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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
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This is the home page of a Vault project. A project is a collaboration of editors improving articles and other content related to a particular subject. For more information, see The Vault:Projects.
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
This article is within the scope of the Fallout: New Vegas locations project. This project is dedicated to standardizing Fallout: New Vegas location articles. If you want to participate, please check the project page.

The Fallout: New Vegas locations project is a project which aims to verify all locations in Fallout New Vegas


All marked and unmarked locations in the Mojave Wasteland need to be archived


Go through all location articles and make sure each one has a picture and sufficient information.

Location article layout guidelines can be found here: The Vault:Article layout guideline/Location article.


Active Participants[]

Inactive Participants[]

Progress/assignment tables[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Boomers[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Boomers
Article rewrite/ rearrange text complete infobox add cell/ ref ID scenery image map marker image local map images peer review complete
Nellis Air Force Base
Loyal's house
Mess hall & munitions storage
Nellis Boomer museum
Nellis children's barracks
Nellis medical station
Nellis men's barracks
Nellis schoolhouse
Nellis women's barracks

Nellis workshop
Pearl's barracks
Nellis Hangars
Nellis array

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Brotherhood of Steel[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Brotherhood of Steel
Article rewrite/ rearrange text complete infobox add cell/ ref ID scenery image map marker image local map images peer review complete
Brotherhood of Steel safehouse
Hidden Valley
Hidden Valley bunker

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Caesar's Legion[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Caesar's Legion
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Caesar's Legion safehouse
Cottonwood Cove
Cottonwood Cove HQ
Cottonwood Cove mess hall
Cottonwood Cove restroom
Cottonwood Cove shack
Cottonwood Cove storage
Dry Wells
Legate's Camp
Legate's war tent
Legion raid camp
Nelson barracks
Nelson house
Techatticup mine
The Fort
Caesar's tent
Legion arena
Securitron vault
Weather monitoring station

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Followers of the Apocalypse[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Followers of the Apocalypse
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Follower's outpost
Follower's outpost
Followers safehouse
Old Mormon Fort
New Vegas Medical Clinic

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Great Khans[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Great Khans
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Makeshift Great Khan camp
Red Rock Canyon
Great Khan longhouse
Red Rock Drug Lab
Great Khan encampment
Great Khan supply cave
Great Khan armory

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Powder Gangers[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Powder Gangers
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Powder Ganger camp east
Powder Ganger camp north
Powder Ganger camp south
Powder Ganger camp west
NCR Correctional Facility
Cell block
NCR CF administration
Visitors center
Jean Sky Diving
Vault 19
Whittaker Farmstead
Hunter's farm

Base Fallout: New Vegas: New California Republic[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: New California Republic
Article rewrite/ rearrange text complete infobox add cell/ ref ID scenery image map marker image local map images peer review complete
188 trading post
Aerotech office park
Aerotech suite 200
Aerotech suite 300
Aerotech tent
Bitter Springs
Boulder City
Boulder City ruins
Boulder City train station
Big Horn Saloon
Camp Forlorn Hope
Camp Forlorn Hope barracks
Camp Forlorn Hope command center
Camp Forlorn Hope jail
Camp Forlorn Hope medical center
Camp Forlorn Hope mess hall
Camp Forlorn Hope shack
Camp Forlorn Hope storage shed
Camp Golf
Camp Golf mess tent
Camp Golf tent
Misfits' tent
House Resort
Camp Guardian
Guardian Peak
Camp McCarran
Camp McCarran terminal building

Camp McCarran concourse
Camp McCarran supply shack
Camp Searchlight
Searchlight Church
Searchlight Church basement
Searchlight elementary school
Searchlight fire station
Searchlight home
Searchlight police station
Searchlight NCR storage
Helios One
Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam checkpoint
Hoover Dam intake tower
Hoover Dam offices
Hoover Dam lower level
Hoover Dam power plant 01
Hoover Dam power plant 02
Hoover Dam power plant 03
Hoover Dam power plant 04
Hoover Dam tower
Hoover Dam visitor center
Oliver's Compound
Long 15
Mojave Outpost
Mojave Outpost headquarters
Mojave Outpost barracks
NCR Ranger safehouse
NCR sharecropper farms
Sharecropper barracks
Ranger Morales' corpse
Ranger station Alpha
Ranger station Bravo
Ranger station Charlie
Ranger station Delta
Ranger station Echo
Ranger station Foxtrot
Machine shop
Mess hall
Mining office
Worker barracks

Base Fallout: New Vegas: State of Utobitha[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: State of Utobitha
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Black Mountain
Prison building
Broadcast building
Storage building
Neil's shack

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Independent towns[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Independent towns
Article rewrite/ rearrange text complete infobox add cell/ ref ID scenery image map marker image local map images peer review complete
Goodsprings cave
Goodsprings cemetery
Goodsprings source
Doc Mitchell's house
Goodsprings gas station
Goodsprings general store
Goodsprings home
Goodsprings schoolhouse
Prospector Saloon
Victor's shack
Jacobstown lodge
Jacobstown bungalow
Nipton Hall
Nipton general store
Nipton Hotel
Nipton house
Cliff Briscoe's bungalow
Dinky the T-Rex
Dino Bite gift shop
Dino Dee-lite Motel
Boone's room
Dino Dee-lite front desk
Dino Dee-lite motel room
Manny Vargas' room
Jeannie May Crawford's house
McBride house
Novac house
No-bark's shack
Ranger Andy's bungalow
Bison Steve Hotel
Deputy Beagle's residence
Nash residence
NCR tent
Primm house
Primm sheriff's office
Vikki and Vance Casino

Base Fallout: New Vegas: New Vegas[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: New Vegas
Article rewrite/ rearrange text complete infobox add cell/ ref ID scenery image map marker image local map images peer review complete
New Vegas
Atomic Wrangler Casino
Atomic Wrangler corner room
Cerulean Robotics
Freeside's East gate
Freeside's North gate
The King's School of Impersonation
Mick & Ralph's
Old Mormon Fort
Ruined store (Fallout: New Vegas)
Silver Rush
New Vegas sewers
Central sewers
East central sewers
North sewers
Sealed sewers
New Vegas Strip
Big Sal's office
Lucky 38
Lucky 38 basement
Lucky 38 control room
Lucky 38 cocktail lounge
Lucky 38 penthouse
Lucky 38 presidential suite
Las Vegas Boulevard Station
Michael Angelo's workshop
NCR Embassy
NCR Military Police HQ
The Strip North Gate
The Tops
The Aces
The Tops High Roller suite
The Tops presidential suite
Bon Vivant suite
The Gourmand
Vault 21
North Vegas square
The Gray
Casa Madrid Apartments
Klamath Bob's liquor store
North cistern
Miguel's Pawn Shop
Westside Co-op
Westside south entrance
Westside west entrance

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Mojave Wasteland individual locations[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Mojave Wasteland individual locations
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Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel bunker
Abandoned shack (Fallout: New Vegas)
Abandoned warehouse
Allied Technologies offices
Ant mound
Bitter Springs recreation area
Black Rock cave
Bloodborne cave
Blue Paradise Vacation Rentals
Bonnie Springs
Bootjack Cavern
Boulder Beach campground
Bradley's shack
Brewer's beer bootlegging
Broc flower cave
Brooks Tumbleweed Ranch
California Sunset Drive-in
Callville Bay
Camp Guardian caves
Cannibal Johnson's cave
Canyon wreckage
Cap counterfeiting shack
Captain Dean Boat Rentals
Carlyle St. Clair's house
Cassidy Caravans wreckage
Cazador nest
Charleston cave
Chance's grave
Chance's map
Clark Field
Cliffside prospector camp
Colorado River
Cottonwood crater
Cottonwood Overlook
Coyote den
Coyote Mines
Coyote Tail ridge
Crashed airliner
Crashed B-29
Crashed Vertibird
Crescent Canyon west
Crescent Canyon east
Crimson Caravan Company
Caravaneer barracks
Crimson Caravan main office
Dead Wind cavern
Deathclaw promontory
Deserted shack
Durable Dunn's sacked caravan
East pump station
El Dorado dry lake
El Dorado substation
El Dorado Gas & Service
El Rey motel
Emergency service railyard
Fabulous New Vegas sign
Fields' shack
Fiend house
Fire Root cavern
Fisherman's Pride shack
Gibson scrap yard
Gibson's shack
Great Khan armory
Great Khan supply cave
Griffin Wares sacked caravan
Guard barracks
Grub n' Gulp rest stop
Gun Runners (Fallout: New Vegas)
Gypsum quarry office
Gypsum train yard
H&H Tools Factory
Harper's shack
Hidden cazador nest
Hidden supply cave
Highway 95
Highway 95 Viper's encampment
Horowitz farmstead
Hostetler home
Hunter's farm
Isaac's house
Ivanpah Dry Lake
Ivanpah race track
Jack Rabbit Springs
Junction 15 railway station
Lake Las Vegas
Lakelurk cove
Lake Mead
Lake Mead cave
Lone Wolf Radio
Lucky Jim mine
Matthews Animal Husbandry Farm
Mercenary camp
Mesquite Mountains camp site
Mesquite Mountains crater
Mesquite Mountains lean-to
Mojave Wasteland
Mojave Drive-in
Mojave home
Mole rat ranch
Monte Carlo Suites
Morning Star cavern
Mountain Shadows Campground
Nevada Highway Patrol station
New Vegas Medical Clinic
New Vegas Steel
Nipton Road
Nipton Road pit stop
Nipton Road reststop
Nopah cave
Northern Passage
Old nuclear test site
Orion Moreno's house
Poseidon gas station
Primm Pass
Quarry Junction
Raided farmstead
Raul's shack
Remnants bunker
REPCONN headquarters
REPCONN test site
Ruby Hill mine
Samson rock crushing plant
Scavenger platform
Scorpion burrow
Scorpion gulch
Searchlight Airport
Searchlight East Gold Mine
Searchlight North Gold Mine
Silver Peak Mine
Small lakelurk cave
Smith Mesa prospector camp
Sniper's nest
Snyder Prospector Camp
South Cistern
South Vegas Ruins East Entrance
South Vegas Ruins West Entrance
Southern Nevada Wind Farm
Spring Mt. Ranch State Park
Sunken sarsaparilla supplies
Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters
The Basincreek Building
The Devil's Gullet
The Devil's Throat
The Prospector's Den
The Thorn
Toxic dump site
Train station
Train tunnel (Fallout: New Vegas)
Tribal village
Violet's trailer fort
Viper Gang ambush
Walking Box Cavern
West pump station
Whittaker Farmstead
Wins hideout
Wolfhorn ranch
Wrecked Highwayman
Yangtze Memorial
Zapp's Neon Signs

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Wild Wasteland[]

Base Fallout: New Vegas: Wild Wasteland
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Jimmy's well
The One

Dead Money[]

Dead Money
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Cantina Madrid
Campanas del Sol
Executive suites
Medical district
Puesta del Sol
Puesta del Sol switching station
Ruined building
Ruined cafe
Ruined store (Dead Money)
Residential District
Salida del Sol
Service route
Sierra Madre Casino
Sierra Madre Resort & Casino
Sierra Madre Lobby
Sierra Madre vault
The Tampico
Villa Clinic
Villa Police Station

Honest Hearts[]

Honest Hearts
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Angel Cave
Ant burrow
Bighorn Bluff
Burial mounds
Caterpillar's Mound
Clear Water Docks
Crashed scout bus
Court Fork Overlook
Crossroad Cavern
Cueva Guarache
Dagger's Point
Dead Horses camp
East Fork Bridge
Eastern Virgin
Fallen Rock Cave
General store
Ghost Den
Glass Chime Cave
Half Mouse Cave
Morning Glory Cave
Northern Passage
North Fork Bridge
North Fork Campground
Old Rockville bridge
Patriarchs' Campground
Pine Creek Tunnel
Ranger substation Eagle
Ranger substation Osprey
Ranger substation Peregrine
Red Gate
Red Rapids Docks
Sorrows camp
Sorrows Fork Campground
Southern passage
Stone Bones Cave
Sun Sentinels
Sweet Flower Cave
The Aerie
The Bend Bridge
The Spine
Three Marys
Two Skies Cave
Vault 22 dwellers' guard camp
Virgin River
Virgin Fork Campground
White Bird's cave
Wind Wall Docks
Yao guai cave (Honest Hearts)
Zion Canyon
Zion fishing lodge
Zion Ranger Station
Zion Valley Welcome Booth

Old World Blues[]

Old World Blues
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Big MT
Big MT east tunnel
Big MT north tunnel
Big MT west tunnel
Construction site
The Cuckoo's Nest
Elijah's Watch
Forbidden Zone
Hazmat testing ground
Higgs Village
Little Yangtze
Loading station
Magnetohydraulics complex
Mysterious cave
Saturnite alloy research facility
Securitron de-construction plant
Signal Hills transmitter
The Sink
The Think Tank
Ulysses' Point
Waste disintegration platform
X-2 transmitter antenna array
X-7a "Left Field" artillery launch
X-7b "Boom Town" target zone
X-8 research center
X-12 research center
X-13 research facility
X-17 meteorological station
X-22 botanical garden
X-66 Hexcrete archipelago
Y-0 research center
Y-17 medical facility
Z-9 Crotalus DNA preservation lab
Z-14 Pepsinae DNA splicing lab
Z-38 lightwave dynamics research
Z-43 Innovative Toxins plant

Lonesome Road[]

Lonesome Road
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Ashton silo control station
Ashton missile silo
Buried buildings
Boxwood hotel roof
Cave of the Abaddon
Collapsed overpass tunnel
Dry Wells
High road entrance

Hopeville Armory
Hopeville men's barracks
Hopeville Missile Base
Hopeville Missile Base Headquarters
Hopeville Missile Base - Loading Station
Hopeville silo bunker entrance
Hopeville women's barracks
Junction 7 Rest Stop
Long 15
Marked men camp
Marked men base
Marked men guard outpost
Marked men supply outpost
Pass to Canyon Wreckage
Path to the Courier's Mile
Ruined highway interchange
Solitare gas station
Sunstone Tower Roof
The Courier's Mile
The Crow's Nest
Third Street Municipal Building
Ulysses' temple
Waste disposal station
Wastewater treatment plant

Former Progress Table[]

Base Fallout New Vegas[]

Base Fallout New Vegas
Article rewrite/rearrange text complete infobox add cell/ref ID scenery image map marker image local map images peer review complete
NCR locs, a-c Yes EB683 Yes EB683 Yes EB683
NCR locs, d-f
NCR locs, g-i Yes EB683 Yes EB683 Yes EB683
NCR locs, j-l
NCR locs, m-o
NCR locs, p-r
NCR locs, s-v
NCR locs, w-z
Caesar's Legion locs, a-m
Caesar's Legion locs, n-z
Individual locs, a Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, b Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, c Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, d Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, e Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, f Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, g Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, h Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, i Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, j Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, k Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, l Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, m Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, n Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, o Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, p Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, q Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, r Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, s Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, t Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, u Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, v Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, w Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, y Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Individual locs, z Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel Yes Jspoel
Unmarked locs, a-e
Unmarked locs, f-j
Unmarked locs, k-o
Unmarked locs, p-t
Unmarked locs, u-z
Settlements, a-g
Settlements, h-p
Settlements, q-z
Vaults, 1-20 Yes EB683 Yes EB683 Yes EB683
Vaults, 20-40 Yes EB683 Yes EB683 Yes EB683
Vegas Strip, g-l Yes EB683 Yes EB683
Vegas Strip, m-r Yes EB683 Yes EB683
Vegas Strip, t-z
Player Housing