The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout faction overhaul project
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Thieves' Circle
FO01 NPC Loxley N
Loxley, leader of the Hub Thieves' Guild
Notable MembersJasmine
HeadquartersOld Town (Hub)
Notable LocationsHub

The Thieves' Guild or Thieves' Circle is a group of thieves in the Hub's Oldtown led by the slightly crazed Loxley. Their main hideout, the Thieves Circle, can be found in the basement of a junkie's home. An audience with Loxley and his associates will require the player to lockpick and survive some minor traps. The guild is loosely based on the 'old stories' as Loxley calls them of Robin Hood and his band of merry men.


The leader of the guild is Loxley, who has his own room and three other members in the hideout: Jasmine, Cleo and Smitty. Jasmine is Loxley's assistant who handles all the details of assignments and payment. Cleo is the only member who doesn't seem too reluctant to communicate with you. She will give you a great deal of information on the Guild and how they feel about the rest of the Hub. Smitty doesn't have much to say - he actually seems pissed off about you even being alive.


The guild, if the player is accepting, possesses a quest to steal a diamond necklace from Daren Hightower in the Heights. If successful, the Vault Dweller is rewarded with an Electronic Lock Pick, which is very useful for breaking into the Mariposa Military Base, and some bottle caps. Jasmine tells you not to kill Mr. Hightower, but if he is killed you will be rewarded just the same.


If the player has a few followers, there's a chance that one may spawn outside the Thieves' Den walls and wander around. Leaving the basement should fix this.


Dialogue Files: Loxley, Jasmine, Cleo.
