
Incoming/Outgoing Orders[]
![]() |
Header | -=|| VAN LOWE TAXIDERMY ||=- |
Welcome text | Now displaying: archive of holotape reciepts for incoming/outgoing orders in 2076 and 2077 | |
Body | Archive of Order Receipts from Clark Interior and Furniture. |
Receipt: 1/11/2076[]
===Order Form========
- Star-nosed Mole: Standing
- Grizzly bear: Standing Hind legs
- Largemouth Bass: Wall mount
>>> Incoming: Client Comments >>>
Hi there, Shelley.
<<< Outgoing: Supplier Comments <<<
Well, hello there, "D"
Receipt: 4/2/2076[]
===Order Form========
- Bullhead Catfish: Wall mount
- Bullhead Catfish: Centerpiece
- Bullhead Catfish: Wall mount
- Black bear: all fours
>>> Incoming: Client Comments >>>
So, what do you think?
<<< Outgoing: Supplier Comments <<<
I am available next week... I can't wait to see you. I wish we didn't have to talk this way, but I understand...
And what is with this guy and catfish? Is he the same client from last month?
Receipt: 8/2/2077[]
===Order Form========
- Canada Goose: spread wings
- Oxhorn Cigar Rack (custom piece)
- Wood duck: sitting
>>> Incoming: Client Comments >>>
Ms. Van Lowe,
It would appear a number of Holotape receipts have failed to be provided by your store over the last year or so.
Deb's pop always had kind words for your family and shop, and he highly recommended I continue this business relationship when we took the reins. I'd hate to make changes over something so trivial, but the lack of receipts has been a real headache for our bookkeeping.
Gregory Timmerman
Clark Interiors and Furniture
<<< Outgoing: Supplier Comments <<<
I am so sorry, Mr. Timmerman. It seems our terminal in the storefront has been on the fritz. It will not happen again.
Shelley van Lowe
Van Lowe Taxidermy
Receipt: 10/7/2077[]
===Order Form========
- Insect Collection Display
- Rainbow Trout: wall mount - Special order: Oak
- Moose head - Imported
- Black bear
>>> Incoming: Client Comments >>>
I'm sorry. I've told Greg that I will make paper copies of the receipts from now on.
Can we talk?
P.S. I think I saw your brother in town. Is he back?
<<< Outgoing: Supplier Comments <<<
Yes, Deb, we can talk again. I wasn't mad, I was just worried about you. I've missed you so much.
And, yes, Calvin is back in town. He's on a "project" from work. I don't know, Deb, he's acting like his old self again. Going out in the middle of the night, locking himself away all day. I don't know what the make of it.
I could really use that Birthday trip we talked about... if you're still up for it. Meet me here Friday night.
Refund Order: 10/19/2077[]
===Order Form========
[Insert Refunded Order]
<<< Outgoing: Supplier Comments <<<
Calvin is missing. He must have left when we were away, I think. That's the only thing that makes sense.
When I got home, the office was locked, so I figured he was just in there... then a whole day went by and it was still locked. I banged and screamed, but there was no answer. I ended up taking an axe to the damn thing, if you can believe it. No sign of him.
Something isn't right, I can just feel it. All of his belongings are still here... his work, research, even his clothes.
He didn't just "leave" this time, he's... I don't know, missing... gone. I'm scared, I don't know what to do. I feel like this is my fault.
>>> Incoming: Client Comments >>>
Shelley, calm down. Talk to the police. I'll make sure Greg can watch Carver tonight. We'll find him.
Pending Response: 11/17/2077[]
===Order Form========
>>> Incoming: Client Comments >>>
Shelley, you weren't in the shop. I couldn't think of anything else to do but leave another one of these tapes.
Please be okay. Please find me when you read this.
It's just Carver... He's getting so skinny, Shell, I don't know what to do. His cough, it's... terrible.
I need you. We need you.
Office Terminal[]
![]() |
Header | -=|| VAN LOWE TAXIDERMY ||=- |
Welcome text | -== For Employee Use Only. ==- | |
Body | Please select an operation: |
User: Calvin van Lowe
Security Authorization: MISSING
- One the right access code is acquired
[aSQUATCHinSHEEPSclothing] accepted...
Personal Documents[]
![]() |
Header | |
Welcome text | ||
Body | User (Calvin van Lowe)'s personal documents: |
Sheepsquatch Field Research #1[]
February 20, 2070
Hunters: Me, Ray, Scoot
Location: Farmland, Rt. 63
Rumor: Sheep disappearing. Exploring hypothesis that Sheepsquatch eats sheep. This one is Scoot's idea.
Findings: I told the guys this was a stupid lead. I'd bet money that Scoot is a cannibal before the Sheepsquatch is! Turns out it was just the neighbor stealing the sheep... obviously.
Sheepsquatch Field Research #2[]
April 2, 2071
Hunters: Me, Ray, Scoot
Location: Point Pleasant, Trails
Rumor: Strange tracks found on trails near Point Pleasant. Provided by a fellow Cryptid hunter from the area.
Findings: I had high hopes here, but we couldn't find any tracks.
Sheepsquatch Field Research #3[]
March 25, 2071
Hunters: Just me
Location: Uncanny Caverns, hills
Rumor: Strange white animal spotted in the area
Findings: I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I just barely caught a glimpse: a beautiful white blur, long horns. It was on four legs-- surprising, but why haven't I considered that? It's real! It's really real! I need to tell Scoot and Ray.
Not Real[]
October 20, 2071
Stop it. It's been months.
It's not real. Why do I have to keep reminding myself?
What is wrong with me?
Still Not Real[]
July 2, 2072
I have to stop. It's not real. I have to tell the guys I can't do this anymore. It's not real. I can't keep doing this to myself. It's not real. I have to study, I can't let this control my life.
It is not real.
Please Read, From Shelley[]
This is Shelley. I wanted to make sure I left this someplace where you'd see it, Calvin.
I'm leaving Lewisburg. It's gotten too dangerous here, and there's people I'm caring for now that need my protection.
If you've come back, you'll know where to find me: where Mom and Dad said we'd always live someday.
And if this is a "Sheepsquatch Hunter" reading this and listening to the tapes I left, well... I hope it's providing enough clues to pick up my brother's trail. I want to stay here until I've solved this, but... Alright, that's enough.
Goodbye, Lewisburg.
Truth Seekers Meeting Archive[]
[System] Now beginning "Truth Seekers" meeting for April 2nd, 2070. This meeting will be auto-dictated for records.
[System] Roll call: Scott "Scoot" Conroy, Calvin "Cal" van Lowe, Ray Gary
[RAY] Okay, well, let's begin. The first order of business to bring up is Cal's ridiculous new haircut.
[Unintelligible Laughter]
[CAL] Yeah, alright, laugh it up. Like you don't know a thing or two about getting terrible haircuts, Scoot.
[SCOOT] I've had the same haircut since grade school!
[RAY] Exactly!
[Unintelligible, Laughter]
[RAY] Okay, okay, but down to business. Have you guys read about that "lumbering hairy beast" seen up by Grafton?
[SCOOT] Already debunked by that guy over in Point Pleasant. Was just an old mine cart filled with dirty laundry.
[RAY] Crud. Why's that guy looking into a Sheepsquatch sighting? Doesn't he have a "Mothman" to track down?
[SCOOT] Maybe he finally decided to hunt for a REAL Cryptid.
[RAY] Must be. I don't have anything else. Cal, anything turn up on your end?
[CAL] No, I've... been... studying. Like, for-school-studying.
[SCOOT] You what?
[Unintelligible Laughter]
[CAL] I'm serious! I need... I need to focus more. It's important I get into VTU. I...
[Error: too quiet, unable to dictate]
[RAY] Alright, alright, meeting adjourned. See you guys next month!
[SYSTEM] Dictation stopped
[System] Now beginning "Truth Seekers" meeting for July 29th, 2072. This meeting will be auto-dictated for records.
[System] Roll call: Scott "Scoot" Conroy, Calvin "Cal" van Lowe, Ray Gary
[RAY] Okay, well... Let's get started on the, uh, final meeting of the Truth Seekers... for a while.
[CAL] I guess I'll make a statement for the record. I will be beginning my first semester at Vault-Tec University in about a month, so I won't have time for cryptid hunting for a few years.
[RAY] Congratulations again, Cal.
[Error: too quiet, unable to dictate]
[RAY] Well, uh, unfortunately I don't have much to report. There was a sighting last week over by Uncanny Caverns, but... turned out to just be an albino bear, so... Cal, anything?
[CAL] Sorry, no.
[RAY] Alright. Scoot?
[RAY] Meeting adjourned, then.
[SYSTEM] Dictation stopped
[System] Now beginning "Truth Seekers" meeting for September 23rd, 2077. This meeting will be auto-dictated for records.
[System] Roll call: Calvin "Cal" van Lowe, Ray Gary
[RAY] Okay then, let's get started. It's good to have you back, Cal, even if it's just for today. I'm sorry the other members couldn't make it, some have to travel pretty far these days.
[CAL] Oh, no problem... It's been so long, I'm just glad we could make the time. Still no word from Scoot?
[RAY] No, he hasn't been around in months, he doesn't show up to these anymore. I'm just barely able to keep in touch with him these days.
[CAL] Ah... That's... too bad.
[RAY] Yeah.
[CAL] So, I wanted to just talk a bit, see if you and the other members maybe have heard anything lately... Strange sightings, things wandering around the woods... The, uh, usual.
[RAY] Not really. Just some random police reports of people thinking they saw something late at night-- but we pick up that kind of thing at least once or twice a month. Never leads to anything interesting.
[CAL] I see.
[RAY] And ever since I've been in the chair, it's... been harder for me to get around myself, so... It's...
[CAL] Oh! Oh... I'm sorry, Ray, I didn't mean to...
[RAY] It's fine. I've gotten used to it, been a few years, but it's made personal investigations harder. I mostly just try to make these meetings to pass knowledge on to the new guys.
[CAL] Yeah...
[Error: too quiet, unable to dictate]
[CAL] Well, I really ought to be going, I'm just in town for work and...
[RAY] Be well, Cal... I mean it. I see that look in your eyes.... Be well.
[CAL] Yeah, of course, I... Yes. I will.
[SYSTEM] Dictation stopped
I saw the letter you left me in your bedroom. Very cute, but I don't need help following your trail. Your time is up, don't make this difficult.
-The Big Bad Wolf
Assembly Platform[]
![]() |
Header | -==Custom Robotic Assembly Platform==- |
Welcome text | Recent Users: <Calvin van Lowe> // <unknown> // <$NewUser> | |
Body |
Initialize Platform[]
Error: Unable to reach platform...
Initialize Platform[]
Status Reports[]
![]() |
Header | |
Welcome text | ||
Body | STATUS: CHECK-IN FAILURE 2/2 :: Await the arrival of your assigned Fixer. |
Check-in #1[]
| STATUS: //sent//
Based on the topographical survey, it would appear the primary areas of interest are concentrated on the Western side of town. I'll focus my efforts there first.
I hope the construction is as fast and discreet as you claim; my sister will be returning Sunday evening.
P.S. Please send along the paperwork for the store. If we want to avoid suspicion, the sale will need to be finalized before the market value drops in Lewisburg. After all, I have high hopes for how effective our sightings will be!
Check-in #2[]
| STATUS: //sent//
The Assaultron unit provided for Mary's Little Lamb is less than adequate. I'm unable to keep it running, let alone program a custom routine of any valuable effect. Can you imagine if it broke down mid-route?
I've sent H.Q. some specifications. I hope they can deliver.
Check-in #3[]
| STATUS: //sent//
The new model is... fantastic. Should I even asked how we acquired it? The stealth capabilities are beyond anything I've read about or studied-- just perfect. Thank you for coming through.
The sightings I've staged so far have not stirred up enough public attention yet, however. I'll need to be a little more aggressive with future attempts.
Check-in #4 [FAILURE 1/2][]
| STATUS: //sent//
Check-in #5[]
| STATUS: //sent//
I understand the frustration from HQ. I am well aware of the costs, the risk. I am also aware of what happens if the Big Bad Wolf comes knocking. I do NOT appreciate the threats and they will NOT accelerate this process.
The previous sightings simply lacked authenticity. I have a plan, but I need YOUR patience.
Check-in #6 [FAILURE 2/2][]
!!! - EMERGENCY CHECK-IN - !!![]
- If the holotape has not been retrieved
\\ ERROR(221) Pending Session Log Available //
This check-in cannot be reviewed until the last (Behaviorial Reprogramming Session) has been reviewed.
- Once it was retrieved
This is Wolf.
Mary's Little Lamb is AWOL.
Blacksheep is MIA, evidence suggests KIA.
Requesting back-up operatives.
Meet at Garrahan Estate; coordinates attached.
Wolf out
- On subsequent visits
Behavioral Reprogramming Sessions[]
![]() |
Header | |
Welcome text | ||
Body |
Session 1: Assaultron [SN:001432C3][]
Session Operator: (Calvin van Lowe)
Model: (Assaultron)
Serial Number: [001432C3]
Status: [COMPLETED - Session log retrieved]
Session 2: Assaultron [SN:001432C3][]
Session Operator: (Calvin van Lowe)
Model: (Assaultron)
Serial Number: [001432C3]
Status: [COMPLETED - Session log retrieved]
Session 3: Assaultron [SN:RX-0022CDF9][]
Session Operator: (Calvin van Lowe)
Model: (Assaultron)
Serial Number: [SN:RX-0022CDF9]
Status: [COMPLETED - Session log retrieved]
(!!!) Session 4: Assaultron [SN:RX-0022CDF9] (LOGS AVAILABLE)[]
Session Operator: (Calvin van Lowe)
Model: (Assaultron)
Serial Number: [RX-0022CDF9]
Made in the U.S.A.
Version 8.31.84
See Manual for Operating Instructions and Warranty Information
©2075 RobCo Industries