The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Tulip, waiting for customers
Biography and appearance
Eye ColorGhoul (EyeGhoul)
AffiliationThe Railroad (formerly)
Dialogue FileTulip's dialogue
QuestsThe Replicated Man
Combat StyleDefault
assistanceHelps Allies
Alignment500 Good
SPECIALStrength: 4
Perception: 5
Endurance: 4
Charisma: 7
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 6
Luck: 5
Derived StatsHit Points: 10
Fatigue: 50
Critical chance:
Melee damage:
Unarmed damage:
Poison resistance:
Radiation resistance:
Tag SkillsGun Merchant (VendorWeapons)
Barter: 39
Big Guns: 33
Energy Weapons: 35
Explosives: 15
Lockpick: 15
Medicine: 15
Melee Weapons: 13
Repair: 15
Science: 15
Small Guns: 17
Sneak: 17
Speech: 19
Throwing, unused: 0
Unarmed: 13
PerksSPLO - Actor Effect: SPEL - Actor Effect [000617BE] <GhoulRadHeal> "Radiation Healing" SPLO - Actor Effect: SPEL - Actor Effect [000617BD] <RadResistGhoul> "Radiation Resistance"
Calculated: 1 → 1
Editor RaceGhoul
Editor IDTulip
Base ID000156f8Ref ID000b7622
ScriptSCRI - Script: SCPT - Script [00031936] <TulipSCRIPT>
Editor FactionsMS08NoteOwnerFactionTulip
Package 0003196B (UnderworldTulipSleepShop0x8)

Package 0003196D (UnderworldTulipOfferServices0x24)

ActorAudrey Wasilewski (FemaleGenericGhoul)

If any of the armor fails to protect your life, I'll give you a full refund.

— Tulip

Tulip is the proprietor of Underworld Outfitters in Fallout 3.


Tulip, owner of Underworld Outfitters, is known for her shrewd business sense. She obtains and sells a lot of merchandise, has the largest selection of any merchant in the Wasteland, and protects her business interests with competitive prices and a unique ability to obtain unique items. Tulip spends most of her time in the store, but takes her meals at Carol’s Place, leaving the shop under Quinn’s watchful eye.[1]

According to other Underworld residents, not many people purchase items at her store and she is not very successful at running a shop. However, this gives her lots of time to read the books and pamphlets she finds in the museum, particularly material about the afterlife.[2][3] After reading so much, she knows a lot about the histroy of Underworld.[4] Still, not many people visit her and she is a very lonely woman.[5]

She admits that she was a member of The Railroad. They were looking for a surgeon and techie to hide an android, but had to shut the operation down because Commonwealth agents were getting too close for safety.[6] She also admits that Crowley recently bought supplies from her to go on some big expedition, but he wouldn't say what.[7]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon severed ear
This character drops an ear when killed (Contract Killer).
This character is a merchant. Caps: 400-500
Sells: Schematics - railway rifle, ammunition, weapons and clothing
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


Effects of player actions[]

Tulip gives the Lone Wanderer the book Paradise Lost during dialogue when asked about the origins of Underworld. Reading this book increases the Lone Wanderer's Speech the same number of skill points as Lying Congressional Style.


Icon armored vault suit
Merc adventurer outfit
Assault carbine icon
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death

Notable quotes[]

  • "[Let me see what you have for sale.] If any of the armor fails to protect your life, I'll give you a full refund."
  • "We'll accept caps from anyone, even a human."
  • "You'd look great in some Leather Armor."
  • "Oh... a human... well, hello. Welcome to Underworld Outfitters! It's... it's been so long since I had a customer!"
  • "You're back! Uhm... wow! You're really back! What do you need?"
  • "You came back! Do you need something?"
  • "I've got just the thing for you, do you want to see it? Please say yes..."
[read more...]


Tulip appears only in Fallout 3.


  1. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.101: "Tulip
    Tulip, owner of Underworld Outfitters, is known for her shrewd business sense. She obtains and sells a lot of merchandise, has the largest selection of any merchant in the Wasteland, and protects her business interests with competitive prices and a unique ability to obtain unique items. Tulip spends most of her time in the store, but takes her meals at Carol's Place, leaving the shop under Quinn's watchful eye."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "You don't get a lot of customers, do you?"
    Tulip: "No, not really. To tell you the truth, everyone around here who wants a gun already has one. I spend most of my time sitting here reading old stuff I find around here. You end up learning a lot of interesting things that way!"
    The Lone Wanderer: "Do you know anything about Underworld?"
    Tulip: "Well, yeah. There's a lot of old pamphlets and stuff down here. I've pretty much read it all."
    (Tulip's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "What was this place before the Ghouls moved in?"
    Tulip: "It used to be part of the Museum of History. The exhibit that used to be here was focused on what happens after death: hell and whatnot. A lot of it was focused on this old book called "Paradise Lost." It's about a guy who goes to Hell. Pretty interesting stuff. I found a big box of copies of the book in one of the back rooms. Here, take one. Nobody around here wants 'em."
    (Tulip's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "How did all of the Ghouls end up here?"
    Tulip: "At first it was just a couple people after the war. This was one of the only places that wasn't falling down or on fire after the bombs fell. I think that Carol is actually one of the few that were here then. But, over the years, word got around. There had been Ghouls living in little pockets all around. Not really so much anymore. Most of them either went feral or ended up here. I'm sure there are still a few out there, but anyone with any sense is in Underworld."
    (Tulip's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "That's all I needed to know."
    Tulip: "Come back any time! It's... kind of lonely down here."
    The Lone Wanderer: "I have to go now."
    Tulip: "Come back soon! ...please."
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "I know you're part of the Railroad. What do you know about the android?"
    Tulip: "They were looking for a tech wizard a while back. Someone who could fiddle with the android's memories. But you better stop poking around. Those Commonwealth hunters are still out there, tracking him down. We shut down the Railroad for safety."
    (Tulip's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Mister Crowley?"
    The Lone Wanderer: "Does Crowley come in here a lot? What's his angle?"
    Tulip: "I'm not going to rat on a customer. Unless you... you know."
    The Lone Wanderer: "What... oh! A bribe. Why didn't you just say so. Here's 20 caps."
    Tulip: "Ooh, a big spender. Well, it's better than nothing. Crowley has been outfitting himself for some big expedition. He's up to something, but he isn't saying what."
    (Tulip's dialogue)