A hunting party has gone missing from Harpers Ferry before the town's destruction by the scorchbeasts. Although long dead, the dwellers can locate the remains of the party to figure out what happened to them - and find loot.
Finding a note covering the disappearance of the search party at either the Ferry or Morgantown Airport, players need to head over to the stretch of wilderness north of Valley Galleria, on the other side fo the river, or east of Tanagra Town. They're looking for a Mr Gutsy.
Head to Camp Venture and use the terminal on the helipad up behind the Brotherhood compound to summon a Cargobot. Then the player has to attach the Signal Booster. The Cargobot will depart automatically.
Listen to the Distress Beacon radio station and follow the signal. The signal's stronger the closer the player is to its source.
The final leg of the journey is at Dyer Chemical. Lucy can be found by entering the hatch on the pipes at the western side of the tower, which lead to the sewer beneath the facility. The player simply has to find and loot Lucy's Holotape from her body in the control center.