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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Fallout faction overhaul project
This article is within the scope of the Fallout faction overhaul project. This project is dedicated to organizing and improving the quality of the various faction pages. If you want to participate, please check the project page.
Icon info
This is the home page of a Vault project. A project is a collaboration of editors improving articles and other content related to a particular subject. For more information, see The Vault:Projects.

The Fallout faction overhaul project is a project dedicated to organizing and improving the quality of the various faction pages.


All articles in:


  • Split the history sections into separate articles (leaving a condensed version on the main faction page)
  • Add/Confirm suitable image exists (I.E. Faction flag/logo)
  • Complete infobox
  • Check, improve and keep gameplay information


Section headline required? Content
Yes Infobox and games template.
Yes Short summary that usually looks something like this:

"{{PAGENAME}} is a powerful and merciless slaving organization, led by the charismatic and cunning Caesar."

In general, it should contain:

  • Full name of the faction (and alternative names) in bold.
  • A short description of the faction, including type, pre-war or post-war, occupied territories etc.


  • A single quote that characterizes the faction in a clever way.
History Yes History of the faction. If it is exceptionally long, the main article should contain a summary highlighting the most important facts and ultimate goals. In such a case, a link to the article with the factions history (eg. History of the Brotherhood of Steel) placed at the top using {{Main|Target article}}. A sub-section "ending" can be added if the faction in question appears at least in one of endings.
Society/Organization Yes This heading should detail how the faction is organized, how their society functions, if there are any specific social norms etc. the members are expected to follow etc. For smaller factions, like the Gun Runners, simply use the Organization heading to describe it.
Structure No In case a faction has a specific hierarchy, this heading should be used to provide an overview of how it is structured. If there is enough information to warrant a separate article, then split the information and leave a summary in the main article along with a link to the child article.
Military No In case a faction has a separate military arm that differs substantially from the parent, this heading should be used to provide an overview of how it is structured and how it works. If there is enough information to warrant a separate article, then split the information and leave a summary in the main article along with a link to the child article. Sub-sections "Members", "Rank system" etc. can be added if necessary with a redirect to an existing page.
Relations with the outside Yes An overview of where the faction stands in relation with the outside.
Technology Yes An overview of where the faction's technological level.
Interactions with the player character No Optional, only if the player can have different interactions with them, but necessary if a faction appears in several games.
Notes No For interesting things about the faction which do not fit into the other categories - gameplay or not gameplay. Try to keep this section to a minimum.
Development No For any and all information relating to the development of the faction before the game's release.
Appearances Yes Which games/add-ons does this faction appear in.
Behind the scenes No For out-of-game references and similar stuff.
Bugs No For bugs unique to the faction. Quest bugs should be moved to the appropriate quest article page. General bugs should be removed from the NPC article. This section should be used sparingly, as entirely faction-specific bugs are uncommon.
Gallery No Cluttering the article with too many images should be avoided. Instead, place them in a gallery at the end if applicable.
References No If a <ref> tag has been used in the article, {{references}} needs to be inserted here. This section is ONLY for this purpose.
Navboxes No Navboxes go at the end of the article.


The info box should contain:

{{Infobox faction
|game         = Which game(s) this faction appears in
|name         ={{PAGENAME}}
|image        =Image of the emblem of the faction
|desc         =Short description of the emblem 
|founder      =Self-explanatory
|leader       =Enumerate leaders appearing in the games, along with the dates of their reign
|headquarters =Self-explanatory
|locations    =Self-explanatory
|parent       =If this is a splinter faction or a subfaction, note the parent one here
|divisions    =Self-explanatory
|related      =Self-explanatory
|members      =Self-explanatory; if an excessive number of members exists, link to the category instead.


  • Should show the faction logo/emblem/insignia
  • Images should be of good quality and easily readable.
  • Images should show no parts of the UI, i.e. no crosshair or HUD.

It is best to extract images directly from texture files if possible. If you have artistic skills, you can remake the logo/emblem/insignia in high resolution and make it look great.


To participate, simply add your name below using {{userlink|your user name}}. Place every participant on a new line.

Inactive Participants[]


The following is the list of pages that are actively being worked on, need someone to work on them, waiting confirmation for completion, or completed. If you wish to work on a particular aspect (say, history, tech level or organization), then add your username (via ~~~) along with what you chose to cover after the faction's name.

Need Help[]

The following articles were posted for confirmation and disapproved. They need further revision. Please write short comments about what still needs done.

Active Pages[]

The following articles are within the scope of this project. If you would like to work on a page list it here. If it is already listed add your name to the list of current revisors. When taking on a page that is not within the scope of the project please add the FFOP tag to the top of the page.

Fallout factions[]

Fallout factions
Article rewrite/ rearrange text complete infobox references main image other image local map images peer review complete
15th Air Force Not applicable
21st Bombardment Squadron Not applicable
29th Bomb Squadron Not applicable
827th Bombardment Squadron Not applicable
Anti-mutant conspiracy
Apostles of the Holy Light
Ballistic Defense Division
Bishops Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk)
Mojave Boot-Riders
Bright Brotherhood
Brotherhood of Steel Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk)
Brotherhood of Steel (Midwest) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk)
Brotherhood of Steel (Mojave chapter) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk)
Brotherhood of Steel (Montana chapter)
Brotherhood Outcasts Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk)
Circle of Steel
Caesar's Legion Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk)
Capital Congressmen Not applicable
Caravan merchant (Core Region)
Cassidy Caravans
Children of the Cathedral
Chinese Remnant
Church of the Lost
The Church of the Children of Atom
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Civil Defense Administration
Commonwealth Defense Administration
Confederate States of America Not applicable
Crazy Horns
Crimson Caravan
D.C. Metro Service Bureau
Davison's nightkin
Dead dog gang
Dead Horses
Defense Intelligence Agency
Denver City Police Department
Desert Rangers
Enclave Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk)
Enclave Control Company
42nd Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk)
Fauna Detail Charlie
Enclave Remnants
The Family
Far Go Traders
Followers of the Apocalypse
Friendly Lending Company
Government Accountability Office
Great Khans
Gun Runners
Happy Trails Caravan Company
Hub's Central Council
Hub Police
Hughes gang
The Institute
Iron Rivers
History of the Khans
Lara's gang
Littlehorn & Associates
Lyons' Brotherhood of Steel Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk)
Lyons' Pride
2nd Monument Defense Detatchment Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk) Tagaziel (talk)
Maud's Muggers (faction)
Mercenary Raiders
Mojave Express
National Catastrophe Relief Auxiliary
New California Republic Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk)
History of the New California Republic Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk)
New California Republic Army
1st Recon
The Misfits
Field Preparations Division
New California Republic Rangers
Office of Science and Industry
Oregon cannibals
Painted Rock
People's Republic of America
People's Republic of China
People's Liberation Army
127th Division
Pitt raiders (faction)
Pitt slaves (faction)
Pittsburgh Heritage Society
Point Lookout tribals
Powder Gangers
Primitive tribe
Quaere Verum
Rad Pack Revue
Raiders (Fallout 3)
The Railroad
Rainbow Confederation
Regulators (Fallout)
Regulators (faction)
Reilly's Rangers
Renewal Cult
Republican Farmer's Committee
Rippers (gang)
Rivet City Council
Rivet City Security Force
Robert House
Scavenger Team Yes Tagaziel (talk)
Scorpions (gang)
Second Continental Congress
Secret Service
Shi RepeatIcon repeatAnt2242
Slavers Guild
State of Utobitha
Stockmen's Association
Sudden-Death Overtime
Sun Dogs
Synth Retention Bureau
Talon Company Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk)
Tanker vagrants
Temperance Union
Temple of the Union (faction)
Tenth Air Force
Tar Walkers
Texas Rangers
There We Smolder
Thieves' Circle
Think Tank (faction)
Thinker nightkin
Three Families
Tunnel Snakes
Twisted Hairs
Tyler's gang
Underground ghouls
United Nations
Unity (Broken Hills)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United States of America
United States Armed Forces
Union of Atomic Workers
Unwashed Villagers
Van Graffs
Vat Team 9 Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk) Yes Tagaziel (talk)
Vault 101 security
Vault City
Vault City guard (faction)
Vigilant Citizen's Hotline
Water Merchants
Westside Militia
White Glove Society
White Legs

Needs Confirmed[]

The following articles are within the scope of FFOP and have been taken on by a user. Once you have take on an article and feel it is complete move it here and list the names of those to receive credit.

