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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Ulysses' temple
Ulysses Temple interior
Ulysses Temple interior 2
Icon military
Ulysses Temple loc
Map MarkerUlysses' Temple
Cell NameNVDLC04DivideTempleEntrance (exterior)
NVDLC04DivideUlyssesTemple (interior)
ref idxx002c86 (exterior)
xx003caa (interior)
Maintenance Terminal
Repair Pod Terminal
Eyebot Control Console
Missile Launch Terminal
Gametitle-FNV LR
Gametitle-FNV LR

Ulysses' Temple is a location in the Divide in 2281. It is home to Ulysses, and his shrine to the Old World. The "Temple" is the biggest nuclear missile silo within the Divide, controlling several nuclear missile silos as well.


The temple opens to a small hallway that leads into a larger room with a sentry bot patrolling the area. Further down the hall is an eyebot repair and storage facility. In this small room are three pods; one contains a powered down ED-E. A nearby terminal reactivates him. Through a door not to far away is the main sanctuary of the temple.

Straight ahead as you enter the complex is a missile which is in countdown to launch, behind an Old World flag. Ulysses will be standing before the flag the first time the player enters. There are six other nuclear missiles, three in holding frameworks in a pit to the left and three in holding frameworks in a pit to the right, as you face the central missile. On the main level there is a wide array of quite useless consoles, plus the launch control console Ulysses used to prepare the loaded missile prior to your arrival. It is accessed after you have convinced Ulysses to stand down or killed him.

There are two eyebot control consoles used to shut down or reprogram the repair and medical eyebots, one console at the far end of each missile pit. Unless they are shut down or reprogrammed, Ulysses will make use of the eyebots during your battle against him. The consoles are inactive until after you have talked to Ulysses. There are six loose warheads scattered through the chamber that can be be detonated. The warheads on the missiles themselves will not detonate.

Notable loot[]

Behind the scenes[]

  • David Lieu handled the propping and lighting in the location. He also created the tileset for the silo proper.[1]


Ulysses' Temple appears only in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.


