Talk to Zealot Theil
Grand Zealot Richter told me to track down Sister Gwyneth, a former Child of Atom turned heretic. I should talk to Zealot Theil, who might know how to find her.
Investigate Holy Sites
I'm searching for Sister Gwyneth, a former Child of Atom turned heretic. Zealot Theil suggested that I investigate two holy sites Gwyneth recently profaned.
Investigate the Campground
While searching for Sister Gwyneth, a former Child of Atom turned heretic. I found evidence that suggests she might be living at a nearby campground.
Listen to the holotape "Gwyneth's Journal"
While searching for Sister Gwyneth, a former Child of Atom turned heretic, I found a holotape at a campground where she recently stayed. I should listen to it for clues.
Investigate the Church
While searching for Sister Gwyneth, a former Child of Atom turned heretic, I found a holotape with a journal entry. In it, Gwyneth mentions an old church east of Kawaketak Station
Confront of Kill Sister Gwyneth
On Grand Zealot Richter's orders, I located Sister Gwyneth, a former Child of Atom turned heretic. Now I have to decide to kill her or reason with her.
Return to Grand Zealot Richter
On Grand Zealot Richter's orders, I located Sister Gwyneth, a former Child of Atom turned heretic. I need to return to Richter and report on the outcome of my mission.
On Grand Zealot Richter's orders, I located Sister Gwyneth, a former Child of Atom turned heretic. I was able to persuade her to leave the island.