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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
Master of the Mojave
Fallout: New Vegas locations project
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The Strip north gate
The Strip North Gate
Icon settlement large
The Strip North Gate loc
Map MarkerThe Strip North Gate
FactionsNew Vegas Strip
ref id00000000

The Strip North Gate is a location in the Mojave Wasteland. It is one of only two ways to enter the New Vegas Strip. The only other way to gain access to the strip is via the LVB Station. You will need to have at least a "liked" reputation by the NCR to enter through the LVB Station


The entrance to The Strip is located in the southwest section of Freeside. The area in front of the gate is guarded by five PDQ-88b Securitron Gatekeepers, which only grant access to those who are able to pass the credit check of 2000 caps or passport owners. Note that you do not have to pay 2000 caps, only have the 2000 caps. The player also has the option to gain access by passing a science check (80). A squatter also attempts to run past the Securitrons but is killed.


The Strip North Gate appears in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 After completing the Dead Money add-on, fast traveling to The Strip North Gate may cause the game to load a black screen. Prior saves uncorrupted, restarting system is safe from this point.
  • PCIcon pc PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 A bug occurs where in after having the gate unlocked through a passport or chip-check, it will become relocked later with a key only lock. To fix this, enter The Strip via the monorail from Camp McCarran and then leave The Strip via the main gate. The gate will now be unlocked from the outside. If you don't have enough reputation with the NCR to enter the monorail, you may kill a Securitron guarding the entrance with a sniper rifle as shown below.
  • PCIcon pc Securitron Gatekeeper will ask for money or pass the science check forever, and you cannot enter the Strip without being attacked.
  • PCIcon pc Sometimes the North Strip Gate may not load and when you get to the location it will crash the game.
  • Sometimes, a bug may occur where an NCR ranger spawns there (via NCR Emergency Radio), the ranger will get shot by the Securitrons when too close to the entrance. The ranger will keep spawning there whenever the player visits the gate.

