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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Van Lowe Taxidermy
F76 Van Lowe Taxidermy Ext
Part ofThe Ash Heap, Lewisburg
QuestsLying Lowe
Unsolved: Picnic Panic
Unsolved: Death and Taxidermy
Unsolved: Best of Intentions
Unsolved: Tracking Terror
TerminalsVan Lowe Taxidermy terminals

Van Lowe Taxidermy is a location in Fallout 76.


This old taxidermy shop used to belong to the Van Lowe siblings. Calvin, Shelley's brother, was obsessed with tracking down the sheepsquatch, a mythical cryptid, and turned much of the shop into a hub for collecting data and information about the mysterious cryptid.

Points of interest[]

  • This old taxidermy shop starts with the service area, filled with mounted heads of wildlife. The display case contains two clues related to the Lying Lowe quest, and can be opened using a button hidden behind the counter. The door in the back leads down to a basement with a chemistry station and a Bysshe calendar with the laundry date circled on it.
  • The other door leads up to the flat, through a small salon into the kitchen. The note on the counter helps locate the security code. Next to the kitchen is Shelley's room.
  • The top floor contains the office and the master bedroom. The office contains a treasure trove of information concerning Calvin's hunt for the sheepsquatch and his wall of crazy - or is it really crazy? To unlock the main terminal and Calvin's personal files, you need to use the strange bone from the display case on the mounted wolf's head in the basement, which will yield Calvin's security code.
  • The basement contains a secret section that's accessed at the end of The Lowe-Down, containing a secret robotics facility used by Calvin to create the sheepsquatch. There's also a tinker's workbench and a steamer trunk there.

Notable loot[]

Notes and holotapes
Secret lab



Van Lowe Taxidermy appears in Fallout 76.

