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Turtledove Detention Camp
Fo3 Turtledove
Fo3 Turtledove West Part
Icon military
Entry gate (top) and camp grounds, as seen from the east (bottom)
Turtledove Detention Camp loc
World map: Point Lookout
Map MarkerTurtledove Detention Camp
SectionsBunkhouse A
Bunkhouse B
Interrogation Room A
Interrogation Room B
Sceptic tunnel access
FactionsMarine Corps,[1] U.S. Army (pre-War)
QuestsThe Velvet Curtain
Cell NameDLC04CampShackBunkhouse01
ref idxx00e794
TerminalsTurtledove Detention Camp terminals
Gametitle-FO3 PL
Gametitle-FO3 PL

Turtledove Detention Camp[2] (Camp Turtledove in official parlance)[3] is a U.S. Marine Corps[1] prison facility located in Point Lookout, and site of some of the most horrific war crimes of pre-War America.


During the Sino-American War (2066-2077), Turtledove was used as a prison camp for detained Chinese nationals and suspected spies or saboteurs working against the interests of the United States of America. Prisoners were kept in squalor, with outhouses being the only sanitation facilities available and spartan bunk beds crammed into wooden houses served as living quarters.

Watchtowers with searchlights were erected at the perimeter while many security robots patrolled the base. Escape from the backwater detention camp would have been dangerous because of the surrounding swamps and no civilization for miles around. During the War, inmates were routinely interrogated for information, with procedures ranging from simple questioning, to beating, electrical torture, to body mutilation.

At some point shortly prior to, or during, the Great War, a massacre took place immediately following a botched escape attempt. At least two prisoners tried to get out through the septic tunnel, but a guard had noticed their initial planning for the attempt. The camp's administration planned to catch them in the act.[4] Further, in the camp itself are multiple locations where skeletons are strewn about the camp, the result of immediate, brutal violence perpetrated against prisoners. It appears the guard staff was itching for violence.[5]


The camp is a large area surrounded by an chain link fence with several guard towers set up around the perimeter. The camp is swarmed with all different kinds of feral ghouls, ranging from swamp ghouls to reavers, stuck in a gridlock with the camps security measures of sentry bots and automated turrets.

The camp itself is in the northernmost part of Point Lookout. The main entrance is in the south part of the camp, easily discernible by the military transport vehicle between a watch tower and a boarded off building.


The administration building is in the westernmost section of the camp. When you enter the building, there is a bathroom straight ahead with a skeleton, 10mm pistol and some psycho. On the right is an office area with some filing cabinets and desks. There is a desk against the wall on the left with the commanding officers private operations terminal detailed with interrogation reports and dossiers on high level prisoners, like Wan Yang. There is also a safe on the wall behind the desk. Through the left doorway is a filing room with lots of cabinets surrounding the room. Additionally, there is a large stockpile of weapons, ammunition and medical supplies in the left part of the room.


Behind the administration building is a shack door to the morgue beneath. The door opens to a main room used for autopsies and cadaver storage. Through a doorway is an incinerator where prisoners were cremated after they had succumb to abuse or disease. In the floor of the crematorium is a manhole to the septic tunnel.

Septic tunnel[]

The septic tunnel is a linear pipe with mildly irradiated water about six inches deep and covered with tin cans. The way is lit by hanging light bulbs every 10 feet or so. The tunnel ends with a ladder that leads up to a manhole roughly a quarter-mile from Turtledove. There are two ammunition boxes around the manhole.

Bunkhouse A[]

Bunkhouse A is the first building to the east of the administration building. The bunkhouse is split into two rooms, each of which have four bunk beds in them. There is a locker at the end of the main hallway and a first aid box on the right wall. It seems that a quick but failed attempt was made by a prisoner to barricade themselves in the room on the right, with one dead prisoner behind the limited barricade, whereas a prisoner in the left room has died in their bed.

Bunkhouse B[]

Bunkhouse B is the first building on the right upon entering the camp. There are also two rooms in this bunkhouse; the one on the left has nothing notable, but the right one appears to be the scene of an axe murderer, complete with a skeleton in a pool of blood with an axe wielding skeleton nearby. The axe wielder appears to have been a guard, notably a confederate hat has fallen off their head.[6] The table at the end of the hallway has some minor loot on it.

Interrogation room A[]

Interrogation room A is the building on the easternmost part of the camp. It has a chair in the center of the room with an electrical pylon behind it. Floodlights are set up facing the interrogated, who has been lethally electrocuted.

Interrogation room B[]

Interrogation room B is adjacent to bunkhouse A. Inside is a blood covered gurney with surgical implements on a tray next to it. Floodlights surround the gurney, where a prisoner had been butchered. Said prisoner is noted in the Turtledove Detention Camp terminal as being a crew member of the SSN-37-1A. The terminal however, does not note their death, implying the situation escalated after the entry was written.

Notable loot[]



Administration office[]


Septic tunnel[]

  • 1 personal footlocker, locked Average

Escapee cache[]

Bunkhouse A[]

  • 1 Stealth Boy in the locker in front of you on the shelf.


  • There are already a number of ghouls around the camp when approaching, but once entering the actual camp you trigger another wave of ghouls coming from all directions. The amount and the kind of ghouls is level-dependent.
  • Most of the time, sentry bots patrolling the area will kill ghouls whenever they enter the vicinity.


Turtledove Detention Camp appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.

Behind the scenes[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Turtledove Detention Camp terminals; Terminal, Doe, John (submariner): "Hunter spent another session in interrogation room B with the surviving crew member from the Chinese spy sub Navy is attempting recovery on. This guy's demonstrating extraordinary fortitude for a relatively low-ranking grunt. Can't say the Chinese don't make good soldiers out of their boys. I'm sure this one would have gone the same way as his skipper if the cyanide capsule in his molar hadn't been a dud.
    Hunter requested method B interrogation clearance, so I'm putting through to Quantico for that in the morning."
    Note: "Quantico" refers to U.S. military installation of Marine Corps Base Quantico, indicating that the Camp was under Marine jurisdiction.
  2. In this wide angle image of the entrance to the camp, one can read the camp's entrance sign.
  3. Turtledove Detention Camp terminals; Terminal: "Camp Turtledove
    Clearance Level Alpha
    C.O. Private Operations Terminal"
  4. Hidden beside the exit hatch at the far end of the septic tunnel is an ammunition stash, and two skeletons, implying they were gunned down just as they reached their freedom.
  5. Seen by exploring the camp and relevant surrounding areas
  6. This is deduced by the general strong unlikelihood of a Chinese prisoner wearing a confederate hat, wielding an axe. There is a lack of any swampfolk presence that would otherwise explain a lethal axe-wielder. Notably, the automated defenses and lack of any swampfolk totems make such an explanation very unlikely.