The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
FO4 Vault-Tec Van
LocationThe Commonwealth
The Island
base id000e6cc2 (pre-War)
00063878 (post-War)
0008212e (post-War chassis)
0008212f (post-War chassis)
00204814 (post-War blue)
00088107 (post-War white)
000821cc (post-War white)
00204812 (post-War blue)
00204813 (post-War blue)

Vans are a type of vehicle in Fallout 4, its add-on Far Harbor and Fallout 76.


The Van is a simple, yet versatile vehicle. Before the War, they were used for goods transport, with prominent users being the Vault-Tec Corporation and Lobster Grill, as well as being used by medical facilities as ambulances. Various vans on Mount Desert Island, ironically those that bear the now-defunct Lobster Grill's logo, having been taken up as residence by mutated giant Hermit crabs that use the vehicles as shells.


They are commonly found on streets throughout the Commonwealth, The Island and Appalachia. Some of the vans on the Island may house Hermit crabs.


  • At some hospitals around the Commonwealth, there are dead patients in the back. This would look to be impossible due to the van's low doors at the rear. The patient on the gurney would hit the top of the van's doors.
  • Mere minutes before the bombs fell on Boston, the Vault-Tec rep parked one in front of The House of Tomorrow, the Sole Survivor's home at the time.