There were a few wise ones among the ancients who believed virtue is its own reward. That is my belief as well. Perhaps if more people shared this opinion, there would have been no need for the Holy Flame… Forgive me, but I have no patience for long conversation. There are other people who may instruct you better than I. Please excuse me.
An altruist working for the privilege of exercising his skills, Thorndyke offers his skills to anyone who visits the hospital of the Children set up in the southern district, near the water tower. He offers his services for free, as the Cathedral provides for all his needs, allowing him to break free of the spite and hate endemic in its species.
Dispose of Jain.: Thorndyke is one of potential witnesses and needs to be killed.
Notable quotes[]
"The Holy Flame commands that I heal people. Its wisdom is incontrovertible, so I obey. I have already learned much about the world beyond the Cathedral."(Thorndyke) "That must be some flame!"(Vault Dweller)
"Alas, your injuries may be beyond my ability to cure. It is said that the Holy Flame can guide those who are cursed with idiocy and lead them to redemption; I shall pray for you."
"Poor creature. A beast with your low intellect would be a challenge even for the healing powers of the Holy Flame. Get out of here..."
"The old world was filled with evil and decadence. The Holy Flame destroyed it. We can either fear the Holy Flame, or worship it and attempt to understand it. The Children have chosen understanding. Although we do not wish to see the Holy Flame unleashed again."