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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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Toshiro Kago
Biography and appearance
RaceHuman, Asian
RoleAbducted samurai
LocationMothership Zeta
Dialogue FileToshiro Kago's dialogue
QuestsAmong the Stars
This Galaxy Ain't Big Enough...
SPECIALStrength: 5
Perception: 5
Endurance: 5
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Derived StatsHit Points: 520
DR: 35
Carry Weight: 200
Critical Chance: 5%
Melee Damage: 2
Poison Resistance: 20%
Radiation Resistance: 8%
Skill Rate: 15
Unarmed Damage: 0.75
Base IDxx0032fcRef IDxx003307
Gametitle-FO3 MZ
Gametitle-FO3 MZ

Sumanuga, sessha mizukara korekara okorukotoni sonaeneba naranu (I am sorry, but I must now prepare myself for what is to come).

— Toshiro Kago

Toshiro Kago is an abducted samurai found aboard Mothership Zeta in 2277.


Toshiro Kago is from Japan, born sometime before 1562[1] and participated in many battles for the Oda Clan.[2] After the decimation of the Oda clan, he fought for one or more other unknown clans during the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1568–1603).[3] Also, during the Tokugawa shogunate (1600–1868), Toshiro chose the "wood sorrel" mon for his name[4] and placed it on his okegawa dô. Sometime after, he was abducted by mothership Zeta. He was interrogated by the aliens and put into cryopreservation until 2277 when the Lone Wanderer stumbles upon him and unfreezes him. His lack of English, and you and your companions' inability to converse in Japanese, means conversation with Toshiro is never anything more than stilted gestures.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

This character is a temporary party member.
Perk empathy synthesizer
This character is involved in quests.


Effects of player actions[]

  • After the events of Mothership Zeta, he stays aboard Zeta and cannot be interacted with. He will disappear if you revisit the steamworks, but will remain on the bridge if you travel to or from the Capital Wasteland.

Other interactions[]

  • Despite being unable to understand English, Toshiro still responds with different dialogue depending on whether the player speaks to him with the polite, neutral, or smarmy dialogue options, presumably picking up on the player's tone and body language.


Icon armored vault suit
Samurai armor
Samurai helmet
Assault carbine icon
Samurai's sword*
Icon briefcase
Carried items
Icon male severed head
Drops on death

*Toshiro will use the sword if you either recover it from the waste disposal area and give it to him, or if you never enter the disposal area. Should you decide to keep the sword, he will be unarmed.


  • He is originally surnamed "Chinaman" by Paulson, but after Sally tells him that Toshiro is from Japan, Paulson then calls him "Oriental".
  • Toshiro has no tagged skills. Most notably, his melee weapons skill is very low which limits his effectiveness in combat with his sword. However, his high health and powerful armor make him an effective damage sponge.
  • Theoretically speaking, Toshiro Kago is the oldest character in the Fallout universe. Since he was born sometime before 1562, in 2277, this technically makes him at least 715 years old.

Notable quotes[]

  • "Onushi wa nanimono? Koko wa dokoda?" (translates to "What/who are you? Where is this place?")
  • "Sessha no ken! Sessha no ken wa dokoda?" (translates to "My sword! Where is my sword?")
  • "Sappari wakaranai. Koko ga doko nanoka moose. Sessha no ken wa dooshita?" (translates to "I don't understand [you] at all. Tell me where this place is! What has become of my sword?")
  • "Sessha no ken wa dokoda? Ima sugu kaesanu ka?" (translates to "Where is my sword? Return it now!")
  • "Nani o itteorunoda. Sappari wakaran. Nantoka shitekure!" (translates to "What are you saying? I can't understand. Please do something!")
  • "Nantoka senuka! Sessha no ken wa ittai doko ni aru no ka?" (translates to "Won't you do something?! Where the hell is my sword?")
  • "Nani o itte orunoda. Kono chi ni mioboe no nai. Ittai sessha ni nani wo shita?" (translates to "What are you saying? This place does not look familiar to me. What the hell has been done to me?")
  • "Sessha no ken o imasugu kaesunoda. Hayaku kaesanu ka." (translates to "Return my sword immediately. Hurry and return it!")
  • "Onushi wa ittai nani mono? Sessha wa naze koko ni iru?" (translates to "What on earth are you? Why am I here?")
  • "Sessha no ken wa do natta. Eei, hayaku kaesanu ka!" (translates to "What happened to my sword? Argh, return it at once!")
  • "Youkai kara mi o mamoru niwa, ken ga iru!" (translates to "I need my sword to defend against [these] monsters!")
  • "Nani ga okotta no ka, kento tsukanu." (translates to "What has happened? I cannot understand at all!")
  • "Yoojutsu de sessha wo toraete yookai me. Kono mama de wa okanu zo!" (translates to "These wretched monsters have taken me captive with their sorcery. I cannot be left like this!")
  • "Ken wo ubawarete shimatta, taegataki kutsujoku!" (translates to "I have been robbed of my sword - this is an unbearable disgrace!")
  • "Ken wo sugu torimodosaneba naranu!" (translates to "I must take back my sword immediately!")
  • "Hito wo azakeruna. Onushi no monoii wa sappari wakaran." (translates to "Do not mock me! I cannot understand a word you are saying.")
  • "Sessha wo tasuketakuba, sessha no ken o sagashi dase!" (translates to "If you want to help me, go and search for my sword!")
  • "Nanto? Nani o nozonde orunoda. Nani yue, onushi no iu koto ga wakaranu no da?" (translates to "What? What do you want? How is it that I have no idea what you are saying?")
  • "Onushi, naniyue sonoyo ni hanasu? Nanika shomo no mono demo arunoka?" (translates to "You, why are you talking like that? Is there something you want?")
  • "Aa, sessha no ken! Kaeshite moraerutowa, katajikenai." (translates to "Oh, my sword! I am most grateful for its return!")
  • "Aa, korekoso sessha no ken. Katajike nai." (translates to "Oh, this is my sword! My utmost thanks!")
  • "Sumanuga, sessha mizukara korekara okorukotoni sonaeneba naranu." (translates to "I am sorry, but I must now prepare myself for what is to come.")
  • "Jyama o suru na." (translates to "Don't get in my way.")
[read more...]


Toshiro Kago appears only in the Fallout 3 add-on Mothership Zeta.


  • Xbox 360Icon xbox360 After completing the main quest of Mothership Zeta, with Toshiro still alive, it is possible to pickpocket him. In his inventory his Samurai Sword will appear but trying to steal it may result in the game crashing, but you can shoot the samurai's sword out of his hand, and take it.
  • If you kill Toshiro once you thaw him out, scripted dialogue options about him with the other non-player characters will remain and he will still leave at some point, grabbing his sword from the waste disposal area when doing so. However, he will NOT return to the bridge with the other non-player characters later, meaning that if you did not get his sword before he leaves, it will be impossible to obtain. If you want both his sword and armor, do NOT kill him right away. Grab his sword from the waste disposal area first or wait for him to get it himself and deal with him when he returns to the bridge later.
  • The door to the powered down teleporter (on the left side of the bridge) may not open properly and forever trap Toshiro inside after you complete the main quest. There are 2 ways to prevent this; make sure Toshiro has time to open the door from his side during an alien wave, or allow Sally to flee long enough to run to the door and open it, who will then immediately greet Toshiro.



  1. The formation of a samurai from his childhood ended at the age of 19-20 years. As Toshiro wears an armor with the color of the Oda clan (lemon yellow kote and other pieces in black), so he had participated in at least one of the battles with the Oda clan, and as the last Oda clan battle was the Battle of Temmokuzan in 1582 and the Oda Clan ended on June 21, 1582, he must be at least 20 years old during this period.
  2. Toshiro has the typical armor of the Oda samurai and wears the colors of the Oda clan - lemon yellow kote and other pieces in black.
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.101: "Toshiro Kago
    One of the four entities that you thaw out during the abduction exploration on board Mothership Zeta is a silent and stoic man named Toshiro Kago. His lack of English, and your inability to converse in Japanese, mean conversation is never more than stilted gestures. Paulson refers to him as "the Chinaman," until Sally corrects him. It appears Kago is a Samurai warrior, and well-skilled in sword combat. His armor appears to date from around the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1568-1603), suggesting that Aliens have visited the Earth throughout history. He is more than capable of slaying Aliens if a particular ceremonial blade is presented to him. Or he can be slain without your other allies protesting."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  4. At the beginning of the Tokugawa shogunate on March 24, 1603, the use of mon spread to all classes, from peasant to samurai, and were not anymore reserved for aristocratic families and clans. The mon chosen by Toshiro was a mon popular among the samurai class, since the swards are the symbol of the samurai spirit and the three leaves represent compassion, wisdom and virtue.