Between five and six feet in length, the throwing spear is a timeless weapon with a sordid history synonymous with the history of warfare. With its sharp, jagged shrapnel tip, the throwing spear can be a most formidable weapon in the right hands. They often appear in the hands of legionnaires, prepared to hurl them at adversaries opposing the Legion.
The Courier carries the spears at the hip and not on the back, and uses an overhand throwing technique. The spears are held in a neutral position and when used, they are tossed in the air and caught before being thrown overhand.
Throwing hatchets, spears and knives cannot be picked up and re-used once thrown.
Throwing spears can take off limbs and pin them to walls in a similar fashion to the railway rifle.
PCXbox 360 Occasionally the spears will not stack in your inventory correctly, making it appear as though you have a small number even if you know you have more. The number will appear correctly when equipped, but when you more than your last visible one as it appears in your inventory, it will appear in your inventory as only one until the one is dropped.
Xbox 360 If you use this weapon while the effects of turbo are active, the game may freeze, even in V.A.T.S.
Xbox 360 The spears may also not stack in your weapons trunk or other container correctly either, showing the number of spears as one, and then changing to the actual number of spears owned when the player takes one out of the container it was stored in, very much like the glitch that can occur in the player's personal inventory.
While aiming down the sights and pressing the reload button, the spear will reload with the animation of the 10mm pistol.
Sometimes it may automatically equip itself with unlimited spears.