The Rusty Pick | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Rusty Pick is a location in Fallout 76.
Located on the northern slopes of the ruined Mount Blair, The Rusty Pick has been a tavern frequented by miners for decades. In the words of its last owner, it was an old tavern with a secret meeting hall built into the old mine access. Used by the miners after their shifts, the tavern was run by an older woman whose husband and sons were killed in a mining accident. Passed down through her family, the forgotten mine access was used as a speakeasy during prohibition, and then as a secret meeting hall for the labor unions.[1]
When the Hornwright Mining Co. started to lay miners off, replacing them with Auto-Miners purchased from Atomic Mining Services, it also became a nucleus of popular resistance for the miners. Angry with the executives and paper-pushers who fired miners with no severance or warning, as per the contracts they were expected to sign. The miners organized a resistance movement, protesting the firings in Watoga and at Mount Blair, together with civil disobedience meant to slow down work at the Rockhound atop Mount Blair.[2]
What they failed to realize is that they were living in a nation that considered workers expendable and human rights an afterthought. Miners were arrested for "assault" after throwing rotten tomatoes at Hornwright's CEO's limousine and arrested for trespassing on private property after the property line "mysteriously" moved a hundred feet overnight, just so the police could arrest the miners. With Sam Blackwell forced into hiding and AMS goons seizing homes whenever ultracite appeared, the miners had no recourse but armed resistance. The miners organized strikes against the Mega Mansions of the corporate executives and attacks in Watoga, meant to take the battle to those who would rob them of their very lives.[3]
The government retaliated by sending automated security forces after the miners, including Strikebreaker robots designed to suppress - and kill - any who would resist the corporate onslaught. The day before the Great War, a local musician named Jesse White was to perform a set of songs.[4]
Points of interest[]
- The Rusty Pick is a small tavern on the outskirts of Mount Blair and has a small outdoor area - with a Monster Truck - and a relatively small interior. Outside of the tavern is a U-MINE-IT! Vending machine and a stage with a variety of musical instruments. The tavern ground floor has little in the way of loot beyond minor consumables, but the basement contains Mick Flanagan's terminal, a weapon crafting station, and an old mining tunnel used by the miners for gatherings. The tunnel is obscured by some greenery, and contains irradiated insects and mole miners, to add variety to the military-grade robots above.
Notable loot[]
- Holotapes and Notes
- Your Order's Arrived: On the table in the meeting room.
- Jesse White - Honkytonk Set List: On a metal barrel at the end of the outdoor music stage.
- Clara Webber Diary: On interior desk inside first room through the tunnel.
- Bobblehead spawn (2): Next to Flanagan's terminal and the locked safe and at the secret meeting spot in the tunnel.
- Magazine spawn (2): Western bathroom in the tavern and in the secret meeting spot.
- Power armor: Enclosure near the secret tunnel.
- Dynamic spawns
- Consumables: Blackwater Brew, New River Red Ale, Oak Holler Lager, Old Possum, Pickaxe Pilsner
- Junk: Loose screws
- Tools: Adhesive, ball-peen hammer, screwdriver, adjustable wrench, combination wrench, wrench, scalpel, scissors (common), flip lighter, fuse, turpentine, loose screws, tongs (rare)
The Rusty Pick appears in Fallout 76.