Welcome, my friend! I am Tobar the Ferryman, and this fine vessel is the Duchess Gambit. We're just back from Point Lookout, but it won't be long before we set off again. Interested?
Tobar is the captain of the steamboat Duchess Gambit, a ferry with which travelers, including the Lone Wanderer, can venture from the Capital Wasteland to Point Lookout, Maryland. In his youth, he was an adventurous and sprightly fellow whose curiosity took him up and down the coast from "the Commonwealth to the Broken Banks".[1][2] Regardless of the veracity of his claims, he is a living reminder that the world will always have a place for the savvy and charming trickster. The Duchess was a small sightseeing vessel used for tourist excursions along the Chesapeake Bay before the War. Tobar’s grandfather found her and, with the help of his caravan, restored the boat's boiler, allowing the vessel to be powered by steam heat from any fuel that will fit inside the burner.[3] Although Tobar is slow to venture anywhere far from the safety of his ship, money is a powerful motivator for him and he'll do most anything to turn a buck.[4]
He takes on passengers whenever possible and always chews the scenery to sell a riverboat ticket.[5][6] Nevertheless, he is quite knowledgeable about Point Lookout and its various locales, like the conveniently close House of Wares (from which he gets a commission for referring travelers), the old Homestead Motel for a place to stay, the high-rollers hunting club in the coastal grotto, or the abandoned Calvert Mansion filled with pre-War treasures.[7][8] When he is not grifting "deals" to travelers, he is bartering with local merchants, like Haley or Madame Panada.[9] Not only does he usually negotiate a considerable fare from his passenger, but most who visit the commune at Point Lookout join it, each time creating a new opportunity for Tobar to earn his next Punga shipment. Tobar has long since decided that something must be off about that fruit, and he has not touched the stuff since.[3]
Tobar has various ports along the Atlantic Seaboard. His current career as a ferryman revolves around the Punga fruit produced by the Point Lookout tribals. The tribal leader of the fruit farmers has struck a gruesome bargain with the ferryman is permitted to export the considerable surplus of Punga fruit produced by the commune every month, although Tobar is wary to reveal his supplier.[3][10] This is because the deal allows Tobar to acquire punga fruit in exchange for performing lobotomies on the tribalcult initiates. Strangely, he kept the parts of the brain he removed as "trophies". When confronted, he taunted the Lone Wanderer about their "spirit walk"[11], and attempted to justify his actions by stating it is what he needed to do to survive, and that the Lone Wanderer has killed far more people than he has. Afterward, he attacked the Lone Wanderer and was killed.[12][13]
Daily schedule[]
Tobar stays at his boat waiting to take you back and forth as you please, and to trade merchandise with you and the others in Point Lookout.
Interactions with the player character[]
Interactions overview[]
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
The Local Flavor: Tobar transports the player to Point Lookout and will mention to them there are untold treasures that lie within the swamps. When you arrive in Point Lookout, he remarks about the smoke coming from Calvert Mansion and encourages you to check it out.
Hearing Voices: It is explained by Nadine that when people are rendered unconscious by the Mother Punga, Tobar sneaks into the Sacred Bog and removes a part of their brains.
Effects of player actions[]
Tobar sells punga fruits, in both refined and wild variants, and most importantly riverboat tickets to Point Lookout. The tickets are 300-400 caps each depending on your Barter skill.
"Welcome, my friend! I am Tobar the Ferryman, and this fine vessel is the Duchess Gambit. We're just back from Point Lookout, but it won't be long before we set off again. Interested?"
"Welcome to Point Lookout, my friend! The trip was fine, the weather's nice and damp, and everything out there looks pleasant as ever! Looks like nothing's changed since my last visit... except all that smoke I saw on the way in."
"Well, if it isn't my favorite traveler! And oh, what a trip you were on! Why, when you were under, you should have heard some of the things that came out of your mouth! But I suppose you're more interested in what came out of your head, aren't you?"
"Looking for fame and fortune? Hoping to cultivate the delicious Punga fruit? Or just looking to run away from your life on these dreary shores?"
"Now, I'm not normally one to discourage an adventurous spirit, but certain... events have convinced me of the value of forewarning. I know you think you're ready for anything, but the threats you'll face in the swamp make those super mutants look like playful puppies. So just be sure you know what you're getting into, okay? You still want to head out to Point Lookout?"
"You look like a man/woman who's been around the wastes, so I'll cut right to it. In Point Lookout, you'll find fresh-grown food, mysterious locales, and treasures as-of-yet un-looted. But keep your wits about you, because there's more than a few exotic critters and inhospitable locals. So stay here if you're not man enough!/too dainty to rough it! "
[read more...hide]
His outfit has a name tag from its previous owner (Chris), which has been scratched out with marker and replaced with "Tobar" written above the tag.
Tobar is considered a plot-essential non-player character until the end of the Hearing Voices quest, at which point he becomes killable after Nadine confronts him and locks him in the ship's engine room.
Unlike the majority of non-player characters, Tobar the Ferryman levels with the player, which can make him somewhat tougher than normal at higher levels. However, there's nothing special about his health or stats, and even at level 30, he's quite easy to dispatch.
Tobar has a bonesaw, forceps, and tweezers in his shop inventory, alluding to his involvement in the main quest in Point Lookout.
With a high Sneak skill and the Chinese stealth suit, it is possible to steal Riverboat Tickets from Tobar (though this is very difficult). Due to the way the game is coded, Tobar will treat them like normal, purchased tickets.
Xbox 360PlayStation 3 Sometimes if the player skips the encounter with Tobar when first arriving in Point Lookout, if the player returns to the Capital Wasteland before completing the main quests, Tobar might not be found after arriving back at the River Boat Landing.
If you had been using Chinese stealth armor and crouching when you entered the engine room, Tobar will speak to you, draw his weapon, then walk out of the room. He will then enter again and become friendly. But if you speak to him again, you will repeat the same dialogue and he will again become hostile.
Very rarely, sometimes if you knock him unconscious, he will stay standing, then fall and get back up as he regains consciousness.
If you speak to him after entering Point Lookout, the caption will say "Good day traveler" but Tobar will not say anything and his mouth will not move. This continues until you press the button that skips through conversation.
If missing, Tobar may be found exploring the map. In one such occasion he was found, by accident, swimming near a boat-wreck south of the Disaster relief outpost. Upon interacting with him, he simply asked if we were ready to head back, and immediately began swimming/walking back towards the Duchess Gambit.
↑The Lone Wanderer: "A girl named Nadine caught a ride on your ship. Any idea where she is?" Tobar: "Ah, Nadine! Spritely little tomboy with more curiosity than common sense, that one. Caused so much trouble on the trip that I probably would have thrown her overboard... if she hadn't reminded me of myself at her age. Haven't seen her since we hit land at Point Lookout. But knowing her, I'll bet she's gotten herself in plenty of trouble." (Tobar's dialogue)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "Nice boat. You must have seen a lot of places with it." Tobar: "You should have seen her back in her heyday! Why, we traveled up and down the coast, from the Commonwealth to the Broken Banks. Good times, but these days she's not fit to take out to the coast. Too many spouts ready to drown her, and too many critters looking for lunch. But the Point Lookout run is good enough for now. We've got a sweet deal ferrying cargo and the occasional traveler." (Tobar's dialogue)
↑ 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.101: "Tobar the Ferryman Tobar is a living reminder that the world will always have a place for the savvy and charming trickster. Tobar is captain and crew aboard his steamboat the Duchess Gambit. The Duchess was a small sightseeing vessel used for tourist excursions along the Chesapeake Bay before the war. Tobar's grandfather found her and, with the help of his caravan, restored the boat's boiler, allowing the vessel to be powered by steam heat from any fuel that will fit inside the burner. Tobar has various ports of call along the Atlantic Seaboard. Tobar's current career as a ferryman revolves around the Punga fruit produced at Point Lookout. The tribal leader of the fruit farmers has struck a gruesome bargain with the ferryman. By way of exchange, Tobar is permitted to export the considerable surplus of Punga fruit produced by the commune every lunar cycle. Tobar takes on passengers whenever possible. Not only does he usually negotiate a considerable fare from the passenger, but most who visit the commune at Point Lookout join it, each time creating a new opportunity for Tobar to earn his next Punga shipment. Tobar has long since decided that something must be off about that fruit, and he's not touched the stuff since." (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "On second thought, maybe I'll pass for now." Tobar: "I don't blame you! I wouldn't go down there myself, if I didn't have the option of running back to my ship!" (Tobar's dialogue)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me more about Point Lookout." Tobar: "Down south, this side of the bay, there's a soggy strand of beach called Point Lookout. Oh, it's got it all. Ruins of ancient pleasure towns, mysterious swamps bristling with treasure, and all practically untouched by outsiders. But if you're curious, I could offer you a ride over to that faraway land. For a nominal fee, of course. And sorry, but I don't do group trips. If you want to see Point Lookout, you'll have to leave your friend here." (Tobar's dialogue)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me more about Point Lookout." Tobar: "You're staring at it, friend! Drink it in! See the glorious boardwalk, fabled pleasure-town of the sunny past! And beyond it lies the haunted swamplands. Who knows what's hidden in them? But while you get your bearings, my friend runs an excellent supply shop right here, near the boardwalk." (Tobar's dialogue)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "Any place you recommend in Point Lookout?" Tobar: "Depends what you're looking for. If you need supplies, head to the shop over at the end of these docks. Convenient, and I get caps for referring you. If you need a place to stay, there's an old motel further into town. The beds there are still pretty soft, even if it's because they're full of lice. And if you're looking for some hunting, there's a fellow named Plik who runs a club out in the northeast. Strictly for high-rollers, though." (Tobar's dialogue)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "Should I be worried? What's over there?" Tobar: "Oh, nothing much. Just old Calvert Mansion. Just a huge, abandoned estate teaming with who knows what opportunities for profitable scavenging. Y'know, nothing much. I know I said Point Lookout was perfect for treasure hunters, but it's a rare day when you get a beacon like that!" (Tobar's dialogue)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "Where do you get your stock from?" Haley: "I found some of it. Some was here when I got here. I get some from them smugglers. And every once in a while, that weirdo with the boat comes up here and trades a few good things." (Haley's dialogue) Note: The line is written with "them smugglers," the audio that was recorded says "the mercs."
↑The Lone Wanderer: "Where did the Punga Fruit come from?" Tobar: "Good stuff, isn't it? Actual, healthy food, grown in the actual ground and everything! There's a few places out in the Point where it grows naturally. One group of Tribals have cultivated and refined it, but they're not big on sharing. Don't even ask how I get my hands on the refined crop. A magician never reveals his secrets, does he?" (Tobar's dialogue)
↑Tobar: "Well, if it isn't my favorite traveler! And oh, what a trip you were on! Why, when you were under, you should have heard some of the things that came out of your mouth! But I suppose you're more interested in what came out of your head, aren't you?" (Tobar's dialogue)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "So it's true? Why did you do it?" Tobar: "Why do we do anything? You travel the world, kill people, take trophies that interest you, and move on. I'm much the same. The only difference is that my trophies are somewhat more medical in nature. Oh, and to be honest, I probably kill fewer people than you do. But I suppose it's time that came to an end, one way or another." (Tobar's dialogue)
↑The Lone Wanderer: "You're a dead man, you son of a bitch." Tobar: "Murder? Really, what would your father say? I thought he raised you better than that. You had an awful lot to say about him when you were unconscious. And from the sound of it, he'd be very, very disappointed in what you've become. Sounds like he didn't spank you enough as a kid. Maybe I can make up for his lost time!" (Tobar's dialogue)