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Fallout 3 locations project
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USS Ozymandias
USS Ozymandias
Icon sewer
USS Ozymandias loc
World map: Point Lookout
Map MarkerUSS Ozymandias
QuestsAn Antique Land
Cell NameOzymandiasShip (exterior)
DLC04Barge (interior)
ref idxx0008c1 (exterior)
xx00e27c (interior)
TerminalsUSS Ozymandias terminals
Gametitle-FO3 PL
Gametitle-FO3 PL

The wreck of the USS Ozymandias is a small ship beached on some rocks just off the coast of Point Lookout.


The Ozymandias was a ship under the commission of the Bysshe Energy Partners, sent to the Point Lookout region to survey natural gas deposits. It was scuttled by Dr. Martin J. Roach, a Bysshe employee posing as an intern. Bysshe was using the Ozymandias to scout the Point Lookout area for viable signs of bio-gas, a potent energy source. The lead geologist, Caroline Saunders, was considered by Bysshe to be dangerous, as she was a "known liberal with academic ties".

The bio-gas was, in reality, formed from methane emissions from decayed corpses. Ms. Saunders, should she figure this out, would ruin Bysshe's chances at profit. They had her under watch, with Dr. Roach reporting back. Eventually, she contacted her academic ties, and Roach was forced to enact Code Blue, running the Ozymandias aground. The ship's wreckage can be seen just off the coast.



The USS Ozymandias lies off the coast of Point Lookout on a small island. There are items in the pilothouse, and a hatch leading below the deck.

If you jump off the deck towards the open water you will see a submerged container with several metal containers around it.


The interior is partially filled with water and is tilted from the inside. There are some junk items, along with other miscellaneous items, and at the top right of the ship there's a safe and a terminal to open it (only able to open by completion of the An Antique Land quest).

Related Quests[]


  • It is unknown why Ozymandias used the "USS" prefix, given that it is reserved for U.S. Navy vessels, while the Ozymandias was a private research ship. It is possible that the ship is a former navy vessel purchased for use as a private research ship.
  • As the areas around the cots are irradiated, it is not possible to sleep on them.
  • The USS Ozymandias is possible player housing in Point Lookout.


The USS Ozymandias appears in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The name is a reference to the poem Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley, to whom the Bysshe company similarly references. The poem, its first line being "I met a traveler from an antique land" describes the transient and vainglorious nature of man's hubris, and can be seen as referencing both the Lone Wanderer and the entire Fallout universe.
  • The terminal in the USS Ozymandias mentions the Isla Negra Real Estate company. "Isla Negra" is Spanish for "Black Isle", an obvious reference to the developer of the original Fallout games, Black Isle Studios.