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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
This page lists all quests in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.
  • The content is not described in full detail on this page. For details, please see the respective articles.
  • For quests in other Fallout games, please see "Quest".
  • For an overview of Van Buren content, please refer to "Portal:Van Buren".

Blackfoot village quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Acquire Guns for the Blackfoots - -
Become a Friend of the Blackfoots - -
Become a Hangdog Warrior - -
Build an Air Pump System for the Furnace Caves - -
Build a Still for the Town (cut) - -
Clear the Rubble In Front of the military Door in Mine Cave 1 - -
Collapse The Cave Entrances - -
Convince the Blackfoots to Sell Water - -
Cure the Devil Dog - -
Cure the Sick Dogs - -
Damn Kurisu's Soul - -
Destroy all of the Spore Plants - -
Find the Quarantine Robot - -
Fix Fast-Hands' Leg - -
Fix The Ski Lift (cut) Lift Operator reputation. - -
Free the Blackfooots from the Daughter of Hecate - -
Free the Slaves - -
Free Slave X - -
Get Garun some Booze - -
Get Garun some Damn Tools - -
Get Marie apprenticed to Teacher - -
Get Rid of the Coyotes - -
Help Chagas Take Over the Blackfoot Tribe - -
Help Garun Get Caught Up - -
Help the Guards, They're Bored (cut) - -
Improve The Smelting Furnace - -
Kill off the Radscorpions - -
Kill The Blackfoots - -
Kill the Devil Dog Devil Slayer reputation. - -
Kill the Mutant Giant Bats - -
Kill the Rats For the Blackfoots and Hangdogs - -
Learn the Hangdog Fighting Style Hangdog Fighting Style perk. - -
Let the Hangdogs use the Devil Dog For Breeding - -
Make the Hangdogs Appreciate the Coyotes (cut) - -
Mine For Coal Powder - -
Mine For Guano Grand Master of Guano reputation. - -
Mine For Silver - -
Open the Secondary Silver Mine - -
Poison the Tribe's Water (cut) - -
Reconcile Fast-Hands and the Daughter of Hecate - -
Recruit Marie for the Daughters of Hecate (cut) - -
Retrofit the Lift Engine for another purpose - -
Save Kurisu's Soul - -
Set Up Chagas as the Gunsmith in these Parts - -
Take Over the Blackfoots (cut) - -
Take Over the Hangdogs Hangdog Packleader reputation - -
Tame the Devil Dog Walks With the Devil reputation. - -
Train Garun in GunWork - -
Update the Blackfoot Outsoorsman lab (cut) - -

Bloomfield Airbase quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Build Sid's Self-Esteem - -
Challenge Kyle to Fight for Rusty Hooks' Leadership - -
Convince Bear to Try and Take Over Rusty Hooks - -
Convince Rusty Hook Guards to Allow Passage (cut) - -
Convince Sid to Kill Himself - -
Destroy Launch Pad Security Bots via More Conventional Means - -
Disable Bear's C4 Heart Bomb - -
Disable Launch Pad Security Turrets Via Security Computer - -
Disable Trigger of Bear's C4 Heart Bomb - -
Disable Launch Pad Security Turrets Via Destroying Power Generator - -
Input Legit Mission Control Computer Access Codes - -
Enter Legitimate Mission Control Launch Codes - -
Get Control of Bear's C4 Heart Bomb - -
Get Sid to tell PC about Bear's Heart Bomb and Kyle's Radio Trigger - -
Hack into Launch Pad Security Computer - -
Hack Mission Control Computer Access Codes - -
Help Sid Complete the Mega-Flamer - -
Make it Through the Parking Structure Unscathed (cut) - -
Reprogram Security Turrets to Fire upon Security Bots & NCR Guards - -
Restore Sub-Reactor from 45% Efficiency to 60%-85% Efficiency - -
Rewire Trigger of Bear's C4 Heart Bomb to Explode - -
Sneak Passed Launch Pad Turrets, Security Bots, and NCR Guards, and Gain Access to Computer Control Room - -
Use the Mega-Flamer to Eliminate the Rusty Hooks - -

B.O.M.B.-001 quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Blow up reactor core - -
Build a freeze-gun - -
Change the targeting solutions on the missiles - -
Convince Coleridge that Presper deceived them - -
Disable outside security bots via computer - -
Disable S.O.R.-1000 Beta & Delta through combat - -
Disable S.O.R.-1000 Beta & Delta through computer - -
Find schematics for Freeze-gun - -
Overload reactor core - -
Reactivate S.O.R.-1000 Alpha - -
Magnetize Alpha's treads so he can space walk on the inner hull supports - -
Manually disable 5 out of 8 nuclear missiles - -
PC repairs, or helps repair, Alpha's damaged limbs - -
Successfully sneak past S.O.R.-1000 Beta and Delta - -
Successfully sneak past security bots on inner hull - -
Successfully knock out or kill the engineer without alerting Presper and his men - -

Boulder quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Boulder Scientists Research or Write - -
Code Yourself Smarter - -
Defeat the Baggers/Larsen's Team - -
Destroy the Jackals - -
Destroy the Truck - -
Dope Radaway for Larsen - -
Dump Allies In the Dome - -
Establish Radio Contact & Trade With Denver - -
Find Out About Wagner - -
Find Out What ZAX is Calculating - -
Fix Things In the dome - -
Get the Medical Implants - -
Give Slaves to Boulder to Make Robobrains - -
Heal Helen's Kids - -
Quarantine the Glow Bugs - -
Jimmy the Cannibal - -
Research Plague Data - -
Robobrain a CNPC - -
Sleep Through Presper's Holocaust - -
Stabilize the Reactor - -
Take Computer Classes - -
Tell the BOS about the Dome - -
Trade Holodisks to the Geeks - -
Use Think Tank for Data - -

Denver quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Get the Elevator Cable - -
Get the Brewery Running again - -
Repair the PA/Klaxon system - -
Use the PA/KLaxon to Get Rid of the Dogs - -
Defeat the CRB-S Units - -
Fix Job/Mr Handy - -
Reprogram Job so he can leave Denver - -
Break Into the Box, surface/Sewer level - -
Defeat Bombay Jack at the Box - -
Defeat Bombay Jack in his Canyon - -
Defeat the Legion Slavers - -
Rescue the Legion's Slaves - -
Kill the Evil Salvagers - -
Prepare/Fix Union Station - -
Destroy/Drive Off NCR Military - -
Kill All the Dogs - -
Get the Generator from the Old Camp - -
Defuse the Mines on the Freeway to Boulder - -
Recover Plague Outbreak & Riot Documents - -
Use the Big Radio to Signal ARGOS - -
Analyze Their Drug Stockpile - -
Kill Radioactive Lizards - -
Get Garcia out of his coma - -
Get the Salvagers some fruit or Vitamins - -
Fix the Radio Tower - -
Get Jimmy T a Doctor's Bag - -
Get them a Geiger Counter - -
Defeat Dogbody - -
Start Trade With NCR or New Canaan - -
Tell the Hangdogs About the Denver Dogs - -

Hoover Dam quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Get Meeting with Governor Joseph Dodge - -
Successfully Negotiate Peace between NCR and BOS - -
Get City Council attendance back to norm - -
Join up with the 3-Some Caravan Company - -
Successfully spy on the Crimson Caravan Company for 3-Some Caravan - -
Join up with the Crimson Caravan Company as spy for 3-Some - -
Successfully frame 3-Some Caravan Co. for extortion and murder - -
Successfully extort money out of Ailis McLafferty using evidence - -
Expose Crimson Caravan to Governor Dodge using evidence and helping Major Fleming with the arrest - -
Give filtration schematics to former BOS scribes for better water purification process - -
Get school attendance up to norm - -
Teach class on Wasteland survival - -
Clear out critters in Scum Pits for possible hydroponics lab - -
Successfully get regular shipments from Denver for materials to build hydroponics lab in Scum Pits - -
Discover Sub-level 1 - -
Discover lost Hoover Dam war and Sub-level 1 history and relaying information to FOA - -
Relay new history from traveling the wasteland to Candice - -
Get Mary-Joe to stop turning tricks & get access to Scum Pits - -
Help Beatrice in a bar fight - -
Do Bob's bounty hunter jobs - -
Clear out Sub-level 1 - Classified of all the monsters - -
Recalibrate the two working power generators to be more efficient and increase power - -

Jericho quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Fix the leaks in the plant - -
Build an automated water pump - -
Kill Jeremiah - -
Exterminate the vermin - -
Sabotage the water plant - -
Poison the water shipments - -
Negotiate a water contract with Hoover Dam - -
Build a biodiesel generator for the Jericho water plant - -
Find and return Ivan, the escaped worker - -
Find out who's been stealing from Anson - -

Reservation quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Learn the Scaven-picker's gibberish language - -
Teach the Scaven-pickers to make their own Rad-X - -
Learn Powpapa - -
Learn Shinkpapa - -
Eliminate the Scaven-picker pests - -
Sell smooch to the Scaven-pickers - -
Gain entrance into the Reservation Town - -
Hook up Betty and Hank by freeing (acquiring) Jillian - -
Acquire Jillian - -
Player acquires Measles as a companion - -
The trouble with Florence - -
Colonel Green's Quest - -
Smooch dealer - -
Blackmail Marty - -
Fetch the cable for the heavy lift - -
Get Hermes XIII launch codes - -
Fix air filtration device - -

Tibbets Facility quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Bypass Security Door 13 - -
Escape Cell Block 13 - -
Get Key for Armory - -
Reprogram Guide Bot - -

Twin Mothers quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Choose to deal with the raiders - -
Choose to deal with the wasteland creatures - -
Discover why Alaya will not marry Eldron - -
The Blessing of the goddess - -
The voice of the goddess - -
Discover the vault - -
Restore security - -
Discover the dish - -
Find the Nursery location - -
Deliver a disk - -
Trisha's accident - -
Betray Trisha - -
Betray Sharon - -

Maxson Bunker quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Cure the commander - -
Find the poisoner - -
Find contacts - -
Find COS - -
Peacemaker - -
Repair Forklift - -
Repair Vents - -
Repair Computer - -
Repair Memory - -
Repair Water Chip - -
Establish trade - -
Find the codes - -

Mesa Verde quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Deal with the Vipers Azkee XP and loot from killed Vipers. - -
Acquire the Ciphers' enriched uranium - -
Convince Isaac to tell you what the power armor security codes are - -
Sabotage the wind turbine for the Vipers - -
Forge an alliance between the BoS and the Ciphers - -
Repair the computer so the all the Ciphers can access the old knowledge - -
Cure Radian - -
Figure out what Denom did to the crops - -
Get more food to the Ciphers - -
Restore the crop fields with the Miracle Wheat - -
Rescue the captured Ciphers - -
Bring a GECK to Isaac in exchange for his power armor - -
Resolve the Alexandra-Blackjack situation - -
Kill the weedlings - -
Build an alarm for Trig - -

Nursery quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Gain entry to the Nursery. - -
Explore the valley and discover the tragedies that have befallen it. - -
Restore power to the Nursery and all of its facilities but especially the Repository. - -
Restore power to the Nursery central computer. - -
Heal the central computer of her ails - -
Destroy the carnivorous plants that are taking over the gardens.. - -
Restore the functionality of the distribution system. - -
Start up GECK production. - -
Find a replacement pipe for the power plant. - -
Find a replacement robo-brain shell for the central computer. - -
Collect wasteland animal samples worth preserving and bring them to the Nursery. - -

New Canaan quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Clear out Wasps for Emma - -
Deal with Marshall - -
De-Trap Union station - -
Get Bulk Gun Parts for Steve - -
Get Rid of the Squatters - -
Investigate Drug Trafficking - -
Make Deal with NCR - -
Make Deal with Burham Springs - -
Overthrow Jeremiah Rigdon - -
Recover Daniel - -
Repel 215 Attackers - -
Resolve 215 Rail Line Gang Threat - -
Resolve Jericho Water Plant Issues - -
Re-Establish Mordecai - -
Teach Pablo about Salicornia - -

Ouroboros quests[]

Name Given by Reward
Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
Caesar's Legion agents - -
Aid in the rescue of the slaves - -
Expose Hecate as a fraud - -
Distribute plague cure - -
Rescue Adrian - -
Play matchmaker - -
Mbox stub
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