Ulysses' duster is a sleeveless black coat with the back emblazoned with the United States commonwealth flag; the thirteen stars representing the commonwealth states. The rest of the outfit consists of a dark shirt covered with a tattered tank top, black pants, and a pair of black combat boots. There are several accessories, including a pair of tribal-like necklaces, a bandoleer, and kneepads. The entire outfit is dusty and weather-beaten.
With a Damage Threshold of 13 and weight of only 3, the duster has the second best Damage Threshold to weight ratios in the game, bested only by the All-purpose science suit. It also gives a +1 bonus to Charisma and increases your critical chance by 5%.
Canyon wreckage - Found in a footlocker near the entrance to the Divide after Lonesome Road is completed.
Ulysses' duster appears in both playable and non-playable versions. The non-player character version of the duster is worn by Ulysses, and has a slightly higher Damage Threshold of 15. Only the playable version can be taken from his corpse.
It is possible to get an additional copy of Ulysses' outfit: take the duster and mask from his corpse and a second one will be waiting for you in the footlocker.
The DT to weight ratio of this armor is only equaled by the Courier duster.
Despite Ulysses giving you his outfit at the end of the add-on, if he survives he can still be found wearing it later, near the edge of the cliff overlooking the Divide.