The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The One
The One
Icon unmarked
The One loc
Map MarkerNone (nearest: The Devil's Throat)
Cell NameSLTheDevilsThroat
ref id000ddba3
Perk wild wastelandThe following is based on the Wild Wasteland trait and has not been confirmed by canon sources.

The One is a undetonated bomb found slightly north-north west of the Devil's Throat. It only appears if the player has chosen the Wild Wasteland trait.


You get 1-3 rads when next to the bomb. There are 2-4 super mutant masters in a camp near it. There are also several glowing ones or super mutant masters roaming around the area. Without the trait there is only a small blackened area of ground with a constant +1 rads/sec.

Notable loot[]

The player can salvage components (150 energy cells, 50 microfusion cells and 2 sensor modules) from The One with a science skill of 60.


The One appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 While the check will say 60, the player will not be able to "disarm" the bomb unless 61 or more.
  • PlayStation 3Icon ps3 Xbox 360Icon xbox360 Even with the Wild Wasteland trait, The One may not appear. Instead, a large hole where it should have been will appear in its place. A possible cause could be picking the Wild Wasteland trait after Old World Blues without having it prior.