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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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The Tops presidential suite
The Tops presidential suite
Icon section
Part ofThe Tops
Cell Name2ETopsPresidentialSuite
ref id0010e19b

The Tops presidential suite is an expensive suite located in The Tops hotel and casino. The key can be obtained from Benny. See Ring-a-Ding-Ding! for more about the ways to get the key.


The Tops presidential suite is an expansive suite of rooms, featuring a huge living room, complete with bar and pool tables, as well as a planning room with a large table for meetings, and a properly sectioned off kitchen, a small living room, two bathrooms, and a bedroom.

  • In the bar area there are 2 Pool tables with a few couches and chairs and one TV, and a bar table. Along with a safe in the wall to the left of the bar (note: initially locked).
  • In the meeting room there is a large table with bookshelves.
  • In the Small living room there is a couch and some chairs, with a TV.
  • In the main bathroom there is a toilet, sink, and bathtub.
  • In the kitchen there is a stove, 2 fridges, a table with chairs, kitchen counter, and tool cabinet.
  • In the bedroom with bathroom there is a king size bed, shelves with 2 pre-War books, a desk (to store things), clothing shelves, and briefcases. In the bathroom there is a toilet, sink, and bathtub.
  • There's a pre-War hat hanging on the clothes rack next to the entrance.

All storage in the Tops Suite is "safe" and though items that originate in the suite tend to return to the place they started if moved, items brought in from outside the suite can be dropped and will remain in what ever place you put them.

Notable loot[]


  • This location cannot be used to store weapons unless the player convinces Swank to let them carry their weapons.


The Tops presidential suite appears in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • Benny may still contact you through the intercom and send his thugs on your first visit to the suite, even if you choose not to enter it during Ring-a-Ding-Ding!, and killed him at Caesar's camp.
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 The game may run extremely slow upon entering the casino