This page lists all primary statistics in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios. |
Primary statistic | Description | Derived statistics and effects | Associated skills |
Strength | A measure of your raw physical strength. | Carry Weight Melee damage |
Melee Weapons Unarmed |
Perception | How well you use your five senses and notice unusual things. | - | Mechanics Medic Outdoorsman Security Sneak Steal |
Endurance | Your health and overall physical fitness. | Healing Rate, Hit Points | Outdoorsman Unarmed |
Charisma | Your overall attractiveness and likeability. | - | Barter Deception Persuasion |
Intelligence | Your basic intellect, curiosity in the world and adeptness at critical thinking. | - | Deception Mechanics Medic Science |
Agility | A combination of the character's reflexes, balance, and coordination | Action Points Evasion |
Security Sneak Steal |
Luck | A combination of fate, karma, and general good fortune. | Critical Chance | - |