A landmark of the Savage Divide, the Top of the World was a saucer-shaped tourist attraction perched on top of the highest point in Appalachia, part of the elite Pleasant Valley Ski Resort. Following the Great War and the disastrous winter of 2077/78, the surviving resort goers banded into tribes of raiders and the elite shops for the pampered clientele became storehouses, workshops, and living spaces for those strong enough to survive in the Divide.
Points of interest[]
The Top of the World is visible for miles and represents a useful navigation aid. Entering it requires going through the infested Pleasant Valley. The area surrounding the base of the building is mostly fortifications, with an elevator leading inside.
The first floor, mezzanine, contains a variety of businesses spread out around the center and a makeshift stage and shacks around the core. The stage and the clothes shack each contain a bobblehead spawn point, with three magazine spawns near each shack and the stage. Clockwise, the businesses are are:
Peak Condition, with a safe.
Diamond Dust, a jewelry store that was the subject of a stakeout before the Great War.
Matterhorn Chophouse, with a chemistry station and a safe.
Snowflake Baubles, with two weapons workbenches and an armored workbench, repurposed into a workshop.
Dreamboat Yachts, with a safe.
Ice Sculpture gallery, defunct.
Apres Apres Ski, with a safe.
A La Chez Burger, with a recipe spawn on the counters.
Upstairs is the viewing lounge, and the computer control room and sky restaurant. However, the observation level is inaccessible until Signal Strength is completed.