This page presents the content of the terminals that can be found within the the Institute, as is in-game.
The Institute[]
Note: This is the concourse of the settlement.
Computer Terminal[]
Note: This console terminal is located just past the back door teleporter room.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Access Terminal 001-B
View Access Log[]
> Executing Mission Parameters...
Note: This desktop Institute terminal is located on the desk inside of Shaun's room, in the command apartment structure. It can either be accessed by bypassing a Novice encryption, or it can be accessed with Shaun's terminal password.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Director Terminal 1A
Status: Normal
Kellogg, Conrad - Enhanced Life Expectancy[]
July 16, 2285
Kellogg's occasional presence continues to unnerve the others. At first, I thought they were merely intimidated by his confidence and arrogance. Or perhaps even afraid of his general being. Kellogg is, after all, a killer. But as I've continued to witness their reactions, gauge their sidelong glances, I've detected something else, something I probably should have anticipated - jealousy.
Kellogg is a living memorial to a forgotten program. He is an augmented human being, a cyborg really, and the benefits he has received cannot be denied. But really, the scientists here could not care less about enhanced reflexes or greater combat efficiency. No, the cause of their envy is something more practical, more primal - his enhanced life expectancy.
Just how long will Kellogg live if he passes naturally (however unlikely that may be)? It's hard to say. He's already more than one hundred years old. Older, certainly, than any other human in the Commonwealth. His complete physiology has been altered. Perhaps he'll make it to 150. Maybe even 200.
Let the petty have their petty jealousies. Kellogg is a living testament to the ingenuity and superiority of the Institute. And I take no small pleasure in knowing that must irritate him to no end.
> Field Asset File
Status Reports[]
- Hydroponics Programs functional
- Synth output nominal
- Production materials fully stocked
Advanced Systems:
- Child synth project under quarterly review
- Weapons Diagnostics ongoing
- Phase Three behind schedule
- Director Zimmer still offline
- Aboveground operative terminated
- Retention programs functional
- Pattern recognition algorithms ineffective
- Power output maxed
- Air/water recycling systems functioning normally
> Division Status Reports
Personal Notes[]
The wait continues.
Ayo can only confirm sightings outside Vault 111, and again in Diamond City sometime later. What that means, I'm not sure. Will we actually meet? Was this all for nothing?
No, not nothing. I will have learned valuable things about myself, my past, either way. I cannot afford to let emotion get in the way. I must simply observe and record.
I'm told Kellogg has gone offline. Strangely, I find myself thinking of Dr. Walker. He had such high hopes for Kellogg. Such faith in the implants, and what they could mean. I still regret eliminating that project, but I know where it would have led us. Walker was never shy about his goals, and too many others were starting to listen. In the end, I believe I was justified. The Institute is about preserving humanity, not some bizarre amalgamation of biology and technology.
> My Private Musings
Engage Evacuation Protocol BD-2[]
Note: Accessing this command xxxxx. It is available once xxxxx.
Master Security Lockdown Override[]
Note: Accessing this command xxxxx. It is available once xxxxx.
Lockdown Override in progress
Door Locks Disengaged
Emergency Alarms Sounded
Residential Locks Remain Active
Director Access: Synth Shutdown[]
Note: Accessing this command xxxxx. It is available once xxxxx.
Access Code: 9003
Synth Reset Code Broadcast
Commencing Emergency Shutdown of Groups 1-14
Note: Accessing this command by default produces this message.
> Unauthorized - Director Code Required
Ayo Quarters Private Terminal[]
Note: This desk Institute terminal is located in Ayo's quarters on the desk. It is located in the cafeteria apartment structure.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Disable Security Safeguards[]
Note: Accessing this command xxxxx.
Security safeguards have been disabled.
Your terminal's private data might be at risk.
Binet Quarters Terminal[]
Note: This desk Institute terminal is located in Binet's quarters on the desk. It is located in the medical apartment structure.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Fancy Lads Snack Cakes[]
It just doesn't make any sense. I've run the diagnostics. Quadruple-checked the neural mappings. Done comparative analyses of taste buds. Tracked digestive patterns. Hell, I've even gone so far as to simply ASK several of them, and still, I'm no closer to answering the question:
Why do Gen 3 synths like to eat Fancy Lads Snack Cakes?
I mean, sure, they have the capacity to experience taste. Every Gen 3 possesses the synthetic equivalent of the requisite receptor cells. But why this? And why all of them?
Good thing it's physically impossible for a Gen 3 to actually gain weight and succumb to obesity. Wouldn't that be quite the Achilles' Heel? Humanity's most impressive technological achievement - laid low by junk food.
View Access Logs[]
Note: This entry is displayed as default.
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Leisure program: Expert Chess
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Operation: Music Player "Trois Nocturnes"
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Leisure program: Expert Chess
Access: Local. Login: Binet.L
Historical Text: The History of the Commonwealth
Note: This entry is displayed if xxxxxx.
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Leisure program: Expert Chess
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Operation: Music Player "Trois Nocturnes"
Access: Remote (Synth Retention Main Control) Login: ERROR ID UNKNOWN
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Leisure program: Expert Chess
Access: Local. Login: Binet.L
Historical Text: The History of the Commonwealth
Note: This desktop Institute terminal is located on the desk of the infirmary.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Infirmary Terminal 1A
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Volkert.D
Notes: Updating incident reports
Access: Local. Login: Volkert.D
Notes: Updating incident reports
Access: Remote. Login: Ayo.J
Notes: --REDACTED--
Access: Local. Login: Volkert.D
Notes: Review of hydroponics output
Incident Reports[]
****Incident Reports****
Incident IN2845t[]
Incident 2845
Patient: Thompson.E
Presenting symptom: First-degree burns, left hand
Notes: Patient placed his hand inside power relay without first disengaging. First aid applied.
Incident IN2677t[]
Incident 2677
Patient: Filmore.Q
Presenting symptom: abdominal distress
Notes: Patient ingested lubricant from Robotics Division "on a dare." Emetic dispensed.
Incident IN2433t[]
Incident 2433
Patient: Binet.L
Presenting symptom: wrist sprain, right hand
Notes: Patient declined to say how injury occurred; only indicated it was related to "using a terminal." Splint applied.
Incident IN2128t[]
Incident 2128
Patient: Loken.M
Presenting symptom: Dislocated shoulder, right side
Notes: Apparent malfunction of synth - handshake gesture applied with extreme force. Shoudler re-set and pain medication dispensed.
Incident IN2058t[]
Incident 2058
Presenting symptom: Severe blunt trauma to upper torso
Notes: Injuries received in FEV lab
Incident IN2049t[]
Incident 2049
Patient: Director
Presenting Symptom: Dizziness, shortness of breath
Notes: Test results revealed...
Personal Notes[]
Latest batch of food from hydroponics shows increased vitamin-D content; should help with the deficiencies I've been seeing lately."
Institute BioScience[]
BioScience Terminal[]
Note: This wall-mounted Institute terminal is located on the southwestern wall next to the passage to the Institute atrium.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Bioscience Security
Close Bioscience Security Door[]
Note: Accessing this command closes the security door of the BioScience. This is the default setting.
...Communication Link Established
...Security Door Closed
> Closing ...
Open Bioscience Security Door[]
Note: Accessing this command opens the security door of the BioScience.
...Communication Link Established
...Security Door Opened
> Opening ...
BioScience Terminal[]
Note: This wall-mounted Institute terminal is located on the southwestern wall next to the passage to the BioScience atrium. In the laboratory proper.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Departmental Notices[]
Our Special Guest Has Arrived[]
Now that our guest of honor is here, I want to remind everyone to be polite, accommodating and welcoming. It's not often we receive visitors from the surface, and this occasion is more special than most.
I know I can count on all of you to extend a hand of friendship and greet our visitor with the utmost hospitality. Let's embrace this exciting event and make the best first impression we possibly can.
- Director Holdren
Power Conservation[]
When we first implemented the new power efficiency guidelines, I was proud at how well we were able to meet those standards with only a minimal impact on our productivity. It was a daunting challenge, but we rose to meet it.
Lately, however, we've been getting lax in our habits. Too often I'm finding lights and equipment left on when they shouldn't be, and the environmental settings have been changed without my authorization.
Let's re-dedicate ourselves to doing what's right for the needs of the Institute as a whole. After all, this isn't just our home, it's a home for the future generations who will carry on the great work of building a better future.
- Director Holdren
Synth Zoology - The Next Step[]
I have some exciting news to share with all of you. Father has approved the next phase of my proposed synth zoology initiative, and I'm already in the process of setting up a schedule for the initial prototyping phase.
As has always been the case, this is a low-priority project, but those of you who find yourselves with free time are welcome to contribute. I'll need to make a few preliminary decisions, not the least of which is what kind of creature we'll want to replicate.
I don't have to tell you how eager I am to begin, and I can't wait to see what amazing things we can do given our recent advances in synth development.
Director Holdren
Soil pH Values[]
BATCH ID: 228 // PHV 5.617 MOD. ACIDIC
BATCH ID: 106 // PHV 6.231 SLT. ACIDIC
BATCH ID: 271 // PHV 7.200 NEUTRAL
BATCH ID: 133 // PHV 5.263 MOD. ACIDIC
BATCH ID: 249 // PHV 5.617 MOD. ACIDIC
BATCH ID: 166 // PHV 6.883 NEUTRAL
BATCH ID: 242 // PHV 6.093 MOD. ACIDIC
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Karlin.I
Category Update: Soil pH Values
Access: Local. Login: Karlin.I
Category Update: Soil pH Values
Access: Local. Login: Volkert.B
Accessed Departmental Notices
Access: Local. Login: Holdren.C
Category Update: Department Notices
Access: Local. Login: Karlin.I
Accessed Departmental Notices
BioScience Terminal[]
Note: This desk Institute terminal is located on the desk in the northwestern most cubical of the laboratory.
==== Institute Central Network ====
SZI Phase 2 Development[]
Synth Zoological Inititiave Phase 2 Development Journal
Initial thoughts...
What to create? We've engineered creatures that inhabit the sky and the land... the next logical step is a creature of the sea.
The greatest challenge remains data collection. Accurate measurements, behavioral data, life cycle, habitat, etc.
Might Nahant have something useful? Note to self: request that we allocate a scavenger team to that area.
So which aquatic creature makes a good candidate. Start with size. Nothing too large, nothing too small.
Most promising candiates: genus delphinus, genus Carcharhinus.
On-site habitat will be a logistical challenge. Expansion of Bioscience likely necessary, including large water tank. Many logistical challenges to implement, Facilities division likely to oppose this.
Have to pitch this as the first step in a broader plan: What else can go in the aquatic habitat? Can we grow food there? What other experiments could we do? Could we develop underwater synth models to carry out seabed salvage operations? Probably far-fetched - need to work on this more.
Will table this journal for the time being, focus on other priorities until I can come up with more reasons that we'll benefit from the aquatic habitat. Can still gather data in the meantime.
Warwick Homestead Initiative[]
Mission Statement[]
The Warwick Homestead Initiative was conceived to facilitate field testing of various genetically-modified specimens in the unique climate of the Commonwealth. It is hoped that we gain insight into the effects of trace radiation on the growth and developments of said specimens.
We of the BioScience division are in full agreement on the following hypothesis: subjected to the proper levels of ambient radiation and soil ph such as those found in the exceptionally fertile soil at Warwick Homestead, our modified seed specimens are likely to exhibit accelerated growth rate and a two-fold increase in size.
Project Implementation[]
Stage 1:
Using genetic manipulation, we will develop a unique breed of Cucurbitaceae with similar characteristics to those commonly farmed in the Commonwealth.
Stage 2:
Acquire Roger Warwick, patriarch of Warwick Homestead, and conduct a series of intensive interrogation sessions to learn all we can about his life and family.
Stage 3:
With the intelligence gathered in Stage 2, create a synth replica of Roger Warwick and embed the unit on-site at Warwick Homestead to oversee the operation directly. SRB will handle logistics of this aspect of the initiative.
Stage 4:
Begin covert deliveries of prototype seed batches for planting.
Stage 5:
Collect observational data from embedded unit.
Stage 6:
When sufficient data has been collected, retrieve synth unit and specimens for lab study. Purge all surface evidence of the initiative.
Status Reports[]
Behavioral Anomaly Report[]
Director Holdren,
Here are the details you requested re: the gorilla behavioral anomalies.
- A total of 16 incidents of heightened aggression have been documented.
- BioScience personnel who witnessed these events, myself included, would categorize the level of aggression displayed as extreme and dangerous.
- In all, six synth handlers have been destroyed by gorilla attacks.
- As for what triggers these behavioral changes, I speculate that it's a reaction to perceived conflict. Several attacks followed heated arguments that took place within earshot of the pen. Another occurred soon after the recent SRB security sweep.
- It seems clear there's a fault in the behavioral model. I doubt it can be corrected. I know you're against it, but I think we have to consider destroying them.
- Failing that, I recommend that all contact with the gorillas be limited to synth units only. BioScience personnel should not be permitted to come into contact. The risk is simple too great.
- Karlin
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Holdren.C
Category Update: SZI Phase 2 Prep
Access: Local. Login: Volkert.B
Category Update: Feeding & Maintenance Log
Access: Local. Login: Holdren.C
Category Update: SZI Phase 2 Prep
Access: Remote. Login: Ayo.J
Notes: --REDACTED-
Access: Local. Login: Karlin.I
Category Added: Behavioral Anomaly Report
Access: Local. Login: K3-19
Maintenance: replaced cooling unit
Access: Local. Login: Holdren.C
Message Transmit/Primary Director's Terminal
Message Subject: "SZI Phase 2"
FEV Lab Entry Terminal[]
Note: There are two of these wall-mounted Institute terminals. The first is located on the northern wall next to the laser grid baring entry from the FEV lab. The second is located on the western wall of the Institute BioScience, before the door to the FEV lab. Only the first is locked, Master.
==== Institute Central Network ====
The FEV Laboratory is a potential biohazard area and has been sealed. Access to this section of the facility is prohibited. Requests for more information can be send in triplicate to out records department.
Deactivate Laser Grid[]
Note: Accessing this command unlocks the laser grid preventing passage to and from the Institute BioScience and the FEV Lab. This is the default setting.
> Grid Deactivated
Reactivate Laser Grid[]
Note: Accessing this command unlocks the laser grid preventing passage to and from the Institute BioScience and the FEV Lab. This is available once the grid is deactivated.
> Grid Activated
Terminal (Institute FEV terminal)[]
Note: This desk Institute terminal is located on a desk in the FEV lab's actual laboratory.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Project Synthesis Terminal 1A
Subject Status[]
Subject CM-151[]
Baseline: Male, mid-30s. Poor overall health.
Post-submersion results: Consistent with standard results
Subject Status: DISCARDED
Subject CF-224[]
Baseline: Female, late-30s. Moderate overall health.
Post-submersion results: Initially consistent with standard results. Rapid decline in physical condition.
Subject Status: DECEASED
Subject CM-153[]
Baseline: Male, early 30s. Moderate overall health.
Post-submersion results: Physical condition consistent with standard results. Mental acuity charting slightly higher than average.
Subject CM-092[]
Baseline: Male, late 20s. Above average overall health.
Post-submersion results: Rapid decline in mental capacity, anomalous physical results
Subject Status: TERMINATED
Subject CF-199[]
Baseline: Female, early 20s. Moderate overall health.
Post-submersion results: Rapid, excessive physical growth. Aggression far above normal parameters.
Subject Status: TERMINATED
Subject CM-187[]
Baseline: Male, mid-30s. Poor overall health.
Post-submersion results: Inconclusive
Subject Status: TERMINATED
Note: Subject unintentionally terminated during Incident V. Data should be culled from future reports.
Subject CF-203[]
Baseline: Female, early 30s. Moderate overall health.
Post-submersion results: Inconclusive
Subject Status: TERMINATED
Note: Subject unintentionally terminated during Incident V. Data should be culled from future reports.
Progress Reports[]
Entered By: Syverson.C
Latest round of testing complete. Results are all within expected parameters. Informed Dr. Zimmer directly, as he had ordered the tests personally. He seemed annoyed with the results; unsure what he was looking for. He declined to specify why he wanted the tests run to begin with.
Entered by: Virgil.B
I have officially assumed the lead role on the project after Dr. Syverson's passing.
Latest round of subjects show results similar to previous test runs over last 5 years. No statistical deviation noted.
Synthetic organics continue to perform well; the necessity of further tests is unexplained.
Entered By: Virgil.B
Nothing new. Always the same. Have entered formal complaint with Directorate; these tests are not bringing in any valuable information. The organics project was spun off decades ago. Why do we insist on continuing this?
All inquiries about this project should now go straight to the Director. The lab will be offline until further notice.
Institute Advanced Systems[]
Note: This desk Institute terminal is located in Doctor Madison Li's office.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Advanced Systems Terminal 1A
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Li.M
Notes: Review of Phase Three project status
Access: Local. Login: Li.M
Notes: update diagnostic tools for child synth project
Access: Remote. Login: DIRECTOR
Notes: --REDACTED--
Access: Local. Login: Li.M
Notes: Review of all BioScience projects
Project Status[]
Phase Three[]
Status: Behind Schedule
Latest Developments:
- Housing upgraded per specifications of Li.M
- Exhaust couplings replaced
- magnetic confinement field calculations refined
Synth Prototype[]
Status: In Progress
Latest Developments:
- New skin added per Director's specifications
- Motor control issues addressed
- Latest personality matrix from Robotics division installed
Laser Weapons[]
Status: Ongoing
Latest Developments:
- Focusing mechanisms upgraded per Ormand.R
- frequency modifications per Watson.E
- new housings fabricated
Misc. Projects[]
Status: N/A
Latest Developments:
- Ormand.R working on localized Relay focus
- All other prototypes/theoretical models delayed due to Phase Three
Personal Notes[]
The official explanation for the "accident" in the FEV lab remains unsatisfactory. Facilities has nothing; they simply refer me to the Director. And he's keeping something from me. I've been around long enough to see it.
I wonder if he ever considers the ramifications of what he's asked me to do? If he worries that having me build a synth that's supposed to approximate him as a child might give me some unintended insights into his character? Probably not. And to be honest, it probably won't.
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk to the left, north, of the door to the Institute atrium.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Advanced Systems Terminal 2B
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Ormand.R
Notes: submitting research projects for approval
Access: Local. Login: Ormand.R
Notes: update diagnostic tools for child synth project
Access: Remote. Login: Ayo.J
Notes: --REDACTED--
Access: Local. Login: Watson.E
Notes: Rejection of project proposals
Research Proposals[]
Human Cybernetics[]
Build on existing Institute research into implants/cybernetics to augment human capabilities and lifespan. Previous program met with limited success in a single subject; using a broader array of subjects and new techniques could prove highly effective.
Rejected - Director
Notes: None given
Cold Fusion[]
Divert time/materials from current Phase Three research to exploring the possibility of sustainable nuclear reactions through electrochemical processes at or near room temperatures. Pre-war work on the subject yielded no concrete results; advances in technology could potentially make it possible.
Rejected - Li.M
Notes: Evidence suggests this is, and always will be, a pipe dream
Modification to Relay assembly allowing for extra parameters when re-materializing, specifically to explore recalibrating object size and density. Imagine if it were possible to use the Relay to shrink someone down to the size of an insect... or even smaller!
Rejected - Watson.E
Notes: Let's keep things out of the realm of science fiction, please.
Plasma Weaponry[]
Pre-war plasma weapons exist, albeit in a somewhat primitive state. Samples have been collected; with work from a dedicated research team said weapons could be improved upon dramatically.
Pending - Li.M
Notes: Something to consider, after Phase Three is complete
Personal Notes[]
Note: This entry is available as default.
Dr. Li has been spending more and more time in her lab with the kid. Synth. Thing.
It's creepy, and I can't help but wonder if she's getting a little too attached.
Evan has rejected my last 12 proposals. I don't know how to get through to that man at all.
Note: This entry is available if Doctor Madison Li is convinced to leave the Institute.
I cannot believe Doctor Li would betray the Institute. Objectively, I recognize that she's gone, but... I just can't believe it.
Everyone is acting like it's business as usual. No one even wants to discuss it. It's maddening. I guess all we can do is move on, and be grateful for the work she did while she was here. That, and hope she doesn't give the Brotherhood enough of an edge to destroy us all.
Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk to the xxxxx, of the door to the Institute atrium.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Advanced Systems Terminal 3B
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Watson.E
Notes: Reviewing research proposals
Access: Local. Login: Watson.E
Notes: Rejecting research proposals
Access: Remote. Login: Li.M
Notes: Reviewing synth progress updates
Access: Local. Login: Watson.E
Notes: Updating findings on child synth development
Access: Local. Login: Watson.E
Notes: Submitting regulation updates to Directorate
Regulation Updates[]
Submitted to Directorate for Approval
** Review permissions for assigning sidearms to personnel. SRB recommendations to increase security have over-ridden any normal procedures for allowing Institute scientists to carry firearms. Training for said firearms also needs to be updated.
** Reconsider inter-departmental network access. Certain divisions appear to be abusing this.
** Security systems need to be reviewed by Facilities Division ASAP. Given recent events it is extremely important that the Institute be prepared for any conceivable situation, no matter how unlikely. Dr. Ayo has requested this for some time, and I am now inclined to agree with him
Personal Notes[]
Note: This entry is available as default.
I have, in the last 24 hours, observed no less than seven blatant violations of Institute protocol. The degree to which people appear to ignore the rules which have been put in place to keep us all safe is incredibly disappointing.
Madison insists that I continue the testing battery with the child synth, despite my reservations about the project as a whole. If this were any other situation, I would not have second thoughts about going straight to the Director, but given the circumstances, I shall simply wait it out.
Note: This entry is available if Doctor Madison Li is convinced to leave the Institute.
No one believed me. I warned them. I said that she couldn't really be trusted, that she wasn't honestly one of us. This is why we don't allow outsiders into the Institute.
Now she's gone, and has taken who knows how many secrets to the Brotherhood. I've scrubbed her terminal for any sign of data removal; there's nothing apparent but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. She was annoyingly clever.
Institute Robotics[]
Robotics Terminal[]
Note: These wall-mounted Institute terminal is located next to the door to the synth processing.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Departmental Notices[]
Impending Arrival[]
Our monitoring of events on the surface has confirmed that the time is almost at hand. Very soon, our guest will be here. I admit that I feel both hope and trepidation when I think of how our first meeting will go.
Please make whatever preparations that you deem necessary. Consider all sensitive information to be classified for the time being. We cannot know for certain what our visitor's motivations will be, especially after coming into contact with the Railroad. We will exercise caution, but we must also extend a warm welcome. In time, once a measure of trust has been earned, we can be more forthcoming.
I need not remind you all how important this is to me personally, but I want you also to think of the opportunity for the entire Institute. We stand to gain a great deal if we make the most of that opportunity.
- Father
Power Conservation Update[]
I recently met with Dr. Li to review the latest power distribution metrics, and there is both good news and bad to share. I'll begin with the good.
It's clear that we have all taken to heart Doctor Li's request for a greater emphasis on power conservation. The metrics demonstrate that we have improved our efficiency across the board. I'm particularly proud to note that the Robotics division has shown the most improvement in this regard, surpassing even Advanced Systems. Well done.
Unfortunately, the efforts we have made to date are simply not enough. We must continue to find ways to conserve without adversely impacting our research and production. I know that what I'm asking is difficult, but I'm also completely confident that we will rise to the challenge.
I have some ideas that will be discussed in the next Director's meeting. Until then, I ask that you please keep the need for conservation foremost in your thoughts.
- Father
Concerns re: Child Synth Prototype[]
I'm concerned at the pace of our progress in correcting the problems with the child synth prototype. I cannot impress upon this division enough the need to resolve these issues quickly and completely. Time and again, we've corrected flaws only to see them return. I find myself questioning whether we're thoroughly testing these fixes before moving on to the next item.
You know that I have great faith in all of you, but time is quickly running out. I must ask that you take whatever measures are necessary to meet the project targets within the time frame.
Please make this your foremost priority.
- Father
Missing Synth Investigation[]
It has been brought to my attention that some of you are displeased with the methods and practices employed by the SRB division in its ongoing investigation into the missing third-generation synths. I'd like to take a moment to address this matter.
Firstly, know that I am aware of your concerns and that I intend to have a conversation with Director Ayo in order to ensure that he is also aware. Any disruption to your work must be taken seriously, especially at this critical time.
However, I must also ask for a measure of patience and cooperation from all of you. It is simply impossible to gather the information necessary to carry out this investigation without an element of distraction and inconvenience.
Remember that your cooperation is vital to bringing this investigation to a swift and successful conclusion. I'm sure that's something we all want.
- Father
Synth vs.Android[]
As production of our gen-3 synths continues apace, I would like to take this opportunity to formalize our categorization.
The term android has been used interchangeably with synth for as long as the Institute has existed. And though some of our older residents may actually prefer android (Dr. Zimmer being a prime example), the term synth has always been more widely used.
Today, our third generation creations are truly synthetic beings, so the designation synth seems more appropriate than ever.
From here on in, I strongly prefer all official Institute records and correspondences use the term synth or synths. Let us remember our past, and appreciate the legacy of the android. But let us live for the future, and recognize the power of the synth.
- Father
Robotics Terminal[]
Note: This wall-mounted Institute terminal is located on the southern wall, to the right, next to the xxxxx.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Maintenance Requests[]
Submitted By: Oberly.N
"Found unit J2-84 cleaning board room. For the third day in a row. I don't think this unit has ever actually LEFT the board room" [Navigation software patched, unit returned to service]
Submitted By Ayo.J
"Unit X4-72 complaining of blurred vision in right eye." [Unable to correct w/o permanent damage, unit wiped and reassigned to Facilities division]
Submitted By Filmore.A
" Primary drive breakdown on B3-47. Third unit this month! Can we please look into this?" [Technician dispatched]
Submitted By Thompson.E
"Looks like latest navigation software update has some issues. Found two Gen 1s trying to walk through walls." [Pathfinding software updated, all Gen 1 units will require patch. Facilities notified.]
Submitted By Binet.L
"Hey dad. Eve is having trouble speaking today. Lot of stuttering. Can you please look into it?" [Identified rare looping issue in speech subroutines, corrected and patched]
Surface Work Crew Tracking[]
Group Ident: G3376
Assigned Units: P1-77, J8-32, F5-93, N5-48, K6-70
Location: Site Epsilon
Elapsed Time: 16:21:43
Last Report: 0:12:16
ALERT: Raider attack, 1 unit abducted. SRB notified. Awaiting update. [Loken.M]
Group Ident: G2199
Assigned Units: K2-90, R6-01, J8-28
Location: Site Gamma
Elapsed Time: 37:09:01
Last Report: 2:20:42
Report is now overdue. Continue to monitor. I'd give it another 2 days. [Binet.A]
Group Ident: G2024
Assigned Units: C8-65
Location: Site Alpha
Elapsed Time: 62:19:55
Last Report: 1:13:40
Units H7-44, B6-21, K0-84 recalled. [ERROR, NO DATA PRESENT]
Group Ident: G1672
Assigned Units: G6-43, M9-11, L7-92, W4-40, Q2-87
Location: Site Delta
Elapsed Time: 124:23:15
Last Report: 0:37:10
Not getting as much as we were hoping for here. Might need to shut down Site Delta. Let's see what the next report brings. [Loken.M]
Group Ident: G1486
Assigned Units: R7-81, T3-54, B8-88, J1-74
Location: Site Alpha
Elapsed Time: 160:33:12
Last Report: 1:56:40
Unit B8-88 removed, unit T3-54 added. [ERROR, NO DATA PRESENT]
View Access Logs[]
Note: This is the default entry.
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Update maintenance requests
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Begin review process on new work crew candidates
Access: Local. Login: Loken.M
Notes: Access Surface Work Crew Tracking
Access: Local. Login: Loken.M
Notes: Update maintenance requests
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Installing new operating system software
Note: This entry is available if xxxxx.
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Update maintenance requests
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Begin review process on new work crew candidates
Access: Local. Login: Loken.M
Notes: Access Surface Work Crew Tracking
Access: Local. Login: Loken.M
Notes: Update maintenance requests
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Installing new operating system software
Access: Remote (Binet Quarters). Login: -----
Robotics Terminal[]
Note: This wall-mounted Institute terminal is located on the southern wall, to the left, next to the xxxxx.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Production Schedule[]
Group Classification: G3 Specialized (Labor)
Role Specification: Excavation & Construction, Project ID E661
Units Scheduled: 3
Group Classification: G3 Standard
Role Specification: Operations & Maintenance, Project ID A119
Units Scheduled: 2
GROUP 49831F
Group Classification: G2 Security
Role Specification: Salvage Operations, Project ID K433
Units Scheduled: 4
GROUP 63175B
Group Classification: G3 Standard
Role Specification: Operations & Maintenance, Project ID B787
Units Scheduled: 1
Planned System Upgrades[]
Current Project[]
PROJECT IDENT 7998756453
Status: Approved, in progress. See Implementation Status below for details.
Description: Implementation of new synthetic optic nerve tissue
Goals: 10%-12% increase in visual acuity
Units Scheduled: 19
Units Upgraded: 12
"Next scheduled units: C4-61, J7-95. Other units scheduled and ready to fill in for the duration of the upgrade" [ABinet]
"Upgrade completed on units T7-22, P8-74, D5-58." [MLoken]
"Next scheduled units: T7-22, P8-74, D5-58. Other units scheduled and ready to fill in for the duration of the upgrade." [ABinet]
"Upgrade completed on units V5-28, S3-22, R4-46." [MLoken]
"Next scheduled units: V5-28, S3-22, R4-46. Other units scheduled and ready to fill in for the duration of the upgrade." [ABinet]
Upcoming projects[]
PROJECT IDENT 3846106734
Status: Approved, awaiting implementation.
Description: Motor reflex response time improvements
Goals: 7% increase in motor reflex reaction time
PROJECT IDENT 8102948562
Status: Approved, awaiting implementation.
Description: Targeting software package upgrade
Goals: 5%-8% increase in ranged weapon accuracy
PROJECT IDENT 5810274864
Status: Awaiting approval
Description: Complete transfusion to replace type 77-01 synthetic blood with type 90-10
Goals: More rapid clotting, improved infection resistance
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Access Production Schedule
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Routine diagnostic on Courser designate X6-88, all functions nominal
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Updated Production Schedule
Access: Remote. Login: Ayo.J
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: More programming work on new AI software update
Access: Local. Login: Loken.M
Notes: Access Planned System Upgrades
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Prototype testing of neural net upgrades
Institute SRB[]
SRB Terminal[]
Note: This desk Institute terminal is located in the war room at the SRB.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Reclamation Target Tracking[]
UNIT ID: C2-41
Status: Unit at large, investigation underway
Assigned Courser: X2-36
Location: (Last sighting) Goodneighbor
Notes: No recent sightings, unit believed to be in Railroad custody. Mem-wipe likely performed by now.
UNIT ID: S9-43
Status: Unit at large, investigation suspended (see notes)
Assigned Courser: None
Location: (Last sighting) Boston Airport
Notes: Investigation suspended, area deemed too hazardous at this time.
UNIT ID: B5-92
Status: Unit located, reclamation scheduled
Assigned Courser: X6-88
Location: Libertalia Raider stronghold
Notes: Unit B5-92 has been mem-wiped by Railroad agents. New identity is "Gabriel." Unit now leads Raider gang based at Libertalia. Shows highly aggressive tendencies, has killed several dozen rivals and civilians. Suspect brain damage resulting from mem-wipe process.
UNIT ID: K8-23
Status: Destroyed
Assigned Courser: X3-51
Location: Remains located NE of Saugus Ironworks
Notes: Unit's remains discovered near Saugus Ironworks and returned to Robotics division. Unit destroyed by multiple gunshot wounds, suspect Raiders based out of Saugus Ironworks.
UNIT ID: L3-37
Status: Unit at large, investigation underway
Assigned Courser: X9-73
Location: (Last sighting) Corvega
Notes: Unit has been mem-wiped, new identity is "Leo." Exercise extreme caution - unit has been trained by Railroad and is proficient with several weapons. Unit has evaded capture twice and wounded Coursers on both occasions.
List of Informants[]
The following individuals have proven useful in our reclamation operations. In exchange for caps, these persons have in the past provided information on escaped synth sightings and suspected Railroad activity. If you make a new contact, add the individual to the database.
- Director Ayo
Occupation: Caravaner
Location: Mobile
Occupation: Owner/Proprietor, Combat Zone
Location: Combat Zone
Occupation: Caravaner
Location: Mobile
Occupation: Caravaner
Location: Mobile
Occupation: Chem dealer
Location: Goodneighbor
Occupation: Chem supplier
Location: Goodnieghbor
Occupation: Caravaner
Location: Mobile
Occupation: Barkeep
Location: Diamond City
Search for Z1-14's status[]
Note: This entry is only available once the synth rebellion happens.
Unit: Z1-14
DoM: 030419I FEB 42
Assignment: Infrastructure & Repair
Risk Index: Red 3
Current task: N/A
Special note: SYNTH MISSING, PRESUMED ESCAPED. Recovery pending courser availability. Bring any info on unit's whereabouts/status to Alana Secord.
View Access Logs[]
Note: This entry is available as default.
Access: Local. Login: Secord.A
Operation: Update Courser maintenance records
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Operation: Entered supply requisition form (small arms ammunition)
Access: Local. Login: X6-88
Operation: Update case file 66764-B (Reclamation successful, file closed)
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Operation: Review and update target tracking database
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Operation: Review and approve revised Courser training procedures
Note: This entry is available is xxxxx.
Access: Local. Login: Secord.A
Operation: Update Courser maintenance records
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Operation: Entered supply requisition form (small arms ammunition)
Access: Local. Login: X6-88
Operation: Update case file 66764-B (Reclamation successful, file closed)
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Operation: Review and update target tracking database
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Operation: Review and approve revised Courser training procedures
Access: Remote (Maintenance Terminal 6) Login: -----
SRB Terminal[]
Note: This wall-mounted Institute terminal is located on the floor of the SRB.
==== Institute Central Network ====
Departmental Notices[]
Our New Visitor[]
As you know, Father has granted full access to our new visitor from the surface. That includes the entirety of the SRB. While we must accommodate Father's wishes in this matter, we must also remain diligent.
Refrain from discussing any sensitive information, especially the ongoing investigation involving the gen 3 synths. In an ideal world, the Railroad will have had no influence on our new guest. We do not live in an ideal world.
- Director Ayo
Missing Synth Investigation[]
Due to recent developments in our ongoing investigation into the missing synths, I am adjusting our policy regarding discussion of this subject with personnel outside of SRB.
In brief, details of the investigation are now classified and cannot be shared with anyone other than SRB personnel, and even then, such conversations can take place only here in the SRB facilities.
Those who are found to be in violation of this policy will face the strictest discipline.
- Director Ayo
Infiltrator Unit: McDonough[]
I'm starting to wonder if M7-62 (the Infiltrator unit "McDonough") hasn't begun to outlive its usefulness. Assuming the identity of Diamond City's mayor has provided us with invaluable intelligence over the years, but suspicions have only continued to mount. This latest incident - the publication of that newspaper article specifically calling McDonough's humanity into question - might just be the tipping point.
I've spoken with Ayo, and we both agree - if the situation does become untenable, reclamation seems unfeasible. M7-62 was specifically engineered to mimic the actual human McDonough. As such, the unit's synthetic biology is that of someone overweight and grossly out of shape. A mem wipe would kill any psychological weaknesses attributed to self-perceived old age, but that body? Lost cause.
The real irony here is that M7-62, in one of its dispatches back to the Institute, requested a future posting in the Coursers, citing loyalty and years of surface. And that request alone was evidence of enough self-awareness and independence to completely eliminate him from contention. Never mind the fact that he wouldn't even fit into the uniform.
Determination: When and if M7-62's identity is eventually compromised, the unit is effectively decommissioned in-field. No reclamation. No Institute assistance. Given its relative age and physical condition (not to mention the danger inherent in an Infiltrator unit's discovery), further lifespan estimated at two weeks maximum.
- Secord
Access to SRB[]
It has come to my attention that certain colleagues who are dissatisfied with our policies and procedures have, on more than one occasion, tried to circumvent our established process for registering their complaints with Father, and have tried to gain access to our secure facilities in order to complain in more direct manner.
I'm sure I need not remind you that the SRB is off-limits to all personnel not assigned to this division. Do not allow yourself to be browbeaten, cajoled, intimidated or otherwise manipulated into allowing anyone who lacks the appropriate clearance to enter the SRB.
Failure to uphold this mandate will result is severe discipline.
- Director Ayo
Power Conservation[]
As you're all aware, Father has asked that we monitor our power usage carefully, and try to be as efficient as possible. As a point of personal emphasis, we should strive to be efficient in everything we do, but our division has needs that are unique among the various branches of the Institute. The fact is, sometimes our operations require resources that we cannot readily disclose due to the sensitive nature of what we do.
I place my trust in your judgment. If you require additional power, or any other resources, to carry out your work, then take what you need. Consult me if you have any concerns or questions, but know that the responsibility of meeting your project deadlines falls upon your shoulders, and I won't accept limited power availability as an excuse for failing to meet those deadlines.
In short, do what you need to do, and if anyone objects to the way in which we carry out our work, I will deal with those objections myself.
- Director Ayo
Inventory Management[]
USER: X3-28
ACTION: Deposit
ITEMS: 361 count bottle caps
ACTION: Requisition
ITEMS: 100 count fusion cells
USER: X6-88
ACTION: Withdraw
ITEMS: 1 count Rifle Armament
USER: X6-88
ACTION: Withdraw
ITEMS: 20 count fusion cells
USER: X1-02
ACTION: Withdraw
ITEMS: 1 count standard Courser armored coat
USER: Secord.A
ACTION: Deposit
ITEMS: 30 count pulse grenande armament
USER: X1-02
ACTION: Withdraw
ITEMS: 1,000 count bottle caps
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Secord.A
Accessed Inventory Management
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Operation: Inititae reclamation procedure on unit D8-65
Access: Local. Login: X6-88
Accessed Departmental Notices
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Operation: Opened reclamation stasis chamber 3
Access: Local. Login: Secord.A
Accessed Departmental Notices
Institute Reactor[]
Note: This console terminal is located xxxxx. It is locked Master.
Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink
High levels of radiation are likely present in reactor chamber.
Check current status of radiation levels before entering.
Use of proper radiation protection, regardless of radiation levels, is highly encouraged.
Radiation Levels[]
Note: This header notice is default.
Radiation Level - HIGH
Ventilation Systems OFFLINE
Decontamination Systems OFFLINE
Warning: Exercise caution when entering Reactor Chamber regardless of radiation levels.
> Importing Data...
Note: This header notice is displayed after the radiation purge is activated.
Radiation Level - LOW
Ventilation Systems ONLINE
Decontamination Systems ONLINE
Warning: Exercise caution when entering Reactor Chamber regardless of radiation levels.
Activate Radiation Purge System[]
Note: This command is default, activating this command xxxxx.
...connection established
...Initiating Radiation Purge System Activation Protocol 476
...Ventilation Systems ONLINE
...Decontamination Systems ONLINE
...Radiation Levels Lowering
...Radiation Purge Activation Protocol 476 Successful
> establishing connection...
Deactivate Radiation Purge System[]
Note: Activating this command xxxxx.
...connection established
...Initiating Radiation Purge System Deactivation Protocol 398
...Ventilation Systems OFFLINE
...Decontamination Systems OFFLINE
...Radiation Levels Rising
...Radiation Purge Deactivation Protocol 398 Successful
Note: This console terminal is located in front of the Institute's reactor. It is locked xxxxx, however it can also be unlocked with the Reactor Terminal Password.
==== Institute Central Network ====
CIT Reactor Main Control Station
--- WARNING ----
High levels of radiation are likely present in reactor chamber.
Check current status of radiation levels before entering.
Use of proper radiation protection, regardless of radiation levels, is highly encouraged.
Reactor Status[]
Note: This notice header is displayed while the reactor is active.
...connection to Reactor established
...Reactor Status: ONLINE
> establishing connection...
Note: This notice header is displayed while the reactor is deactivated.
...connection to Reactor established
...Reactor Status: OFFLINE
Radiation Levels Inside Reactor[]
Note: This notice is displayed when the reactor is inactive.
Radiation Level Inside Reactor - LOW
Warning: Exercise caution when entering Reactor regardless of radiation levels.
> Importing Data...
Note: This notice is displayed when the reactor is active.
Radiation Level Inside Reactor - HIGH
----Warning: Exercise caution when entering Reactor regardless of radiation levels.
> Importing Data...
Initiate Reactor Shutdown Sequence[]
Note: This command is available during The Nuclear Option (Brotherhood of Steel) if the Sole Survivor accesses the terminal with the password. Accessing this command deactivates the reactor.
...Reactor Shutdown Protocol Activated
...Powering Down
...Ventilation Systems Online
...Decontamination Systems Online
...Radiation Levels Acceptable
...Reactor Shutdown Successful
Warning - Extreme caution when entering Reactor Chamber
> Initiating Shutdown Protocol...
Note: This command is available during The Nuclear Option (Brotherhood of Steel) if the Sole Survivor hacks into the terminal?xxxxx Accessing this command deactivates the reactor.
...Reactor Shutdown Protocol Activated
...Unauthorized Access
...Reactor Shutdown Unsuccessful
Initiate Reactor Startup Sequence[]
Note: This command is available during xxxxx. Accessing this command starts the reactor.
...Reactor Startup Protocol Activated
...Powering Up
...Radiation Levels Increasing
...Reactor Startup Successful
Warning - Exercise extreme caution when entering Reactor Chamber.
> Initiating Startup Protocol...
Note: This command is available during xxxxx.
...Reactor Startup Protocol Activated
...Reactor Core Exposed
...Required Components Missing
...Reactor Startup Unsuccessful
Radiation Levels[]
Note: This header notice is displayed after the radiation purge is activated.
Radiation Level - LOW
Ventilation Systems ONLINE
Decontamination Systems ONLINE
----Warning: Exercise caution when entering Reactor Chamber regardless of radiation levels.
Activate Radiation Purge System[]
Note: This command is default, activating this command xxxxx.
...connection established
...Initiating Radiation Purge System Activation Protocol 476
...Ventilation Systems ONLINE
...Decontamination Systems ONLINE
...Radiation Levels Lowering
...Radiation Purge Activation Protocol 476 Successful
> establishing connection...
Deactivate Radiation Purge System[]
Note: Activating this command xxxxx.
...connection established
...Initiating Radiation Purge System Deactivation Protocol 398
...Ventilation Systems OFFLINE
...Decontamination Systems OFFLINE
...Radiation Levels Rising
...Radiation Purge Deactivation Protocol 398 Successful
> establishing connection...
The following is based on Fallout 4 cut content and has not been confirmed by canon sources. |
Inaccessible terminals[]
- Terminals in this section are not available in regular gameplay for a variety of reasons.
Departmental Notices[]
- Creation Kit ID
- InstM02RoboticsTerminal2Sub1
SRB Investigation[]
As you are all aware, from time to time one of our Gen 3 synths assigned to surface duty will malfunction and go off assignment. While only a rare occurrence in the past, in recent months we have seen the number of losses rise noticeably.
Doctor Ayo has opened an investigation into this matter, and I must ask that you all give him your full cooperation as he looks into this troubling issue. Please answer his questions as completely as you can, and provide Dr. Ayo with any logs, materials or other items he requests.
With your help, I'm sure we can resolve this matter quickly.
Thank you,
- Father
Gen 1 phase-out[]
Per Father's plans as discussed at the recent Directorate meeting, we will soon begin to phase out our Gen 1 synth units within the Institute, with the intention of relegating all remaining units to surface duties only.
Our first generation synths have served admirably and exceeded their design specifications in virtually every category, but the remarkable breakthroughs in synth design and production that have led to our latest, more aesthetically-pleasing models herald a time for change.
Over the next several years, we expect to replace all Gen 1 units with Gen 3 units, and in time, we will enact a similar plan with the Gen 2 units as well.
As we look toward the future, let us also honor the memories of those whose hard work and innovation made the synths possible, and let us never forget the singular vision that challenged our forebears and that drives us today: Mankind - Redefined.
- Dr. Alan Binet
Unique Project[]
Overriding directive to not alter our synths' basic functioning notwithstanding, Father has granted clearance for a rather unique project.
In select Gen 3 units, the synthetic brain is indeed capable of accepting specific enhancements to the visual cortex, basal ganglia and right parietal cortex. The result is substantially improved combat effectiveness, due to two factors:
1.) An increased understanding of weapon accuracy, to the extent that the combatant can actually visualize the percentage of effectively hitting targets (or smaller areas on those targets).
2.) An altered sense of perception that mimics the effect of slowing, or even stopping, time.
Recommend we commence surgery and field trials on appropriate operatives in the near future.
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Reviewed work crew assignments, remove flight risk candidates
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Access department notices
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Updated sixth-generation optic suite design schematic
Access: Local. Login: Loken.M
Notes: Access department notices
Access: Local. Login: Binet.A
Notes: Submit second-draft plan for alpha-phase testing on VM functionality 3.0
Access: Remote. Login: Ayo.J
SRB terminals[]
SRB Terminal 2[]
- Creation Kit ID
- InstituteSRBTerminal2
Threat Assessment[]
- Creation Kit ID
- InstituteSRBTerminal2Sub
Brotherhood of Steel[]
Threat level: Primary
Brotherhood forces recently arrived in strength. believed to be constructing new weapon that could pose direct threat to Institute... Boston Airport now under Brotherhood control... Surface operators should avoid this area.
Threat level: Secondary
Railroad continues to be elusive. Preventing synth escapes is vital to countering Railroad operations. Possible Railroad agent or sympathizer within Institute. Continue to press informants for new information.
Raider Gangs[]
Threat level: Tertiary
Raider gangs remain disorganized and scattered. major areas of activity include Libtertalia, Corvega, Saugus Ironworks, Beantown Brewery, D.B. Technical High School and Hyde Park. extreme caution is warranted when operating in these areas.
Super Mutants[]
Threat level: Tertiary
Super Mutant threat is of a passive nature, they rarely seek to expand their territory. Use caution when operating in these areas. Confrontations should be avoided where possible, use stealth to avoid them.
Organized Crime[]
Threat level: Minimal
Current center of these activities is Goodneighbor. Criminal element usually well-armed, but will typically seek to avoid conflict with Courser agents. Intimidation and bribery usually more efficient than direct conflict. Chems and caps can be equally useful in gathering information and gaining allies."
Watcher Allocation[]
Diamond City: 4 pods
Fort Hagen: 2 pods
Warwick Homestead: 1 pod
Goodneighbor: 3 pods
Covenant: 1 pod
Vault 81: 1 pod
Libertalia: 2 pods
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Secord.A
Accessed Watcher Allocation
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Operation: Update Threat Assessment
Access: Local. Login: X6-88
Accessed Threat Assessment
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Operation: Update Watcher Allocation
Access: Local. Login: Secord.A
Accessed Threat Assessment
SRB terminal 4[]
- Creation Kit ID
- InstituteSRBTerminal4
Threat Assessment[]
Watcher Allocation[]
USER: X3-28
ACTION: Deposit
ITEMS: 361 count bottle caps
ACTION: Requisition
ITEMS: 100 count fusion cells
USER: X6-88
ACTION: Withdraw
ITEMS: 1 count Rifle Armament
USER: X6-88
ACTION: Withdraw
ITEMS: 20 count fusion cells
USER: X1-02
ACTION: Withdraw
ITEMS: 1 count standard Courser armored coat
USER: Secord.A
ACTION: Deposit
ITEMS: 30 count pulse grenande armament
USER: X1-02
ACTION: Withdraw
ITEMS: 1,000 count bottle caps
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Category Update: Threat Assessment
Access: Local. Login: Ayo.J
Accessed Threat Assessment
Access: Local. Login: X6-88
Accessed Threat Assessment
Access: Local. Login: Secord.A
Category Update: Watcher Allocation
Access: Local. Login: X1-02
Accessed Threat Assessment
Maintenance Terminal 6[]
- Creation Kit ID
- InstM02MaintenanceTerminal
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Thompson.E
Operation: Replaced primary display assembly (tube burned out)
Access: Local. Login: B7-67
Operation: Cleaning supply inventory.
Access: Local. Login: Filmore.A
Operation: Routine facilities inspection
Memory purge in progress, please stand by
View Access Logs[]
Access: Local. Login: Thompson.E
Operation: Replaced primary display assembly (tube burned out)
Access: Local. Login: B7-67
Operation: Cleaning supply inventory.
Access: Local. Login: Filmore.A
Operation: Routine facilities inspection
Access: Local. Login: G9-21
Operation: Requisition additional supply of cleaning agent 7