The Vault - Fallout Wiki

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The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Vault - Fallout Wiki
The Grand Tour
Quest data
LocationNuka-Town USA
Given ByPorter Gage
RewardExperience points
AchievementThe Grand Tour
PlayStation 3 trophyIcon ps3trophyBronze
Editor IDDLC04MQ03
Base IDxx000803
Related quests
An Ambitious Plan
leads to:
Home Sweet Home

The Grand Tour is a quest in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.


Before the raiders can expand, they first need to take care of their home turf. Gage suggests that the Overboss secure each of the parks inside Nuka-World and assign them to the gangs to make a decision and strengthen the raiders.


  1. This is a core quest connected to a number of auxiliary quests. In order to complete it, every park in Nuka-World needs to be taken and assigned to a raider tribe. To do so, accomplish park quests for Kiddie Kingdom, Galactic Zone, Dry Rock Gulch, Safari Adventure, and the Nuka-Cola bottling plant (detailed below).
  2. Once the respective quest is completed, find the red flag post and raise the flag of the gang you want to place there.
  3. No matter how you try, you will be one location short to make all the gangs happy. Tough luck.
  4. Talk to Gage once all the quests are completed.

Quests to complete[]

Quest stages[]

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